293 cells were tranfected with Myc-tagged argonaute family members and associated microRNAs quantitated by microarray analysis of immunoprecipitates. Human argonaute 1, 2, and 3, and a control immunoprecipitation were done. Two independent immunoprecipitations were performed, with two replicate points per immunoprecipitation. Ch1and Ch2 net values are median intensity, background subtracted, unnormalized. Normalized Ch2 values for argonaute immunoprecipitations are median center normalized. Normalized Ch2 values for control immunoprecipitates are normalized by a constant that is the average of the constants used for argonaute immunoprecipitates. Keywords = microRNA Keywords = miRNA Keywords = argonaute
Median Centered Normalized Log Ratio Values CH2/CH1
Background subtracted CH1 (635) Median Intensity
Background subtracted CH2 (532) Median Intensity
Denotes which features met our filtering criterion. A negative value means that the CH1_NET and CH2_NORMALIZED_NET were both below 1.5 Times Background