NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id: alnmerger.cpp 100369 2023-07-25 17:29:42Z grichenk $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
5 * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9 * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11 * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 * purpose.
21 *
22 * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * Author: Kamen Todorov, NCBI
27 *
28 * File Description:
29 * Alignment merger
30 *
31 * ===========================================================================
32 */
35 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
41 #include <algorithm>
45 BEGIN_objects_SCOPE // namespace ncbi::objects::
49  TCalcScoreMethod calc_score)
50  : m_DsCnt(aln_mix_matches->m_DsCnt),
51  m_AlnMixMatches(aln_mix_matches),
52  m_Matches(aln_mix_matches->m_Matches),
53  m_AlnMixSequences(aln_mix_matches->m_AlnMixSequences),
54  m_Seqs(aln_mix_matches->m_Seqs),
55  m_Rows(m_AlnMixSequences->m_Rows),
56  m_ExtraRows(m_AlnMixSequences->m_ExtraRows),
57  m_AlnMixSegments(new CAlnMixSegments(m_AlnMixSequences)),
58  m_SingleRefseq(false),
59  x_CalculateScore(calc_score)
60 {
61 }
64 void
66 {
67  m_SingleRefseq = false;
68  if (m_DS) {
69  m_DS.Reset();
70  }
71  if (m_Aln) {
72  m_Aln.Reset();
73  }
75  m_Rows.clear();
76  m_ExtraRows.clear();
77  NON_CONST_ITERATE (TSeqs, seq_i, m_Seqs) {
78  (*seq_i)->SetStarts().clear();
79  (*seq_i)->m_ExtraRow = 0;
80  }
81 }
84 void
86 {
87  if ( !m_DsCnt ) {
88  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
89  "CAlnMixMerger::Merge(): "
90  "No alignments were added for merging.");
91  }
92  if ( !m_DS || m_MergeFlags != flags) {
93  Reset();
95  x_Merge();
96  }
97 }
100 void
102 {
103  bool first_refseq = true; // mark the first loop
105  // Find the refseq (if such exists)
106  {{
107  m_SingleRefseq = false;
110  unsigned int ds_cnt;
112  ds_cnt = (*it)->m_DsCnt;
113  if (ds_cnt > 1) {
114  m_IndependentDSs = false;
115  }
116  if (ds_cnt == m_DsCnt) {
117  m_SingleRefseq = true;
118  if ( !first_refseq ) {
119  CRef<CAlnMixSeq> refseq = *it;
120  m_Seqs.erase(it);
121  m_Seqs.insert(m_Seqs.begin(), refseq);
122  }
123  break;
124  }
125  first_refseq = false;
126  }
127  }}
129  // Index the sequences
130  {{
131  int seq_idx=0;
132  NON_CONST_ITERATE (TSeqs, seq_i, m_Seqs) {
133  (*seq_i)->m_SeqIdx = seq_idx++;
134  }
135  }}
138  // Set the widths if the mix contains both AA & NA
139  // or in case we force translation
142  NON_CONST_ITERATE (TSeqs, seq_i, m_Seqs) {
143  (*seq_i)->m_Width = (*seq_i)->m_IsAA ? 1 : 3;
144  }
145  }
149  CAlnMixSeq * refseq = 0, * seq1 = 0, * seq2 = 0;
150  TSeqPos start, start1, start2, len, curr_len;
151  int width1 = 0, width2 = 0;
153  CAlnMixSeq::TMatchList::iterator match_list_iter1, match_list_iter2;
154  CAlnMixSeq::TMatchList::iterator match_list_i;
155  TSecondRowFits second_row_fits;
157  refseq = *(m_Seqs.begin());
158  TMatches::iterator match_i = m_Matches.begin();
159  m_MatchIdx = 0;
162  CAlnMixStarts::iterator start_i, lo_start_i, hi_start_i, tmp_start_i;
164  first_refseq = true; // mark the first loop
166  x_SetTaskTotal(int(m_Matches.size()));
168  while (true) {
170  // need to cancel?
171  if (x_InterruptTask()) {
172  Reset();
173  return;
174  }
176  // reached the end?
177  if (first_refseq ?
178  match_i == m_Matches.end() && m_Matches.size() :
179  refseq->m_MatchList.empty() ||
180  match_list_i == refseq->m_MatchList.end()) {
182  // move on to the next refseq
183  refseq->m_RefBy = 0;
185  // try to find the best scoring 'connected' candidate
187  if ( !((*it)->m_MatchList.empty()) &&
188  (*it)->m_RefBy == refseq) {
189  if (refseq == *it) {
190  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
191  "CAlnMixMerger::x_Merge(): "
192  "Infinitue loop detected "
193  "while searching for a connected candidate.");
194  }
195  refseq = *it;
196  break;
197  }
198  }
199  if (refseq->m_RefBy == 0) {
200  // no candidate was found 'connected' to the refseq
201  // continue with the highest scoring candidate
203  if ( !((*it)->m_MatchList.empty()) ) {
204  if (refseq == *it) {
205  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
206  "CAlnMixMerger::x_Merge(): "
207  "Infinitue loop detected "
208  "while searching for a new candidate.");
209  }
210  refseq = *it;
211  break;
212  }
213  }
214  }
216  if (refseq->m_MatchList.empty()) {
217  break; // done
218  } else {
219  first_refseq = false;
220  match_list_i = refseq->m_MatchList.begin();
221  }
222  continue;
223  } else {
224  // iterate
225  if (first_refseq) {
226  match = *match_i;
227  ++match_i;
228  } else {
229  match = *match_list_i;
230  ++match_list_i;
231  if (refseq == match->m_AlnSeq2 && refseq == match->m_AlnSeq1) {
232  // This is the rare case of a match b/n a seq and
233  // itself. We need one more incrementation since
234  // the match would be recorded twice
235  _ASSERT(refseq->m_MatchList.size() >= 2);
236  ++match_list_i;
237  }
238  }
239  }
241  curr_len = len = match->m_Len;
243  // is it a match with this refseq?
244  if (match->m_AlnSeq1 == refseq) {
245  seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq1;
246  start1 = match->m_Start1;
247  _ASSERT(seq1);
248  match_list_iter1 = match->m_MatchIter1;
249  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2;
250  start2 = match->m_Start2;
251  if ( seq2 )
252  match_list_iter2 = match->m_MatchIter2;
253  } else if (match->m_AlnSeq2 == refseq) {
254  seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq2;
255  start1 = match->m_Start2;
256  _ASSERT(seq1);
257  match_list_iter1 = match->m_MatchIter2;
258  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq1;
259  start2 = match->m_Start1;
260  if ( seq2 )
261  match_list_iter2 = match->m_MatchIter1;
262  } else {
263  seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq1;
264  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2;
266  // mark the two refseqs, they are candidates for next refseq(s)
267  _ASSERT(seq1);
268  match->m_MatchIter1 =
269  seq1->m_MatchList.insert(seq1->m_MatchList.end(), match);
270  if (seq2) {
271  match->m_MatchIter2 =
272  seq2->m_MatchList.insert(seq2->m_MatchList.end(), match);
273  }
274  _ASSERT(match->IsGood());
276  // mark that there's no match with this refseq
277  seq1 = 0;
278  }
280  // save the match info into the segments map
281  if (seq1) {
284  // this match is used, erase from seq1 list
285  if ( !first_refseq ) {
286  if ( !seq1->m_MatchList.empty() ) {
287  seq1->m_MatchList.erase(match_list_iter1);
288  match_list_iter1 = seq1->m_MatchList.end();
289  }
290  }
292  // order the match
293  match->m_AlnSeq1 = seq1;
294  match->m_Start1 = start1;
295  match->m_AlnSeq2 = seq2;
296  match->m_Start2 = start2;
297  match->m_MatchIter1 = match_list_iter1;
298  if ( seq2 )
299  match->m_MatchIter2 = match_list_iter2;
301  if (m_MergeFlags & fTruncateOverlaps && seq2) {
302  CDiagRangeCollection::TAlnRng rng(match->m_Start1,
303  match->m_Start2,
304  match->m_Len,
305  !match->m_StrandsDiffer);
306  CDiagRangeCollection::TAlnRngColl substrahend, diff;
307  substrahend.insert(rng);
308  CDiagRangeCollection* plane;
309  TPlanes::iterator plane_it;
310  if ((plane_it = m_Planes.find(make_pair(seq1, seq2))) !=
311  m_Planes.end()) {
312  plane = &(plane_it->second);
313  } else {
314  CDiagRangeCollection new_plane(match->m_AlnSeq1->m_Width,
315  match->m_AlnSeq2->m_Width);
316  plane = &(m_Planes[make_pair(seq1, seq2)] = new_plane);
317  }
318  plane->Diff(substrahend, diff);
320  if (diff.empty()) {
321  continue;
322  }
323  rng = *diff.begin();
324  plane->insert(rng);
326  // reset the ones below,
327  // since match may have been modified
328  start1 = match->m_Start1 = rng.GetFirstFrom();
329  start2 = match->m_Start2 = rng.GetSecondFrom();
330  curr_len = len = match->m_Len = rng.GetLength();
331  }
333  width1 = seq1->m_Width;
334  if (seq2) {
335  width2 = seq2->m_Width;
336  }
338  // in case of translated refseq
339  if (width1 == 3) {
340  x_SetSeqFrame(match, match->m_AlnSeq1);
341  {{
342  // reset the ones below,
343  // since match may have been modified
344  seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq1;
345  start1 = match->m_Start1;
346  match_list_iter1 = match->m_MatchIter1;
347  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2;
348  start2 = match->m_Start2;
349  if ( seq2 )
350  match_list_iter2 = match->m_MatchIter2;
351  curr_len = len = match->m_Len;
352  }}
353  }
355  // if a subject sequence place it in the proper row
356  if ( !first_refseq && m_MergeFlags & fQuerySeqMergeOnly) {
357  bool proper_row_found = false;
358  while (true) {
359  if (seq1->m_DsIdx == match->m_DsIdx) {
360  proper_row_found = true;
361  break;
362  } else {
363  if (seq1->m_ExtraRow) {
364  seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq1 = seq1->m_ExtraRow;
365  } else {
366  break;
367  }
368  }
369  }
370  if ( !proper_row_found &&
372  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
373  "CAlnMixMerger::x_Merge(): "
374  "Proper row not found for the match. "
375  "Cannot use fQuerySeqMergeOnly?");
376  }
377  }
379  CAlnMixStarts& starts = seq1->SetStarts();
380  if (seq2) {
381  // mark it, it is linked to the refseq
382  seq2->m_RefBy = refseq;
384  // this match is used erase from seq2 list
385  if ( !first_refseq ) {
386  if ( !seq2->m_MatchList.empty() ) {
387  seq2->m_MatchList.erase(match_list_iter2);
388  match_list_iter2 = seq2->m_MatchList.end();
389  match->m_MatchIter2 = match_list_iter2;
390  }
391  }
392  }
394  start_i = starts.end();
395  lo_start_i = starts.end();
396  hi_start_i = starts.end();
399  // create a copy of the match,
400  // which we could work with temporarily
401  // without modifying the original
402  CAlnMixMatch tmp_match = *match;
403  match = &tmp_match; // point to the new tmp_match
406  if (seq2) {
407  if (width2 == 3) {
408  // Set the frame if necessary
409  x_SetSeqFrame(match, match->m_AlnSeq2);
410  }
411  // check if the second row fits
412  // this will truncate the match if
413  // there's an inconsistent overlap
414  // and truncation was requested
415  second_row_fits = x_SecondRowFits(match);
416  if (second_row_fits == eIgnoreMatch) {
417  continue;
418  }
419  {{
420  // reset the ones below,
421  // since match may have been modified
422  seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq1;
423  start1 = match->m_Start1;
424  match_list_iter1 = match->m_MatchIter1;
425  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2;
426  start2 = match->m_Start2;
427  if ( seq2 )
428  match_list_iter2 = match->m_MatchIter2;
429  curr_len = len = match->m_Len;
430  }}
431  while (second_row_fits == eTranslocation) {
432  if (!seq2->m_ExtraRow) {
433  // create an extra row
435  row->m_BioseqHandle = seq2->m_BioseqHandle;
436  row->m_SeqId = seq2->m_SeqId;
437  row->m_Width = seq2->m_Width;
438  row->m_Frame = start2 % 3;
439  row->m_SeqIdx = seq2->m_SeqIdx;
440  row->m_ChildIdx = seq2->m_ChildIdx + 1;
442  row->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
443  }
444  m_ExtraRows.push_back(row);
445  row->m_ExtraRowIdx = seq2->m_ExtraRowIdx + 1;
446  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2 = seq2->m_ExtraRow = row;
447  break;
448  }
449  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2 = seq2->m_ExtraRow;
451  second_row_fits = x_SecondRowFits(match);
452  {{
453  // reset the ones below,
454  // since match may have been modified
455  seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq1;
456  start1 = match->m_Start1;
457  match_list_iter1 = match->m_MatchIter1;
458  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2;
459  start2 = match->m_Start2;
460  if ( seq2 )
461  match_list_iter2 = match->m_MatchIter2;
462  curr_len = len = match->m_Len;
463  }}
464  }
465  }
468  if (!starts.size()) {
469  // no starts exist yet
471  if ( !m_IndependentDSs ) {
472  // Stop the algorithm after merging with respect to the first refseq.
473  // Clear all MatchLists and exit
474  if ( !(m_SingleRefseq || first_refseq) ) {
476  if ( !((*it)->m_MatchList.empty()) ) {
477  (*it)->m_MatchList.clear();
478  }
479  }
480  break;
481  }
482  }
484  // this seq has not yet been used, set the strand
486  seq1->m_PositiveStrand = (seq1->m_StrandScore >= 0);
487  } else {
488  seq1->m_PositiveStrand = ! (m_MergeFlags & fNegativeStrand);
489  }
491  //create the first one
492  seg = new CAlnMixSegment();
493  seg->m_Len = len;
494  seg->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
495  starts[start1] = seg;
496  seg->SetStartIterator
497  (seq1, lo_start_i = hi_start_i = starts.begin());
500  seq2->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
501  }
502  // DONE!
503  } else {
504  // some starts exist already
506  // look ahead
507  if ((lo_start_i = start_i = starts.lower_bound(start1))
508  == starts.end() ||
509  start1 < start_i->first) {
510  // the start position does not exist
511  if (lo_start_i != starts.begin()) {
512  --lo_start_i;
513  }
514  }
516  // look back
517  if (hi_start_i == starts.end() && start_i != lo_start_i) {
518  CAlnMixSegment * prev_seg = lo_start_i->second;
519  if (lo_start_i->first + prev_seg->m_Len * width1 >
520  start1) {
521  // x----.. becomes x-x--..
522  // x--..
524  TSeqPos len1 = (start1 - lo_start_i->first) / width1;
525  TSeqPos len2 = prev_seg->m_Len - len1;
527  // create the second seg
528  seg = new CAlnMixSegment();
529  seg->m_Len = len2;
530  seg->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
531  starts[start1] = seg;
533  // create rows info
535  prev_seg->m_StartIts) {
536  CAlnMixSeq * seq = it->first;
537  tmp_start_i = it->second;
538  if (seq->m_PositiveStrand ==
539  seq1->m_PositiveStrand) {
540  seq->SetStarts()
541  [tmp_start_i->first + len1 * seq->m_Width]
542  = seg;
543  if (tmp_start_i != seq->SetStarts().end()) {
544  seg->SetStartIterator(seq, ++tmp_start_i);
545  } else {
546  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
547  "CAlnMixMerger::x_Merge(): "
548  "Internal error: tmp_start_i == seq->GetStarts().end()");
549  }
550  } else {
551  seq->SetStarts()
552  [tmp_start_i->first + len2 * seq->m_Width]
553  = prev_seg;
554  seq->SetStarts()[tmp_start_i->first] = seg;
555  seg->SetStartIterator(seq, tmp_start_i);
556  if (tmp_start_i != seq->SetStarts().end()) {
557  prev_seg->SetStartIterator(seq, ++tmp_start_i);
558  } else {
559  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
560  "CAlnMixMerger::x_Merge(): "
561  "Internal error: tmp_start_i == seq->GetStarts().end()");
562  }
563  }
564  }
566  // truncate the first seg
567  prev_seg->m_Len = len1;
569  if (start_i != starts.begin()) {
570  start_i--; // point to the newly created start
571  }
572  }
573  if (lo_start_i != starts.end()) {
574  lo_start_i++;
575  }
576  }
577  }
579  // loop through overlapping segments
580  start = start1;
581  while (hi_start_i == starts.end()) {
582  if (start_i != starts.end() && start_i->first == start) {
583  CAlnMixSegment * prev_seg = start_i->second;
584  if (prev_seg->m_Len > curr_len) {
585  // x-------) becomes x----)x--)
586  // x----)
588  // create the second seg
589  seg = new CAlnMixSegment();
590  TSeqPos len1 =
591  seg->m_Len = prev_seg->m_Len - curr_len;
592  start += curr_len * width1;
594  // truncate the first seg
595  prev_seg->m_Len = curr_len;
597  // create rows info
599  prev_seg->m_StartIts) {
600  CAlnMixSeq * seq = it->first;
601  tmp_start_i = it->second;
602  if (seq->m_PositiveStrand ==
603  seq1->m_PositiveStrand) {
604  seq->SetStarts()[tmp_start_i->first +
605  curr_len * seq->m_Width]
606  = seg;
607  if (tmp_start_i != seq->SetStarts().end()) {
608  seg->SetStartIterator(seq, ++tmp_start_i);
609  } else {
610  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
611  "CAlnMixMerger::x_Merge(): "
612  "Internal error: tmp_start_i == seq->GetStarts().end()");
613  }
614  } else{
615  seq->SetStarts()[tmp_start_i->first +
616  len1 * seq->m_Width]
617  = prev_seg;
618  seq->SetStarts()[tmp_start_i->first] = seg;
619  seg->SetStartIterator(seq, tmp_start_i);
620  if (tmp_start_i != seq->SetStarts().end()) {
621  prev_seg->SetStartIterator(seq, ++tmp_start_i);
622  } else {
623  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
624  "CAlnMixMerger::x_Merge(): "
625  "Internal error: tmp_start_i == seq->GetStarts().end()");
626  }
627  }
628  }
630  seg->StartItsConsistencyCheck(*seq1,
631  start,
632  m_MatchIdx);
633  prev_seg->StartItsConsistencyCheck(*seq1,
634  start,
635  m_MatchIdx);
636 #endif
639  hi_start_i = start_i; // DONE!
640  } else if (curr_len == prev_seg->m_Len) {
641  // x----)
642  // x----)
643  hi_start_i = start_i; // DONE!
644  } else {
645  // x----) becomes x----)x--)
646  // x-------)
647  start += prev_seg->m_Len * width1;
648  curr_len -= prev_seg->m_Len;
649  if (start_i != starts.end()) {
650  start_i++;
651  }
652  }
653  } else {
654  seg = new CAlnMixSegment();
655  starts[start] = seg;
656  tmp_start_i = start_i;
657  if (tmp_start_i != starts.begin()) {
658  tmp_start_i--;
659  }
660  seg->SetStartIterator(seq1, tmp_start_i);
661  if (start_i != starts.end() &&
662  start + curr_len * width1 > start_i->first) {
663  // x--..
664  // x--------..
665  seg->m_Len = (start_i->first - start) / width1;
666  seg->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
667  } else {
668  // x-----)
669  // x---)
670  seg->m_Len = curr_len;
671  seg->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
672  hi_start_i = start_i;
673  if (hi_start_i != starts.begin()) {
674  hi_start_i--; // DONE!
675  }
676  }
677  start += seg->m_Len * width1;
678  curr_len -= seg->m_Len;
679  if (lo_start_i == start_i) {
680  if (lo_start_i != starts.begin()) {
681  lo_start_i--;
682  }
683  }
684  }
685  }
687  // try to resolve the second row
688  if (seq2) {
690  while (second_row_fits != eSecondRowFitsOk &&
691  second_row_fits != eIgnoreMatch) {
692  if (!seq2->m_ExtraRow) {
693  // create an extra row
695  row->m_BioseqHandle = seq2->m_BioseqHandle;
696  row->m_SeqId = seq2->m_SeqId;
697  row->m_Width = seq2->m_Width;
698  row->m_Frame = start2 % 3;
699  row->m_SeqIdx = seq2->m_SeqIdx;
700  row->m_ChildIdx = seq2->m_ChildIdx + 1;
702  row->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
703  }
704  m_ExtraRows.push_back(row);
705  row->m_ExtraRowIdx = seq2->m_ExtraRowIdx + 1;
706  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2 = seq2->m_ExtraRow = row;
707  break;
708  }
709  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2 = seq2->m_ExtraRow;
711  second_row_fits = x_SecondRowFits(match);
712  {{
713  // reset the ones below,
714  // since match may have been modified
715  seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq1;
716  start1 = match->m_Start1;
717  match_list_iter1 = match->m_MatchIter1;
718  seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2;
719  start2 = match->m_Start2;
720  if ( seq2 )
721  match_list_iter2 = match->m_MatchIter2;
722  curr_len = len = match->m_Len;
723  }}
724  }
725  if (second_row_fits == eIgnoreMatch) {
726  continue;
727  }
730  // we need to reset these shtorcuts
731  // in case the match was truncated
732  start1 = match->m_Start1;
733  start2 = match->m_Start2;
734  len = match->m_Len;
735  }
737  // set the strand if first time
738  if (seq2->GetStarts().empty()) {
739  seq2->m_PositiveStrand =
740  (seq1->m_PositiveStrand ?
741  !match->m_StrandsDiffer :
742  match->m_StrandsDiffer);
743  }
745  // create row info
746  CAlnMixStarts& starts2 = match->m_AlnSeq2->SetStarts();
747  start = start2;
748  CAlnMixStarts::iterator start2_i
749  = starts2.lower_bound(start2);
750  start_i = match->m_StrandsDiffer ? hi_start_i : lo_start_i;
752  while(start < start2 + len * width2) {
753  if (start2_i != starts2.end() &&
754  start2_i->first == start) {
755  // this position already exists
757  if (start2_i->second != start_i->second) {
758  // merge the two segments
760  // store the seg in a CRef to delay its deletion
761  // until after the iteration on it is finished
762  CRef<CAlnMixSegment> tmp_seg(start2_i->second);
765  it,
766  tmp_seg->m_StartIts) {
767  CAlnMixSeq * tmp_seq = it->first;
768  tmp_start_i = it->second;
769  tmp_start_i->second = start_i->second;
770  start_i->second->SetStartIterator(tmp_seq, tmp_start_i);
771  }
773  start_i->second->StartItsConsistencyCheck(*seq2,
774  start,
775  m_MatchIdx);
776 #endif
777  }
778  } else {
779  // this position does not exist, create it
780  seq2->SetStarts()[start] = start_i->second;
782  // start2_i != starts.begin() because we just
783  // made an insertion, so decrement is ok
784  start2_i--;
786  // point this segment's row start iterator
787  if (start_i->second->m_StartIts.find(seq2) !=
788  start_i->second->m_StartIts.end()) {
789  // consistency check fails
790  NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
791  "CAlnMixMerger::x_Merge(): "
792  "Internal error: "
793  "Start iterator already exists for seq2.");
794  }
795  start_i->second->SetStartIterator(seq2, start2_i);
797  start_i->second->StartItsConsistencyCheck(*seq2,
798  start,
799  m_MatchIdx);
800 #endif
801  }
803  // increment values
804  start += start_i->second->m_Len * width2;
805  if (start2_i != starts2.end()) {
806  start2_i++;
807  }
808  if (match->m_StrandsDiffer) {
809  if (start_i != starts.begin()) {
810  start_i--;
811  }
812  } else {
813  if (start_i != starts.end()) {
814  start_i++;
815  }
816  }
817  }
818  }
819  }
820  }
829  }
830  x_CreateDenseg();
831 }
836 {
837  CAlnMixSeq*& seq1 = match->m_AlnSeq1;
838  CAlnMixSeq*& seq2 = match->m_AlnSeq2;
839  TSeqPos& start1 = match->m_Start1;
840  TSeqPos& start2 = match->m_Start2;
841  TSeqPos& len = match->m_Len;
842  const int& width1 = seq1->m_Width;
843  const int& width2 = seq2->m_Width;
845  TSignedSeqPos delta, delta1, delta2;
848  // subject sequences go on separate rows if requested
850  if (seq2->m_DsIdx) {
851  if ( !(m_MergeFlags & fTruncateOverlaps) ) {
852  if (seq2->m_DsIdx == match->m_DsIdx) {
853  return result;
854  } else {
855  return eForceSeparateRow;
856  }
857  }
858  } else {
859  seq2->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
860  if ( !(m_MergeFlags & fTruncateOverlaps) ) {
861  return result;
862  }
863  }
864  }
866  if ( !seq2->GetStarts().empty() ) {
868  // check strand
869  while (true) {
870  if (seq2->m_PositiveStrand !=
871  (seq1->m_PositiveStrand ?
872  !match->m_StrandsDiffer :
873  match->m_StrandsDiffer)) {
874  if (seq2->m_ExtraRow) {
875  seq2 = seq2->m_ExtraRow;
876  } else {
877  return eInconsistentStrand;
878  }
879  } else {
880  break;
881  }
882  }
884  // check frame
885  if (seq2->m_Width == 3 && seq2->m_Frame != (int)(start2 % 3)) {
886  return eInconsistentFrame;
887  }
889  starts2_i = seq2->GetStarts().lower_bound(start2);
891  // check below
892  if (starts2_i != seq2->GetStarts().begin()) {
893  starts2_i--;
895  // check for inconsistency on the first row
896  if ( !m_IndependentDSs ) {
898  starts2_i->second->m_StartIts.find(seq1);
899  if (seq1_start_it_i != starts2_i->second->m_StartIts.end()) {
900  const TSeqPos& existing_start1 = seq1_start_it_i->second->first;
901  if (match->m_StrandsDiffer) {
902  delta = start1 + len * width1 - existing_start1;
903  if (delta > 0) {
905  delta /= width1;
906  if (delta < (TSignedSeqPos)len) {
907  // target above
908  // x----- x-)-)
909  // (----x (---x
910  // target below
911  len -= delta;
912  start2 += delta * width2;
913  } else if (delta > (TSignedSeqPos)len &&
915  // Translocation
916  // below target above
917  // x---- x-)---
918  // (----x (------x
919  // target below
920  delta = (existing_start1 +
921  starts2_i->second->m_Len - start1) /
922  width1;
923  if (delta > 0) {
924  if (delta < (TSignedSeqPos)len) {
925  start1 += delta * width1;
926  len -= delta;
927  } else {
928  return eIgnoreMatch;
929  }
930  }
931  return eTranslocation;
932  } else {
933  return eIgnoreMatch;
934  }
935  } else {
936  return eFirstRowOverlapAbove;
937  }
938  }
939  } else {
940  delta = existing_start1
941  + starts2_i->second->m_Len * width1
942  - start1;
943  if (delta > 0) {
945  delta /= width1;
946  if (len > (TSeqPos)delta) {
947  // below target
948  // x---- x-)--)
949  // x---) x----)
950  // below target
951  len -= delta;
952  start1 += delta * width1;
953  start2 += delta * width2;
954  } else if (delta > (TSignedSeqPos)len &&
956  // Translocation
957  // target above
958  // x--x-) ----)
959  // x---) x----)
960  // below target
961  delta = (existing_start1 - start1) / width1;
962  if (delta < (TSignedSeqPos)len) {
963  len = delta;
964  if ( !len ) {
965  return eIgnoreMatch;
966  }
967  }
968  return eTranslocation;
969  } else {
970  return eIgnoreMatch;
971  }
972  } else {
973  return eFirstRowOverlapBelow;
974  }
975  }
976  }
977  }
978  }
980  // check for overlap with the segment below on second row
981  delta = starts2_i->first + starts2_i->second->m_Len * width2
982  - start2;
983  if (delta > 0) {
984  // target
985  // ----- ------
986  // x---- x-)--)
987  // below target
989  delta /= width2;
990  if (len > (TSeqPos)delta) {
991  len -= delta;
992  start2 += delta * width2;
993  if ( !match->m_StrandsDiffer ) {
994  start1 += delta * width1;
995  }
996  } else {
997  return eIgnoreMatch;
998  }
999  } else {
1000  return eSecondRowOverlap;
1001  }
1002  }
1003  if (starts2_i != seq2->GetStarts().end()) {
1004  starts2_i++;
1005  }
1006  }
1008  // check the overlapping area for consistency
1009  while (starts2_i != seq2->GetStarts().end() &&
1010  starts2_i->first < start2 + len * width2) {
1011  if ( !m_IndependentDSs ) {
1013  starts2_i->second->m_StartIts.find(seq1);
1014  if (seq1_start_it_i != starts2_i->second->m_StartIts.end()) {
1015  const TSeqPos& existing_start1 = seq1_start_it_i->second->first;
1016  if (match->m_StrandsDiffer) {
1017  // x---..- x---..--)
1018  // (---..- (--x..--x
1019  delta1 = (start1 - existing_start1) / width1 +
1020  len - starts2_i->second->m_Len;
1021  } else {
1022  // x--..- x---...-)
1023  // x--..- x---...-)
1024  delta1 = (existing_start1 - start1) / width1;
1025  }
1026  delta2 = (starts2_i->first - start2) / width2;
1027  if (delta1 != delta2) {
1029  delta = (delta1 < delta2 ? delta1 : delta2);
1030  if (delta > 0) {
1031  if (match->m_StrandsDiffer) {
1032  start1 += (len - delta) * width1;
1033  }
1034  len = delta;
1035  } else if (m_MergeFlags & fAllowTranslocation) {
1036  return eTranslocation;
1037  } else {
1038  return eInconsistentOverlap;
1039  }
1040  } else {
1041  return eInconsistentOverlap;
1042  }
1043  }
1044  }
1045  }
1046  starts2_i++;
1047  }
1049  // check above for consistency
1050  if (starts2_i != seq2->GetStarts().end()) {
1051  if ( !m_IndependentDSs ) {
1053  starts2_i->second->m_StartIts.find(seq1);
1054  if (seq1_start_it_i != starts2_i->second->m_StartIts.end()) {
1055  const TSeqPos& existing_start1 = seq1_start_it_i->second->first;
1056  if (match->m_StrandsDiffer) {
1057  delta = existing_start1 +
1058  starts2_i->second->m_Len * width1 - start1;
1059  if (delta > 0) {
1060  // below target
1061  // x---- x-)--)
1062  // (---x (----x
1063  // above target
1065  if (len > (TSeqPos)(delta / width1)) {
1066  len -= delta / width1;
1067  start1 += delta;
1068  } else {
1070  return eFirstRowOverlapBelow;
1071  } else {
1072  return eIgnoreMatch;
1073  }
1074  }
1075  } else {
1076  return eFirstRowOverlapBelow;
1077  }
1078  }
1079  } else {
1080  delta = start1 + len * width1 - existing_start1;
1081  if (delta > 0) {
1082  // target above
1083  // x--x-) ----)
1084  // x----) x---)
1085  // target above
1087  if (len <= (TSeqPos)delta / width1) {
1089  return eFirstRowOverlapAbove;
1090  } else {
1091  return eIgnoreMatch;
1092  }
1093  } else {
1094  len -= delta / width1;
1095  }
1096  } else {
1097  return eFirstRowOverlapAbove;
1098  }
1099  }
1100  }
1101  }
1102  }
1103  }
1105  // check for inconsistent matches
1106  CAlnMixStarts::const_iterator starts1_i = seq1->GetStarts().find(start1);
1107  if (starts1_i == seq1->GetStarts().end() ||
1108  starts1_i->first != start1) {
1109  // commenting out for now, since moved the function call ahead
1110 // NCBI_THROW(CAlnException, eMergeFailure,
1111 // "CAlnMixMerger::x_SecondRowFits(): "
1112 // "Internal error: seq1->m_Starts do not match");
1113  } else {
1115  TSeqPos tmp_start =
1116  match->m_StrandsDiffer ? start2 + len * width2 : start2;
1117  while (starts1_i != seq1->GetStarts().end() &&
1118  starts1_i->first < start1 + len * width1) {
1120  const CAlnMixSegment::TStartIterators& seg_start_its =
1121  starts1_i->second->m_StartIts;
1123  if (match->m_StrandsDiffer) {
1124  tmp_start -= starts1_i->second->m_Len * width2;
1125  }
1127  if ((seq2_start_it_i = seg_start_its.find(seq2)) !=
1128  seg_start_its.end()) {
1129  if (seq2_start_it_i->second->first != tmp_start) {
1130  // found an inconsistent prev match
1131  return eSecondRowInconsistency;
1132  }
1133  }
1135  if ( !match->m_StrandsDiffer ) {
1136  tmp_start += starts1_i->second->m_Len * width2;
1137  }
1139  starts1_i++;
1140  }
1141  }
1142  }
1145  if (seq2->m_DsIdx == match->m_DsIdx) {
1146  return result;
1147  } else {
1148  return eForceSeparateRow;
1149  }
1150  }
1151  return result;
1152 }
1155 void
1157 {
1158  int numrow = 0,
1159  numrows = int(m_Rows.size());
1160  int numseg = 0,
1161  numsegs = int(m_AlnMixSegments->m_Segments.size());
1162  int num = numrows * numsegs;
1164  m_DS = new CDense_seg();
1165  m_DS->SetDim(numrows);
1166  m_DS->SetNumseg(numsegs);
1168  m_Aln = new CSeq_align();
1170  m_Aln->SetSegs().SetDenseg(*m_DS);
1171  m_Aln->SetDim(numrows);
1173  CDense_seg::TIds& ids = m_DS->SetIds();
1174  CDense_seg::TStarts& starts = m_DS->SetStarts();
1175  CDense_seg::TStrands& strands = m_DS->SetStrands();
1176  CDense_seg::TLens& lens = m_DS->SetLens();
1178  x_SetTaskName("Building");
1179  x_SetTaskTotal(numsegs);
1181  ids.resize(numrows);
1182  lens.resize(numsegs);
1183  starts.resize(num, -1);
1184  strands.resize(num, eNa_strand_minus);
1186  vector<bool> row_empty(numrows, true);
1188  // ids
1189  numrow = 0;
1190  ITERATE(TSeqs, row_i, m_Rows) {
1191  ids[numrow++] = (*row_i)->m_SeqId;
1192  }
1194  int offset = 0;
1195  numseg = 0;
1198  seg_i,
1201  // lens
1202  lens[numseg] = (*seg_i)->m_Len;
1204  // starts
1206  (*seg_i)->m_StartIts) {
1207  starts[offset + start_its_i->first->m_RowIdx] =
1208  start_its_i->second->first;
1210  if (start_its_i->second->first != kInvalidSeqPos) {
1211  row_empty[start_its_i->first->m_RowIdx] = false;
1212  }
1213  }
1215  // strands
1216  numrow = 0;
1217  ITERATE(TSeqs, row_i, m_Rows) {
1218  if ((*row_i)->m_PositiveStrand) {
1219  strands[offset + numrow] = eNa_strand_plus;
1220  }
1221  numrow++;
1222  }
1224  // next segment
1225  numseg++; offset += numrows;
1226  x_SetTaskCompleted(numseg);
1227  }
1230  // widths
1231  CDense_seg::TWidths* widths = NULL;
1234  widths = &m_DS->SetWidths();
1235  widths->resize(numrows);
1236  numrow = 0;
1237  ITERATE (TSeqs, row_i, m_Rows) {
1238  (*widths)[numrow++] = (*row_i)->m_Width;
1239  }
1240  }
1242  //remove empty rows
1243  for(int row = numrows-1; row >=0; --row) {
1244  if (row_empty[row]) {
1245  ids.erase(ids.begin()+row);
1246  if (widths) {
1247  widths->erase(widths->begin()+row);
1248  }
1249  for (int i = (numsegs-1)*numrows + row; i > 0; i -= numrows) {
1250  starts.erase(starts.begin()+i);
1251  strands.erase(strands.begin()+i);
1252  }
1253  --numrows;
1254  }
1255  }
1256  m_DS->SetDim(numrows);
1258 #if _DEBUG
1259  try {
1260  m_DS->Validate(true);
1261  } catch (...) {
1262  _ASSERT(false);
1263  }
1264 #endif
1265 }
1268 void
1270 {
1271  unsigned frame;
1272  if (seq == match->m_AlnSeq1) {
1273  frame = match->m_Start1 % 3;
1274  } else {
1275  frame = match->m_Start2 % 3;
1276  }
1277  if (seq->GetStarts().empty()) {
1278  seq->m_Frame = frame;
1279  } else {
1280  while ((unsigned)seq->m_Frame != frame) {
1281  if (!seq->m_ExtraRow) {
1282  // create an extra frame
1283  CRef<CAlnMixSeq> new_seq (new CAlnMixSeq);
1284  new_seq->m_BioseqHandle = seq->m_BioseqHandle;
1285  new_seq->m_SeqId = seq->m_SeqId;
1286  new_seq->m_PositiveStrand = seq->m_PositiveStrand;
1287  new_seq->m_Width = seq->m_Width;
1288  new_seq->m_Frame = frame;
1289  new_seq->m_SeqIdx = seq->m_SeqIdx;
1290  new_seq->m_ChildIdx = seq->m_ChildIdx + 1;
1292  new_seq->m_DsIdx = match->m_DsIdx;
1293  }
1294  m_ExtraRows.push_back(new_seq);
1295  new_seq->m_ExtraRowIdx = seq->m_ExtraRowIdx + 1;
1296  seq = seq->m_ExtraRow = new_seq;
1297  break;
1298  }
1299  seq = seq->m_ExtraRow;
1300  }
1301  }
1302 }
1305 END_objects_SCOPE // namespace ncbi::objects::
class CAlignRangeCollection<TAlignRange> represent a sorted collection of TAlignRange.
const_iterator insert(const TAlignRange &r)
const_iterator begin() const
CAlignRange Represents an element of pairwise alignment of two sequences.
Definition: align_range.hpp:63
bool & m_ContainsNA
Definition: alnmatch.hpp:117
bool & m_ContainsAA
Definition: alnmatch.hpp:116
TAddFlags m_AddFlags
Definition: alnmatch.hpp:115
void x_CreateDenseg(void)
Definition: alnmerger.cpp:1156
CRef< CDense_seg > m_DS
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:126
void x_Merge(void)
Definition: alnmerger.cpp:101
TSecondRowFits x_SecondRowFits(CAlnMixMatch *match) const
Definition: alnmerger.cpp:835
void Merge(TMergeFlags flags=0)
Definition: alnmerger.cpp:85
@ eSecondRowInconsistency
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:110
CRef< CAlnMixMatches > m_AlnMixMatches
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:131
TMergeFlags m_MergeFlags
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:129
CRef< CAlnMixSegments > m_AlnMixSegments
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:139
bool m_IndependentDSs
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:144
CAlnMixMerger(CRef< CAlnMixMatches > &aln_mix_matches, TCalcScoreMethod calc_score=0)
Definition: alnmerger.cpp:48
list< CRef< CAlnMixSeq > > & m_ExtraRows
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:137
TMatches & m_Matches
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:132
void x_SetSeqFrame(CAlnMixMatch *match, CAlnMixSeq *&seq)
Definition: alnmerger.cpp:1269
vector< CRef< CAlnMixSeq > > TSeqs
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:120
bool m_SingleRefseq
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:143
TSeqs & m_Seqs
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:135
CAlnMixMatches::TCalcScoreMethod TCalcScoreMethod
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:62
@ fRemoveLeadTrailGaps
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:76
@ fFillUnalignedRegions
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:81
CRef< CAlnMixSequences > m_AlnMixSequences
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:134
void Reset()
Definition: alnmerger.cpp:65
vector< CRef< CAlnMixSeq > > & m_Rows
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:136
TPlanes m_Planes
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:148
const size_t & m_DsCnt
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:124
CRef< CSeq_align > m_Aln
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:127
size_t m_MatchIdx
Definition: alnmerger.hpp:141
void StartItsConsistencyCheck(const CAlnMixSeq &seq, const TSeqPos &start, size_t match_idx) const
void SetStartIterator(CAlnMixSeq *seq, CAlnMixStarts::iterator iter)
TStartIterators m_StartIts
TSegments m_Segments
Definition: alnsegments.hpp:80
void Build(bool gap_join=false, bool min_gap=false, bool remove_leading_and_trailing_gaps=false)
Definition: alnsegments.cpp:58
list< CAlnMixSegment * > TSegments
Definition: alnsegments.hpp:67
void FillUnalignedRegions(void)
CAlnMixStarts & SetStarts()
Definition: alnseq.hpp:168
bool m_PositiveStrand
Definition: alnseq.hpp:156
int m_SeqIdx
Definition: alnseq.hpp:162
int m_DsIdx
Definition: alnseq.hpp:161
TMatchList m_MatchList
Definition: alnseq.hpp:165
const CAlnMixStarts & GetStarts() const
Definition: alnseq.hpp:167
unsigned m_Width
Definition: alnseq.hpp:154
CAlnMixSeq * m_ExtraRow
Definition: alnseq.hpp:158
int m_ExtraRowIdx
Definition: alnseq.hpp:159
CAlnMixSeq * m_RefBy
Definition: alnseq.hpp:157
int m_ChildIdx
Definition: alnseq.hpp:163
CRef< CSeq_id > m_SeqId
Definition: alnseq.hpp:149
const CBioseq_Handle * m_BioseqHandle
Definition: alnseq.hpp:148
int m_Frame
Definition: alnseq.hpp:155
void BuildRows()
Definition: alnseq.cpp:266
TWidths & SetWidths(void)
Definition: Dense_seg.hpp:217
vector< int > TWidths
Definition: Dense_seg.hpp:73
void Validate(bool full_test=false) const
Definition: Dense_seg.cpp:274
void Diff(const TAlnRngColl &substrahend, TAlnRngColl &difference)
Calculate a difference.
Definition: alndiag.cpp:53
void x_SetTaskCompleted(int completed)
void x_SetTaskName(const string &name)
Methods for reporting task progress.
void x_SetTaskTotal(int total)
bool x_InterruptTask()
Check if the task should be interrupted.
size_type size() const
Definition: map.hpp:148
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: map.hpp:151
const_iterator end() const
Definition: map.hpp:152
const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type &key) const
Definition: map.hpp:154
bool empty() const
Definition: map.hpp:149
const_iterator find(const key_type &key) const
Definition: map.hpp:153
static uch flags
#define false
Definition: bool.h:36
Definition: dlist.tmpl.h:46
int offset
Definition: replacements.h:160
unsigned int TSeqPos
Type for sequence locations and lengths.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:875
#define ITERATE(Type, Var, Cont)
ITERATE macro to sequence through container elements.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:815
int TSignedSeqPos
Type for signed sequence position.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:887
#define NON_CONST_ITERATE(Type, Var, Cont)
Non constant version of ITERATE macro.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:822
const TSeqPos kInvalidSeqPos
Define special value for invalid sequence position.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:878
#define NULL
Definition: ncbistd.hpp:225
#define NCBI_THROW(exception_class, err_code, message)
Generic macro to throw an exception, given the exception class, error code and message string.
Definition: ncbiexpt.hpp:704
void Reset(void)
Reset reference object.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:773
position_type GetSecondFrom(void) const
position_type GetFirstFrom(void) const
position_type GetLength(void) const
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
TLens & SetLens(void)
Assign a value to Lens data member.
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:561
vector< TSeqPos > TLens
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:108
void SetSegs(TSegs &value)
Assign a value to Segs data member.
Definition: Seq_align_.cpp:310
vector< ENa_strand > TStrands
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:109
void SetDim(TDim value)
Assign a value to Dim data member.
Definition: Seq_align_.hpp:865
vector< TSignedSeqPos > TStarts
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:107
void SetDim(TDim value)
Assign a value to Dim data member.
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:427
void SetType(TType value)
Assign a value to Type data member.
Definition: Seq_align_.hpp:818
vector< CRef< CSeq_id > > TIds
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:106
TStarts & SetStarts(void)
Assign a value to Starts data member.
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:536
TStrands & SetStrands(void)
Assign a value to Strands data member.
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:586
void SetNumseg(TNumseg value)
Assign a value to Numseg data member.
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:474
TIds & SetIds(void)
Assign a value to Ids data member.
Definition: Dense_seg_.hpp:511
@ eNa_strand_plus
Definition: Na_strand_.hpp:66
@ eNa_strand_minus
Definition: Na_strand_.hpp:67
unsigned int
A callback function used to compare two keys in a database.
Definition: types.hpp:1210
int i
int len
Int4 delta(size_t dimension_, const Int4 *score_)
static int match(PCRE2_SPTR start_eptr, PCRE2_SPTR start_ecode, uint16_t top_bracket, PCRE2_SIZE frame_size, pcre2_match_data *match_data, match_block *mb)
Definition: pcre2_match.c:594
#define row(bind, expected)
Definition: string_bind.c:73
#define _ASSERT
else result
Definition: token2.c:20
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:12 2024 by rev. 669887