70 Int4 q_pat_length,
Int4 s_pat_length,
Definitions used throughout BLAST.
NULL operations for other cases.
Structures and functions prototypes used for BLAST gapped extension.
Structures and API used for saving BLAST hits.
Structure and function definitions for BLAST parameter structures, which are internal to the CORE of ...
Defines the engine's notion of the different applications of the BLAST algorithm.
Definitions and functions associated with the BlastQueryInfo structure.
Definitions of structures used for saving traceback information.
uint8_t Uint1
1-byte (8-bit) unsigned integer
int16_t Int2
2-byte (16-bit) signed integer
int32_t Int4
4-byte (32-bit) signed integer
Type and macro definitions from C toolkit that are not defined in C++ toolkit.
Uint1 Boolean
bool replacment for C
Functions for finding pattern matches in sequence (PHI-BLAST).
Int2 PHIGappedAlignmentWithTraceback(Uint1 *query, Uint1 *subject, BlastGapAlignStruct *gap_align, const BlastScoringParameters *score_params, Int4 q_start, Int4 s_start, Int4 query_length, Int4 subject_length, Int4 q_pat_length, Int4 s_pat_length, SPHIPatternSearchBlk *pattern_blk)
Perform a gapped alignment with traceback for PHI BLAST.
Int2 PHIGetGappedScore(EBlastProgramType program_number, BLAST_SequenceBlk *query, BlastQueryInfo *query_info, BLAST_SequenceBlk *subject, BlastGapAlignStruct *gap_align, const BlastScoringParameters *score_params, const BlastExtensionParameters *ext_params, const BlastHitSavingParameters *hit_params, const BlastInitialWordParameters *word_params, BlastInitHitList *init_hitlist, BlastHSPList **hsp_list_ptr, BlastGappedStats *gapped_stats, Boolean *fence_hit)
Preliminary gapped alignment for PHI BLAST.
Structure to hold a sequence.
Computed values used as parameters for gapped alignments.
Structure supporting the gapped alignment.
Structure containing hit counts from the gapped stage of a BLAST search.
The structure to hold all HSPs for a given sequence after the gapped alignment.
Parameter block that contains a pointer to BlastHitSavingOptions and the values derived from it.
Structure to hold all initial HSPs for a given subject sequence.
Parameter block that contains a pointer to BlastInitialWordOptions and the values derived from it.
The query related information.
Scoring parameters block Contains scoring-related information that is actually used for the blast sea...
Structure containing all auxiliary information needed in a pattern search.