cDNA were amplified by PCR, purified on appropriate columns, and then prepared in 12 384-wells plates including some control spots (i.e. vectors used for cDNA cloning, external control cDNA, empty positions). Spotting was processed in denaturing conditions to array single stranded cDNA molecules. Arraying was processed by Eurogentec Array Service (Sarraing, BE) in 2003 with a BioGrid arrayer (384 pins) following manufacturer protocol.
A total of 4608 features were spotted on 70 cm2 Nylon filters in 384 blocks (24 horizontal x 16 vertical, corresponding to the 384-wells plates). Within blocks of 4x4 mm, cDNA from plates 1 to 12 were respectively spotted at positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 and 23 of a 5x5 grid (5 horizontal x 5 vertical). These positions are given in the 'XDotsReader ID' column of platform file. The XDotsReader ID also provide block position: vertical position, A to P; horizontal position, 1 to 24.