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Sample GSM1621393 Query DataSets for GSM1621393
Status Public on Mar 19, 2015
Title 110R-EL36_water_stress-2009_20
Sample type RNA
Source name berry
Organism Vitis vinifera
Characteristics tissue: berry
scion cultivar: pinot noir
rootstock: 110R
developmental stage: EL36
treatment: water stress
year: 2009
Treatment protocol Two water conditions were established for the vines grafted on the two rootstocks: control (C) and water stress treatment (S). To impose water stress, half the rows of the vineyard chosen were covered with a removable plastic film from flowering onwards, covering completely the width of the inter-row on both sides of the plants during rainy days. Water stress was applied to the upper part of the vineyard (slope with 6-7% of inclination) and the control was situated at the lower part.
Growth protocol Grape berries from Pinot noir (Vitis vinifera) grafted on rootstocks Richter 110 (V. rupestris x V. berlandieri) and Kober 125AA (V. riparia x V. berlandieri), were sampled from field-grown vines at two different developmental stages (E-L 35 and E-L 36) according to the modified Eichhorn and Lorenz developmental scale24, during two growing seasons (2009 and 2010). Vines were trained using a vertical shoot positioning system. The experimental vineyard belongs to the University of Geisenheim (49°59’N, 7°57’W, Germany). Twenty rows of Pinot noir were selected, with an average of 17 plants per row.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA from berries of Pinot noir grafted onto 110R and 125AA was extracted as described by Reid et al., 2006 (Reid KE, Olsson N, Schlosser J, Peng F, Lund ST. An optimized grapevine RNA isolation procedure and statistical determination of reference genes for real-time RT-PCR during berry development. BMC Plant Biology 2006; 6: 27.). Seeds of each berry were removed before grinding in liquid nitrogen. Total RNA was subjected to DNA digestion with 5 units of RNase-free DNase I (Promega) for 1 h at 37°C. RNA integrity was measured at 260 nm with a micro-spectrophotometer (NanoDrop 200C, NanoDrop products, Wilmington, USA) and visualized by electrophoresis on 1.2% agarose gels. RNA quality was also confirmed using a lab-on-chip (2100 Bioanalyzer, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, USA).
Label Cy3
Label protocol Labelling, hybridization and scanning were done by Genotoul Biopuces plateform (Toulouse, France).
Hybridization protocol Labelling, hybridization and scanning were done by Genotoul Biopuces plateform (Toulouse, France).
Scan protocol Labelling, hybridization and scanning were done by Genotoul Biopuces plateform (Toulouse, France).
Data processing Data were RMA normalized using R/Bioconductor.
Submission date Feb 27, 2015
Last update date Mar 20, 2015
Contact name Christian Kappel
Phone +49-331-9775580
Organization name Universität Potsdam
Department Institut für Biochemie und Biologie
Street address Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25, Haus 26
City Potsdam
ZIP/Postal code 14476
Country Germany
Platform ID GPL17894
Series (1)
GSE66391 Water limitation and rootstock genotype interact to alter grape berry metabolism through transcriptome reprogramming

Data table header descriptions
VALUE RMA normalized signal intensities

Data table
CHR10_GSVIVT00006725001_T01 7.831970794
CHR10_GSVIVT00007268001_T01 7.845850321
CHR10_GSVIVT00021093001_T01 7.831939421
CHR10_GSVIVT00021115001_T01 5.773493417
CHR10_GSVIVT00021131001_T01 8.042611704
CHR10_GSVIVT00021157001_T01 8.109171862
CHR10_GSVIVT00021158001_T01 5.624957016
CHR10_GSVIVT00021206001_T01 6.653058484
CHR10_GSVIVT00021217001_T01 8.469516555
CHR10_GSVIVT00021273001_T01 6.994045618
CHR10_GSVIVT00021290001_T01 5.352702963
CHR10_GSVIVT00021333001_T01 5.000179534
CHR10_GSVIVT00021341001_T01 5.659920071
CHR10_GSVIVT00021361001_T01 5.733843282
CHR10_GSVIVT00021408001_T01 4.706054193
CHR10_GSVIVT00021438001_T01 13.46516051
CHR10_GSVIVT00021476001_T01 5.134037863
CHR10_GSVIVT00021483001_T01 5.990389874
CHR10_GSVIVT00021487001_T01 6.363078504
CHR10_GSVIVT00021498001_T01 5.824457569

Total number of rows: 28811

Table truncated, full table size 909 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM1621393_531484A12_2012-06-15_12-08_20_2012-06-15T134236_532.pair.gz 2.2 Mb (ftp)(http) PAIR
Processed data included within Sample table

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