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Sample GSM215123 Query DataSets for GSM215123
Status Public on Aug 09, 2007
Title WT_vs_mutTRXB1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name WT2
Organism Lactiplantibacillus plantarum
Characteristics L. plantarum WCFS1
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Extraction RNA version ,1.3,
Collecting cells" Quenching Buffer 66.7 mM HEPES (pH 6.5) 60%Methanol
Extraction Mixture
500 µll phenol/Chloroform
30 µl10% SDS -30 µl3 M NaAc (pH 5.2)
500 mg glass-beads (75-150 µm)
400 µlTE buffer Prepare in a screw-cap tube
1.For each sample prepare a tube with Extraction Mixture
2.Harvest cells and quench them immediately in Quenching Buffer. Add 4 volumes of Quenching Buffer ( 40°C) to 1 volume of cell culture 3.Mix and store the sample at -40°C
4.Centrifuge cells at -20 C at 9000 rpm for 10 minutes (Centrifuge RC5B)
5.Discard the supernatant; keep the cell pellet cooled and work quickly to prevent condensation of water. Transfer the pellet with a pre-cooled spatula to a screw-crap tube with Extraction Mixture
6.Mix the cell pellet thoroughly with Extraction Mixture by shaking by hand
7.Freeze the tube immediately in liquid nitrogen
8.Break cells in the Savant FastPrep FP120. Three times 40 seconds at speed 4.0 (cool cells between steps if necessary)
9.Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 4°C in an Eppendorf centrifuge at 10.000 rpm
10.Transfer 500 µl of the supernatant to a new tube. Add 400 µl chloroform (chloroform should be cooled at 4°C)
11.Centrifuge for 2 minutes in an Eppendorf centrifuge at full speed (4°C) 5.Continue with the "High Pure RNA Isolation Kit" from Roche (order # 1 828 665) 6.Incubate for 60 minutes with DnaseI, elute with 50 µl elution buffer 7.Store the RNA in at least 2 aliquots, one of 20 µl (for concentration and quality analysis and labelling) and one back-up of 30 µl at 80°C
Label Cy3
Label protocol cDNA synthesis and , Labeling Protocol 1.4
Annealing Annealing Mix
x µl RNA preparation (=10 µg)
y µl nuclease-free water
1 µl Random Nonamers
11 µl TOTAL
1.mix Annealing Mix in a 200 µl PCR tube gently by pipetting up and down
2.incubate for 5’ 70°C at room temperature for 10’ (annealing)
4.spin down the mixture to the bottom of the tube on ice Reverse transcription
Reverse Transcription Mix
4 µl 5x buffer
2 µl 0.1 M DTT
1 µl dNTP-mix
1 µl AA-dUTP
1 µl TMIII (keep only briefly outside 20°C)
20 µl TOTAL
1.Mix by very gently by pipetting up and down.
2.Incubate for 3 hrs at 42°C (in PCR-machine)
3.Cool on ice for immediate purification or place at 20°C for storage Degradation of mRNA
1.Add 2 µl 2,5 M NaOH
2.Mix (vortex) and spin down
3.Incubate for 15 min. at 37°C
4.Add 10 µl 2 M HEPES free acid
5.Mix (vortex) and spin down
6.Ready for purification or store at 20°C
Labelling of cDNA with cyanine dyes Purification of amino allyl-modified cDNA Followed Ge Healthcare kit "Amersham CyDye (Cy3/Cy5)Reactive Dye Protocols for Post Labelling Aminoallyl-cDNA and Aminoallyl-aRNA" code RPN5661
Labelling of amino allyl-modified cDNA with CyDye
1.Add the amino allyl modified cDNA (in 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate) directly into one aliquot of CyDye NHS Ester. Resuspend the ester completely by pipetting several times and transfer the solution to an amber 1.5 ml tube
2.Incubate at room temperature, in the dark for 60 to 90 minutes
3.Add 15 µl 4 M Hydroxylamine to each coupling reaction
4.Mix by stirring and incubate at room temperature, in the dark, for 15 minutes
5.Proceed directly to purification of CyDye-labelled cDNA following Ge Healthcare kit "Amersham CyDye (Cy3/Cy5)Reactive Dye Protocols for Post Labelling Aminoallyl-cDNA and Aminoallyl-aRNA" product code RPN5661
Channel 2
Source name MUT3
Organism Lactiplantibacillus plantarum
Characteristics Lactobacillus plantarum NZ7608 (trxB1 disruption).
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Extraction RNA version ,1.3,
Collecting cells" Quenching Buffer 66.7 mM HEPES (pH 6.5) 60%Methanol
Extraction Mixture
500 µll phenol/Chloroform
30 µl10% SDS -30 µl3 M NaAc (pH 5.2)
500 mg glass-beads (75-150 µm)
400 µlTE buffer Prepare in a screw-cap tube
1.For each sample prepare a tube with Extraction Mixture
2.Harvest cells and quench them immediately in Quenching Buffer. Add 4 volumes of Quenching Buffer ( 40°C) to 1 volume of cell culture 3.Mix and store the sample at -40°C
4.Centrifuge cells at -20 C at 9000 rpm for 10 minutes (Centrifuge RC5B)
5.Discard the supernatant; keep the cell pellet cooled and work quickly to prevent condensation of water. Transfer the pellet with a pre-cooled spatula to a screw-crap tube with Extraction Mixture
6.Mix the cell pellet thoroughly with Extraction Mixture by shaking by hand
7.Freeze the tube immediately in liquid nitrogen
8.Break cells in the Savant FastPrep FP120. Three times 40 seconds at speed 4.0 (cool cells between steps if necessary)
9.Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 4°C in an Eppendorf centrifuge at 10.000 rpm
10.Transfer 500 µl of the supernatant to a new tube. Add 400 µl chloroform (chloroform should be cooled at 4°C)
11.Centrifuge for 2 minutes in an Eppendorf centrifuge at full speed (4°C) 5.Continue with the "High Pure RNA Isolation Kit" from Roche (order # 1 828 665) 6.Incubate for 60 minutes with DnaseI, elute with 50 µl elution buffer 7.Store the RNA in at least 2 aliquots, one of 20 µl (for concentration and quality analysis and labelling) and one back-up of 30 µl at 80°C
Label Cy5
Label protocol cDNA synthesis and , Labeling Protocol 1.4
Annealing Annealing Mix
x µl RNA preparation (=10 µg)
y µl nuclease-free water
1 µl Random Nonamers
11 µl TOTAL
1.mix Annealing Mix in a 200 µl PCR tube gently by pipetting up and down
2.incubate for 5’ 70°C at room temperature for 10’ (annealing)
4.spin down the mixture to the bottom of the tube on ice Reverse transcription
Reverse Transcription Mix
4 µl 5x buffer
2 µl 0.1 M DTT
1 µl dNTP-mix
1 µl AA-dUTP
1 µl TMIII (keep only briefly outside 20°C)
20 µl TOTAL
1.Mix by very gently by pipetting up and down.
2.Incubate for 3 hrs at 42°C (in PCR-machine)
3.Cool on ice for immediate purification or place at 20°C for storage Degradation of mRNA
1.Add 2 µl 2,5 M NaOH
2.Mix (vortex) and spin down
3.Incubate for 15 min. at 37°C
4.Add 10 µl 2 M HEPES free acid
5.Mix (vortex) and spin down
6.Ready for purification or store at 20°C
Labelling of cDNA with cyanine dyes Purification of amino allyl-modified cDNA Followed Ge Healthcare kit "Amersham CyDye (Cy3/Cy5)Reactive Dye Protocols for Post Labelling Aminoallyl-cDNA and Aminoallyl-aRNA" code RPN5661
Labelling of amino allyl-modified cDNA with CyDye
1.Add the amino allyl modified cDNA (in 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate) directly into one aliquot of CyDye NHS Ester. Resuspend the ester completely by pipetting several times and transfer the solution to an amber 1.5 ml tube
2.Incubate at room temperature, in the dark for 60 to 90 minutes
3.Add 15 µl 4 M Hydroxylamine to each coupling reaction
4.Mix by stirring and incubate at room temperature, in the dark, for 15 minutes
5.Proceed directly to purification of CyDye-labelled cDNA following Ge Healthcare kit "Amersham CyDye (Cy3/Cy5)Reactive Dye Protocols for Post Labelling Aminoallyl-cDNA and Aminoallyl-aRNA" product code RPN5661
Hybridization protocol Agilent hybridization protocol v 4.1
Scan protocol Scanning protocol" Using the Scan Array Express microarray scanner. 1.Turn on the scanner and the computer (in this order)
2.Login: scanner
3.Double click the 'ScanArray Express' icon
4.Switch on lasers 1 and 3 at least 15 minutes prior to scanning arrays 5.Click the 'File' button This is to prevent you from accidentally turning off the laser after the 15 minutes warming-up phase
6.Insert the slide with the array-side up and the label towards the outside. On Agilent slides the array side is the side with the label that has the word "Agilent" on it
7.Press 'Scan | Prescan'
8.Put resolution at 50 m, select both labels used, and set PMT values for both channels at for instance 40% (Agilent arrays)
9.Press 'Start'
10.Press 'Palette,' 'Green' as soon as projection of the image has started (first dye), select the red colour as soon as scanning of the second layer (second dye) has started
11.Adjust PMT values to balance signals obtained for both channels. If necessary do a few low-resolution scans to obtain a optimal balance 12.Click the 'Scan' button again
13.Select frame for high resolution scan, adjust resolution (to 10 m) and scan the array for both dyes
14.Press 'File | Save' to save the files, 'Save all' saves both dye layers "Create a new folder for each array "'Save all' saves the signals from both layers in individual files
15.Switch off the lasers and the scanner.
Description WT_vs_mutTRXB1
Data processing Data Processing 1.- Background correction 2.-Normalization lowess.
VALUE column reports log2 (test/ref) ratios.
Submission date Aug 03, 2007
Last update date Aug 14, 2011
Contact name L. Mariela Serrano
Organization name TI Food and Nutrition
Street address Nieuwe Kanaal 9A
City Wageningen
ZIP/Postal code 6709 PA
Country Netherlands
Platform ID GPL4318
Series (1)
GSE8672 Wt-ko_trxB1_Filtered bkg correc transf-norm

Data table header descriptions
ID_REF Spot identifier, references platform spot identifier
F_CH1_MEAN Channel1 mean of spot pixel intensities
B_CH1_MEAN Channel1 mean of spot background pixel intensities
F_CH2_MEAN Channel2 mean of spot pixel intensities
B_CH2_MEAN Channel2 mean of spot background pixel intensities
INV_VALUE Log2 of ratio (Channel1 normalized signal/Channel2 normalized signal)

Data table
4 51.5975 55.3228 0.100573 534.585 479.652 528.812 476.848 -0.100573006131611
5 322.273 404.552 0.328042 819.769 482.784 867.677 480.786 -0.328041791071266
6 767.536 757.2 -0.01956 1290.24 484.869 1202.4 480.78 0.0195600051738831
7 227.317 238.613 0.0699671 723.008 484.747 704.5 476.846 -0.0699670959706443
8 1122.74 1062.53 -0.0795202 1666.59 487.05 1492.27 480.902 0.0795202444832876
9 378.513 355.088 -0.0921662 880.015 484.224 817.192 477.605 0.0921661944814733
10 367.094 349.588 -0.0704938 869.448 485.595 811.15 476.824 0.0704937953918286
11 72.1722 78.9049 0.128672 558.605 482.051 549.708 475.319 -0.128671593270588
12 309.732 334.535 0.111137 806.575 482.607 796.885 477.05 -0.111136755488891
13 1009.82 930.062 -0.118699 1550.78 489.822 1366.23 480.996 0.118699350584616
15 79.4465 96.4781 0.280218 565.35 481.198 567.512 476.428 -0.280217837977972
16 318.978 420.115 0.397327 817.839 484.302 878.484 476.709 -0.397327353932609
17 197.053 169.072 -0.220946 692.81 485.733 638.562 477.673 0.220945860083371
18 776.617 917.211 0.24005 1302.44 487.031 1356.11 482.542 -0.240050358705997
19 1141.15 1155.59 0.0181411 1688.38 489.568 1582.86 482.842 -0.0181411099577885
21 417.831 492.821 0.238144 922.481 485.329 952.965 481.925 -0.238144263507934
22 745.472 623.291 -0.258248 1269.94 488.373 1074.47 479.969 0.258248219173655
23 802.333 656.645 -0.289087 1327.76 486.173 1106.55 480.534 0.289087486290552
24 474.711 441.974 -0.103088 979.721 483.05 902.156 479.723 0.103087976303622
25 844.375 904.571 0.0993499 1376.5 489.751 1343.96 482.614 -0.0993498546416276

Total number of rows: 9607

Table truncated, full table size 758 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM215123_Cy3.txt.gz 1.0 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
GSM215123_Cy5.txt.gz 1.0 Mb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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