(Submitter supplied) #%create_date=Wed Dec 22 13:03:44 PST 2010 #%guid=04795ed5-9038-4dff-957e-da346791f552 #%chip_type=miRNA-2_0 # File order is all miRNAs that have mapping information grouped by organism, then all miRNAs without mapping information grouped by organism, then all sno/sca from UCSC and ensembl, and lastly the controls. # miRNAs: # An annot name generally represents one genome location," but may refer to multiple annotations because of multiple mature products delineated by ""-3p"" and ""-5p"""," or "".1"" and "".2""." # Also, those with a '*' are minor products, and those without '*' or any other aforementioned suffix are considered the major product.
more...- Organism:
- synthetic construct
- 187 Series
- 3459 Samples
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