All Fields |
ALL, * | All terms from all searchable fields. Default field. | free text, wildcard (*) supported | Find P450 genes in DataSets that investigate smoking smok* AND P450 |
Annotation Type |
ATYP, annot_type | Source of annotation | fixed list, use gene, nucleotide, unigene or protein | Find profiles with Gene-based annotation gene[Annotation Type] |
Base Position |
CPOS, CPOSITION, CHRPOS | Base pair position on chromosome | integer, range function supported, must be used in conjuction with Chromosome field | Find profiles that lie between base positions 10000 to 3000000 on chromosome 8 in mouse (8[Chromosome] AND 10000:3000000[Base Position]) AND mouse[organism] |
Chromosome |
CHR, CHROMOSOME, CH, CHROM | Chromosome number or name | chromosome number or name | Find profiles that lie between base positions 10000 to 3000000 on chromosome 8 in mouse (8[Chromosome] AND 10000:3000000[Base Position]) AND mouse[organism] |
DataSet Type |
GTYP, gdsType | DataSet type | fixed list, check Advanced Search page for list of indexed terms | Find MPSS profiles expression profiling by mpss[DataSet Type] |
Filter |
FILT, FLTR, SUBSET, SB, FIL | Filters for records that have links to other NCBI databases | fixed list, check Advanced Search Preview/Index page for list of indexed terms | Find profiles that have links to NCBI's Gene database geo gene[Filter] |
Flag Information |
FINF, FLAG_INFO, NOTE | Profiles of specific subset types and for which a subset effect is found. GEO DataSets are partitioned into subsets that reflect
experimental design. Profiles are flagged as having subset effects if they display differential expression across
experimental variables. CAUTION: The subset effect scoring method is ad hoc, taking into
account group medians, means, deviation inside the groups, penalties and
arbitrary cutoff thresholds. This flag is simply an attempt to give
potentially differentially-regulated genes higher visibility, and is not
intended to provide an absolute determination of significance. | fixed list, check Advanced Search page for list of indexed terms | Find profiles that exhibit subset effects with respect to age or development stage age[Flag Information] OR development stage[Flag Information] |
Flag Type |
FTYP, FLAG_TYPE | Profiles that exhibit specific types of subset effects.
GEO DataSets are partitioned into subsets that reflect
experimental design. Profiles are flagged as having subset effects if they display differential expression across
experimental variables. CAUTION: The subset effect scoring method is ad hoc, taking into
account group medians, means, deviation inside the groups, penalties and
arbitrary cutoff thresholds. This flag is simply an attempt to give
potentially differentially-regulated genes higher visibility, and is not
intended to provide an absolute determination of significance. | fixed list, check Advanced Search for list of indexed terms | Find profiles that exhibit rank subset effects rank subset effect[Flag Type] |
GDS Text |
GDST, GDStxt | Text from DataSet title and summary | free text, wildcard (*) supported | Find profiles for Datasets that investigate muscular dystrophy muscular dystrophy[GDS Text] |
GEO Accession |
ACCN, accession | GEO accession number | valid DataSet (GDS), Platform (GPL), Sample (GSM) or Series (GSE) accession | Find profiles for Platform GPL570 GPL570[GEO Accession] |
GEO Description/Title Text |
GEOT, TI, GEOtxt | Text provided in the DataSet or Series description, title and other metadata fields | free text, wildcard (*) supported | Find profiles from studies that examine aspirin aspirin[GEO Description/Title Text] |
GI |
GI | Mapped GenBank Identifier | integer | Find profiles for GenBank Identifier 89145416 89145416[GI] |
Gene Description |
GDSC, GEND, aliases, GENE, GeneDesc | Gene description and aliases from Gene, title from UniGene. | free text, wildcard (*) supported | Find kinase genes in GDS182 kinase[Gene Description] AND GDS182 |
Gene Ontology |
GO | Gene Ontology terms | Gene Ontology (GO) terms, wildcard (*) supported | Find apoptosis genes in GDS182 apoptosis[Gene Ontology] AND GDS182 |
Gene Symbol |
SYMB, GeneSymbol | Gene Symbol from Gene or UniGene | free text, wildcard (*) supported | Find CYP1A1 gene CYP1A1[Gene Symbol] |
ID, ID_REF | ID from GEO Platform, SAGE tag, Affy ProbeSet ID | free text, wildcard (*) supported | Find profiles for Affymetrix probeset ID 218973_at 218973_at[ID_REF] |
Max Value Rank |
RMAX, RNKMX | The maximum value percentile rank for any Sample within DataSet | integer, 0-100, range function supported | Find profiles where the maximum rank percentile is in the 1st percentile (ie, genes with low expression) 1[Max Value Rank] |
Min Value Rank |
RMIN, RNKMN | The minimum value percentile rank for any Sample within DataSet | integer, 0-100, range function supported | Find profiles where the minimum rank percentile is in the 100th percentile (ie, highly expressed genes) 100[Min Value Rank] |
Number of Samples |
NSAM, n_samples | Number of Samples in the DataSet | integer, range function supported | Find profiles with between 100 and 200 samples 100:200[Number of Samples] |
Organism |
ORGN | Name of the organism | NCBI taxonomy terms, wildcard (*) supported, all levels in the taxonomy lineage and common names are indexed | Find mouse profiles Mus musculus[Organism] |
Platform Reporter Type |
RTYP, rep_type | Platform reporter type used for annotation | fixed list, check Advanced Search page for list of indexed terms | Find profiles where a CLONE ID is the basis for annotation Mus musculus[Organism] |
Ranked Standard Deviation |
RSTD, RNSTD | Percentile rank of profile standard deviation compared to all other profiles in a DataSet | integer, 0-100, range function supported | Find profiles with a high level of standard deviation 100[Ranked Standard Deviation] |
Reporter Identifier |
NAME, identifier, Gene Identifier | Name or identifier of Platform probe | free text, wildcard (*) supported | Find profiles that include a probe corresponding to Arg1 D00636[Reporter Identifier] |
Sample Source |
SRC, source | The source of the biological material of the Sample; warning: submitter-supplied field, not curated | free text, wildcard (*) supported | Find profiles with samples from brain brain[Sample Source] |
Sample Value Type |
VTYP, value_type | Sample value type | fixed list, check Advanced Search page for list of indexed terms | Find profiles with log ratio sample values log ratio[Sample Value Type] |