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Sample GSM60341 Query DataSets for GSM60341
Status Public on Oct 01, 2007
Title Immature_ear_B73vsF1_fwd_rep1
Sample type RNA
Channel 1
Source name F1 immature ear
Organism Zea mays
Characteristics Genotype: B73xH99 F1 hybrid.
Tissue: Immature ear.
Stage: V15.
Origin: bulk of 10 individuals.
Growth protocol Immature ears were harvested from plants cultivated in open field (2003), at 12 p.m. along 3 different days
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol After harvesting, plant material was immediately frozen after removing silks and ear apexes and stored at - 80 C. Tissues were ground in liquid nitrogen using mortars and pestles. Total RNA was isolated using the TRizol protocol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), as indicated by the manufacturer (except for 5 min extra time centrifugation in TRizol reagent), including a second step in chloroform for lowering protein contamination. Poly(A+) RNA was purified from 1 mg of total RNA derived from a minimum of three independent extractions using mRNA Purification Kit (Amersham Bioscience, Little Chalfont, UK). Both total and poly(A+) RNA were tested for quality by electrophoresis on 1.5% agarose gel and quantified by absorbance at 260 nm.
Label Cy3
Label protocol 1 ug of purified poly(A+) RNA was independently retrotranscribed using 400 U of SuperScript II RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and 2 ug Oligo(dT)23 Anchored (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) as primer, in 30 uL final volume (2 hours, 42 C). cDNA probes were labeled by direct incorporation of Cy3/Cy5 modified dCTP 0.3 mM (Amersham Bioscience, Little Chalfont, UK); dATP, dGTP and dTTP 0.5 mM each, dCTP 0.2 mM. Reaction was stopped adding 1.5 uL EDTA (0.5 M – pH 8.0) and 3.75 uL NaOH (1 M) (10 min, 65 C) and then neutralized with 0.75 uL HCl (5 M) and 9 uL Tris HCl (1 M – pH 6.9). Probe was purified with Nucleo Spin Extract kit (Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG, Düren, Germany), protocol #4.2 with double wash in NT3 buffer.
Channel 2
Source name B73 immature ear
Organism Zea mays
Characteristics Genotype: B73.
Tissue: Immature ear.
Stage: V15.
Origin: bulk of 10 individuals.
Growth protocol Immature ears were harvested from 10 individuals cultivated in open field (2003), at 12 p.m. along 3 different days
Extracted molecule polyA RNA
Extraction protocol After harvesting, plant material was immediately frozen after removing silks and ear apexes and stored at - 80 C. Tissues were ground in liquid nitrogen using mortars and pestles. Total RNA was isolated using the TRizol protocol (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA), as indicated by the manufacturer (except for 5 min extra time centrifugation in TRizol reagent), including a second step in chloroform for lowering protein contamination. Poly(A+) RNA was purified from 1 mg of total RNA derived from a minimum of three independent extractions using mRNA Purification Kit (Amersham Bioscience, Little Chalfont, UK). Both total and poly(A+) RNA were tested for quality by electrophoresis on 1.5% agarose gel and quantified by absorbance at 260 nm.
Label Cy5
Label protocol 1 ug of purified poly(A+) RNA was independently retrotranscribed using 400 U of SuperScript II RNase H- Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) and 2 ug Oligo(dT)23 Anchored (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) as primer, in 30 uL final volume (2 hours, 42 C). cDNA probes were labeled by direct incorporation of Cy3/Cy5 modified dCTP 0.3 mM (Amersham Bioscience, Little Chalfont, UK); dATP, dGTP and dTTP 0.5 mM each, dCTP 0.2 mM. Reaction was stopped adding 1.5 uL EDTA (0.5 M – pH 8.0) and 3.75 uL NaOH (1 M) (10 min, 65 C) and then neutralized with 0.75 uL HCl (5 M) and 9 uL Tris HCl (1 M – pH 6.9). Probe was purified with Nucleo Spin Extract kit (Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co. KG, Düren, Germany), protocol #4.2 with double wash in NT3 buffer.
Hybridization protocol After adding 12 ug of Polydeoxyadenylic Acid (Amersham Bioscience, Little Chalfont, UK) the probe was lyophilized in SpeedVac SVC-100 H (Savant Instruments/E-C Apparatus, Holbrook, NY) and then resuspended in 29 uL Array Hyb Low Temp Hybridization Buffer (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and 2 uL salmon sperm DNA (20 ug/uL). Slides were re-hydrated 7 min in water-saturated atmosphere and briefly dried on heating plate (3-4 sec); spotted cDNA were cross-linked to the silane-glass support applying twice 65 mJ/cm2 UV light (254 nm; Stratalinker 2400 UV cross-linker, Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). After rinsing 2 min in SDS at R.T., spotted cDNA were denatured by immersion of slides in mQ water for 2 min at 95 C. Unspecific binding sites were blocked for 40 min at 65 C in 1% BSA, 3.5X SSC, 0.2% SDS. Slides were rinsed at R.T. in mQ water 50 times in each of four trays, then in iso-propanol (10 immersions), and finally air-dried and stored in a clean box until hybridization. After denaturation (2 min, 98 C in mQ water) probe was hybridized on microarray slides o. n. at 50 C in a dark hybridization chamber (CMT-Hybridization Chamber, Corning Inc., Corning, NY). Slides were then washed in SDS 1% solutions at increasing stringency (SSC concentration 2X, 1X, 0.1X; 10 min each, 65 C), then in SSC 0.1X (5 min, 65 C, twice), air-dried and stored in the dark at room temperature until image acquisition.
Scan protocol Microarray images for Cy3 and Cy5 channels were acquired using ScanArray software on SA4000 Scanner (v3.1, Packard BioScience, Wellesley, MA), setting laser power to 90% and auto-adjusting photo-multiplicator gain to the maximum sub-saturating value for each channel. Signal and background intensities and spot parameters were quantified by QuantArray (v3.0, Packard BioScience, Wellesley, MA).
Description Slide number 606.01.04.026.
For a detailed description of the experiment see:
Pea G, Ferron S, Gianfranceschi L, Krajewski P, Pe' ME (2007) Gene expression non-additivity in immature ears of a heterotic F1 maize hybrid. Plant Science (DOI:10.1016/j.plantsci.2007.09.005)
Data processing Records corresponding to single bad-quality spots were manually removed. Intensity data were imported into GeneSpring (Agilent Technologies, Palo Alto, CA), where local background subtraction as well as per-chip LOWESS and 50th percentile within-array normalization functions were performed on log-two transformed data. Base two logarithms of hybrid/inbred expression ratios for each EST, calculated from the average over three replicate spots within the slide, were exported from GeneSpring to perform all subsequent analyses.
Submission date Jun 06, 2005
Last update date Oct 01, 2007
Contact name Giorgio Pea
Phone +390250315013
Fax +390250315044
Organization name University of Milan
Department Department of Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology
Street address via Celoria 26
City Milan
ZIP/Postal code 20133
Country Italy
Platform ID GPL372
Series (1)
GSE2771 Gene expression non-additivity in immature ears of a heterotic F1 maize hybrid

Data table header descriptions
VALUE Normalized log2 ratio of means defined as CH2_NORM divided by CH1_NORM
CH1_NORM Channel 1 normalized mean intensity (lowess and 50th percentile)
CH2_NORM Channel 2 normalized mean intensity (lowess and 50th percentile)
CH1_INTENSITY Channel 1 mean intensity (raw)
CH1_BACKGROUND Channel 1 mean local background intensity (raw)
CH1_INTENSITY_STD_DEV Channel 1 mean spot intensity standard deviation
CH1_BACKGROUND_STD_DEV Channel 1 mean local background intensity standard deviation
CH1_DIAMETER Channel 1 diameter used to look for spot pixels
CH1_FOOTPRINT Distance between the expected position of the spot and its actual measured position in channel 1
CH1_CIRCULARITY Degree to which the spot matches a perfect circle in channel 1
CH1_SPOT_UNIFORMITY Uniformity of the pixels used in the spot mean intensity calculation in channel 1
CH1_BKG_UNIFORMITY Uniformity of the pixels used in the spot mean local background intensity calculation in channel 1
CH1_SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO Ratio of the mean spot intensity to the standard deviation of the local background of all microarray spots in channel 1
CH2_INTENSITY Channel 2 mean intensity (raw)
CH2_BACKGROUND Channel 2 mean local background intensity (raw)
CH2_INTENSITY_STD_DEV Channel 2 mean spot intensity standard deviation
CH2_BACKGROUND_STD_DEV Channel 2 mean local background intensity standard deviation
CH2_DIAMETER Channel 2 diameter used to look for spot pixels
CH2_FOOTPRINT Distance between the expected position of the spot and its actual measured position in channel 2
CH2_CIRCULARITY Degree to which the spot matches a perfect circle in channel 2
CH2_SPOT_UNIFORMITY Uniformity of the pixels used in the spot mean intensity calculation in channel 2
CH2_BKG_UNIFORMITY Uniformity of the pixels used in the spot mean local background intensity calculation in channel 2
CH2_SIGNAL_NOISE_RATIO Ratio of the mean spot intensity to the standard deviation of the local background of all microarray spots in channel 2
IGNORE_FILTER Custom quality filter flag (0 denotes ignored spots)

Data table
1 0.199 99.28 114 321 114 151.368332 26.406755 123.349976 7.658828 0.973575 0.995445 0.99929 12.15598 219 105 67.971832 11.78828 124.185814 7.658828 0.974945 0.998123 0.999695 18.577775 1
2 0.106 125.4 135 366 114 203.035843 26.279474 123.993431 7.658828 0.97334 0.993858 0.999275 13.927219 239 104 76.37104 12.720763 124.888702 7.658828 0.978753 0.997795 0.999657 18.788181 1
3 0.194 125 143 362 112 188.316727 29.950125 124.057594 7.658828 0.976015 0.994629 0.999222 12.086761 253 110 74.992073 17.342585 122.3134 7.658828 0.96535 0.997864 0.999542 14.588368 1
4 0.26 208 249 505 126 237.055008 36.464642 123.414467 7.658828 0.965511 0.992989 0.999054 13.849032 363 114 126.309937 17.931208 120.543976 7.658828 0.953659 0.996338 0.999519 20.244035 1
5 0.198 159.5 183 427 121 194.792542 36.027653 123.543365 7.658828 0.970377 0.994186 0.99913 11.852007 289 106 104.123726 14.86263 124.824966 7.658828 0.973696 0.996834 0.999603 19.444742 1
6 0.377 154 200 411 117 173.137436 34.60844 122.573364 7.658828 0.981587 0.994835 0.999092 11.875716 309 109 111.09877 14.971524 120.939415 7.658828 0.951266 0.996971 0.999611 20.639181 1
7 0.164 124.1 139 360 111 181.853867 22.789616 125.714317 7.658828 0.97603 0.994675 0.999435 15.796668 249 110 81.714996 16.729153 123.220879 7.658828 0.971321 0.997566 0.99958 14.884197 1
8 0.122 119.5 130 357 115 153.785339 26.972055 124.121719 7.658828 0.974047 0.995544 0.999268 13.235921 236 106 83.961433 14.753933 123.672119 7.658828 0.970641 0.997581 0.999611 15.995735 1
9 0.485 110 154 328 107 182.227798 20.994659 123.865005 14.659562 0.976397 0.994476 0.999466 15.623021 256 102 128.997086 11.890768 123.349976 14.659562 0.962248 0.99617 0.999664 21.529307 1
10 -0.448 2079 1524 2836 113 949.890503 25.196144 107.19603 14.659562 0.933483 0.974091 0.999352 112.556905 1629 105 465.297455 13.369313 107.270241 14.659562 0.952516 0.986908 0.999664 121.846199 1
11 -0.082 2075 1960 2792 107 1056.684326 24.240793 99.895027 20.283884 0.961332 0.969444 0.999344 115.177749 2065 105 593.993896 14.067255 100.371857 20.283884 0.966991 0.983307 0.999641 146.794808 1
12 -0.219 1704 1464 2379 118 968.074646 29.640232 99.335838 18.234461 0.954729 0.972214 0.999252 80.262529 1569 105 565.125 11.329275 97.312492 18.234461 0.967196 0.982735 0.999695 138.490767 1
13 0.208 381.9 441 751 114 345.919403 26.552608 122.378441 29.263176 0.968688 0.989792 0.999344 28.283474 548 107 198.490112 11.644784 120.543976 29.263176 0.961572 0.993988 0.999672 47.059697 1
14 0.265 327.9 394 673 118 338.327515 27.257195 120.873596 7.658828 0.951147 0.989807 0.999321 24.690729 496 102 203.703232 10.084698 109.980812 7.658828 0.932611 0.993927 0.999718 49.183428 1
15 0.281 322.6 392 671 124 279.560455 31.665852 121.595627 12.137133 0.973062 0.991913 0.99913 21.190019 496 104 194.255936 12.853916 115.762039 12.137133 0.949335 0.994423 0.999664 38.587462 1
16 -0.085 588.7 555 1044 114 452.232819 29.822329 113.681061 18.803061 0.950835 0.987633 0.999176 35.007327 663 108 221.036453 14.185204 105.172577 18.803061 0.920676 0.993736 0.999626 46.738843 1
17 0.104 511.8 550 932 116 387.341736 27.292877 118.546974 19.599268 0.967578 0.989037 0.999283 34.148104 656 106 251.400009 11.536297 112.837929 19.599268 0.944804 0.992851 0.999702 56.864001 1
18 0.265 433.7 521 819 114 427.169617 25.69915 120.477936 21.705942 0.963856 0.988235 0.999313 31.868758 624 103 243.592896 10.689588 120.080978 21.705942 0.950217 0.992653 0.999702 58.374563 1
19 -0.044 171.1 166 440 111 194.101608 21.733683 121.791801 21.705942 0.977047 0.994614 0.999359 20.245073 273 107 94.950478 12.008001 120.939415 21.705942 0.970754 0.997414 0.999664 22.734841 1
20 0.086 158.3 168 415 109 208.027451 24.075871 123.929237 7.658828 0.975123 0.994102 0.999359 17.237175 275 107 94.121559 13.113518 123.285439 7.658828 0.974321 0.997337 0.999641 20.970727 1

Total number of rows: 16200

Table truncated, full table size 3161 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM60341_cy3.tif.gz 69.5 Mb (ftp)(http) TIFF
GSM60341_cy5.tif.gz 64.5 Mb (ftp)(http) TIFF
Processed data included within Sample table

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