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Empty delta sign

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Sign or Symptom
SNOMED CT: Empty delta sign (35508004)
HPO: HP:0032267


This sign is created by a nonenhancing thrombus in the dural sinus surrounded by triangular enhancing dura as seen on cross-section. The sign, seen on contrast-enhanced CT scan images, suggests dural sinovenous thrombosis. It is best seen on wider window settings. It is a reliable sign of sinus thrombosis but is seen only in 25-30% of these cases. [from HPO]

Recent clinical studies


Kang JH, Yun TJ, Yoo RE, Yoon BW, Lee AL, Kang KM, Choi SH, Kim JH, Sohn CH, Han MH
Medicine (Baltimore) 2017 Oct;96(41):e8244. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008244. PMID: 29019892Free PMC Article
Ansari RS, Domfu FM, Felemban B, Mutair WH
Neurosciences (Riyadh) 2012 Jan;17(1):61-3. PMID: 22246013
Rizzo L, Crasto SG, Rudà R, Gallo G, Tola E, Garabello D, De Lucchi R
Radiol Med 2010 Mar;115(2):313-25. Epub 2010 Jan 20 doi: 10.1007/s11547-010-0493-4. PMID: 20091136
Tang PH, Chai J, Chan YH, Chng SM, Lim CC
Ann Acad Med Singap 2008 May;37(5):397-401. PMID: 18536826
Davies RP, Slavotinek JP
Australas Radiol 1994 Feb;38(1):17-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1673.1994.tb00117.x. PMID: 8147792


Ansari RS, Domfu FM, Felemban B, Mutair WH
Neurosciences (Riyadh) 2012 Jan;17(1):61-3. PMID: 22246013
Wasay M, Azeemuddin M
J Neuroimaging 2005 Apr;15(2):118-28. doi: 10.1177/1051228404272883. PMID: 15746223
Deus-Silva L, Voetsch B, Nucci A, Maciel JA, Caplan LR
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2004 Sep;75(9):1287. doi: 10.1136/jnnp.2003.032052. PMID: 15314116Free PMC Article
Yoshida S, Shidoh M
Neurology 2003 Jan 14;60(1):146-51. doi: 10.1212/wnl.60.1.146. PMID: 12525742
Albers FW
ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 1991;53(1):45-7. doi: 10.1159/000276184. PMID: 2008294


Rizzo L, Crasto SG, Rudà R, Gallo G, Tola E, Garabello D, De Lucchi R
Radiol Med 2010 Mar;115(2):313-25. Epub 2010 Jan 20 doi: 10.1007/s11547-010-0493-4. PMID: 20091136
Cipri S, Gangemi A, Campolo C, Cafarelli F, Gambardella G
J Neurosurg Sci 1998 Mar;42(1):23-32. PMID: 9766269


Kang JH, Yun TJ, Yoo RE, Yoon BW, Lee AL, Kang KM, Choi SH, Kim JH, Sohn CH, Han MH
Medicine (Baltimore) 2017 Oct;96(41):e8244. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000008244. PMID: 29019892Free PMC Article
Wasay M, Azeemuddin M
J Neuroimaging 2005 Apr;15(2):118-28. doi: 10.1177/1051228404272883. PMID: 15746223
Cipri S, Gangemi A, Campolo C, Cafarelli F, Gambardella G
J Neurosurg Sci 1998 Mar;42(1):23-32. PMID: 9766269
Davies RP, Slavotinek JP
Australas Radiol 1994 Feb;38(1):17-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1440-1673.1994.tb00117.x. PMID: 8147792
Virapongse C, Cazenave C, Quisling R, Sarwar M, Hunter S
Radiology 1987 Mar;162(3):779-85. doi: 10.1148/radiology.162.3.3809494. PMID: 3809494

Clinical prediction guides

Agrawal A, Agrawal R, Asopa R, Baghel NS
Clin Nucl Med 2009 Mar;34(3):161-3. doi: 10.1097/RLU.0b013e3181966fb3. PMID: 19352280
Wasay M, Azeemuddin M
J Neuroimaging 2005 Apr;15(2):118-28. doi: 10.1177/1051228404272883. PMID: 15746223
Mohamed A, McLeod JG, Hallinan J
Clin Exp Neurol 1991;28:23-36. PMID: 1821832
Shinohara Y, Yoshitoshi M, Yoshii F
Stroke 1986 Nov-Dec;17(6):1282-4. doi: 10.1161/01.str.17.6.1282. PMID: 3810732

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