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Sample GSM688521 Query DataSets for GSM688521
Status Public on Mar 11, 2011
Title Blastocysts TCM TCM co culture no9 biologial 1 rep2
Sample type RNA
Source name In vitro produced blastocysts following in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization and in vitro culture. Blastocysts are collected on day 7.5 of culture.
Organism Bos taurus
Characteristics source: In vitro
time of collection: Day 7.5 of culture (post fertilization)
in vitro maturation conditions: TCM-Serum
in vitro culture conditions: TCM-Co-culture
Treatment protocol Treatments consists of the different in vitro production systems used. Blastocysts were produced in a total of ten different in vitro systems. In vivo blastocysts were also included and used as reference.
Growth protocol Bovine ovaries were collected from the slaughterhouse, cumulus-oocyte complexes were aspirated from 3-6 mm follicles. Selection was done on general morphology and only COCs containing at least 5 layers of cumulus cells were kept. The selected COCs were washed in TLH medium and put through in vitro maturation, in vitro fertilization and in vitro culture. Blastocysts were collected on day 7.5 of culture. For in vivo counterparts, the embryos were collected 7.0 days post insemination. The embryos were washed in PBS, pooled in groups of 10 with mininal volume of liquid and kept à -80C until total RNA extraction.
Extracted molecule total RNA
Extraction protocol Total RNA was extracted using PicoPure columns following the manufacturer's recommandations. A DNAse 1 treatment was performed on column to remove contaminating genomic DNA.
Label Alexa 647
Label protocol RNA samples were amplified using the RiboAmp kit (Molecular Devices). Protocol was performed as recommanded to the exception that during the second round of amplification, amino-allyl coupled nucleotides were added to the IVT mix. An aliquot of 5 µg of aRNA was labelled by chemical addition of the Alexa 647 dye. Unincorporated dyes were cleaned up using Clean Up RNeasy Minikit columns (Qiagen).
Hybridization protocol Labelled samples were concentrated by isopropanol precipitation and pellets were re-suspended in 5 µl of RNAse-free water. The concentrated labeled samples were mixed with 80 µl of hybridization buffer (HybBuffer #1 from Ambion) and deposited on the microarray under a LifterSlip coverslip (Thermo Scientific, Mississauga, ON, Canada). Microarray incubation was conducted for 21 h at 50˚C in an automated station (the Slidebooster apparatus from Advalytix, Danvers, MA). The coverslips were then gently removed in a low stringency buffer (2X SSC + 0.5X SDS). Slides were washed twice in the low stringency buffer for 15 min at 50˚C, transferred to high stringency buffer (0.5X SSC + 0.5X SDS) and washed twice for 15 min at 50˚C and finally dipped quickly in a 1.25X SSC solution and dried by centrifugation at 1,200xg for 5 min at room temperature.
Scan protocol Slides were read on a VersArray ChipReader (Bio-Rad, Mississauga, ON, Canada). Image analysis was performed using ArrayPro software version 4.5 (MediaCybernetics, Bethesda, MD). For each spot, background was determined locally. Data tables containing the foreground, background and flagged spot annotation were generated for downstream data processing and
Description Treatment #9 of publication
Data processing Microarray data were pre-processed as follows: 1) background correction was conducted by simple subtraction; 2) mean values were calculated for the technically duplicated arrays; 3) median values were calculated for technically duplicated features spotted on the microarrays; 4) within-array normalization was performed with Loess; 5) Quantile was applied for inter-array normalization; 6) the entire dataset was trimmed according to a cut-off value calculated from the mean values of selected negative control features (Aliens, GFP and Arabidopsis) plus two standard deviations. Steps 3 to 5 as well as the statistical analysis and all downstream steps were conducted in WebArrayDB (Xia et al. 2005, Wang et al. 2009): webarray/index.html.
Submission date Mar 09, 2011
Last update date Mar 11, 2011
Contact name Claude Robert
Organization name Laval University
Department Animal Sciences
Street address Pavillon Comtois
City Quebec
State/province Quebec
ZIP/Postal code G1V0A6
Country Canada
Platform ID GPL13261
Series (1)
GSE27872 Comprehensive across production systems assessment of the impact of in vitro micro-environment on the expression of messengers and long non-coding RNAs in the bovine blastocyst

Data table header descriptions
VALUE quantile normalized

Data table
1 44.4961230769231
2 10.5682153846154
3 315.596876923077
4 811.121923076923
5 494.320353846154
6 1130.51273846154
7 4341.7578
8 13.6164153846154
9 191.968569230769
10 6.36604615384615
11 21.8801846153846
12 18.8992
13 27.6701846153846
14 412.981615384615
15 760.290384615385
16 286.986507692308
17 1061.96223076923
18 4933.38893846154
19 20.892
20 182.162430769231

Total number of rows: 2464

Table truncated, full table size 50 Kbytes.

Supplementary file Size Download File type/resource
GSM688521.txt.gz 39.1 Kb (ftp)(http) TXT
Processed data included within Sample table

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