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1 #ifndef BDB___SPLIT_BLOB_HPP__
2 #define BDB___SPLIT_BLOB_HPP__
4 /* $Id: bdb_split_blob.hpp 91315 2020-10-08 18:28:17Z grichenk $
5  * ===========================================================================
6  *
8  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
9  *
10  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
11  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
12  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
13  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
14  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
15  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
16  *
17  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
18  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
19  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
20  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
21  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
22  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
23  * purpose.
24  *
25  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
26  *
27  * ===========================================================================
28  *
29  * Author: Anatoliy Kuznetsov
30  *
31  * File Description: BDB library split BLOB store.
32  *
33  */
36 /// @file bdb_split_blob.hpp
37 /// BDB library split BLOB store.
39 #include <corelib/ncbistd.hpp>
40 #include <corelib/ncbimtx.hpp>
41 #include <corelib/ncbistre.hpp>
42 #include <corelib/ncbistr.hpp>
43 #include <corelib/ncbifile.hpp>
45 #include <util/math/matrix.hpp>
47 #include <db/bdb/bdb_blob.hpp>
48 #include <db/bdb/bdb_bv_store.hpp>
49 #include <db/bdb/bdb_cursor.hpp>
50 #include <db/bdb/bdb_trans.hpp>
51 #include <db/error_codes.hpp>
53 #include <util/id_mux.hpp>
58 /** @addtogroup BDB_BLOB
59  *
60  * @{
61  */
64 /// Persistent storage for demux information
65 ///
66 template<class TBV>
67 class CBDB_BlobStoreDict : public CBDB_BvStore<TBV>
68 {
69 public:
70  CBDB_FieldUint4 dim; ///< dimention
71  CBDB_FieldUint4 dim_idx; ///< projection index
75 public:
77  {
78  this->BindKey("dim", &dim);
79  this->BindKey("dim_idx", &dim_idx);
80  }
81 };
83 /// Base class for page-split demultiplexers
84 ///
85 class CBDB_BlobDeMuxSplit : public IObjDeMux<unsigned>
86 {
87 public:
88  /// LOBs are getting split into slices based on LOB size,
89  /// similar BLOBs go to the compartment with more optimal storage
90  /// paramaters
91  ///
92  static
93  unsigned SelectSplit(size_t blob_size)
94  {
95  static const unsigned size_split[] = {
96  256, 512, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768
97  };
98  const unsigned kMaxSize = (unsigned)(sizeof(size_split) / sizeof(*size_split));
100  for (unsigned i = 0; i < kMaxSize; ++i) {
101  if (blob_size < size_split[i]) {
102  return i;
103  }
104  }
105  return kMaxSize;
106  }
108  /// Returns total number of splits (horizontal projection)
109  /// If method returns 0 - means there is no hard number: open ended proj
110  unsigned GetSplitSize() const { return 8; }
112  /// Returns total number of volumes (vertical projection)
113  /// If method returns 0 - means there is no hard number: open ended proj
114  unsigned GetVolumeSize() const { return 0; }
115 };
117 /// Volume split BLOB demultiplexer
118 ///
119 /// This class is doing some simple accounting, counting size and number
120 /// of incoming LOBs, splitting them into [volume, page size]
121 ///
123 {
124 public:
128 public:
129  CBDB_BlobDeMux(double vol_max = 1.5 * (1024.00*1024.00*1024.00),
130  unsigned rec_max = 3 * 1000000)
131  : m_VolMax(vol_max), m_RecMax(rec_max)
132  {
133  }
135  /// coordinates:
136  ///
137  /// 0 - active volume number
138  /// 1 - page split number
139  ///
140  void GetCoordinates(unsigned blob_size, unsigned* coord)
141  {
142  _ASSERT(coord);
146  coord[1] = CBDB_BlobDeMux::SelectSplit(blob_size);
147  size_t max_col = max((size_t)m_RecS.GetCols(),
148  (size_t)coord[1] + 1);
149  m_RecS.Resize(m_RecS.GetRows(), max_col);
150  m_VolS.Resize(m_VolS.GetRows(), max_col);
152  for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_RecS.GetRows(); ++i) {
153  if (m_RecS(i, coord[1]) < m_RecMax &&
154  m_VolS(i, coord[1]) < m_VolMax) {
155  coord[0] = i;
156  ++m_RecS(i, coord[1]);
157  m_VolS (i, coord[1]) += blob_size;
158  return;
159  }
160  }
162  /// not found
163  NewPlane();
164  coord[0] = unsigned(m_RecS.GetRows() - 1);
165  }
168 protected:
169  void NewPlane()
170  {
171  size_t max_col = max((size_t)m_RecS.GetCols(), (size_t)1);
172  m_RecS.Resize(m_RecS.GetRows() + 1, max_col);
173  m_VolS.Resize(m_VolS.GetRows() + 1, max_col);
174  }
177  TVolumeSize m_VolS; ///< Volumes BLOB sizes
178  TVolumeRecs m_RecS; ///< Volumes record counts
180  double m_VolMax; ///< Volume max size
181  unsigned m_RecMax; ///< Maximum number of records
182 };
184 /// Split demux which can save and load state into a file
185 /// Stateful (persistent) class.
186 ///
188 {
189 public:
190  CBDB_BlobDeMuxPersistent(const string& path,
191  double vol_max = 1.5 * (1024.00*1024.00*1024.00),
192  unsigned rec_max = 3 * 1000000)
193  : CBDB_BlobDeMux(vol_max, rec_max)
194  , m_Path(path)
195  {
196  if ( !m_Path.empty() && CFile(m_Path).Exists()) {
197  CNcbiIfstream istr(m_Path.c_str());
198  Load(istr);
199  }
200  }
203  {
204  if ( !m_Path.empty() ) {
205  try {
206  CNcbiOfstream ostr(m_Path.c_str());
207  Save(ostr);
208  }
209  catch (CException& e) {
210  ERR_POST_XX(Db_Bdb_Blob, 2, Error << "CBDB_BlobDeMux::~CBDB_BlobDeMux(): "
211  "error saving demultiplex data: " << e.what());
212  }
213  }
214  }
217  void Save(CNcbiOstream& ostr)
218  {
219  ostr << m_RecS.GetRows() << " " << m_RecS.GetCols() << endl;
220  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_RecS.GetRows(); ++i) {
221  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_RecS.GetCols(); ++j) {
222  ostr << m_RecS(i, j) << " ";
223  }
224  ostr << endl;
225  }
226  ostr << m_VolS.GetRows() << " " << m_VolS.GetCols() << endl;
227  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_VolS.GetRows(); ++i) {
228  for (size_t j = 0; j < m_VolS.GetCols(); ++j) {
229  ostr << m_VolS(i, j) << " ";
230  }
231  ostr << endl;
232  }
233  }
235  void Load(CNcbiIstream& istr)
236  {
237  size_t i, j;
239  istr >> i >> j;
240  m_RecS.Resize(i, j);
241  for (i = 0; i < m_RecS.GetRows(); ++i) {
242  for (j = 0; j < m_RecS.GetCols(); ++j) {
243  istr >> m_RecS(i, j);
244  }
245  }
247  istr >> i >> j;
248  m_VolS.Resize(i, j);
249  for (i = 0; i < m_VolS.GetRows(); ++i) {
250  for (j = 0; j < m_VolS.GetCols(); ++j) {
251  istr >> m_VolS(i, j);
252  }
253  }
254  }
256 private:
257  string m_Path;
258 };
261 /// BLOB demultiplexer implements round-robin volume rotation.
262 ///
263 /// This demultiplexer sends every new BLOB to a next volume, reducing
264 /// locking contention over one BDB database.
265 ///
267 {
268 public:
269  CBDB_BlobDeMux_RoundRobin(unsigned volumes = 0)
270  : m_Volumes(volumes), m_CurrVolume(0)
271  {
272  }
274  /// coordinates:
275  ///
276  /// 0 - active volume number
277  /// 1 - page split number
278  ///
279  void GetCoordinates(unsigned blob_size, unsigned* coord)
280  {
281  _ASSERT(coord);
283  coord[0] = m_CurrVolume;
284  coord[1] = SelectSplit(blob_size);
286  // every next BLOB goes to the next volume (round-robin)
287  ++m_CurrVolume;
288  if (m_CurrVolume >= m_Volumes) {
289  m_CurrVolume = 0;
290  }
291  }
293  /// Returns total number of volumes (vertical projection)
294  /// If method returns 0 - means there is no hard number: open ended proj
295  unsigned GetVolumeSize() const { return m_Volumes; }
297 private:
298  unsigned m_Volumes;
299  unsigned m_CurrVolume;
300 };
305 /// BLOB storage based on single unsigned integer key
306 /// Supports BLOB volumes and different base page size files in the volume
307 /// to guarantee the best fit.
308 ///
309 ///
310 /// Problem.
311 /// Berkeley DB shows measurable difference in behavior and performance
312 /// depending on the combination of record size and database page size.
313 /// Differences include amount of disk traffic, locking granularity,
314 /// number of overflow pages, etc.
315 ///
316 /// The most critical here is overflow pages.
317 /// If DB page cannot accommodate 2(sometimes more) records BDB creates
318 /// overflow pages. This is found to be expensive. The typical fix is to
319 /// increase the page size.
320 /// Large page size is inefficient for dealing with small record
321 /// (you have to load/store 64K (full page) to load small object.
322 /// In transaction environment page access are also locks a lot of records.
323 /// Page size also influences B-Tree depth and number of internal pages.
324 /// Number of internal pages affects database size and retrieval performance.
325 ///
326 ///
327 /// Object maintains a matrix of BDB databases.
328 /// Every row maintains certain database volume or(and) number of records.
329 /// Every column groups BLOBs of certain size together, so class can choose
330 /// the best page size to store BLOBs without long chains of overflow pages.
331 ///
332 /// <pre>
333 /// Page size split:
334 /// Volume
335 /// split: 4K 8K 16K 32K
336 /// +------+------+------+------+
337 /// row = 0 | DB | ...................| = SUM = N Gbytes
338 /// row = 1 | DB | ..... | = SUM = N GBytes
339 ///
340 /// .........................
341 ///
342 /// +------+------+------+------+
343 ///
344 /// </pre>
345 ///
346 /// Matrix coordinates picking is implemented using concept called DeMux.
347 /// It maintains BLOB_ID <-> coordinates association.
348 /// Demux implementation(s) use bit-vectors to do the job. BLOB ID must be
349 /// unique across the store. In general DeMux can work with N-dimensional
350 /// coordinates to address host, partition, volume, slice (distributed
351 /// store). But current practical implementation uses 2D matrix (volume,
352 /// slice).
353 ///
355 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux=CBDB_BlobDeMux, class TL=CFastMutex>
357 {
358 public:
360  typedef TBV TBitVector;
362  typedef TL TLock;
363  typedef typename TL::TWriteLockGuard TLockGuard;
366  #ifndef NCBI_SWIG
367  /// BDB Database together with the locker
368  /// One database is opened twice, one regular mode,
369  /// another - dedicated read-only instance to improve concurrency
370  ///
371  struct SLockedDb : public CObject
372  {
373  AutoPtr<TBlobFile> db; ///< database file
374  AutoPtr<TLock> lock; ///< db lock
375  AutoPtr<TBlobFile> db_ro; ///< database file for reads
376  AutoPtr<TLock> lock_ro; ///< db lock for reads
377  };
378  #endif
380  /// Volume split on optimal page size
381  struct SVolume
382  {
383  vector< CRef<SLockedDb> > db_vect;
384  };
386  typedef vector<SVolume*> TVolumeVect;
388 public:
389  /// Construction
390  /// The main parameter here is object demultiplexer for splitting
391  /// incoming LOBs into volumes and slices
392  ///
393  CBDB_BlobSplitStore(TObjDeMux* de_mux);
396  /// Open storage (reads storage dictionary into memory)
397  void Open(const string& storage_name,
398  CBDB_RawFile::EOpenMode open_mode,
401  /// Return true if the split store has been opened
402  bool IsOpen() const;
404  /// Try to open all storage files in all projections
405  /// This is only possible when object de-mux has fixed
406  /// number of projections, if it is not the call is silently ignored
407  ///
410  /// Save storage dictionary (demux disposition).
411  /// If you modified storage (like added new BLOBs to the storage)
412  /// you MUST call save; otherwise some disposition information is lost.
413  ///
414  void Save(typename TDeMuxStore::ECompact compact_vectors
418  void SetVolumeCacheSize(unsigned int cache_size)
419  { m_VolumeCacheSize = cache_size; }
421  /// Associate with the environment. Should be called before opening.
422  void SetEnv(CBDB_Env& env) { m_Env = &env; }
424  /// Get pointer on file environment
425  /// Return NULL if no environment has been set
426  CBDB_Env* GetEnv(void) const { return m_Env; }
428  /// Return the base filename of the underlying split store
429  const string& GetFileName() const { return m_StorageName; }
431  /// Turn off reverse splitting on the underlying stores. This should be
432  /// called before opening.
433  void RevSplitOff();
435  /// Set the priority for this database's pages in the buffer cache
436  /// This is generally a temporary advisement, and works only if an
437  /// environment is used.
440  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
441  // Transactional interface
442  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
443  virtual void SetTransaction(ITransaction* trans);
448  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
449  // Data manipulation interface
450  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
452  /// Insert BLOB into the storage.
453  ///
454  /// This method does NOT check if this object is already storead
455  /// somewhere. Method can create duplicates.
456  ///
457  /// @param id insertion key
458  /// @param data buffer pointer
459  /// @param size LOB data size in bytes
460  /// @param coord out: volume - page split number
461  ///
462  EBDB_ErrCode Insert(unsigned id,
463  const void* data, size_t size,
464  unsigned* coord);
466  EBDB_ErrCode Insert(unsigned id,
467  const void* data, size_t size);
469  /// Update or insert BLOB
471  const void* data, size_t size,
472  unsigned* coord);
475  const void* data, size_t size);
477  /// Update or insert BLOB using old coordinates
479  const unsigned* old_coord,
480  const void* data, size_t size,
481  unsigned* coord);
483  /// Delete BLOB
484  EBDB_ErrCode Delete(unsigned id,
485  CBDB_RawFile::EIgnoreError on_error =
488  EBDB_ErrCode Delete(unsigned id,
489  const unsigned* coords,
490  CBDB_RawFile::EIgnoreError on_error =
494  /// Find (demux) coordinates by BLOB id
495  ///
496  EBDB_ErrCode GetCoordinates(unsigned id, unsigned* coords);
498  /// Assing de-mux coordinates
499  void AssignCoordinates(unsigned id, const unsigned* coords);
501  /// Returns true if two sets of coordinates are the same
502  bool IsSameCoordinates(const unsigned* coords1,
503  const unsigned* coords2);
505  /// Read BLOB into vector.
506  /// If BLOB does not fit, method resizes the vector to accomodate.
507  ///
511  /// Read BLOB into vector using provided coordinates
512  /// If BLOB does not fit, method resizes the vector to accomodate.
513  ///
515  const unsigned* coords,
518  /// Fetch LOB record directly into the provided '*buf'.
519  /// If size of the LOB is greater than 'buf_size', then
520  /// if reallocation is allowed -- '*buf' will be reallocated
521  /// to fit the LOB size; otherwise, a exception will be thrown.
522  ///
523  EBDB_ErrCode Fetch(unsigned id,
524  void** buf,
525  size_t buf_size,
526  CBDB_RawFile::EReallocMode allow_realloc,
527  size_t* blob_size);
529  EBDB_ErrCode Fetch(unsigned id,
530  const unsigned* coords,
531  void** buf,
532  size_t buf_size,
533  CBDB_RawFile::EReallocMode allow_realloc,
534  size_t* blob_size);
536  /// Sync the underlying stores
537  void Sync();
539  /// Create stream oriented reader
540  /// @returns NULL if BLOB not found
541  ///
542  /// This method does NOT block the specified ID from concurrent access
543  /// for the life of IReader. The nature of BDB IReader is that each Read
544  /// maps into BDB get, so somebody can delete the BLOB between IReader calls.
545  /// This potential race should be taken into account in MT concurrent
546  /// application.
547  ///
548  /// Caller is responsible for deletion.
549  ///
550  IReader* CreateReader(unsigned id);
552  IReader* CreateReader(unsigned id, const unsigned* coords);
554  /// Get size of the BLOB
555  ///
556  /// @note Price of this operation is almost the same as getting
557  /// the actual BLOB. It is often better just to fetch BLOB speculatively,
558  /// hoping it fits in the buffer and resizing the buffer on exception.
559  ///
560  EBDB_ErrCode BlobSize(unsigned id,
561  size_t* blob_size);
563  EBDB_ErrCode BlobSize(unsigned id,
564  const unsigned* coords,
565  size_t* blob_size);
567  /// Get all id of all BLOBs stored
568  ///
569  /// @param bv
570  /// Vector of IDs stored
571  ///
572  void GetIdVector(TBitVector* bv) const;
574  /// Reclaim unused memory
576 protected:
577  /// Close volumes without saving or doing anything with id demux
578  void CloseVolumes();
580  void LoadIdDeMux(TIdDeMux& de_mux, TDeMuxStore& dict_file);
582  /// Store id demux (projection vectors) into the database file
583  void SaveIdDeMux(const TIdDeMux& de_mux,
584  TDeMuxStore& dict_file,
585  CBDB_Transaction* trans,
586  typename TDeMuxStore::ECompact compact_vectors);
588  /// Select preferred page size for the specified slice
589  unsigned GetPageSize(unsigned splice) const;
591  /// Open split storage dictionary
592  void OpenDict();
594  /// Make BDB file name based on volume and page size split
595  string MakeDbFileName(unsigned vol,
596  unsigned slice);
599  /// Read or write operation
600  enum EGetDB_Mode {
602  eGetWrite
603  };
605  /// Get database pair (method opens and mounts database if necessary)
606  SLockedDb& GetDb(unsigned vol, unsigned slice,
607  EGetDB_Mode get_mode);
609  /// Init database mutex lock (mathod is protected against double init)
610  void InitDbMutex(SLockedDb* ldb);
612 protected:
615  vector<unsigned> m_PageSizes;
618  unique_ptr<TDeMuxStore> m_DictFile; ///< Split dictionary(id demux file)
619  mutable TLock m_DictFileLock; ///< id demux file locker
621  unique_ptr<TIdDeMux> m_IdDeMux; ///< Id to coordinates mapper
624  unique_ptr<TObjDeMux> m_ObjDeMux; ///< Obj to coordinates mapper
627  TVolumeVect m_Volumes; ///< Volumes
628  mutable TLock m_VolumesLock; ///< Volumes locker
635  /// True when all proj.dbs are pre-open
638  /// Flag carrying reverse split status
641  /// Lock used to sync. muli-db transactions to avoid deadlocks
644 private:
645  /// forbidden
648 };
650 /* @} */
653 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
654 // IMPLEMENTATION of INLINE functions
655 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
658 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
659 inline
661  : m_TransAssociation(CBDB_Transaction::eFullAssociation),
662  m_PageSizes(7),
663  m_VolumeCacheSize(0),
664  m_Env(0),
665  m_IdDeMux(new TIdDeMux(2)),
666  m_ObjDeMux(de_mux),
667  m_OpenMode(CBDB_RawFile::eReadOnly),
668  m_DB_Type(CBDB_RawFile::eBtree),
669  m_CachePriority(CBDB_RawFile::eCache_Default),
670  m_AllProjAvail(false),
671  m_RevSplitOff(false)
672 {
673  m_PageSizes[0] = 0; // max blob size = 256
674  m_PageSizes[1] = 0; // max blob size = 512
675  m_PageSizes[2] = 8 * 1024; // max blob size = 2048
676  m_PageSizes[3] = 16* 1024; // max blob size = 4096
677  m_PageSizes[4] = 32* 1024; // max blob size = 8192
678  m_PageSizes[5] = 64* 1024; // max blob size = 16384
679  m_PageSizes[6] = 64* 1024; // max blob size = 32768
680 }
682 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
683 inline
685 {
686  try {
687  CloseVolumes();
688  }
689  catch (std::exception& e) {
690  ERR_POST_XX(Db_Bdb_Blob, 3, Error
691  << "CBDB_BlobSplitStore<>::~CBDB_BlobSplitStore(): "
692  "error in CloseVolumes(): " << e.what());
693  }
695  try {
696  if (m_OpenMode != CBDB_RawFile::eReadOnly) {
697  Save();
698  }
699  }
700  catch (std::exception& e) {
701  ERR_POST_XX(Db_Bdb_Blob, 4, Error
702  << "CBDB_BlobSplitStore<>::~CBDB_BlobSplitStore(): "
703  "error in Save(): " << e.what());
704  }
705 }
707 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
708 inline
710 {
711  m_RevSplitOff = true;
712 }
715 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
716 inline
718 {
719  m_CachePriority = p;
720 }
723 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
724 inline
726 {
727  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Volumes.size(); ++i) {
728  SVolume* v = m_Volumes[i];
729  delete v;
730  }
731 }
733 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
734 inline bool
736  const unsigned* coords1,
737  const unsigned* coords2)
738 {
739  return coords1[0] == coords2[0] &&
740  coords1[1] == coords2[1];
741 }
743 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
744 inline void
746 {
747  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
748  m_IdDeMux->GetIdVector(bv);
749 }
752 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
753 inline void
755  unsigned id,
756  const unsigned* coords)
757 {
758  unsigned old_coord[2];
759  bool found;
760  {{
761  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
762  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, old_coord);
763  }}
764  if (found && IsSameCoordinates(old_coord, coords)) {
765  return;
766  }
767  // correct coordinate mapping
768  {{
769  CWriteLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
770  m_IdDeMux->SetCoordinatesFast(id, coords);
771  }}
773 }
775 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
776 inline EBDB_ErrCode
778  const void* data,
779  size_t size)
780 {
781  unsigned coord[2];
782  return this->Insert(id, data, size, coord);
784 }
787 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
788 inline EBDB_ErrCode
790  const void* data,
791  size_t size,
792  unsigned* coord)
793 {
794  _ASSERT(coord);
796  // check if BLOB exists
797  bool found;
798  {{
799  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
800  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
801  }}
802  if (found) {
803  return eBDB_KeyDup;
804  }
807  {{
808  TLockGuard lg(m_ObjDeMuxLock);
809  m_ObjDeMux->GetCoordinates((unsigned)size, coord);
810  }}
812  {{
813  CWriteLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
814  m_IdDeMux->SetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
815  }}
817  SLockedDb& dbp = this->GetDb(coord[0], coord[1], eGetWrite);
818  {{
819  TLockGuard lg(*dbp.lock);
820  dbp.db->SetTransaction(GetTransaction());
821  dbp.db->id = id;
822  return dbp.db->Insert(data, size);
823  }}
824 }
826 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
827 inline EBDB_ErrCode
829  const void* data,
830  size_t size)
831 {
832  unsigned coord[2];
833  return this->UpdateInsert(id, data, size, coord);
834 }
837 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
838 inline EBDB_ErrCode
840  const void* data,
841  size_t size,
842  unsigned* coord)
843 {
844  bool found;
845  {{
846  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
847  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
848  }}
849  if (!found) {
850  return this->Insert(id, data, size, coord);
851  }
853  unsigned slice = m_ObjDeMux->SelectSplit(size);
854  if (slice != coord[1]) {
855  // lock to prevent deadlock (no guarentee on the order of update)
856  TLockGuard lg(m_CrossDBLock);
858  this->Delete(id, CBDB_RawFile::eThrowOnError);
859  return this->Insert(id, data, size, coord);
860  } else {
861  SLockedDb& dbp = this->GetDb(coord[0], coord[1], eGetWrite);
862  TLockGuard lg(*(dbp.lock));
863  dbp.db->SetTransaction(GetTransaction());
864  dbp.db->id = id;
865  return dbp.db->UpdateInsert(data, size);
866  }
867 }
869 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
870 inline EBDB_ErrCode
872  const unsigned* old_coord,
873  const void* data,
874  size_t size,
875  unsigned* coord)
876 {
877  _ASSERT(old_coord);
878  _ASSERT(coord);
880  bool found;
881  {{
882  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
883  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
884  }}
885  if (found) {
886  // consistency check
887  if (old_coord[0] != coord[0] || old_coord[1] != coord[1]) {
888  // lock to prevent deadlock (no guarentee on the order of update)
889  TLockGuard lg(m_CrossDBLock);
891  // external (or internal)coordinate storage skrewed
892  this->Delete(id, coord, CBDB_RawFile::eThrowOnError);
893  this->Delete(id, old_coord, CBDB_RawFile::eThrowOnError);
895  // re-insert
896  return this->Insert(id, data, size, coord);
897  }
898  }
900  coord[0] = old_coord[0];
901  coord[1] = old_coord[1];
903  if (!found) {
904  return this->Insert(id, data, size, coord);
905  }
907  unsigned slice = m_ObjDeMux->SelectSplit(size);
908  if (slice != coord[1]) {
909  // lock to prevent deadlock (no guarentee on the order of update)
910  TLockGuard lg(m_CrossDBLock);
912  this->Delete(id, coord, CBDB_RawFile::eThrowOnError);
913  return this->Insert(id, data, size, coord);
914  } else {
915  SLockedDb& dbp = this->GetDb(coord[0], coord[1], eGetWrite);
916  TLockGuard lg(*dbp.lock);
917  dbp.db->SetTransaction(GetTransaction());
918  dbp.db->id = id;
919  return dbp.db->UpdateInsert(data, size);
920  }
921 }
925 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
926 inline EBDB_ErrCode
929 {
930  unsigned coord[2];
931  bool found;
932  {{
933  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
934  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
935  }}
936  if (!found) {
937  return eBDB_NotFound;
938  }
939  return this->Delete(id, coord, on_error);
940 }
942 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
943 inline EBDB_ErrCode
945  const unsigned* coords,
947 {
948  // clear coordinate mapping
949  {{
950  CWriteLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
951  m_IdDeMux->SetCoordinatesFast(id, coords, false);
952  }}
954  SLockedDb& dbp = this->GetDb(coords[0], coords[1], eGetWrite);
955  {{
956  TLockGuard lg(*dbp.lock);
957  dbp.db->SetTransaction(GetTransaction());
958  dbp.db->id = id;
959  return dbp.db->Delete(on_error);
960  }}
961 }
965 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
966 inline IReader*
968 {
969  unsigned coord[2];
970  bool found;
971  {{
972  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
973  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
974  }}
975  if (!found) {
976  return 0;
977  }
978  return this->CreateReader(id, coord);
979 }
981 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
982 inline IReader*
984  unsigned id,
985  const unsigned* coords)
986 {
987  TBlobFile* db;
988  TLock* lock;
989  {{
990  SLockedDb& dbp = this->GetDb(coords[0], coords[1], eGetRead);
992  if (dbp.db_ro.get()) {
993  db = dbp.db_ro.get();
994  lock = dbp.lock_ro.get();
995  } else {
996  db = dbp.db.get();
997  lock = dbp.lock.get();
998  }
999  }}
1000  {{
1001  TLockGuard lg(*lock);
1002  db->SetTransaction(GetTransaction());
1003  db->id = id;
1004  if (db->Fetch() != eBDB_Ok) {
1005  return 0;
1006  }
1007  return db->CreateReader();
1008  }}
1009 }
1012 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1014 {
1015  CWriteLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
1016  m_IdDeMux->FreeUnusedMem();
1017 }
1018 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1019 inline CBDB_Transaction*
1021 {
1022  ITransaction* trans = this->GetTransaction();
1023  return dynamic_cast<CBDB_Transaction*>(trans);
1024 }
1026 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1027 inline void
1029 {
1031  CBDB_Transaction* curr_trans;
1033  if (m_TransAssociation == (int) CBDB_Transaction::eFullAssociation) {
1034  curr_trans = this->GetBDBTransaction();
1035  if (curr_trans) {
1036  curr_trans->Remove(this);
1037  }
1038  }
1040  curr_trans = db_trans;
1041  if (curr_trans) {
1042  m_TransAssociation = curr_trans->GetAssociationMode();
1043  if (m_TransAssociation == (int) CBDB_Transaction::eFullAssociation) {
1044  curr_trans->Add(this);
1045  }
1046  }
1048 }
1051 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1052 inline void
1054 {
1055  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_Volumes.size(); ++i) {
1056  SVolume* v = m_Volumes[i];
1057  if ( !v ) {
1058  continue;
1059  }
1060  for (size_t j = 0; j < v->db_vect.size(); ++j) {
1061  SLockedDb* db = &*(v->db_vect[j]);
1062  if (db && db->db) {
1063  db->db->Sync();
1064  }
1065  }
1066  }
1067 }
1070 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1071 inline EBDB_ErrCode
1073  const unsigned* coords,
1074  void** buf,
1075  size_t buf_size,
1076  CBDB_RawFile::EReallocMode allow_realloc,
1077  size_t* blob_size)
1078 {
1079  EBDB_ErrCode ret;
1080  TBlobFile* db;
1081  TLock* lock;
1082  {{
1083  SLockedDb& dbp = this->GetDb(coords[0], coords[1], eGetRead);
1085  if (dbp.db_ro.get()) {
1086  db = dbp.db_ro.get();
1087  lock = dbp.lock_ro.get();
1088  } else {
1089  db = dbp.db.get();
1090  lock = dbp.lock.get();
1091  }
1092  }}
1093  {{
1094  TLockGuard lg(*lock);
1095  db->SetTransaction(GetTransaction());
1096  db->id = id;
1098  ret = db->Fetch(buf, buf_size, allow_realloc);
1099  if (ret == eBDB_Ok) {
1100  if (blob_size) {
1101  *blob_size = db->LobSize();
1102  }
1103  }
1104  }}
1105  return ret;
1106 }
1110 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1111 inline EBDB_ErrCode
1113  void** buf,
1114  size_t buf_size,
1115  CBDB_RawFile::EReallocMode allow_realloc,
1116  size_t* blob_size)
1117 {
1118  unsigned coord[2];
1119  bool found;
1120  {{
1121  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
1122  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
1123  }}
1124  if (!found) {
1125  return eBDB_NotFound;
1126  }
1127  return this->Fetch(id, coord, buf, buf_size, allow_realloc, blob_size);
1128 }
1130 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1131 inline EBDB_ErrCode
1133  unsigned* coord)
1134 {
1135  _ASSERT(coord);
1136  bool found;
1137  {{
1138  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
1139  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
1140  }}
1141  if (!found) {
1142  return eBDB_NotFound;
1143  }
1144  return eBDB_Ok;
1145 }
1147 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1148 inline EBDB_ErrCode
1150  unsigned id,
1151  const unsigned* coords,
1153 {
1154  _ASSERT(coords);
1156  TBlobFile* db = NULL;
1157  TLock* lock = NULL;
1158  {{
1159  SLockedDb& dbp = this->GetDb(coords[0], coords[1], eGetRead);
1161  if (dbp.db_ro.get()) {
1162  db = dbp.db_ro.get();
1163  lock = dbp.lock_ro.get();
1164  } else {
1165  db = dbp.db.get();
1166  lock = dbp.lock.get();
1167  }
1168  }}
1170  {{
1171  TLockGuard lg(*lock);
1173  db->SetTransaction(GetBDBTransaction());
1174  db->id = id;
1175  EBDB_ErrCode e = db->ReadRealloc(buffer);
1176  return e;
1177  }}
1178 }
1181 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1182 inline EBDB_ErrCode
1184  unsigned id,
1186 {
1187  unsigned coord[2];
1188  bool found;
1189  {{
1190  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
1191  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
1192  }}
1193  if (!found) {
1194  return eBDB_NotFound;
1195  }
1196  return this->ReadRealloc(id, coord, buffer);
1197 }
1199 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1200 inline EBDB_ErrCode
1202  size_t* blob_size)
1203 {
1204  unsigned coord[2];
1205  bool found;
1206  {{
1207  CReadLockGuard lg(m_IdDeMuxLock);
1208  found = m_IdDeMux->GetCoordinatesFast(id, coord);
1209  }}
1210  if (!found) {
1211  return eBDB_NotFound;
1212  }
1213  return this->BlobSize(id, coord, blob_size);
1214 }
1216 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1217 inline EBDB_ErrCode
1219  const unsigned* coords,
1220  size_t* blob_size)
1221 {
1222  TBlobFile* db;
1223  TLock* lock;
1224  {{
1225  SLockedDb& dbp = this->GetDb(coords[0], coords[1], eGetRead);
1227  if (dbp.db_ro.get()) {
1228  db = dbp.db_ro.get();
1229  lock = dbp.lock_ro.get();
1230  } else {
1231  db = dbp.db.get();
1232  lock = dbp.lock.get();
1233  }
1234  }}
1236  {{
1237  TLockGuard lg(*lock);
1238  db->SetTransaction(GetTransaction());
1239  db->id = id;
1240  EBDB_ErrCode e = db->Fetch();
1241  if (e != eBDB_Ok) {
1242  return e;
1243  }
1244  *blob_size = db->LobSize();
1245  return e;
1246  }}
1247 }
1251 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1252 inline void
1254  CBDB_RawFile::EOpenMode open_mode,
1255  CBDB_RawFile::EDBType db_type)
1256 {
1257  CloseVolumes();
1258  m_StorageName = storage_name;
1259  m_OpenMode = open_mode;
1260  m_DB_Type = db_type;
1262  {{
1263  TLockGuard lg1(m_DictFileLock);
1264  CReadLockGuard lg2(m_IdDeMuxLock);
1266  OpenDict();
1267  LoadIdDeMux(*m_IdDeMux, *m_DictFile);
1268  }}
1269 }
1271 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1272 inline bool
1274 {
1275  return m_DictFile.get() ? true : false;
1276 }
1278 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1279 inline void
1281 {
1282  unsigned max_split = m_ObjDeMux->GetSplitSize();
1283  unsigned max_vol = m_ObjDeMux->GetVolumeSize();
1284  if (!max_split || !max_vol) {
1285  // cannot do anything: open ended projections
1286  return;
1287  }
1288  for (unsigned i = 0; i < max_vol; ++i) {
1289  for (unsigned j = 0; j < max_split; ++j) {
1290  /* SLockedDb& db = */ this->GetDb(i, j, eGetRead);
1291  }
1292  }
1293  m_AllProjAvail = true;
1294  this->Save(TDeMuxStore::eNoCompact); // quick dump no compression
1295 }
1297 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1298 inline void
1300 {
1301  m_DictFile.reset(new TDeMuxStore);
1302  if (m_Env) {
1303  m_DictFile->SetEnv(*m_Env);
1304  }
1305  string dict_fname(m_StorageName);
1306  dict_fname.append(".splitd");
1308  m_DictFile->Open(dict_fname.c_str(), m_OpenMode);
1310  m_IdDeMux.reset(new TIdDeMux(2));
1311 }
1313 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1314 inline void
1316  TDeMuxStore& dict_file)
1317 {
1318  CBDB_FileCursor cur(dict_file);
1320  cur.From << 0;
1322  typename TDeMuxStore::TBuffer& buf = dict_file.GetBuffer();
1323  EBDB_ErrCode err;
1324  while (true) {
1325  err = dict_file.FetchToBuffer(cur);
1326  if (err != eBDB_Ok) {
1327  break;
1328  }
1329  unsigned dim = dict_file.dim;
1330  unsigned dim_idx = dict_file.dim_idx;
1332  unique_ptr<TBitVector> bv(new TBitVector(bm::BM_GAP));
1333  dict_file.Deserialize(bv.get(), &buf[0]);
1335  de_mux.SetProjection(dim, dim_idx, bv.release());
1337  } // while
1338 }
1340 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1341 inline void
1343  typename TDeMuxStore::ECompact compact_vectors)
1344 {
1345  if ( m_IdDeMux.get() && m_DictFile.get() ) {
1346  TLockGuard lg1(m_DictFileLock);
1347  CReadLockGuard lg2(m_IdDeMuxLock);
1349  // use NULL transaction (autocommit)
1350  this->SaveIdDeMux(*m_IdDeMux, *m_DictFile, 0, compact_vectors);
1351  }
1352 }
1355 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1356 inline void
1358  const TIdDeMux& de_mux,
1359  TDeMuxStore& dict_file,
1360  CBDB_Transaction* trans,
1361  typename TDeMuxStore::ECompact compact_vectors)
1362 {
1363  dict_file.SetTransaction(trans);
1365  size_t N = de_mux.GetN();
1366  for (size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
1367  const typename TIdDeMux::TDimVector& dv = de_mux.GetDimVector(i);
1369  for (size_t j = 0; j < dv.size(); ++j) {
1370  dict_file.dim = (Uint4) i;
1371  dict_file.dim_idx = (Uint4) j;
1373  const TBitVector* bv = dv[j].get();
1374  if (!bv) {
1376  } else {
1377  dict_file.WriteVector(*bv, compact_vectors);
1378  }
1380  } // for j
1381  } // for i
1382 }
1384 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1385 inline unsigned
1387 {
1388  if (splice < m_PageSizes.size())
1389  return m_PageSizes[splice];
1390  return 64 * 1024;
1391 }
1393 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1394 inline string
1396  unsigned slice)
1397 {
1398  string ext;
1399  switch (m_DB_Type)
1400  {
1401  case CBDB_RawFile::eBtree:
1402  ext = ".db";
1403  break;
1404  case CBDB_RawFile::eHash:
1405  ext = ".hdb";
1406  break;
1407  default:
1408  _ASSERT(0);
1409  } // switch
1410  return m_StorageName + "_" +
1411  NStr::UIntToString(vol) + "_" + NStr::UIntToString(slice) + ext;
1412 }
1414 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1416 {
1417  if ((ldb->lock.get() == 0) || (ldb->lock_ro.get() == 0)) {
1418  TLockGuard lg(m_VolumesLock);
1419  if (ldb->lock.get() == 0) {
1420  ldb->lock.reset(new TLock);
1421  }
1422  if (ldb->lock_ro.get() == 0) {
1423  ldb->lock_ro.reset(new TLock);
1424  }
1425  }
1426 }
1429 template<class TBV, class TObjDeMux, class TL>
1432  unsigned slice,
1433  EGetDB_Mode get_mode)
1434 {
1435  // speculative un-locked check if everything is open already
1436  // (we don't close or shrink the store in parallel, so it is safe)
1438  SLockedDb* lp = 0;
1440  // all databases are pre-open - no need to lock top level mutex
1441  //
1442  if (m_AllProjAvail) {
1444  _ASSERT(m_Volumes.size() > vol);
1445  _ASSERT((m_Volumes[vol])->db_vect.size() > slice);
1447  SVolume& volume = *(m_Volumes[vol]);
1448  lp = &*volume.db_vect[slice];
1450  _ASSERT(lp->db.get());
1451  _ASSERT(lp->lock.get());
1453  return *lp;
1454  }
1456  {{
1457  TLockGuard lg(m_VolumesLock);
1458  if ((m_Volumes.size() > vol) &&
1459  ((m_Volumes[vol])->db_vect.size() > slice)) {
1460  SVolume& volume = *(m_Volumes[vol]);
1461  lp = &*volume.db_vect[slice];
1462  if (lp->db.get()) {
1463  return *lp;
1464  }
1465  }
1466  }}
1468  { // lock protected open
1469  TLockGuard lg(m_VolumesLock);
1470  while (m_Volumes.size() < (vol+1)) {
1471  unique_ptr<SVolume> v(new SVolume);
1472  v->db_vect.resize(slice+1);
1473  for (size_t i = 0; i < v->db_vect.size(); ++i) {
1474  if ( !v->db_vect[i] ) {
1475  v->db_vect[i] = new SLockedDb;
1476  }
1477  } // for
1478  m_Volumes.push_back(v.release());
1479  }
1481  SVolume& volume = *(m_Volumes[vol]);
1482  if (volume.db_vect.size() <= slice) {
1483  volume.db_vect.resize(slice+1);
1484  for (size_t i = 0; i < volume.db_vect.size(); ++i) {
1485  if ( !volume.db_vect[i] ) {
1486  volume.db_vect[i] = new SLockedDb;
1487  }
1488  } // for
1490  }
1491  lp = &*volume.db_vect[slice];
1492  }
1494  bool needs_save = false;
1496  {{
1497  _ASSERT(lp);
1499  InitDbMutex(lp);
1500  TLockGuard lg(*(lp->lock));
1501  if (lp->db.get() == 0) {
1502  string fname = this->MakeDbFileName(vol, slice);
1504  m_DB_Type));
1505  if (m_Env) {
1506  lp->db->SetEnv(*m_Env);
1508  m_DB_Type));
1509  lp->db_ro->SetEnv(*m_Env);
1510  } else {
1511  if (m_VolumeCacheSize) {
1512  lp->db->SetCacheSize(m_VolumeCacheSize);
1513  }
1514  }
1515  unsigned page_size = GetPageSize(slice);
1516  if (page_size) {
1517  lp->db->SetPageSize(page_size);
1518  }
1520  /// also twiddle min keys per page
1521  switch (slice) {
1522  case 0:
1523  /// page size = default
1524  /// blobs <= 256 bytes
1525  lp->db->SetBtreeMinKeysPerPage(6);
1526  break;
1528  case 1:
1529  /// page size = default
1530  /// blobs > 256, <= 512 bytes
1531  lp->db->SetBtreeMinKeysPerPage(3);
1532  break;
1534  default:
1535  /// use default = 2
1536  break;
1537  }
1539  /// turn off reverse splitting if requested
1540  if (m_RevSplitOff) {
1541  lp->db->RevSplitOff();
1542  }
1544  lp->db->Open(fname.c_str(), m_OpenMode);
1545  lp->db->SetCachePriority(m_CachePriority);
1546  if (lp->db_ro.get()) {
1547  lp->db_ro->Open(fname.c_str(), CBDB_RawFile::eReadOnly);
1548  lp->db_ro->SetCachePriority(m_CachePriority);
1549  }
1550  needs_save = true;
1551  }
1552  }}
1554  if (needs_save &&
1555  (m_OpenMode == CBDB_RawFile::eReadWriteCreate ||
1556  m_OpenMode == CBDB_RawFile::eReadWrite) &&
1557  get_mode == eGetWrite) {
1558  // new split volume: checkpoint the changes
1559  this->Save(TDeMuxStore::eNoCompact); // quick dump no compression
1560  }
1562  return *lp;
1563 }
1569 #endif
BDB library BLOB support.
BDB bitvector storage.
Berkeley BDB file cursor.
Wrapper around Berkeley DB transaction structure.
Split demux which can save and load state into a file Stateful (persistent) class.
Base class for page-split demultiplexers.
BLOB demultiplexer implements round-robin volume rotation.
Volume split BLOB demultiplexer.
BLOB storage based on single unsigned integer key Supports BLOB volumes and different base page size ...
Persistent storage for demux information.
Basic template class for bitvector storage.
BDB environment object a collection including support for some or all of caching, locking,...
Definition: bdb_env.hpp:61
Uint4 field type.
Definition: bdb_types.hpp:1267
Berkeley DB file cursor class.
Definition: bdb_cursor.hpp:95
Variant of BLOB storage for integer key database.
Definition: bdb_blob.hpp:154
Raw file class wraps up basic Berkeley DB operations.
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:73
BDB transaction object.
Definition: bdb_trans.hpp:63
CFastMutex –.
Definition: ncbimtx.hpp:667
CFile –.
Definition: ncbifile.hpp:1605
Id to coordinates demultiplexer.
Definition: id_mux.hpp:121
size_t GetN() const
Get order of Multiplexer.
Definition: id_mux.hpp:150
const TDimVector & GetDimVector(size_t i) const
Get dimension vector.
Definition: id_mux.hpp:342
void SetProjection(size_t i, size_t idx, TBitVector *bv)
Assign projection idx for dimension i.
Definition: id_mux.hpp:358
vector< TBitVectorPtr > TDimVector
Dimension vector.
Definition: id_mux.hpp:137
void Resize(size_t i, size_t j, T val=T())
resize this matrix, filling the empty cells with a known value
Definition: matrix.hpp:390
size_t GetRows() const
get the number of rows in this matrix
Definition: matrix.hpp:298
size_t GetCols() const
get the number of columns in this matrix
Definition: matrix.hpp:305
CObject –.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:180
CRWLock –.
Definition: ncbimtx.hpp:953
Reallocable memory buffer (no memory copy overhead) Mimics vector<>, without the overhead of explicit...
Thread local transactional object.
A very basic data-read interface.
Transaction interface.
Include a standard set of the NCBI C++ Toolkit most basic headers.
The NCBI C++ standard methods for dealing with std::string.
#define true
Definition: bool.h:35
#define false
Definition: bool.h:36
static HENV env
Definition: transaction2.c:38
char data[12]
Definition: iconv.c:80
void reset(element_type *p=0, EOwnership ownership=eTakeOwnership)
Reset will delete the old pointer (if owned), set content to the new value, and assume the ownership ...
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:480
element_type * get(void) const
Get pointer.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:469
CBDB_Env * GetEnv(void) const
Get pointer on file environment Return NULL if no environment has been set.
void Save(CNcbiOstream &ostr)
TL::TWriteLockGuard TLockGuard
unique_ptr< TDeMuxStore > m_DictFile
Split dictionary(id demux file)
SLockedDb & GetDb(unsigned vol, unsigned slice, EGetDB_Mode get_mode)
Get database pair (method opens and mounts database if necessary)
void InitDbMutex(SLockedDb *ldb)
Init database mutex lock (mathod is protected against double init)
IReader * CreateReader(unsigned id)
Create stream oriented reader.
CBDB_RawFile::EOpenMode m_OpenMode
CBDB_BlobStoreDict< TBV > TDeMuxStore
void OpenProjections()
Try to open all storage files in all projections This is only possible when object de-mux has fixed n...
size_t LobSize() const
Get LOB size. Becomes available right after successfull Fetch.
Definition: bdb_blob.cpp:164
const string & GetFileName() const
Return the base filename of the underlying split store.
void SaveIdDeMux(const TIdDeMux &de_mux, TDeMuxStore &dict_file, CBDB_Transaction *trans, typename TDeMuxStore::ECompact compact_vectors)
Store id demux (projection vectors) into the database file.
void Load(CNcbiIstream &istr)
TLock m_CrossDBLock
Lock used to sync. muli-db transactions to avoid deadlocks.
bool IsSameCoordinates(const unsigned *coords1, const unsigned *coords2)
Returns true if two sets of coordinates are the same.
EBDB_ErrCode Delete(unsigned id, CBDB_RawFile::EIgnoreError on_error=CBDB_RawFile::eThrowOnError)
Delete BLOB.
EBDB_ErrCode ReadRealloc(TBuffer &buffer)
Read BLOB into vector.
Definition: bdb_blob.cpp:92
CBDB_BlobDeMux(double vol_max=1.5 *(1024.00 *1024.00 *1024.00), unsigned rec_max=3 *1000000)
EBDB_ErrCode WriteVector(const TBitVector &bv, ECompact compact)
Save a bitvector to the store.
CNcbiMatrix< unsigned > TVolumeRecs
EBDB_ErrCode Insert(unsigned id, const void *data, size_t size, unsigned *coord)
Insert BLOB into the storage.
EBDB_ErrCode BlobSize(unsigned id, const unsigned *coords, size_t *blob_size)
unique_ptr< TObjDeMux > m_ObjDeMux
Obj to coordinates mapper.
CBDB_IdBlobFile TBlobFile
CBDB_RawFile::EDBType m_DB_Type
bool m_RevSplitOff
Flag carrying reverse split status.
void Sync()
Sync the underlying stores.
CBDB_FieldUint4 dim
CBDB_RawFile::ECachePriority m_CachePriority
static unsigned SelectSplit(size_t blob_size)
LOBs are getting split into slices based on LOB size, similar BLOBs go to the compartment with more o...
virtual void SetTransaction(ITransaction *trans)
Establish transaction association.
void FreeUnusedMem()
Reclaim unused memory.
EBDB_ErrCode Insert(unsigned id, const void *data, size_t size)
vector< CRef< SLockedDb > > db_vect
void RevSplitOff()
Turn off reverse splitting on the underlying stores.
EBDB_ErrCode UpdateInsert(unsigned id, const void *data, size_t size)
CBDB_Transaction * GetBDBTransaction()
void OpenDict()
Open split storage dictionary.
CBDB_BvStore< TBV > TParent
EBDB_ErrCode ReadRealloc(unsigned id, CBDB_RawFile::TBuffer &buffer)
Read BLOB into vector.
AutoPtr< TLock > lock_ro
db lock for reads
CBDB_BlobSplitStore(TObjDeMux *de_mux)
Construction The main parameter here is object demultiplexer for splitting incoming LOBs into volumes...
EBDB_ErrCode ReadRealloc(unsigned id, const unsigned *coords, CBDB_RawFile::TBuffer &buffer)
Read BLOB into vector using provided coordinates If BLOB does not fit, method resizes the vector to a...
bool IsOpen() const
Return true if the split store has been opened.
AutoPtr< TBlobFile > db
database file
void GetCoordinates(unsigned blob_size, unsigned *coord)
TVolumeRecs m_RecS
Volumes record counts.
string MakeDbFileName(unsigned vol, unsigned slice)
Make BDB file name based on volume and page size split.
EBDB_ErrCode UpdateInsert(unsigned id, const unsigned *old_coord, const void *data, size_t size, unsigned *coord)
Update or insert BLOB using old coordinates.
EBDB_ErrCode Fetch()
Fetch the record corresponding to the current key value.
Definition: bdb_blob.cpp:54
TBuffer & GetBuffer()
Get access to the internal buffer.
CBDB_BlobDeMuxPersistent(const string &path, double vol_max=1.5 *(1024.00 *1024.00 *1024.00), unsigned rec_max=3 *1000000)
void SetVolumeCacheSize(unsigned int cache_size)
TVolumeVect m_Volumes
unsigned GetVolumeSize() const
Returns total number of volumes (vertical projection) If method returns 0 - means there is no hard nu...
AutoPtr< TLock > lock
db lock
CBDB_BlobSplitStore(const CBDB_BlobSplitStore< TBV, TObjDeMux, TL > &)
void Deserialize(TBitVector *bv, const TBufferValue *buf)
EBDB_ErrCode Delete(unsigned id, const unsigned *coords, CBDB_RawFile::EIgnoreError on_error=CBDB_RawFile::eThrowOnError)
EBDB_ErrCode UpdateInsert(unsigned id, const void *data, size_t size, unsigned *coord)
Update or insert BLOB.
void GetCoordinates(unsigned blob_size, unsigned *coord)
void LoadIdDeMux(TIdDeMux &de_mux, TDeMuxStore &dict_file)
void Save(typename TDeMuxStore::ECompact compact_vectors=TDeMuxStore::eCompact)
Save storage dictionary (demux disposition).
IReader * CreateReader(unsigned id, const unsigned *coords)
void SetCachePriority(CBDB_RawFile::ECachePriority)
Set the priority for this database's pages in the buffer cache This is generally a temporary adviseme...
unsigned m_RecMax
Maximum number of records.
IReader * CreateReader()
Creates stream like object to read BLOB by chunks.
Definition: bdb_blob.cpp:196
void CloseVolumes()
Close volumes without saving or doing anything with id demux.
double m_VolMax
Volume max size.
TVolumeSize m_VolS
Volumes BLOB sizes.
EBDB_ErrCode Fetch(unsigned id, void **buf, size_t buf_size, CBDB_RawFile::EReallocMode allow_realloc, size_t *blob_size)
Fetch LOB record directly into the provided '*buf'.
vector< SVolume * > TVolumeVect
CBDB_FieldUint4 dim_idx
projection index
void SetEnv(CBDB_Env &env)
Associate with the environment. Should be called before opening.
unsigned GetVolumeSize() const
Returns total number of volumes (vertical projection) If method returns 0 - means there is no hard nu...
CIdDeMux< TBV > TIdDeMux
unsigned GetPageSize(unsigned splice) const
Select preferred page size for the specified slice.
EBDB_ErrCode BlobSize(unsigned id, size_t *blob_size)
Get size of the BLOB.
vector< unsigned > m_PageSizes
TLock m_VolumesLock
Volumes locker.
CBDB_FieldUint4 id
ID key.
Definition: bdb_blob.hpp:156
EBDB_ErrCode Fetch(unsigned id, const unsigned *coords, void **buf, size_t buf_size, CBDB_RawFile::EReallocMode allow_realloc, size_t *blob_size)
CBDB_BlobDeMux_RoundRobin(unsigned volumes=0)
TLock m_DictFileLock
id demux file locker
void GetIdVector(TBitVector *bv) const
Get all id of all BLOBs stored.
CBDB_BlobSplitStore< TBV, TObjDeMux, TL > & operator=(const CBDB_BlobSplitStore< TBV, TObjDeMux, TL > &)
EBDB_ErrCode GetCoordinates(unsigned id, unsigned *coords)
Find (demux) coordinates by BLOB id.
CNcbiMatrix< double > TVolumeSize
Compression options for vector storage.
unique_ptr< TIdDeMux > m_IdDeMux
Id to coordinates mapper.
EBDB_ErrCode FetchToBuffer(CBDB_FileCursor &cur)
Fetch the next BLOB record to the resiable buffer.
void Open(const string &storage_name, CBDB_RawFile::EOpenMode open_mode, CBDB_RawFile::EDBType db_type=CBDB_RawFile::eBtree)
Open storage (reads storage dictionary into memory)
AutoPtr< TBlobFile > db_ro
database file for reads
unsigned GetSplitSize() const
Returns total number of splits (horizontal projection) If method returns 0 - means there is no hard n...
void AssignCoordinates(unsigned id, const unsigned *coords)
Assing de-mux coordinates.
bool m_AllProjAvail
True when all proj.dbs are pre-open.
EBDB_ErrCode Delete(EIgnoreError on_error=eThrowOnError)
Delete record corresponding to the current key value.
Definition: bdb_file.cpp:1496
void SetCondition(ECondition cond_from, ECondition cond_to=eNotSet)
Set search condition(type of interval)
Definition: bdb_cursor.cpp:263
BDB file open mode.
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:78
Berkeley DB database type.
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:86
virtual void SetTransaction(ITransaction *trans)
Establish transaction association.
Definition: bdb_file.cpp:602
void BindKey(const char *field_name, CBDB_Field *key_field, size_t buf_size=0)
Definition: bdb_file.cpp:1281
BLOB read mode, controld data buffer reallocation when there is not enough space in buffer.
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:95
Set the priority for this database's pages in the buffer cache This is generally a temporary adviseme...
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:205
BDB Return codes.
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:57
CBDB_ConditionHandle From
Definition: bdb_cursor.hpp:252
@ eReadWriteCreate
read-write, create if it doesn't exist
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:82
@ eDuplicatesDisable
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:102
@ eBDB_KeyDup
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:60
@ eBDB_Ok
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:58
@ eBDB_NotFound
Definition: bdb_file.hpp:59
EKeepFileAssociation GetAssociationMode() const
Transaction file association mode.
Definition: bdb_trans.hpp:126
virtual void Add(ITransactional *dbfile)
Add file to the list of connected files.
Definition: bdb_trans.cpp:115
static CBDB_Transaction * CastTransaction(ITransaction *trans)
Downcast ITransaction.
Definition: bdb_trans.cpp:135
virtual void Remove(ITransactional *dbfile)
Remove file from the list of connected files.
Definition: bdb_trans.cpp:123
@ eFullAssociation
Transaction associated with files.
Definition: bdb_trans.hpp:83
#define NULL
Definition: ncbistd.hpp:225
#define ERR_POST_XX(error_name, err_subcode, message)
Error posting with error code having given name and with given error subcode.
Definition: ncbidiag.hpp:564
void Error(CExceptionArgs_Base &args)
Definition: ncbiexpt.hpp:1197
virtual const char * what(void) const noexcept
Standard report (includes full backlog).
Definition: ncbiexpt.cpp:342
uint32_t Uint4
4-byte (32-bit) unsigned integer
Definition: ncbitype.h:103
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
IO_PREFIX::ofstream CNcbiOfstream
Portable alias for ofstream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:500
IO_PREFIX::ostream CNcbiOstream
Portable alias for ostream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:149
IO_PREFIX::istream CNcbiIstream
Portable alias for istream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:146
IO_PREFIX::ifstream CNcbiIfstream
Portable alias for ifstream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:439
static string UIntToString(unsigned int value, TNumToStringFlags flags=0, int base=10)
Convert UInt to string.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:5103
CGuard< CRWLock, SSimpleWriteLock< CRWLock > > TWriteLockGuard
Definition: ncbimtx.hpp:934
virtual void SetTransaction(ITransaction *trans)
Establish transaction association.
GAP compression is ON.
Definition: bmconst.h:148
Classes and interfaces to map integer ids into multi-dimension coordinates.
Definition of all error codes used in bdb library (bdb.lib and ncbi_xcache_bdb.lib).
char * buf
int i
const struct ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::SIZE size
Defines classes: CDirEntry, CFile, CDir, CSymLink, CMemoryFile, CFileUtil, CFileLock,...
Multi-threading – mutexes; rw-locks; semaphore.
NCBI C++ stream class wrappers for triggering between "new" and "old" C++ stream libraries.
T max(T x_, T y_)
static uint8_t * buffer
Definition: pcre2test.c:1016
static SLJIT_INLINE sljit_ins lg(sljit_gpr r, sljit_s32 d, sljit_gpr x, sljit_gpr b)
BDB Database together with the locker One database is opened twice, one regular mode,...
Volume split on optimal page size.
Abstract object demultiplexer.
Definition: id_mux.hpp:59
#define _ASSERT
#define N
Definition: crc32.c:57
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:37 2024 by rev. 669887