Kantaputra mesomelic dysplasia (MMDK) is a rare autosomal dominant skeletal disease characterized by symmetric marked shortening of the upper and lower limbs. The ulnae are very short and the radii are bowed. The distal humerus has a dumbbell shape, whereas the hands are relatively normal but show progressive flexion contractures of the proximal interphalangeal joints. Carpal and tarsal synostoses are observed in some individuals. In the lower limbs, the feet are fixed in plantar flexion with the sole facing backward, causing 'ballerina-like standing.' The prominent distal fibula (ventral aspect) is considered to be the signature finding of the syndrome. The calcaneus is small or missing, and a small fibula and talus as well as fibulocalcaneal synostosis are characteristic features. The tibial bony knot articulates with the proximal end of the fibula (summary by Kantaputra et al., 2010).
Mesomelia and synostosis are also cardinal features of the mesomelia-synostoses syndrome (600383).
See 613681 for discussion of the chromosome 2q31.1 duplication syndrome, which shows cytogenetic and phenotypic overlap with MMDK. [from