NCBI C++ ToolKit
Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Enumerator | Functions | Variables
Code generated by DATATOOL from 'pcsubstance.asn' (module 'NCBI-PCSubstance')
+ Collaboration diagram for Code generated by DATATOOL from 'pcsubstance.asn' (module 'NCBI-PCSubstance'):


class  CPC_AtomInt
 CPC_AtomInt –. More...
class  CPC_AtomInt_Base
 Specification of an Association between an Atom Identifier and an Integer Value. More...
class  CPC_AtomRadical
 CPC_AtomRadical –. More...
class  CPC_AtomRadical_Base
 Rudimentary Atom Electronic Configuration Designation. More...
class  CPC_Atoms
 CPC_Atoms –. More...
class  CPC_Atoms_Base
 Atom Information (in Parallel Arrays) More...
class  CPC_AtomSource
 CPC_AtomSource –. More...
class  CPC_AtomSource_Base
 Specification of an Association between an Atom Identifier and Source. More...
class  CPC_AtomString
 CPC_AtomString –. More...
class  CPC_AtomString_Base
 Specification of an Association between an Atom Identifier and a String Value. More...
class  CPC_Bonds
 CPC_Bonds –. More...
class  CPC_Bonds_Base
 Bond Description Information (in Parallel Arrays) More...
class  CPC_Bracket
 CPC_Bracket –. More...
class  CPC_Bracket_Base
 Display coordinates for a bracket (e.g. More...
class  CPC_Compound
 CPC_Compound –. More...
class  CPC_Compound_Base
 Compound Record. More...
class  CPC_Compounds
 CPC_Compounds –. More...
class  CPC_Compounds_Base
 Holder for groups of Compounds. More...
class  CPC_CompoundType
 CPC_CompoundType –. More...
class  CPC_CompoundType_Base
 Qualification used to describe the type of Compound deposited, standardized, or derived. More...
class  CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id
 Compound Namespace and ID (absent for "deposited" type compounds) More...
class  CPC_Conformer
 CPC_Conformer –. More...
class  CPC_Conformer_Base
 Drawing/Conformer Definition (in Parallel Arrays, synchronized to aid integer list) 3D coordinates are specified in a right-handed coordinate system. More...
class  CPC_Conformers
 CPC_Conformers –. More...
class  CPC_Conformers_Base
 Holder for groups of Conformers. More...
class  CPC_Coordinates
 CPC_Coordinates –. More...
class  CPC_Coordinates_Base
 Coordinates for the Compound of a given type. More...
class  CPC_Count
 CPC_Count –. More...
class  CPC_Count_Base
 Counts of various properties of a Compound. More...
class  CPC_DBTracking
 CPC_DBTracking –. More...
class  CPC_DBTracking_Base
 External DB Tracking Information. More...
class  CPC_DrawAnnotations
 CPC_DrawAnnotations –. More...
class  CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base
 Drawing Annotations (in Parallel Arrays) [Note: A pair of atoms can have multiple annotations]. More...
class  CPC_Group
 CPC_Group –. More...
class  CPC_Group_Base
 Superatom group (e.g. More...
class  CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count
 Repeat count (e.g. More...
class  CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range
 C_Range –. More...
class  CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds
 Special bonds in this group (typically capping/crossing bonds, e.g. More...
class  CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets
 Bracket display (e.g. More...
class  CPC_ID
 CPC_ID –. More...
class  CPC_ID_Base
 ID and Version Description Information. More...
class  CPC_InfoData
 CPC_InfoData –. More...
class  CPC_InfoData_Base
 Compound Description/Descriptor Data. More...
class  CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value
 Data Value. More...
class  CPC_MMDBSource
 CPC_MMDBSource –. More...
class  CPC_MMDBSource_Base
 MMDB Source Record detailing specific location or part of an MMDB Record. More...
class  CPC_Source
 CPC_Source –. More...
class  CPC_Source_Base
 Describes Substance Source, if from another database. More...
class  CPC_StereoCenter
 CPC_StereoCenter –. More...
class  CPC_StereoCenter_Base
 Allowed Stereogenic Center Types [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology]. More...
class  CPC_StereoGroup
 CPC_StereoGroup –. More...
class  CPC_StereoGroup_Base
 List of atom identifiers which are in a common stereochemistry group. More...
class  CPC_StereoOctahedral
 CPC_StereoOctahedral –. More...
class  CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base
 Octahedral (OC-6) and Square Pyramid (SPY-5) StereoCenters [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology] [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]. More...
class  CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid
 CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid –. More...
class  CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base
 Pentagonal BiPyramid (PBPY-7) StereoCenters [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology] [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]. More...
class  CPC_StereoPlanar
 CPC_StereoPlanar –. More...
class  CPC_StereoPlanar_Base
 SP2 Planar Stereogenic Center, Cumulenic StereoCenter (Linear systems on an odd number of double bonds present planar stereochemistry) [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology] [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]. More...
class  CPC_StereoSquarePlanar
 CPC_StereoSquarePlanar –. More...
class  CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base
 Square Planar (SP4) StereoCenters [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology] [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]. More...
class  CPC_StereoTetrahedral
 CPC_StereoTetrahedral –. More...
class  CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base
 SP3 Tetrahedral StereoCenter, Trigonal Pyramid Stereogenic Center, Cumulenic StereoCenter (Linear systems of an even number of double bonds), or Hindered biaryl stereocenter (All biaryls have hindered rotation that to some extent the ortho-hydrogens prevent coplanarity) [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology] [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]. More...
class  CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid
 CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid –. More...
class  CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base
 Trigonal BiPyramid (TBPY-4 and TBPY-5) StereoCenters [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology] [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]. More...
class  CPC_StereoTShape
 CPC_StereoTShape –. More...
class  CPC_StereoTShape_Base
 T-Shaped (TS-3) StereoCenters [Using IUPAC Stereogenic Center recommendations and terminology] [Note: "-1" can be used for the Atom Identifier to represent a lone-pair or implicit hydrogen]. More...
class  CPC_Substance
 CPC_Substance –. More...
class  CPC_Substance_Base
 Root Record for Chemical Substance Definition. More...
class  CPC_Substances
 CPC_Substances –. More...
class  CPC_Substances_Base
 Holder for groups of Substances. More...
class  CPC_Urn
 CPC_Urn –. More...
class  CPC_Urn_Base
 Universal Resource Name Provides explicit source information on derived or calculated data. More...
class  CPC_XRefData
 CPC_XRefData –. More...
class  CPC_XRefData_Base
 Depositor Provided X-Ref and LinkOut data for Entrez. More...


typedef CPC_AtomInt_Base CPC_AtomInt::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AtomInt_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AtomInt_Base::TAid
typedef int CPC_AtomInt_Base::TValue
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_AtomInt_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AtomRadical_Base CPC_AtomRadical::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AtomRadical_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AtomRadical_Base::TAid
typedef int CPC_AtomRadical_Base::TType
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_AtomRadical_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Atoms_Base CPC_Atoms::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Atoms_Base::Tparent
typedef vector< intCPC_Atoms_Base::TAid
typedef vector< intCPC_Atoms_Base::TElement
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AtomString > > CPC_Atoms_Base::TLabel
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AtomInt > > CPC_Atoms_Base::TIsotope
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AtomInt > > CPC_Atoms_Base::TCharge
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AtomRadical > > CPC_Atoms_Base::TRadical
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AtomSource > > CPC_Atoms_Base::TSource
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AtomString > > CPC_Atoms_Base::TComment
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 9 > CPC_Atoms_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AtomSource_Base CPC_AtomSource::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AtomSource_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AtomSource_Base::TAid
typedef CPC_MMDBSource CPC_AtomSource_Base::TSource
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_AtomSource_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_AtomString_Base CPC_AtomString::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_AtomString_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_AtomString_Base::TAid
typedef string CPC_AtomString_Base::TValue
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_AtomString_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Bonds_Base CPC_Bonds::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Bonds_Base::Tparent
typedef vector< intCPC_Bonds_Base::TAid1
typedef vector< intCPC_Bonds_Base::TAid2
typedef vector< intCPC_Bonds_Base::TOrder
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > CPC_Bonds_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Bracket_Base CPC_Bracket::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Bracket_Base::Tparent
typedef double CPC_Bracket_Base::TX1
typedef double CPC_Bracket_Base::TY1
typedef double CPC_Bracket_Base::TX2
typedef double CPC_Bracket_Base::TY2
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 5 > CPC_Bracket_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Compound_Base CPC_Compound::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Compound_Base::Tparent
typedef CPC_CompoundType CPC_Compound_Base::TId
typedef CPC_Atoms CPC_Compound_Base::TAtoms
typedef CPC_Bonds CPC_Compound_Base::TBonds
typedef list< CRef< CPC_StereoCenter > > CPC_Compound_Base::TStereo
typedef list< CRef< CPC_Coordinates > > CPC_Compound_Base::TCoords
typedef int CPC_Compound_Base::TCharge
typedef list< CRef< CPC_InfoData > > CPC_Compound_Base::TProps
typedef list< CRef< CPC_StereoGroup > > CPC_Compound_Base::TStereogroups
typedef CPC_Count CPC_Compound_Base::TCount
typedef CPC_Compounds CPC_Compound_Base::TVbalt
typedef list< CRef< CPC_Group > > CPC_Compound_Base::TGroups
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 12 > CPC_Compound_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Compounds_Base CPC_Compounds::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Compounds_Base::Tparent
typedef list< CRef< CPC_Compound > > CPC_Compounds_Base::Tdata
typedef CPC_CompoundType_Base CPC_CompoundType::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_CompoundType_Base::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::Tparent
typedef int CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::TCid
typedef int CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::TSid
typedef int CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::TXid
typedef int CPC_CompoundType_Base::TType
typedef C_Id CPC_CompoundType_Base::TId
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_CompoundType_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Conformer_Base CPC_Conformer::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Conformer_Base::Tparent
typedef vector< double > CPC_Conformer_Base::TX
typedef vector< double > CPC_Conformer_Base::TY
typedef vector< double > CPC_Conformer_Base::TZ
typedef CPC_DrawAnnotations CPC_Conformer_Base::TStyle
typedef list< CRef< CPC_InfoData > > CPC_Conformer_Base::TData
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 6 > CPC_Conformer_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Conformers_Base CPC_Conformers::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Conformers_Base::Tparent
typedef list< CRef< CPC_Conformer > > CPC_Conformers_Base::Tdata
typedef CPC_Coordinates_Base CPC_Coordinates::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Coordinates_Base::Tparent
typedef vector< intCPC_Coordinates_Base::TType
typedef vector< intCPC_Coordinates_Base::TAid
typedef list< CRef< CPC_Conformer > > CPC_Coordinates_Base::TConformers
typedef list< CRef< CPC_AtomString > > CPC_Coordinates_Base::TAtomlabels
typedef list< CRef< CPC_InfoData > > CPC_Coordinates_Base::TData
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 6 > CPC_Coordinates_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Count_Base CPC_Count::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Count_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::THeavy_atom
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TAtom_chiral
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TAtom_chiral_def
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TAtom_chiral_undef
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TBond_chiral
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TBond_chiral_def
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TBond_chiral_undef
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TIsotope_atom
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TCovalent_unit
typedef int CPC_Count_Base::TTautomers
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 11 > CPC_Count_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_DBTracking_Base CPC_DBTracking::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_DBTracking_Base::Tparent
typedef string CPC_DBTracking_Base::TName
typedef CObject_id CPC_DBTracking_Base::TSource_id
typedef CDate CPC_DBTracking_Base::TDate
typedef string CPC_DBTracking_Base::TDescription
typedef CPub CPC_DBTracking_Base::TPub
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 6 > CPC_DBTracking_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base CPC_DrawAnnotations::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::Tparent
typedef vector< intCPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::TAnnotation
typedef vector< intCPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::TAid1
typedef vector< intCPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::TAid2
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 4 > CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Group_Base CPC_Group::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Group_Base::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::Tparent
typedef int CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::TLower
typedef int CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::TUpper
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::TmemberIndex
typedef int CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::TExact
typedef C_Range CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::TRange
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::Tparent
typedef vector< intCPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::TFrom
typedef vector< intCPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::TTo
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::TmemberIndex
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::Tparent
typedef CPC_Bracket CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::TLeft
typedef CPC_Bracket CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::TRight
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::TmemberIndex
typedef vector< intCPC_Group_Base::TAtoms
typedef int CPC_Group_Base::TType
typedef int CPC_Group_Base::TSubtype
typedef int CPC_Group_Base::TConnectivity
typedef int CPC_Group_Base::TLabel
typedef string CPC_Group_Base::TSubscript
typedef C_Repeat_count CPC_Group_Base::TRepeat_count
typedef C_Bonds CPC_Group_Base::TBonds
typedef C_Brackets CPC_Group_Base::TBrackets
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 10 > CPC_Group_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_ID_Base CPC_ID::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_ID_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_ID_Base::TId
typedef int CPC_ID_Base::TVersion
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_ID_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_InfoData_Base CPC_InfoData::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_InfoData_Base::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::Tparent
typedef bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TBval
typedef vector< char > CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TBvec
typedef int CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TIval
typedef vector< intCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TIvec
typedef double CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TFval
typedef vector< double > CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TFvec
typedef string CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TSval
typedef list< stringCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TSlist
typedef CDate CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TDate
typedef vector< char > CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TBinary
typedef CBitString CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::TBitlist
typedef CPC_Urn CPC_InfoData_Base::TUrn
typedef C_Value CPC_InfoData_Base::TValue
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_InfoData_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_MMDBSource_Base CPC_MMDBSource::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_MMDBSource_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_MMDBSource_Base::TMmdb_id
typedef int CPC_MMDBSource_Base::TMolecule_id
typedef list< stringCPC_MMDBSource_Base::TMolecule_name
typedef int CPC_MMDBSource_Base::TResidue_id
typedef string CPC_MMDBSource_Base::TResidue_name
typedef int CPC_MMDBSource_Base::TAtom_id
typedef string CPC_MMDBSource_Base::TAtom_name
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 8 > CPC_MMDBSource_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Source_Base CPC_Source::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Source_Base::Tparent
typedef CPub CPC_Source_Base::TIndividual
typedef CPC_DBTracking CPC_Source_Base::TDb
typedef CPC_MMDBSource CPC_Source_Base::TMmdb
typedef CPC_StereoCenter_Base CPC_StereoCenter::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoCenter_Base::Tparent
typedef CPC_StereoTetrahedral CPC_StereoCenter_Base::TTetrahedral
typedef CPC_StereoPlanar CPC_StereoCenter_Base::TPlanar
typedef CPC_StereoSquarePlanar CPC_StereoCenter_Base::TSquareplanar
typedef CPC_StereoOctahedral CPC_StereoCenter_Base::TOctahedral
typedef CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid CPC_StereoCenter_Base::TBipyramid
typedef CPC_StereoTShape CPC_StereoCenter_Base::TTshape
typedef CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid CPC_StereoCenter_Base::TPentagonal
typedef CPC_StereoGroup_Base CPC_StereoGroup::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoGroup_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_StereoGroup_Base::TType
typedef list< intCPC_StereoGroup_Base::TAid
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 3 > CPC_StereoGroup_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base CPC_StereoOctahedral::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::TCenter
typedef int CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::TTop
typedef int CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::TBottom
typedef int CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::TLabove
typedef int CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::TLbelow
typedef int CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::TRabove
typedef int CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::TRbelow
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 8 > CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TCenter
typedef int CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TTop
typedef int CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TBottom
typedef int CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TLeft
typedef int CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TLabove
typedef int CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TLbelow
typedef int CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TRabove
typedef int CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TRbelow
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 9 > CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_StereoPlanar_Base CPC_StereoPlanar::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TLeft
typedef int CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TLtop
typedef int CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TLbottom
typedef int CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TRight
typedef int CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TRtop
typedef int CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TRbottom
typedef int CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TParity
typedef int CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TType
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 9 > CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base CPC_StereoSquarePlanar::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::TCenter
typedef int CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::TLbelow
typedef int CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::TRbelow
typedef int CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::TLabove
typedef int CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::TRabove
typedef int CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::TParity
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 7 > CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base CPC_StereoTetrahedral::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::TCenter
typedef int CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::TAbove
typedef int CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::TTop
typedef int CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::TBottom
typedef int CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::TBelow
typedef int CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::TParity
typedef int CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::TType
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 8 > CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::TCenter
typedef int CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::TAbove
typedef int CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::TBelow
typedef int CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::TTop
typedef int CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::TBottom
typedef int CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::TRight
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 7 > CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_StereoTShape_Base CPC_StereoTShape::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_StereoTShape_Base::Tparent
typedef int CPC_StereoTShape_Base::TCenter
typedef int CPC_StereoTShape_Base::TTop
typedef int CPC_StereoTShape_Base::TBottom
typedef int CPC_StereoTShape_Base::TAbove
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 5 > CPC_StereoTShape_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Substance_Base CPC_Substance::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Substance_Base::Tparent
typedef CPC_ID CPC_Substance_Base::TSid
typedef CPC_Source CPC_Substance_Base::TSource
typedef list< CRef< CPub > > CPC_Substance_Base::TPub
typedef list< stringCPC_Substance_Base::TSynonyms
typedef list< stringCPC_Substance_Base::TComment
typedef list< CRef< CPC_XRefData > > CPC_Substance_Base::TXref
typedef CPC_Compounds CPC_Substance_Base::TCompound
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 8 > CPC_Substance_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_Substances_Base CPC_Substances::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Substances_Base::Tparent
typedef list< CRef< CPC_Substance > > CPC_Substances_Base::Tdata
typedef CPC_Urn_Base CPC_Urn::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_Urn_Base::Tparent
typedef string CPC_Urn_Base::TLabel
typedef string CPC_Urn_Base::TName
typedef int CPC_Urn_Base::TDatatype
typedef string CPC_Urn_Base::TParameters
typedef string CPC_Urn_Base::TImplementation
typedef string CPC_Urn_Base::TVersion
typedef string CPC_Urn_Base::TSoftware
typedef string CPC_Urn_Base::TSource
typedef string CPC_Urn_Base::TRelease
typedef Tparent::CMemberIndex< E_memberIndex, 10 > CPC_Urn_Base::TmemberIndex
typedef CPC_XRefData_Base CPC_XRefData::Tparent
typedef CSerialObject CPC_XRefData_Base::Tparent
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TRegid
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TRn
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TMesh
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TPmid
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TGi
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TMmdb
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TSid
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TCid
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TDburl
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TSburl
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TAsurl
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TProtein_gi
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TNucleotide_gi
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TTaxonomy
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TAid
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TMim
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TGene
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TProbe
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TBiosystem
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TGeogse
typedef int CPC_XRefData_Base::TGeogsm
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TPatent
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TProtein_accession
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TNucleotide_accession
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TDoi
typedef string CPC_XRefData_Base::TCitation


enum class  CPC_AtomInt_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_AtomInt_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AtomInt_Base::e_aid , CPC_AtomInt_Base::e_value }
enum  CPC_AtomRadical_Base::EType {
  CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_singlet = 1 , CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_doublet = 2 , CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_triplet = 3 , CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_quartet = 4 ,
  CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_quintet = 5 , CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_hextet = 6 , CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_heptet = 7 , CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_octet = 8 ,
  CPC_AtomRadical_Base::eType_none = 255
 Type of Atom Radical. More...
enum class  CPC_AtomRadical_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_AtomRadical_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AtomRadical_Base::e_aid , CPC_AtomRadical_Base::e_type }
enum class  CPC_Atoms_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Atoms_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Atoms_Base::e_aid , CPC_Atoms_Base::e_element , CPC_Atoms_Base::e_label ,
  CPC_Atoms_Base::e_isotope , CPC_Atoms_Base::e_charge , CPC_Atoms_Base::e_radical , CPC_Atoms_Base::e_source ,
enum class  CPC_AtomSource_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_AtomSource_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AtomSource_Base::e_aid , CPC_AtomSource_Base::e_source }
enum class  CPC_AtomString_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_AtomString_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_AtomString_Base::e_aid , CPC_AtomString_Base::e_value }
enum  EPC_BondAnnotation {
  ePC_BondAnnotation_crossed = 1 , ePC_BondAnnotation_dashed = 2 , ePC_BondAnnotation_wavy = 3 , ePC_BondAnnotation_dotted = 4 ,
  ePC_BondAnnotation_wedge_up = 5 , ePC_BondAnnotation_wedge_down = 6 , ePC_BondAnnotation_arrow = 7 , ePC_BondAnnotation_aromatic = 8 ,
  ePC_BondAnnotation_resonance = 9 , ePC_BondAnnotation_bold = 10 , ePC_BondAnnotation_fischer = 11 , ePC_BondAnnotation_closeContact = 12 ,
  ePC_BondAnnotation_unknown = 255
 Atom-Atom Annotation Information. More...
enum class  CPC_Bonds_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_Bonds_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Bonds_Base::e_aid1 , CPC_Bonds_Base::e_aid2 , CPC_Bonds_Base::e_order }
enum  EPC_BondType {
  ePC_BondType_single = 1 , ePC_BondType_double = 2 , ePC_BondType_triple = 3 , ePC_BondType_quadruple = 4 ,
  ePC_BondType_dative = 5 , ePC_BondType_complex = 6 , ePC_BondType_ionic = 7 , ePC_BondType_unknown = 255
 Bond Type Information. More...
enum class  CPC_Bracket_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Bracket_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Bracket_Base::e_x1 , CPC_Bracket_Base::e_y1 , CPC_Bracket_Base::e_x2 ,
enum class  CPC_Compound_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Compound_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Compound_Base::e_id , CPC_Compound_Base::e_atoms , CPC_Compound_Base::e_bonds ,
  CPC_Compound_Base::e_stereo , CPC_Compound_Base::e_coords , CPC_Compound_Base::e_charge , CPC_Compound_Base::e_props ,
  CPC_Compound_Base::e_stereogroups , CPC_Compound_Base::e_count , CPC_Compound_Base::e_vbalt , CPC_Compound_Base::e_groups
enum  CPC_CompoundType_Base::EType {
  CPC_CompoundType_Base::eType_deposited = 0 , CPC_CompoundType_Base::eType_standardized = 1 , CPC_CompoundType_Base::eType_component = 2 , CPC_CompoundType_Base::eType_neutralized = 3 ,
  CPC_CompoundType_Base::eType_mixture = 4 , CPC_CompoundType_Base::eType_tautomer = 5 , CPC_CompoundType_Base::eType_pka_state = 6 , CPC_CompoundType_Base::eType_unknown = 255
 Compound Qualifier or Type For Compound Depositions. More...
enum  CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::E_Choice { CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::e_Cid , CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::e_Sid , CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::e_Xid }
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::e_MaxChoice = 4 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...
enum class  CPC_CompoundType_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_CompoundType_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_CompoundType_Base::e_type , CPC_CompoundType_Base::e_id }
enum class  CPC_Conformer_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Conformer_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Conformer_Base::e_x , CPC_Conformer_Base::e_y , CPC_Conformer_Base::e_z ,
  CPC_Conformer_Base::e_style , CPC_Conformer_Base::e_data
enum class  CPC_Coordinates_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Coordinates_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Coordinates_Base::e_type , CPC_Coordinates_Base::e_aid , CPC_Coordinates_Base::e_conformers ,
  CPC_Coordinates_Base::e_atomlabels , CPC_Coordinates_Base::e_data
enum  EPC_CoordinateType {
  ePC_CoordinateType_twod = 1 , ePC_CoordinateType_threed = 2 , ePC_CoordinateType_submitted = 3 , ePC_CoordinateType_experimental = 4 ,
  ePC_CoordinateType_computed = 5 , ePC_CoordinateType_standardized = 6 , ePC_CoordinateType_augmented = 7 , ePC_CoordinateType_aligned = 8 ,
  ePC_CoordinateType_compact = 9 , ePC_CoordinateType_units_angstroms = 10 , ePC_CoordinateType_units_nanometers = 11 , ePC_CoordinateType_units_pixel = 12 ,
  ePC_CoordinateType_units_points = 13 , ePC_CoordinateType_units_stdbonds = 14 , ePC_CoordinateType_units_unknown = 255
 Coordinate Set Type Distinctions. More...
enum class  CPC_Count_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Count_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Count_Base::e_heavy_atom , CPC_Count_Base::e_atom_chiral , CPC_Count_Base::e_atom_chiral_def ,
  CPC_Count_Base::e_atom_chiral_undef , CPC_Count_Base::e_bond_chiral , CPC_Count_Base::e_bond_chiral_def , CPC_Count_Base::e_bond_chiral_undef ,
  CPC_Count_Base::e_isotope_atom , CPC_Count_Base::e_covalent_unit , CPC_Count_Base::e_tautomers
enum class  CPC_DBTracking_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_DBTracking_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_DBTracking_Base::e_name , CPC_DBTracking_Base::e_source_id , CPC_DBTracking_Base::e_date ,
  CPC_DBTracking_Base::e_description , CPC_DBTracking_Base::e_pub
enum class  CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::e_annotation , CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::e_aid1 , CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::e_aid2 }
enum  EPC_Element {
  ePC_Element_a = 255 , ePC_Element_d = 254 , ePC_Element_r = 253 , ePC_Element_lp = 252 ,
  ePC_Element_h = 1 , ePC_Element_he = 2 , ePC_Element_li = 3 , ePC_Element_be = 4 ,
  ePC_Element_b = 5 , ePC_Element_c = 6 , ePC_Element_n = 7 , ePC_Element_o = 8 ,
  ePC_Element_f = 9 , ePC_Element_ne = 10 , ePC_Element_na = 11 , ePC_Element_mg = 12 ,
  ePC_Element_al = 13 , ePC_Element_si = 14 , ePC_Element_p = 15 , ePC_Element_s = 16 ,
  ePC_Element_cl = 17 , ePC_Element_ar = 18 , ePC_Element_k = 19 , ePC_Element_ca = 20 ,
  ePC_Element_sc = 21 , ePC_Element_ti = 22 , ePC_Element_v = 23 , ePC_Element_cr = 24 ,
  ePC_Element_mn = 25 , ePC_Element_fe = 26 , ePC_Element_co = 27 , ePC_Element_ni = 28 ,
  ePC_Element_cu = 29 , ePC_Element_zn = 30 , ePC_Element_ga = 31 , ePC_Element_ge = 32 ,
  ePC_Element_as = 33 , ePC_Element_se = 34 , ePC_Element_br = 35 , ePC_Element_kr = 36 ,
  ePC_Element_rb = 37 , ePC_Element_sr = 38 , ePC_Element_y = 39 , ePC_Element_zr = 40 ,
  ePC_Element_nb = 41 , ePC_Element_mo = 42 , ePC_Element_tc = 43 , ePC_Element_ru = 44 ,
  ePC_Element_rh = 45 , ePC_Element_pd = 46 , ePC_Element_ag = 47 , ePC_Element_cd = 48 ,
  ePC_Element_in = 49 , ePC_Element_sn = 50 , ePC_Element_sb = 51 , ePC_Element_te = 52 ,
  ePC_Element_i = 53 , ePC_Element_xe = 54 , ePC_Element_cs = 55 , ePC_Element_ba = 56 ,
  ePC_Element_la = 57 , ePC_Element_ce = 58 , ePC_Element_pr = 59 , ePC_Element_nd = 60 ,
  ePC_Element_pm = 61 , ePC_Element_sm = 62 , ePC_Element_eu = 63 , ePC_Element_gd = 64 ,
  ePC_Element_tb = 65 , ePC_Element_dy = 66 , ePC_Element_ho = 67 , ePC_Element_er = 68 ,
  ePC_Element_tm = 69 , ePC_Element_yb = 70 , ePC_Element_lu = 71 , ePC_Element_hf = 72 ,
  ePC_Element_ta = 73 , ePC_Element_w = 74 , ePC_Element_re = 75 , ePC_Element_os = 76 ,
  ePC_Element_ir = 77 , ePC_Element_pt = 78 , ePC_Element_au = 79 , ePC_Element_hg = 80 ,
  ePC_Element_tl = 81 , ePC_Element_pb = 82 , ePC_Element_bi = 83 , ePC_Element_po = 84 ,
  ePC_Element_at = 85 , ePC_Element_rn = 86 , ePC_Element_fr = 87 , ePC_Element_ra = 88 ,
  ePC_Element_ac = 89 , ePC_Element_th = 90 , ePC_Element_pa = 91 , ePC_Element_u = 92 ,
  ePC_Element_np = 93 , ePC_Element_pu = 94 , ePC_Element_am = 95 , ePC_Element_cm = 96 ,
  ePC_Element_bk = 97 , ePC_Element_cf = 98 , ePC_Element_es = 99 , ePC_Element_fm = 100 ,
  ePC_Element_md = 101 , ePC_Element_no = 102 , ePC_Element_lr = 103 , ePC_Element_rf = 104 ,
  ePC_Element_db = 105 , ePC_Element_sg = 106 , ePC_Element_bh = 107 , ePC_Element_hs = 108 ,
  ePC_Element_mt = 109 , ePC_Element_ds = 110 , ePC_Element_rg = 111 , ePC_Element_cn = 112 ,
  ePC_Element_nh = 113 , ePC_Element_fl = 114 , ePC_Element_mc = 115 , ePC_Element_lv = 116 ,
  ePC_Element_ts = 117 , ePC_Element_og = 118
 Element Information [which may contain "illegal" element values]. More...
enum  CPC_Group_Base::EType {
  CPC_Group_Base::eType_sup = 1 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_mul = 2 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_sru = 3 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_mon = 4 ,
  CPC_Group_Base::eType_mer = 5 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_cop = 6 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_cro = 7 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_mod = 8 ,
  CPC_Group_Base::eType_gra = 9 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_com = 10 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_mix = 11 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_for = 12 ,
  CPC_Group_Base::eType_dat = 13 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_any = 14 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_gen = 15 , CPC_Group_Base::eType_unknown = 255
 These enumerated values are adapted from the ctfile format specification Type of group (e.g. More...
enum  CPC_Group_Base::ESubtype { CPC_Group_Base::eSubtype_alt = 1 , CPC_Group_Base::eSubtype_ran = 2 , CPC_Group_Base::eSubtype_blo = 3 , CPC_Group_Base::eSubtype_unknown = 255 }
 Subtype (e.g. from MOL field SST) More...
enum  CPC_Group_Base::EConnectivity { CPC_Group_Base::eConnectivity_hh = 1 , CPC_Group_Base::eConnectivity_ht = 2 , CPC_Group_Base::eConnectivity_eu = 3 , CPC_Group_Base::eConnectivity_unknown = 255 }
 Connectivity (e.g. from MOL field SCN) More...
enum class  CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::E_memberIndex { CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::e_lower , CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::e_upper }
enum  CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::E_Choice { CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::e_Exact , CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::e_Range }
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::e_MaxChoice = 3 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...
enum class  CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::E_memberIndex { CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::e_from , CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::e_to }
enum class  CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::E_memberIndex { CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::e_left , CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::e_right }
enum class  CPC_Group_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Group_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Group_Base::e_atoms , CPC_Group_Base::e_type , CPC_Group_Base::e_subtype ,
  CPC_Group_Base::e_connectivity , CPC_Group_Base::e_label , CPC_Group_Base::e_subscript , CPC_Group_Base::e_repeat_count ,
  CPC_Group_Base::e_bonds , CPC_Group_Base::e_brackets
enum class  CPC_ID_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_ID_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_ID_Base::e_id , CPC_ID_Base::e_version }
enum  CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::E_Choice {
  CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Bval , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Bvec , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Ival ,
  CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Ivec , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Fval , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Fvec , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Sval ,
  CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Slist , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Date , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Binary , CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_Bitlist
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::e_MaxChoice = 12 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...
enum class  CPC_InfoData_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_InfoData_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_InfoData_Base::e_urn , CPC_InfoData_Base::e_value }
enum class  CPC_MMDBSource_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_MMDBSource_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_MMDBSource_Base::e_mmdb_id , CPC_MMDBSource_Base::e_molecule_id , CPC_MMDBSource_Base::e_molecule_name ,
  CPC_MMDBSource_Base::e_residue_id , CPC_MMDBSource_Base::e_residue_name , CPC_MMDBSource_Base::e_atom_id , CPC_MMDBSource_Base::e_atom_name
enum  CPC_Source_Base::E_Choice { CPC_Source_Base::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_Source_Base::e_Individual , CPC_Source_Base::e_Db , CPC_Source_Base::e_Mmdb }
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_Source_Base::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_Source_Base::e_MaxChoice = 4 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...
enum  CPC_StereoCenter_Base::E_Choice {
  CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_Tetrahedral , CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_Planar , CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_Squareplanar ,
  CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_Octahedral , CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_Bipyramid , CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_Tshape , CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_Pentagonal
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_StereoCenter_Base::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_StereoCenter_Base::e_MaxChoice = 8 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...
enum  CPC_StereoGroup_Base::EType { CPC_StereoGroup_Base::eType_absolute = 1 , CPC_StereoGroup_Base::eType_or = 2 , CPC_StereoGroup_Base::eType_and = 3 , CPC_StereoGroup_Base::eType_unknown = 255 }
enum class  CPC_StereoGroup_Base::E_memberIndex { CPC_StereoGroup_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_StereoGroup_Base::e_type , CPC_StereoGroup_Base::e_aid }
enum class  CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::e_center , CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::e_top , CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::e_bottom ,
  CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::e_labove , CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::e_lbelow , CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::e_rabove , CPC_StereoOctahedral_Base::e_rbelow
enum class  CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::e_center , CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::e_top , CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::e_bottom ,
  CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::e_left , CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::e_labove , CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::e_lbelow , CPC_StereoPentagonalBiPyramid_Base::e_rabove ,
enum  CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::EParity { CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::eParity_same = 1 , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::eParity_opposite = 2 , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::eParity_any = 3 , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::eParity_unknown = 255 }
 StereoCenter Designation. More...
enum  CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::EType { CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::eType_planar = 1 , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::eType_cumulenic = 2 }
 Type of StereoCenter, SP2 Planar, if not specified. More...
enum class  CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::e_left , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::e_ltop , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::e_lbottom ,
  CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::e_right , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::e_rtop , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::e_rbottom , CPC_StereoPlanar_Base::e_parity ,
enum  CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::EParity {
  CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::eParity_u_shape = 1 , CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::eParity_z_shape = 2 , CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::eParity_x_shape = 3 , CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::eParity_any = 4 ,
  CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::eParity_unknown = 255
 StereoCenter Type. More...
enum class  CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::e_center , CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::e_lbelow , CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::e_rbelow ,
  CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::e_labove , CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::e_rabove , CPC_StereoSquarePlanar_Base::e_parity
enum  CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::EParity { CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::eParity_clockwise = 1 , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::eParity_counterclockwise = 2 , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::eParity_any = 3 , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::eParity_unknown = 255 }
 StereoCenter Designation. More...
enum  CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::EType { CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::eType_tetrahedral = 1 , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::eType_cumulenic = 2 , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::eType_biaryl = 3 }
 Type of StereoCenter, Tetrahedral, if not specified. More...
enum class  CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::e_center , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::e_above , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::e_top ,
  CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::e_bottom , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::e_below , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::e_parity , CPC_StereoTetrahedral_Base::e_type
enum class  CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::e_center , CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::e_above , CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::e_below ,
  CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::e_top , CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::e_bottom , CPC_StereoTrigonalBiPyramid_Base::e_right
enum class  CPC_StereoTShape_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_StereoTShape_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_StereoTShape_Base::e_center , CPC_StereoTShape_Base::e_top , CPC_StereoTShape_Base::e_bottom ,
enum class  CPC_Substance_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Substance_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Substance_Base::e_sid , CPC_Substance_Base::e_source , CPC_Substance_Base::e_pub ,
  CPC_Substance_Base::e_synonyms , CPC_Substance_Base::e_comment , CPC_Substance_Base::e_xref , CPC_Substance_Base::e_compound
enum class  CPC_Urn_Base::E_memberIndex {
  CPC_Urn_Base::e__allMandatory = 0 , CPC_Urn_Base::e_label , CPC_Urn_Base::e_name , CPC_Urn_Base::e_datatype ,
  CPC_Urn_Base::e_parameters , CPC_Urn_Base::e_implementation , CPC_Urn_Base::e_version , CPC_Urn_Base::e_software ,
  CPC_Urn_Base::e_source , CPC_Urn_Base::e_release
enum  EPC_UrnDataType {
  ePC_UrnDataType_string = 1 , ePC_UrnDataType_stringlist = 2 , ePC_UrnDataType_int = 3 , ePC_UrnDataType_intvec = 4 ,
  ePC_UrnDataType_uint = 5 , ePC_UrnDataType_uintvec = 6 , ePC_UrnDataType_double = 7 , ePC_UrnDataType_doublevec = 8 ,
  ePC_UrnDataType_bool = 9 , ePC_UrnDataType_boolvec = 10 , ePC_UrnDataType_uint64 = 11 , ePC_UrnDataType_binary = 12 ,
  ePC_UrnDataType_url = 13 , ePC_UrnDataType_unicode = 14 , ePC_UrnDataType_date = 15 , ePC_UrnDataType_fingerprint = 16 ,
  ePC_UrnDataType_unknown = 255
 URN Data Type Provides the ability to use more specific data types than that directly provided by ASN.1. More...
enum  CPC_XRefData_Base::E_Choice {
  CPC_XRefData_Base::e_not_set = 0 , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Regid , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Rn , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Mesh ,
  CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Pmid , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Gi , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Mmdb , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Sid ,
  CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Cid , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Dburl , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Sburl , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Asurl ,
  CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Protein_gi , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Nucleotide_gi , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Taxonomy , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Aid ,
  CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Mim , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Gene , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Probe , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Biosystem ,
  CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Geogse , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Geogsm , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Patent , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Protein_accession ,
  CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Nucleotide_accession , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Doi , CPC_XRefData_Base::e_Citation
 Choice variants. More...
enum  CPC_XRefData_Base::E_ChoiceStopper { CPC_XRefData_Base::e_MaxChoice = 27 }
 Maximum+1 value of the choice variant enumerator. More...


 CPC_AtomInt::CPC_AtomInt (void)
 CPC_AtomInt::~CPC_AtomInt (void)
 CPC_AtomInt::CPC_AtomInt (const CPC_AtomInt &value)
CPC_AtomIntCPC_AtomInt::operator= (const CPC_AtomInt &value)
 CPC_AtomInt_Base::CPC_AtomInt_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AtomInt_Base::~CPC_AtomInt_Base (void)
bool CPC_AtomInt_Base::IsSetAid (void) const
 Atom Identifier for the Value Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomInt_Base::CanGetAid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void CPC_AtomInt_Base::ResetAid (void)
 Reset Aid data member. More...
TAid CPC_AtomInt_Base::GetAid (void) const
 Get the Aid member data. More...
void CPC_AtomInt_Base::SetAid (TAid value)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
TAidCPC_AtomInt_Base::SetAid (void)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomInt_Base::IsSetValue (void) const
 Value Associated to the ID Check if a value has been assigned to Value data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomInt_Base::CanGetValue (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetValue method. More...
void CPC_AtomInt_Base::ResetValue (void)
 Reset Value data member. More...
TValue CPC_AtomInt_Base::GetValue (void) const
 Get the Value member data. More...
void CPC_AtomInt_Base::SetValue (TValue value)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
TValueCPC_AtomInt_Base::SetValue (void)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AtomInt_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AtomInt_Base::CPC_AtomInt_Base (const CPC_AtomInt_Base &)
CPC_AtomInt_BaseCPC_AtomInt_Base::operator= (const CPC_AtomInt_Base &)
 CPC_AtomRadical::CPC_AtomRadical (void)
 CPC_AtomRadical::~CPC_AtomRadical (void)
 CPC_AtomRadical::CPC_AtomRadical (const CPC_AtomRadical &value)
CPC_AtomRadicalCPC_AtomRadical::operator= (const CPC_AtomRadical &value)
 CPC_AtomRadical_Base::CPC_AtomRadical_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AtomRadical_Base::~CPC_AtomRadical_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_AtomRadical_Base::EType (void)
 Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_AtomRadical_Base::IsSetAid (void) const
 Atom Identifier for the Value Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomRadical_Base::CanGetAid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void CPC_AtomRadical_Base::ResetAid (void)
 Reset Aid data member. More...
TAid CPC_AtomRadical_Base::GetAid (void) const
 Get the Aid member data. More...
void CPC_AtomRadical_Base::SetAid (TAid value)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
TAidCPC_AtomRadical_Base::SetAid (void)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomRadical_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomRadical_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CPC_AtomRadical_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CPC_AtomRadical_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CPC_AtomRadical_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCPC_AtomRadical_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AtomRadical_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AtomRadical_Base::CPC_AtomRadical_Base (const CPC_AtomRadical_Base &)
CPC_AtomRadical_BaseCPC_AtomRadical_Base::operator= (const CPC_AtomRadical_Base &)
 CPC_Atoms::CPC_Atoms (void)
 CPC_Atoms::~CPC_Atoms (void)
 CPC_Atoms::CPC_Atoms (const CPC_Atoms &value)
CPC_AtomsCPC_Atoms::operator= (const CPC_Atoms &value)
 CPC_Atoms_Base::CPC_Atoms_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Atoms_Base::~CPC_Atoms_Base (void)
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::IsSetAid (void) const
 [Note: Parallel Arrays must be kept Synchronized] Atom Identifiers (vector) Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::CanGetAid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void CPC_Atoms_Base::ResetAid (void)
 Reset Aid data member. More...
const TAidCPC_Atoms_Base::GetAid (void) const
 Get the Aid member data. More...
TAidCPC_Atoms_Base::SetAid (void)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::IsSetElement (void) const
 Atomic Numbers (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Element data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::CanGetElement (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetElement method. More...
void CPC_Atoms_Base::ResetElement (void)
 Reset Element data member. More...
const TElementCPC_Atoms_Base::GetElement (void) const
 Get the Element member data. More...
TElementCPC_Atoms_Base::SetElement (void)
 Assign a value to Element data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::IsSetLabel (void) const
 Independent Arrays of ID-Value Pairs (Technically allows multiple values per Atom) Atom labels Check if a value has been assigned to Label data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::CanGetLabel (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetLabel method. More...
void CPC_Atoms_Base::ResetLabel (void)
 Reset Label data member. More...
const TLabelCPC_Atoms_Base::GetLabel (void) const
 Get the Label member data. More...
TLabelCPC_Atoms_Base::SetLabel (void)
 Assign a value to Label data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::IsSetIsotope (void) const
 Isotopic Information Check if a value has been assigned to Isotope data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::CanGetIsotope (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIsotope method. More...
void CPC_Atoms_Base::ResetIsotope (void)
 Reset Isotope data member. More...
const TIsotopeCPC_Atoms_Base::GetIsotope (void) const
 Get the Isotope member data. More...
TIsotopeCPC_Atoms_Base::SetIsotope (void)
 Assign a value to Isotope data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::IsSetCharge (void) const
 Formal Charges Check if a value has been assigned to Charge data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::CanGetCharge (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCharge method. More...
void CPC_Atoms_Base::ResetCharge (void)
 Reset Charge data member. More...
const TChargeCPC_Atoms_Base::GetCharge (void) const
 Get the Charge member data. More...
TChargeCPC_Atoms_Base::SetCharge (void)
 Assign a value to Charge data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::IsSetRadical (void) const
 Radical Information Check if a value has been assigned to Radical data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::CanGetRadical (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRadical method. More...
void CPC_Atoms_Base::ResetRadical (void)
 Reset Radical data member. More...
const TRadicalCPC_Atoms_Base::GetRadical (void) const
 Get the Radical member data. More...
TRadicalCPC_Atoms_Base::SetRadical (void)
 Assign a value to Radical data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::IsSetSource (void) const
 E.g. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::CanGetSource (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSource method. More...
void CPC_Atoms_Base::ResetSource (void)
 Reset Source data member. More...
const TSourceCPC_Atoms_Base::GetSource (void) const
 Get the Source member data. More...
TSourceCPC_Atoms_Base::SetSource (void)
 Assign a value to Source data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::IsSetComment (void) const
 Atom Comments Check if a value has been assigned to Comment data member. More...
bool CPC_Atoms_Base::CanGetComment (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetComment method. More...
void CPC_Atoms_Base::ResetComment (void)
 Reset Comment data member. More...
const TCommentCPC_Atoms_Base::GetComment (void) const
 Get the Comment member data. More...
TCommentCPC_Atoms_Base::SetComment (void)
 Assign a value to Comment data member. More...
virtual void CPC_Atoms_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Atoms_Base::CPC_Atoms_Base (const CPC_Atoms_Base &)
CPC_Atoms_BaseCPC_Atoms_Base::operator= (const CPC_Atoms_Base &)
 CPC_AtomSource::CPC_AtomSource (void)
 CPC_AtomSource::~CPC_AtomSource (void)
 CPC_AtomSource::CPC_AtomSource (const CPC_AtomSource &value)
CPC_AtomSourceCPC_AtomSource::operator= (const CPC_AtomSource &value)
 CPC_AtomSource_Base::CPC_AtomSource_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AtomSource_Base::~CPC_AtomSource_Base (void)
bool CPC_AtomSource_Base::IsSetAid (void) const
 Atom Identifier for the R-Group Source Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomSource_Base::CanGetAid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void CPC_AtomSource_Base::ResetAid (void)
 Reset Aid data member. More...
TAid CPC_AtomSource_Base::GetAid (void) const
 Get the Aid member data. More...
void CPC_AtomSource_Base::SetAid (TAid value)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
TAidCPC_AtomSource_Base::SetAid (void)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomSource_Base::IsSetSource (void) const
 Atom Specific MMDB Record Check if a value has been assigned to Source data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomSource_Base::CanGetSource (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSource method. More...
void CPC_AtomSource_Base::ResetSource (void)
 Reset Source data member. More...
const TSourceCPC_AtomSource_Base::GetSource (void) const
 Get the Source member data. More...
void CPC_AtomSource_Base::SetSource (TSource &value)
 Assign a value to Source data member. More...
TSourceCPC_AtomSource_Base::SetSource (void)
 Assign a value to Source data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AtomSource_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AtomSource_Base::CPC_AtomSource_Base (const CPC_AtomSource_Base &)
CPC_AtomSource_BaseCPC_AtomSource_Base::operator= (const CPC_AtomSource_Base &)
 CPC_AtomString::CPC_AtomString (void)
 CPC_AtomString::~CPC_AtomString (void)
 CPC_AtomString::CPC_AtomString (const CPC_AtomString &value)
CPC_AtomStringCPC_AtomString::operator= (const CPC_AtomString &value)
 CPC_AtomString_Base::CPC_AtomString_Base (void)
virtual CPC_AtomString_Base::~CPC_AtomString_Base (void)
bool CPC_AtomString_Base::IsSetAid (void) const
 Atom Identifier for the Value Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomString_Base::CanGetAid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void CPC_AtomString_Base::ResetAid (void)
 Reset Aid data member. More...
TAid CPC_AtomString_Base::GetAid (void) const
 Get the Aid member data. More...
void CPC_AtomString_Base::SetAid (TAid value)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
TAidCPC_AtomString_Base::SetAid (void)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomString_Base::IsSetValue (void) const
 Value Associated to the ID Check if a value has been assigned to Value data member. More...
bool CPC_AtomString_Base::CanGetValue (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetValue method. More...
void CPC_AtomString_Base::ResetValue (void)
 Reset Value data member. More...
const TValueCPC_AtomString_Base::GetValue (void) const
 Get the Value member data. More...
void CPC_AtomString_Base::SetValue (const TValue &value)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
void CPC_AtomString_Base::SetValue (TValue &&value)
TValueCPC_AtomString_Base::SetValue (void)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
virtual void CPC_AtomString_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_AtomString_Base::CPC_AtomString_Base (const CPC_AtomString_Base &)
CPC_AtomString_BaseCPC_AtomString_Base::operator= (const CPC_AtomString_Base &)
 CPC_Bonds::CPC_Bonds (void)
 CPC_Bonds::~CPC_Bonds (void)
 CPC_Bonds::CPC_Bonds (const CPC_Bonds &value)
CPC_BondsCPC_Bonds::operator= (const CPC_Bonds &value)
 CPC_Bonds_Base::CPC_Bonds_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Bonds_Base::~CPC_Bonds_Base (void)
bool CPC_Bonds_Base::IsSetAid1 (void) const
 [Note: Parallel Arrays must be kept Synchronized] Atom1 Identifier (vector) Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid1 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bonds_Base::CanGetAid1 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid1 method. More...
void CPC_Bonds_Base::ResetAid1 (void)
 Reset Aid1 data member. More...
const TAid1CPC_Bonds_Base::GetAid1 (void) const
 Get the Aid1 member data. More...
TAid1CPC_Bonds_Base::SetAid1 (void)
 Assign a value to Aid1 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bonds_Base::IsSetAid2 (void) const
 Atom2 Identifier (vector) Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid2 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bonds_Base::CanGetAid2 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid2 method. More...
void CPC_Bonds_Base::ResetAid2 (void)
 Reset Aid2 data member. More...
const TAid2CPC_Bonds_Base::GetAid2 (void) const
 Get the Aid2 member data. More...
TAid2CPC_Bonds_Base::SetAid2 (void)
 Assign a value to Aid2 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bonds_Base::IsSetOrder (void) const
 Bond Type Information (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Order data member. More...
bool CPC_Bonds_Base::CanGetOrder (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetOrder method. More...
void CPC_Bonds_Base::ResetOrder (void)
 Reset Order data member. More...
const TOrderCPC_Bonds_Base::GetOrder (void) const
 Get the Order member data. More...
TOrderCPC_Bonds_Base::SetOrder (void)
 Assign a value to Order data member. More...
virtual void CPC_Bonds_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Bonds_Base::CPC_Bonds_Base (const CPC_Bonds_Base &)
CPC_Bonds_BaseCPC_Bonds_Base::operator= (const CPC_Bonds_Base &)
 CPC_Bracket::CPC_Bracket (void)
 CPC_Bracket::~CPC_Bracket (void)
 CPC_Bracket::CPC_Bracket (const CPC_Bracket &value)
CPC_BracketCPC_Bracket::operator= (const CPC_Bracket &value)
 CPC_Bracket_Base::CPC_Bracket_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Bracket_Base::~CPC_Bracket_Base (void)
bool CPC_Bracket_Base::IsSetX1 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to X1 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bracket_Base::CanGetX1 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetX1 method. More...
void CPC_Bracket_Base::ResetX1 (void)
 Reset X1 data member. More...
TX1 CPC_Bracket_Base::GetX1 (void) const
 Get the X1 member data. More...
void CPC_Bracket_Base::SetX1 (TX1 value)
 Assign a value to X1 data member. More...
TX1CPC_Bracket_Base::SetX1 (void)
 Assign a value to X1 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bracket_Base::IsSetY1 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Y1 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bracket_Base::CanGetY1 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetY1 method. More...
void CPC_Bracket_Base::ResetY1 (void)
 Reset Y1 data member. More...
TY1 CPC_Bracket_Base::GetY1 (void) const
 Get the Y1 member data. More...
void CPC_Bracket_Base::SetY1 (TY1 value)
 Assign a value to Y1 data member. More...
TY1CPC_Bracket_Base::SetY1 (void)
 Assign a value to Y1 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bracket_Base::IsSetX2 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to X2 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bracket_Base::CanGetX2 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetX2 method. More...
void CPC_Bracket_Base::ResetX2 (void)
 Reset X2 data member. More...
TX2 CPC_Bracket_Base::GetX2 (void) const
 Get the X2 member data. More...
void CPC_Bracket_Base::SetX2 (TX2 value)
 Assign a value to X2 data member. More...
TX2CPC_Bracket_Base::SetX2 (void)
 Assign a value to X2 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bracket_Base::IsSetY2 (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Y2 data member. More...
bool CPC_Bracket_Base::CanGetY2 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetY2 method. More...
void CPC_Bracket_Base::ResetY2 (void)
 Reset Y2 data member. More...
TY2 CPC_Bracket_Base::GetY2 (void) const
 Get the Y2 member data. More...
void CPC_Bracket_Base::SetY2 (TY2 value)
 Assign a value to Y2 data member. More...
TY2CPC_Bracket_Base::SetY2 (void)
 Assign a value to Y2 data member. More...
virtual void CPC_Bracket_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Bracket_Base::CPC_Bracket_Base (const CPC_Bracket_Base &)
CPC_Bracket_BaseCPC_Bracket_Base::operator= (const CPC_Bracket_Base &)
 CPC_Compound::CPC_Compound (void)
 CPC_Compound::~CPC_Compound (void)
 CPC_Compound::CPC_Compound (const CPC_Compound &value)
CPC_CompoundCPC_Compound::operator= (const CPC_Compound &value)
 CPC_Compound_Base::CPC_Compound_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Compound_Base::~CPC_Compound_Base (void)
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetId (void) const
 Tracking Information Compound Qualifier (Type/ID) Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetId (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetId method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetId (void)
 Reset Id data member. More...
const TIdCPC_Compound_Base::GetId (void) const
 Get the Id member data. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::SetId (TId &value)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
TIdCPC_Compound_Base::SetId (void)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetAtoms (void) const
 AtomID/Type Information Check if a value has been assigned to Atoms data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetAtoms (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAtoms method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetAtoms (void)
 Reset Atoms data member. More...
const TAtomsCPC_Compound_Base::GetAtoms (void) const
 Get the Atoms member data. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::SetAtoms (TAtoms &value)
 Assign a value to Atoms data member. More...
TAtomsCPC_Compound_Base::SetAtoms (void)
 Assign a value to Atoms data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetBonds (void) const
 BondID/Type/Atom Information Check if a value has been assigned to Bonds data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetBonds (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBonds method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetBonds (void)
 Reset Bonds data member. More...
const TBondsCPC_Compound_Base::GetBonds (void) const
 Get the Bonds member data. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::SetBonds (TBonds &value)
 Assign a value to Bonds data member. More...
TBondsCPC_Compound_Base::SetBonds (void)
 Assign a value to Bonds data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetStereo (void) const
 StereoCenter Descriptions Check if a value has been assigned to Stereo data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetStereo (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStereo method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetStereo (void)
 Reset Stereo data member. More...
const TStereoCPC_Compound_Base::GetStereo (void) const
 Get the Stereo member data. More...
TStereoCPC_Compound_Base::SetStereo (void)
 Assign a value to Stereo data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetCoords (void) const
 2D/3D Coordinate Sets of Compound Check if a value has been assigned to Coords data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetCoords (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCoords method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetCoords (void)
 Reset Coords data member. More...
const TCoordsCPC_Compound_Base::GetCoords (void) const
 Get the Coords member data. More...
TCoordsCPC_Compound_Base::SetCoords (void)
 Assign a value to Coords data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetCharge (void) const
 Provided Total Formal Charge (Signed Integer) Check if a value has been assigned to Charge data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetCharge (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCharge method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetCharge (void)
 Reset Charge data member. More...
TCharge CPC_Compound_Base::GetCharge (void) const
 Get the Charge member data. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::SetCharge (TCharge value)
 Assign a value to Charge data member. More...
TChargeCPC_Compound_Base::SetCharge (void)
 Assign a value to Charge data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetProps (void) const
 Derived (computed) Properties Check if a value has been assigned to Props data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetProps (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetProps method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetProps (void)
 Reset Props data member. More...
const TPropsCPC_Compound_Base::GetProps (void) const
 Get the Props member data. More...
TPropsCPC_Compound_Base::SetProps (void)
 Assign a value to Props data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetStereogroups (void) const
 Relative stereochemistry groups Check if a value has been assigned to Stereogroups data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetStereogroups (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStereogroups method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetStereogroups (void)
 Reset Stereogroups data member. More...
const TStereogroupsCPC_Compound_Base::GetStereogroups (void) const
 Get the Stereogroups member data. More...
TStereogroupsCPC_Compound_Base::SetStereogroups (void)
 Assign a value to Stereogroups data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetCount (void) const
 Counts of various properties Check if a value has been assigned to Count data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetCount (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCount method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetCount (void)
 Reset Count data member. More...
const TCountCPC_Compound_Base::GetCount (void) const
 Get the Count member data. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::SetCount (TCount &value)
 Assign a value to Count data member. More...
TCountCPC_Compound_Base::SetCount (void)
 Assign a value to Count data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetVbalt (void) const
 Alternate Valence-Bond Forms Check if a value has been assigned to Vbalt data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetVbalt (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetVbalt method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetVbalt (void)
 Reset Vbalt data member. More...
const TVbaltCPC_Compound_Base::GetVbalt (void) const
 Get the Vbalt member data. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::SetVbalt (TVbalt &value)
 Assign a value to Vbalt data member. More...
TVbaltCPC_Compound_Base::SetVbalt (void)
 Assign a value to Vbalt data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::IsSetGroups (void) const
 Superatom groups Check if a value has been assigned to Groups data member. More...
bool CPC_Compound_Base::CanGetGroups (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetGroups method. More...
void CPC_Compound_Base::ResetGroups (void)
 Reset Groups data member. More...
const TGroupsCPC_Compound_Base::GetGroups (void) const
 Get the Groups member data. More...
TGroupsCPC_Compound_Base::SetGroups (void)
 Assign a value to Groups data member. More...
virtual void CPC_Compound_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Compound_Base::CPC_Compound_Base (const CPC_Compound_Base &)
CPC_Compound_BaseCPC_Compound_Base::operator= (const CPC_Compound_Base &)
 CPC_Compounds::CPC_Compounds (void)
 CPC_Compounds::~CPC_Compounds (void)
 CPC_Compounds::CPC_Compounds (const CPC_Compounds &value)
CPC_CompoundsCPC_Compounds::operator= (const CPC_Compounds &value)
 CPC_Compounds_Base::CPC_Compounds_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Compounds_Base::~CPC_Compounds_Base (void)
bool CPC_Compounds_Base::IsSet (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to data member. More...
bool CPC_Compounds_Base::CanGet (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call Get method. More...
void CPC_Compounds_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset data member. More...
const TdataCPC_Compounds_Base::Get (void) const
 Get the member data. More...
TdataCPC_Compounds_Base::Set (void)
 Assign a value to data member. More...
 CPC_Compounds_Base::operator const Tdata & (void) const
 Conversion operator to 'const Tdata' type. More...
 CPC_Compounds_Base::operator Tdata & (void)
 Conversion operator to 'Tdata' type. More...
 CPC_Compounds_Base::CPC_Compounds_Base (const CPC_Compounds_Base &)
CPC_Compounds_BaseCPC_Compounds_Base::operator= (const CPC_Compounds_Base &)
 CPC_CompoundType::CPC_CompoundType (void)
 CPC_CompoundType::~CPC_CompoundType (void)
 CPC_CompoundType::CPC_CompoundType (const CPC_CompoundType &value)
CPC_CompoundTypeCPC_CompoundType::operator= (const CPC_CompoundType &value)
 CPC_CompoundType_Base::CPC_CompoundType_Base (void)
virtual CPC_CompoundType_Base::~CPC_CompoundType_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_CompoundType_Base::EType (void)
 Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
 CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::C_Id (void)
 CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::~C_Id (void)
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::ResetSelection (void)
 Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::Which (void) const
 Which variant is currently selected. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const
 Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const
 Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::SelectionName (E_Choice index)
 Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
 Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
 Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::IsCid (void) const
 Check if variant Cid is selected. More...
TCid CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::GetCid (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TCidCPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::SetCid (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::SetCid (TCid value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::IsSid (void) const
 Check if variant Sid is selected. More...
TSid CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::GetSid (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TSidCPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::SetSid (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::SetSid (TSid value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::IsXid (void) const
 Check if variant Xid is selected. More...
TXid CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::GetXid (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TXidCPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::SetXid (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::SetXid (TXid value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
 CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::C_Id (const C_Id &)
C_IdCPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::operator= (const C_Id &)
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::C_Id::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
bool CPC_CompoundType_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_CompoundType_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CPC_CompoundType_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCPC_CompoundType_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_CompoundType_Base::IsSetId (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member. More...
bool CPC_CompoundType_Base::CanGetId (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetId method. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::ResetId (void)
 Reset Id data member. More...
const TIdCPC_CompoundType_Base::GetId (void) const
 Get the Id member data. More...
void CPC_CompoundType_Base::SetId (TId &value)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
TIdCPC_CompoundType_Base::SetId (void)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
virtual void CPC_CompoundType_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_CompoundType_Base::CPC_CompoundType_Base (const CPC_CompoundType_Base &)
CPC_CompoundType_BaseCPC_CompoundType_Base::operator= (const CPC_CompoundType_Base &)
 CPC_Conformer::CPC_Conformer (void)
 CPC_Conformer::~CPC_Conformer (void)
 CPC_Conformer::CPC_Conformer (const CPC_Conformer &value)
CPC_ConformerCPC_Conformer::operator= (const CPC_Conformer &value)
 CPC_Conformer_Base::CPC_Conformer_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Conformer_Base::~CPC_Conformer_Base (void)
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::IsSetX (void) const
 [Note: Parallel Arrays must be kept Synchronized] X Coordinates (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to X data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::CanGetX (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetX method. More...
void CPC_Conformer_Base::ResetX (void)
 Reset X data member. More...
const TXCPC_Conformer_Base::GetX (void) const
 Get the X member data. More...
TXCPC_Conformer_Base::SetX (void)
 Assign a value to X data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::IsSetY (void) const
 Y Coordinates (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Y data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::CanGetY (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetY method. More...
void CPC_Conformer_Base::ResetY (void)
 Reset Y data member. More...
const TYCPC_Conformer_Base::GetY (void) const
 Get the Y member data. More...
TYCPC_Conformer_Base::SetY (void)
 Assign a value to Y data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::IsSetZ (void) const
 Z Coordinates (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Z data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::CanGetZ (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetZ method. More...
void CPC_Conformer_Base::ResetZ (void)
 Reset Z data member. More...
const TZCPC_Conformer_Base::GetZ (void) const
 Get the Z member data. More...
TZCPC_Conformer_Base::SetZ (void)
 Assign a value to Z data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::IsSetStyle (void) const
 Structure Annotations Check if a value has been assigned to Style data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::CanGetStyle (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetStyle method. More...
void CPC_Conformer_Base::ResetStyle (void)
 Reset Style data member. More...
const TStyleCPC_Conformer_Base::GetStyle (void) const
 Get the Style member data. More...
void CPC_Conformer_Base::SetStyle (TStyle &value)
 Assign a value to Style data member. More...
TStyleCPC_Conformer_Base::SetStyle (void)
 Assign a value to Style data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::IsSetData (void) const
 Data Associated with this Conformer Check if a value has been assigned to Data data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformer_Base::CanGetData (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetData method. More...
void CPC_Conformer_Base::ResetData (void)
 Reset Data data member. More...
const TDataCPC_Conformer_Base::GetData (void) const
 Get the Data member data. More...
TDataCPC_Conformer_Base::SetData (void)
 Assign a value to Data data member. More...
virtual void CPC_Conformer_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Conformer_Base::CPC_Conformer_Base (const CPC_Conformer_Base &)
CPC_Conformer_BaseCPC_Conformer_Base::operator= (const CPC_Conformer_Base &)
 CPC_Conformers::CPC_Conformers (void)
 CPC_Conformers::~CPC_Conformers (void)
 CPC_Conformers::CPC_Conformers (const CPC_Conformers &value)
CPC_ConformersCPC_Conformers::operator= (const CPC_Conformers &value)
 CPC_Conformers_Base::CPC_Conformers_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Conformers_Base::~CPC_Conformers_Base (void)
bool CPC_Conformers_Base::IsSet (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to data member. More...
bool CPC_Conformers_Base::CanGet (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call Get method. More...
void CPC_Conformers_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset data member. More...
const TdataCPC_Conformers_Base::Get (void) const
 Get the member data. More...
TdataCPC_Conformers_Base::Set (void)
 Assign a value to data member. More...
 CPC_Conformers_Base::operator const Tdata & (void) const
 Conversion operator to 'const Tdata' type. More...
 CPC_Conformers_Base::operator Tdata & (void)
 Conversion operator to 'Tdata' type. More...
 CPC_Conformers_Base::CPC_Conformers_Base (const CPC_Conformers_Base &)
CPC_Conformers_BaseCPC_Conformers_Base::operator= (const CPC_Conformers_Base &)
 CPC_Coordinates::CPC_Coordinates (void)
 CPC_Coordinates::~CPC_Coordinates (void)
 CPC_Coordinates::CPC_Coordinates (const CPC_Coordinates &value)
CPC_CoordinatesCPC_Coordinates::operator= (const CPC_Coordinates &value)
 CPC_Coordinates_Base::CPC_Coordinates_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Coordinates_Base::~CPC_Coordinates_Base (void)
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Coordinate Type Information (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CPC_Coordinates_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
const TTypeCPC_Coordinates_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
TTypeCPC_Coordinates_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::IsSetAid (void) const
 Conformer Atom IDs (vector) (to be kept synchronized with Conformers) Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::CanGetAid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void CPC_Coordinates_Base::ResetAid (void)
 Reset Aid data member. More...
const TAidCPC_Coordinates_Base::GetAid (void) const
 Get the Aid member data. More...
TAidCPC_Coordinates_Base::SetAid (void)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::IsSetConformers (void) const
 Conformers for this Coordinate Set Check if a value has been assigned to Conformers data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::CanGetConformers (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetConformers method. More...
void CPC_Coordinates_Base::ResetConformers (void)
 Reset Conformers data member. More...
const TConformersCPC_Coordinates_Base::GetConformers (void) const
 Get the Conformers member data. More...
TConformersCPC_Coordinates_Base::SetConformers (void)
 Assign a value to Conformers data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::IsSetAtomlabels (void) const
 Atom labels for Conformer Set Check if a value has been assigned to Atomlabels data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::CanGetAtomlabels (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAtomlabels method. More...
void CPC_Coordinates_Base::ResetAtomlabels (void)
 Reset Atomlabels data member. More...
const TAtomlabelsCPC_Coordinates_Base::GetAtomlabels (void) const
 Get the Atomlabels member data. More...
TAtomlabelsCPC_Coordinates_Base::SetAtomlabels (void)
 Assign a value to Atomlabels data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::IsSetData (void) const
 Data Associated with these Coordinates Check if a value has been assigned to Data data member. More...
bool CPC_Coordinates_Base::CanGetData (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetData method. More...
void CPC_Coordinates_Base::ResetData (void)
 Reset Data data member. More...
const TDataCPC_Coordinates_Base::GetData (void) const
 Get the Data member data. More...
TDataCPC_Coordinates_Base::SetData (void)
 Assign a value to Data data member. More...
virtual void CPC_Coordinates_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Coordinates_Base::CPC_Coordinates_Base (const CPC_Coordinates_Base &)
CPC_Coordinates_BaseCPC_Coordinates_Base::operator= (const CPC_Coordinates_Base &)
 CPC_Count::CPC_Count (void)
 CPC_Count::~CPC_Count (void)
 CPC_Count::CPC_Count (const CPC_Count &value)
CPC_CountCPC_Count::operator= (const CPC_Count &value)
 CPC_Count_Base::CPC_Count_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Count_Base::~CPC_Count_Base (void)
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetHeavy_atom (void) const
 Total count of non-Hydrogen (Heavy) Atoms Check if a value has been assigned to Heavy_atom data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetHeavy_atom (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetHeavy_atom method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetHeavy_atom (void)
 Reset Heavy_atom data member. More...
THeavy_atom CPC_Count_Base::GetHeavy_atom (void) const
 Get the Heavy_atom member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetHeavy_atom (THeavy_atom value)
 Assign a value to Heavy_atom data member. More...
THeavy_atomCPC_Count_Base::SetHeavy_atom (void)
 Assign a value to Heavy_atom data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetAtom_chiral (void) const
 StereoChemistry Counts Total count of (SP3) Chiral Atoms Check if a value has been assigned to Atom_chiral data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetAtom_chiral (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAtom_chiral method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetAtom_chiral (void)
 Reset Atom_chiral data member. More...
TAtom_chiral CPC_Count_Base::GetAtom_chiral (void) const
 Get the Atom_chiral member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetAtom_chiral (TAtom_chiral value)
 Assign a value to Atom_chiral data member. More...
TAtom_chiralCPC_Count_Base::SetAtom_chiral (void)
 Assign a value to Atom_chiral data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetAtom_chiral_def (void) const
 Total count of Defined (SP3) Chiral Atoms Check if a value has been assigned to Atom_chiral_def data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetAtom_chiral_def (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAtom_chiral_def method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetAtom_chiral_def (void)
 Reset Atom_chiral_def data member. More...
TAtom_chiral_def CPC_Count_Base::GetAtom_chiral_def (void) const
 Get the Atom_chiral_def member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetAtom_chiral_def (TAtom_chiral_def value)
 Assign a value to Atom_chiral_def data member. More...
TAtom_chiral_defCPC_Count_Base::SetAtom_chiral_def (void)
 Assign a value to Atom_chiral_def data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetAtom_chiral_undef (void) const
 Total count of Undefined (SP3) Chiral Atoms Check if a value has been assigned to Atom_chiral_undef data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetAtom_chiral_undef (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAtom_chiral_undef method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetAtom_chiral_undef (void)
 Reset Atom_chiral_undef data member. More...
TAtom_chiral_undef CPC_Count_Base::GetAtom_chiral_undef (void) const
 Get the Atom_chiral_undef member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetAtom_chiral_undef (TAtom_chiral_undef value)
 Assign a value to Atom_chiral_undef data member. More...
TAtom_chiral_undefCPC_Count_Base::SetAtom_chiral_undef (void)
 Assign a value to Atom_chiral_undef data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetBond_chiral (void) const
 Total count of (SP2) Chiral Bonds Check if a value has been assigned to Bond_chiral data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetBond_chiral (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBond_chiral method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetBond_chiral (void)
 Reset Bond_chiral data member. More...
TBond_chiral CPC_Count_Base::GetBond_chiral (void) const
 Get the Bond_chiral member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetBond_chiral (TBond_chiral value)
 Assign a value to Bond_chiral data member. More...
TBond_chiralCPC_Count_Base::SetBond_chiral (void)
 Assign a value to Bond_chiral data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetBond_chiral_def (void) const
 Total count of (SP2) Defined Chiral Bonds Check if a value has been assigned to Bond_chiral_def data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetBond_chiral_def (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBond_chiral_def method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetBond_chiral_def (void)
 Reset Bond_chiral_def data member. More...
TBond_chiral_def CPC_Count_Base::GetBond_chiral_def (void) const
 Get the Bond_chiral_def member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetBond_chiral_def (TBond_chiral_def value)
 Assign a value to Bond_chiral_def data member. More...
TBond_chiral_defCPC_Count_Base::SetBond_chiral_def (void)
 Assign a value to Bond_chiral_def data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetBond_chiral_undef (void) const
 Total count of (SP2) Undefined Chiral Bonds Check if a value has been assigned to Bond_chiral_undef data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetBond_chiral_undef (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBond_chiral_undef method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetBond_chiral_undef (void)
 Reset Bond_chiral_undef data member. More...
TBond_chiral_undef CPC_Count_Base::GetBond_chiral_undef (void) const
 Get the Bond_chiral_undef member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetBond_chiral_undef (TBond_chiral_undef value)
 Assign a value to Bond_chiral_undef data member. More...
TBond_chiral_undefCPC_Count_Base::SetBond_chiral_undef (void)
 Assign a value to Bond_chiral_undef data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetIsotope_atom (void) const
 Isotopic Counts Total count of Atoms with Isotopic Information Check if a value has been assigned to Isotope_atom data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetIsotope_atom (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetIsotope_atom method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetIsotope_atom (void)
 Reset Isotope_atom data member. More...
TIsotope_atom CPC_Count_Base::GetIsotope_atom (void) const
 Get the Isotope_atom member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetIsotope_atom (TIsotope_atom value)
 Assign a value to Isotope_atom data member. More...
TIsotope_atomCPC_Count_Base::SetIsotope_atom (void)
 Assign a value to Isotope_atom data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetCovalent_unit (void) const
 Discrete Structure Counts Total count of covalently-bonded units in the record Check if a value has been assigned to Covalent_unit data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetCovalent_unit (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetCovalent_unit method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetCovalent_unit (void)
 Reset Covalent_unit data member. More...
TCovalent_unit CPC_Count_Base::GetCovalent_unit (void) const
 Get the Covalent_unit member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetCovalent_unit (TCovalent_unit value)
 Assign a value to Covalent_unit data member. More...
TCovalent_unitCPC_Count_Base::SetCovalent_unit (void)
 Assign a value to Covalent_unit data member. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::IsSetTautomers (void) const
 Number of possible tautomers (Max. More...
bool CPC_Count_Base::CanGetTautomers (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTautomers method. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::ResetTautomers (void)
 Reset Tautomers data member. More...
TTautomers CPC_Count_Base::GetTautomers (void) const
 Get the Tautomers member data. More...
void CPC_Count_Base::SetTautomers (TTautomers value)
 Assign a value to Tautomers data member. More...
TTautomersCPC_Count_Base::SetTautomers (void)
 Assign a value to Tautomers data member. More...
virtual void CPC_Count_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Count_Base::CPC_Count_Base (const CPC_Count_Base &)
CPC_Count_BaseCPC_Count_Base::operator= (const CPC_Count_Base &)
 CPC_DBTracking::CPC_DBTracking (void)
 CPC_DBTracking::~CPC_DBTracking (void)
 CPC_DBTracking::CPC_DBTracking (const CPC_DBTracking &value)
CPC_DBTrackingCPC_DBTracking::operator= (const CPC_DBTracking &value)
 CPC_DBTracking_Base::CPC_DBTracking_Base (void)
virtual CPC_DBTracking_Base::~CPC_DBTracking_Base (void)
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::IsSetName (void) const
 Unique Name of External Database Check if a value has been assigned to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::CanGetName (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetName method. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::ResetName (void)
 Reset Name data member. More...
const TNameCPC_DBTracking_Base::GetName (void) const
 Get the Name member data. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::SetName (const TName &value)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::SetName (TName &&value)
TNameCPC_DBTracking_Base::SetName (void)
 Assign a value to Name data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::IsSetSource_id (void) const
 Primary Unique ID used by External DB Check if a value has been assigned to Source_id data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::CanGetSource_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSource_id method. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::ResetSource_id (void)
 Reset Source_id data member. More...
const TSource_idCPC_DBTracking_Base::GetSource_id (void) const
 Get the Source_id member data. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::SetSource_id (TSource_id &value)
 Assign a value to Source_id data member. More...
TSource_idCPC_DBTracking_Base::SetSource_id (void)
 Assign a value to Source_id data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::IsSetDate (void) const
 External Database Release Date Check if a value has been assigned to Date data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::CanGetDate (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDate method. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::ResetDate (void)
 Reset Date data member. More...
const TDateCPC_DBTracking_Base::GetDate (void) const
 Get the Date member data. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::SetDate (TDate &value)
 Assign a value to Date data member. More...
TDateCPC_DBTracking_Base::SetDate (void)
 Assign a value to Date data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::IsSetDescription (void) const
 External Database Release Code/Description Check if a value has been assigned to Description data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::CanGetDescription (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetDescription method. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::ResetDescription (void)
 Reset Description data member. More...
const TDescriptionCPC_DBTracking_Base::GetDescription (void) const
 Get the Description member data. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::SetDescription (const TDescription &value)
 Assign a value to Description data member. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::SetDescription (TDescription &&value)
TDescriptionCPC_DBTracking_Base::SetDescription (void)
 Assign a value to Description data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::IsSetPub (void) const
 Data Submission to same DB by original Author Check if a value has been assigned to Pub data member. More...
bool CPC_DBTracking_Base::CanGetPub (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetPub method. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::ResetPub (void)
 Reset Pub data member. More...
const TPubCPC_DBTracking_Base::GetPub (void) const
 Get the Pub member data. More...
void CPC_DBTracking_Base::SetPub (TPub &value)
 Assign a value to Pub data member. More...
TPubCPC_DBTracking_Base::SetPub (void)
 Assign a value to Pub data member. More...
virtual void CPC_DBTracking_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_DBTracking_Base::CPC_DBTracking_Base (const CPC_DBTracking_Base &)
CPC_DBTracking_BaseCPC_DBTracking_Base::operator= (const CPC_DBTracking_Base &)
 CPC_DrawAnnotations::CPC_DrawAnnotations (void)
 CPC_DrawAnnotations::~CPC_DrawAnnotations (void)
 CPC_DrawAnnotations::CPC_DrawAnnotations (const CPC_DrawAnnotations &value)
CPC_DrawAnnotationsCPC_DrawAnnotations::operator= (const CPC_DrawAnnotations &value)
 CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base (void)
virtual CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::~CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base (void)
bool CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::IsSetAnnotation (void) const
 [Note: Parallel Arrays must be kept Synchronized] Bond Annotations (vector) Check if a value has been assigned to Annotation data member. More...
bool CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::CanGetAnnotation (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAnnotation method. More...
void CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::ResetAnnotation (void)
 Reset Annotation data member. More...
const TAnnotationCPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::GetAnnotation (void) const
 Get the Annotation member data. More...
TAnnotationCPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::SetAnnotation (void)
 Assign a value to Annotation data member. More...
bool CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::IsSetAid1 (void) const
 Atom1 Identifier (vector) Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid1 data member. More...
bool CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::CanGetAid1 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid1 method. More...
void CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::ResetAid1 (void)
 Reset Aid1 data member. More...
const TAid1CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::GetAid1 (void) const
 Get the Aid1 member data. More...
TAid1CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::SetAid1 (void)
 Assign a value to Aid1 data member. More...
bool CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::IsSetAid2 (void) const
 Atom2 Identifier (vector) Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid2 data member. More...
bool CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::CanGetAid2 (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid2 method. More...
void CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::ResetAid2 (void)
 Reset Aid2 data member. More...
const TAid2CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::GetAid2 (void) const
 Get the Aid2 member data. More...
TAid2CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::SetAid2 (void)
 Assign a value to Aid2 data member. More...
virtual void CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base (const CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base &)
CPC_DrawAnnotations_BaseCPC_DrawAnnotations_Base::operator= (const CPC_DrawAnnotations_Base &)
 CPC_Group::CPC_Group (void)
 CPC_Group::~CPC_Group (void)
 CPC_Group::CPC_Group (const CPC_Group &value)
CPC_GroupCPC_Group::operator= (const CPC_Group &value)
 CPC_Group_Base::CPC_Group_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Group_Base::~CPC_Group_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_Group_Base::EType (void)
 Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_Group_Base::ESubtype (void)
 Access to ESubtype's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_Group_Base::EConnectivity (void)
 Access to EConnectivity's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Repeat_count (void)
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::~C_Repeat_count (void)
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::C_Range (void)
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::~C_Range (void)
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::DECLARE_INTERNAL_TYPE_INFO ()
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::IsSetLower (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Lower data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::CanGetLower (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetLower method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::ResetLower (void)
 Reset Lower data member. More...
TLower CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::GetLower (void) const
 Get the Lower member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::SetLower (TLower value)
 Assign a value to Lower data member. More...
TLowerCPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::SetLower (void)
 Assign a value to Lower data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::IsSetUpper (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Upper data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::CanGetUpper (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUpper method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::ResetUpper (void)
 Reset Upper data member. More...
TUpper CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::GetUpper (void) const
 Get the Upper member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::SetUpper (TUpper value)
 Assign a value to Upper data member. More...
TUpperCPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::SetUpper (void)
 Assign a value to Upper data member. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::C_Range (const C_Range &)
C_RangeCPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Range::operator= (const C_Range &)
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::ResetSelection (void)
 Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::Which (void) const
 Which variant is currently selected. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const
 Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const
 Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::SelectionName (E_Choice index)
 Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
 Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
 Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::IsExact (void) const
 Check if variant Exact is selected. More...
TExact CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::GetExact (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TExactCPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::SetExact (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::SetExact (TExact value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::IsRange (void) const
 Check if variant Range is selected. More...
const TRangeCPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::GetRange (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TRangeCPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::SetRange (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::SetRange (TRange &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::C_Repeat_count (const C_Repeat_count &)
C_Repeat_countCPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::operator= (const C_Repeat_count &)
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Repeat_count::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::C_Bonds (void)
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::~C_Bonds (void)
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::IsSetFrom (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to From data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::CanGetFrom (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetFrom method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::ResetFrom (void)
 Reset From data member. More...
const TFromCPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::GetFrom (void) const
 Get the From member data. More...
TFromCPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::SetFrom (void)
 Assign a value to From data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::IsSetTo (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to To data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::CanGetTo (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetTo method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::ResetTo (void)
 Reset To data member. More...
const TToCPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::GetTo (void) const
 Get the To member data. More...
TToCPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::SetTo (void)
 Assign a value to To data member. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::C_Bonds (const C_Bonds &)
C_BondsCPC_Group_Base::C_Bonds::operator= (const C_Bonds &)
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::C_Brackets (void)
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::~C_Brackets (void)
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::IsSetLeft (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Left data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::CanGetLeft (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetLeft method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::ResetLeft (void)
 Reset Left data member. More...
const TLeftCPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::GetLeft (void) const
 Get the Left member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::SetLeft (TLeft &value)
 Assign a value to Left data member. More...
TLeftCPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::SetLeft (void)
 Assign a value to Left data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::IsSetRight (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Right data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::CanGetRight (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRight method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::ResetRight (void)
 Reset Right data member. More...
const TRightCPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::GetRight (void) const
 Get the Right member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::SetRight (TRight &value)
 Assign a value to Right data member. More...
TRightCPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::SetRight (void)
 Assign a value to Right data member. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::C_Brackets (const C_Brackets &)
C_BracketsCPC_Group_Base::C_Brackets::operator= (const C_Brackets &)
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetAtoms (void) const
 Atoms in this group (list of aid from PC-Atoms, e.g. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetAtoms (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAtoms method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetAtoms (void)
 Reset Atoms data member. More...
const TAtomsCPC_Group_Base::GetAtoms (void) const
 Get the Atoms member data. More...
TAtomsCPC_Group_Base::SetAtoms (void)
 Assign a value to Atoms data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CPC_Group_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCPC_Group_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetSubtype (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Subtype data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetSubtype (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSubtype method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetSubtype (void)
 Reset Subtype data member. More...
TSubtype CPC_Group_Base::GetSubtype (void) const
 Get the Subtype member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetSubtype (TSubtype value)
 Assign a value to Subtype data member. More...
TSubtypeCPC_Group_Base::SetSubtype (void)
 Assign a value to Subtype data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetConnectivity (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Connectivity data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetConnectivity (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetConnectivity method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetConnectivity (void)
 Reset Connectivity data member. More...
TConnectivity CPC_Group_Base::GetConnectivity (void) const
 Get the Connectivity member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetConnectivity (TConnectivity value)
 Assign a value to Connectivity data member. More...
TConnectivityCPC_Group_Base::SetConnectivity (void)
 Assign a value to Connectivity data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetLabel (void) const
 Label (e.g. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetLabel (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetLabel method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetLabel (void)
 Reset Label data member. More...
TLabel CPC_Group_Base::GetLabel (void) const
 Get the Label member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetLabel (TLabel value)
 Assign a value to Label data member. More...
TLabelCPC_Group_Base::SetLabel (void)
 Assign a value to Label data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetSubscript (void) const
 Subscript (e.g. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetSubscript (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetSubscript method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetSubscript (void)
 Reset Subscript data member. More...
const TSubscriptCPC_Group_Base::GetSubscript (void) const
 Get the Subscript member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetSubscript (const TSubscript &value)
 Assign a value to Subscript data member. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetSubscript (TSubscript &&value)
TSubscriptCPC_Group_Base::SetSubscript (void)
 Assign a value to Subscript data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetRepeat_count (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Repeat_count data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetRepeat_count (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetRepeat_count method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetRepeat_count (void)
 Reset Repeat_count data member. More...
const TRepeat_countCPC_Group_Base::GetRepeat_count (void) const
 Get the Repeat_count member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetRepeat_count (TRepeat_count &value)
 Assign a value to Repeat_count data member. More...
TRepeat_countCPC_Group_Base::SetRepeat_count (void)
 Assign a value to Repeat_count data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetBonds (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Bonds data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetBonds (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBonds method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetBonds (void)
 Reset Bonds data member. More...
const TBondsCPC_Group_Base::GetBonds (void) const
 Get the Bonds member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetBonds (TBonds &value)
 Assign a value to Bonds data member. More...
TBondsCPC_Group_Base::SetBonds (void)
 Assign a value to Bonds data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::IsSetBrackets (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Brackets data member. More...
bool CPC_Group_Base::CanGetBrackets (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetBrackets method. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::ResetBrackets (void)
 Reset Brackets data member. More...
const TBracketsCPC_Group_Base::GetBrackets (void) const
 Get the Brackets member data. More...
void CPC_Group_Base::SetBrackets (TBrackets &value)
 Assign a value to Brackets data member. More...
TBracketsCPC_Group_Base::SetBrackets (void)
 Assign a value to Brackets data member. More...
virtual void CPC_Group_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_Group_Base::CPC_Group_Base (const CPC_Group_Base &)
CPC_Group_BaseCPC_Group_Base::operator= (const CPC_Group_Base &)
 CPC_ID::CPC_ID (void)
 CPC_ID::~CPC_ID (void)
 CPC_ID::CPC_ID (const CPC_ID &value)
CPC_IDCPC_ID::operator= (const CPC_ID &value)
 CPC_ID_Base::CPC_ID_Base (void)
virtual CPC_ID_Base::~CPC_ID_Base (void)
bool CPC_ID_Base::IsSetId (void) const
 Unique "Global" ID Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Id data member. More...
bool CPC_ID_Base::CanGetId (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetId method. More...
void CPC_ID_Base::ResetId (void)
 Reset Id data member. More...
TId CPC_ID_Base::GetId (void) const
 Get the Id member data. More...
void CPC_ID_Base::SetId (TId value)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
TIdCPC_ID_Base::SetId (void)
 Assign a value to Id data member. More...
bool CPC_ID_Base::IsSetVersion (void) const
 Incremented when Depositor updates record Note: For Internal Use (only?) Check if a value has been assigned to Version data member. More...
bool CPC_ID_Base::CanGetVersion (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetVersion method. More...
void CPC_ID_Base::ResetVersion (void)
 Reset Version data member. More...
TVersion CPC_ID_Base::GetVersion (void) const
 Get the Version member data. More...
void CPC_ID_Base::SetVersion (TVersion value)
 Assign a value to Version data member. More...
TVersionCPC_ID_Base::SetVersion (void)
 Assign a value to Version data member. More...
virtual void CPC_ID_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_ID_Base::CPC_ID_Base (const CPC_ID_Base &)
CPC_ID_BaseCPC_ID_Base::operator= (const CPC_ID_Base &)
 CPC_InfoData::CPC_InfoData (void)
 CPC_InfoData::~CPC_InfoData (void)
 CPC_InfoData::CPC_InfoData (const CPC_InfoData &value)
CPC_InfoDataCPC_InfoData::operator= (const CPC_InfoData &value)
 CPC_InfoData_Base::CPC_InfoData_Base (void)
virtual CPC_InfoData_Base::~CPC_InfoData_Base (void)
 CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::C_Value (void)
 CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::~C_Value (void)
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::ResetSelection (void)
 Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::Which (void) const
 Which variant is currently selected. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const
 Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const
 Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SelectionName (E_Choice index)
 Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
 Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
 Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsBval (void) const
 Check if variant Bval is selected. More...
TBval CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetBval (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TBvalCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetBval (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetBval (TBval value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsBvec (void) const
 Check if variant Bvec is selected. More...
const TBvecCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetBvec (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TBvecCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetBvec (void)
 Select the variant. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsIval (void) const
 Check if variant Ival is selected. More...
TIval CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetIval (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TIvalCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetIval (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetIval (TIval value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsIvec (void) const
 Check if variant Ivec is selected. More...
const TIvecCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetIvec (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TIvecCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetIvec (void)
 Select the variant. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsFval (void) const
 Check if variant Fval is selected. More...
TFval CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetFval (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TFvalCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetFval (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetFval (TFval value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsFvec (void) const
 Check if variant Fvec is selected. More...
const TFvecCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetFvec (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TFvecCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetFvec (void)
 Select the variant. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsSval (void) const
 Check if variant Sval is selected. More...
const TSvalCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetSval (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TSvalCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetSval (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetSval (const TSval &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsSlist (void) const
 Check if variant Slist is selected. More...
const TSlistCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetSlist (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TSlistCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetSlist (void)
 Select the variant. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsDate (void) const
 Check if variant Date is selected. More...
const TDateCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetDate (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TDateCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetDate (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetDate (TDate &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsBinary (void) const
 Check if variant Binary is selected. More...
const TBinaryCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetBinary (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TBinaryCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetBinary (void)
 Select the variant. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::IsBitlist (void) const
 Check if variant Bitlist is selected. More...
const TBitlistCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::GetBitlist (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TBitlistCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::SetBitlist (void)
 Select the variant. More...
 CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::C_Value (const C_Value &)
C_ValueCPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::operator= (const C_Value &)
void CPC_InfoData_Base::C_Value::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::IsSetUrn (void) const
 Universal Resource Name [for Value Qualification] Check if a value has been assigned to Urn data member. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::CanGetUrn (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetUrn method. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::ResetUrn (void)
 Reset Urn data member. More...
const TUrnCPC_InfoData_Base::GetUrn (void) const
 Get the Urn member data. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::SetUrn (TUrn &value)
 Assign a value to Urn data member. More...
TUrnCPC_InfoData_Base::SetUrn (void)
 Assign a value to Urn data member. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::IsSetValue (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Value data member. More...
bool CPC_InfoData_Base::CanGetValue (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetValue method. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::ResetValue (void)
 Reset Value data member. More...
const TValueCPC_InfoData_Base::GetValue (void) const
 Get the Value member data. More...
void CPC_InfoData_Base::SetValue (TValue &value)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
TValueCPC_InfoData_Base::SetValue (void)
 Assign a value to Value data member. More...
virtual void CPC_InfoData_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_InfoData_Base::CPC_InfoData_Base (const CPC_InfoData_Base &)
CPC_InfoData_BaseCPC_InfoData_Base::operator= (const CPC_InfoData_Base &)
 CPC_MMDBSource::CPC_MMDBSource (void)
 CPC_MMDBSource::~CPC_MMDBSource (void)
 CPC_MMDBSource::CPC_MMDBSource (const CPC_MMDBSource &value)
CPC_MMDBSourceCPC_MMDBSource::operator= (const CPC_MMDBSource &value)
 CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CPC_MMDBSource_Base (void)
virtual CPC_MMDBSource_Base::~CPC_MMDBSource_Base (void)
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::IsSetMmdb_id (void) const
 MMDB Record ID Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Mmdb_id data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CanGetMmdb_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMmdb_id method. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::ResetMmdb_id (void)
 Reset Mmdb_id data member. More...
TMmdb_id CPC_MMDBSource_Base::GetMmdb_id (void) const
 Get the Mmdb_id member data. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetMmdb_id (TMmdb_id value)
 Assign a value to Mmdb_id data member. More...
TMmdb_idCPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetMmdb_id (void)
 Assign a value to Mmdb_id data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::IsSetMolecule_id (void) const
 MMDB Molecule ID Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Molecule_id data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CanGetMolecule_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMolecule_id method. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::ResetMolecule_id (void)
 Reset Molecule_id data member. More...
TMolecule_id CPC_MMDBSource_Base::GetMolecule_id (void) const
 Get the Molecule_id member data. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetMolecule_id (TMolecule_id value)
 Assign a value to Molecule_id data member. More...
TMolecule_idCPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetMolecule_id (void)
 Assign a value to Molecule_id data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::IsSetMolecule_name (void) const
 MMDB Molecule Name Check if a value has been assigned to Molecule_name data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CanGetMolecule_name (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetMolecule_name method. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::ResetMolecule_name (void)
 Reset Molecule_name data member. More...
const TMolecule_nameCPC_MMDBSource_Base::GetMolecule_name (void) const
 Get the Molecule_name member data. More...
TMolecule_nameCPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetMolecule_name (void)
 Assign a value to Molecule_name data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::IsSetResidue_id (void) const
 Residue ID Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Residue_id data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CanGetResidue_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetResidue_id method. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::ResetResidue_id (void)
 Reset Residue_id data member. More...
TResidue_id CPC_MMDBSource_Base::GetResidue_id (void) const
 Get the Residue_id member data. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetResidue_id (TResidue_id value)
 Assign a value to Residue_id data member. More...
TResidue_idCPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetResidue_id (void)
 Assign a value to Residue_id data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::IsSetResidue_name (void) const
 Residue Name Check if a value has been assigned to Residue_name data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CanGetResidue_name (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetResidue_name method. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::ResetResidue_name (void)
 Reset Residue_name data member. More...
const TResidue_nameCPC_MMDBSource_Base::GetResidue_name (void) const
 Get the Residue_name member data. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetResidue_name (const TResidue_name &value)
 Assign a value to Residue_name data member. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetResidue_name (TResidue_name &&value)
TResidue_nameCPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetResidue_name (void)
 Assign a value to Residue_name data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::IsSetAtom_id (void) const
 Atom ID Note: Must be greater than "0" or, if invalid, "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Atom_id data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CanGetAtom_id (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAtom_id method. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::ResetAtom_id (void)
 Reset Atom_id data member. More...
TAtom_id CPC_MMDBSource_Base::GetAtom_id (void) const
 Get the Atom_id member data. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetAtom_id (TAtom_id value)
 Assign a value to Atom_id data member. More...
TAtom_idCPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetAtom_id (void)
 Assign a value to Atom_id data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::IsSetAtom_name (void) const
 Atom Name Check if a value has been assigned to Atom_name data member. More...
bool CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CanGetAtom_name (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAtom_name method. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::ResetAtom_name (void)
 Reset Atom_name data member. More...
const TAtom_nameCPC_MMDBSource_Base::GetAtom_name (void) const
 Get the Atom_name member data. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetAtom_name (const TAtom_name &value)
 Assign a value to Atom_name data member. More...
void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetAtom_name (TAtom_name &&value)
TAtom_nameCPC_MMDBSource_Base::SetAtom_name (void)
 Assign a value to Atom_name data member. More...
virtual void CPC_MMDBSource_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_MMDBSource_Base::CPC_MMDBSource_Base (const CPC_MMDBSource_Base &)
CPC_MMDBSource_BaseCPC_MMDBSource_Base::operator= (const CPC_MMDBSource_Base &)
 CPC_Source::CPC_Source (void)
 CPC_Source::~CPC_Source (void)
 CPC_Source::CPC_Source (const CPC_Source &value)
CPC_SourceCPC_Source::operator= (const CPC_Source &value)
 CPC_Source_Base::CPC_Source_Base (void)
virtual CPC_Source_Base::~CPC_Source_Base (void)
virtual void CPC_Source_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void CPC_Source_Base::ResetSelection (void)
 Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice CPC_Source_Base::Which (void) const
 Which variant is currently selected. More...
void CPC_Source_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const
 Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void CPC_Source_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const
 Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string CPC_Source_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index)
 Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void CPC_Source_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
 Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void CPC_Source_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
 Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool CPC_Source_Base::IsIndividual (void) const
 Check if variant Individual is selected. More...
const TIndividualCPC_Source_Base::GetIndividual (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TIndividualCPC_Source_Base::SetIndividual (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_Source_Base::SetIndividual (TIndividual &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_Source_Base::IsDb (void) const
 Check if variant Db is selected. More...
const TDbCPC_Source_Base::GetDb (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TDbCPC_Source_Base::SetDb (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_Source_Base::SetDb (TDb &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_Source_Base::IsMmdb (void) const
 Check if variant Mmdb is selected. More...
const TMmdbCPC_Source_Base::GetMmdb (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TMmdbCPC_Source_Base::SetMmdb (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_Source_Base::SetMmdb (TMmdb &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
 CPC_Source_Base::CPC_Source_Base (const CPC_Source_Base &)
CPC_Source_BaseCPC_Source_Base::operator= (const CPC_Source_Base &)
void CPC_Source_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
 CPC_StereoCenter::CPC_StereoCenter (void)
 CPC_StereoCenter::~CPC_StereoCenter (void)
 CPC_StereoCenter::CPC_StereoCenter (const CPC_StereoCenter &value)
CPC_StereoCenterCPC_StereoCenter::operator= (const CPC_StereoCenter &value)
 CPC_StereoCenter_Base::CPC_StereoCenter_Base (void)
virtual CPC_StereoCenter_Base::~CPC_StereoCenter_Base (void)
virtual void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
virtual void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::ResetSelection (void)
 Reset the selection (set it to e_not_set). More...
E_Choice CPC_StereoCenter_Base::Which (void) const
 Which variant is currently selected. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::CheckSelected (E_Choice index) const
 Verify selection, throw exception if it differs from the expected. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::ThrowInvalidSelection (E_Choice index) const
 Throw 'InvalidSelection' exception. More...
static string CPC_StereoCenter_Base::SelectionName (E_Choice index)
 Retrieve selection name (for diagnostic purposes). More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset=eDoResetVariant)
 Select the requested variant if needed. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::Select (E_Choice index, EResetVariant reset, CObjectMemoryPool *pool)
 Select the requested variant if needed, allocating CObject variants from memory pool. More...
bool CPC_StereoCenter_Base::IsTetrahedral (void) const
 Check if variant Tetrahedral is selected. More...
const TTetrahedralCPC_StereoCenter_Base::GetTetrahedral (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TTetrahedralCPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetTetrahedral (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetTetrahedral (TTetrahedral &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_StereoCenter_Base::IsPlanar (void) const
 Check if variant Planar is selected. More...
const TPlanarCPC_StereoCenter_Base::GetPlanar (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TPlanarCPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetPlanar (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetPlanar (TPlanar &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_StereoCenter_Base::IsSquareplanar (void) const
 Check if variant Squareplanar is selected. More...
const TSquareplanarCPC_StereoCenter_Base::GetSquareplanar (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TSquareplanarCPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetSquareplanar (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetSquareplanar (TSquareplanar &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_StereoCenter_Base::IsOctahedral (void) const
 Check if variant Octahedral is selected. More...
const TOctahedralCPC_StereoCenter_Base::GetOctahedral (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TOctahedralCPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetOctahedral (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetOctahedral (TOctahedral &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_StereoCenter_Base::IsBipyramid (void) const
 Check if variant Bipyramid is selected. More...
const TBipyramidCPC_StereoCenter_Base::GetBipyramid (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TBipyramidCPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetBipyramid (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetBipyramid (TBipyramid &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_StereoCenter_Base::IsTshape (void) const
 Check if variant Tshape is selected. More...
const TTshapeCPC_StereoCenter_Base::GetTshape (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TTshapeCPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetTshape (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetTshape (TTshape &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
bool CPC_StereoCenter_Base::IsPentagonal (void) const
 Check if variant Pentagonal is selected. More...
const TPentagonalCPC_StereoCenter_Base::GetPentagonal (void) const
 Get the variant data. More...
TPentagonalCPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetPentagonal (void)
 Select the variant. More...
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::SetPentagonal (TPentagonal &value)
 Select the variant and set its data. More...
 CPC_StereoCenter_Base::CPC_StereoCenter_Base (const CPC_StereoCenter_Base &)
CPC_StereoCenter_BaseCPC_StereoCenter_Base::operator= (const CPC_StereoCenter_Base &)
void CPC_StereoCenter_Base::DoSelect (E_Choice index, CObjectMemoryPool *pool=0)
 CPC_StereoGroup::CPC_StereoGroup (void)
 CPC_StereoGroup::~CPC_StereoGroup (void)
 CPC_StereoGroup::CPC_StereoGroup (const CPC_StereoGroup &value)
CPC_StereoGroupCPC_StereoGroup::operator= (const CPC_StereoGroup &value)
 CPC_StereoGroup_Base::CPC_StereoGroup_Base (void)
virtual CPC_StereoGroup_Base::~CPC_StereoGroup_Base (void)
static const NCBI_NS_NCBI::CEnumeratedTypeValues *ENUM_METHOD_NAME() CPC_StereoGroup_Base::EType (void)
 Access to EType's attributes (values, names) as defined in spec. More...
bool CPC_StereoGroup_Base::IsSetType (void) const
 Check if a value has been assigned to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_StereoGroup_Base::CanGetType (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetType method. More...
void CPC_StereoGroup_Base::ResetType (void)
 Reset Type data member. More...
TType CPC_StereoGroup_Base::GetType (void) const
 Get the Type member data. More...
void CPC_StereoGroup_Base::SetType (TType value)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
TTypeCPC_StereoGroup_Base::SetType (void)
 Assign a value to Type data member. More...
bool CPC_StereoGroup_Base::IsSetAid (void) const
 Atom Identifiers of atoms in this group Note: Atom ID's must be greater than "0" Check if a value has been assigned to Aid data member. More...
bool CPC_StereoGroup_Base::CanGetAid (void) const
 Check if it is safe to call GetAid method. More...
void CPC_StereoGroup_Base::ResetAid (void)
 Reset Aid data member. More...
const TAidCPC_StereoGroup_Base::GetAid (void) const
 Get the Aid member data. More...
TAidCPC_StereoGroup_Base::SetAid (void)
 Assign a value to Aid data member. More...
virtual void CPC_StereoGroup_Base::Reset (void)
 Reset the whole object. More...
 CPC_StereoGroup_Base::CPC_StereoGroup_Base (const CPC_StereoGroup_Base &)
CPC_StereoGroup_BaseCPC_StereoGroup_Base::operator= (const CPC_StereoGroup_Base &)
 CPC_StereoOctahedral::CPC_StereoOctahedral (void)
 CPC_StereoOctahedral::~CPC_StereoOctahedral (void)
 CPC_StereoOctahedral::CPC_StereoOctahedral (const CPC_StereoOctahedral &value)