NCBI C++ ToolKit
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blast_hits.c File Reference

BLAST functions for saving hits after the (preliminary) gapped alignment. More...

#include <algo/blast/core/ncbi_math.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_hits.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_util.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_def.h>
#include <algo/blast/core/blast_hspstream.h>
#include "blast_hits_priv.h"
#include "blast_itree.h"
#include "jumper.h"
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struct  SHspWrap
 Auxiliary structure for sorting HSPs. More...
struct  BlastHSPwOid


 Maximal diagonal distance between HSP starting offsets, within which HSPs from search of different chunks of subject sequence are considered for merging. More...


typedef struct SHspWrap SHspWrap
 Auxiliary structure for sorting HSPs. More...
typedef struct BlastHSPwOid BlastHSPwOid


Int4 GetPrelimHitlistSize (Int4 hitlist_size, Int4 compositionBasedStats, Boolean gapped_calculation)
Int2 SBlastHitsParametersNew (const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options, const BlastExtensionOptions *ext_options, const BlastScoringOptions *scoring_options, SBlastHitsParameters **retval)
 Sets up small structures used by blast_hit.c for saving HSPs. More...
SBlastHitsParametersSBlastHitsParametersDup (const SBlastHitsParameters *hit_params)
 Make a deep copy of the SBlastHitsParameters structure passed in. More...
SBlastHitsParametersSBlastHitsParametersFree (SBlastHitsParameters *param)
 Deallocated SBlastHitsParameters. More...
BlastHSPBlast_HSPFree (BlastHSP *hsp)
 Deallocate memory for an HSP structure. More...
BlastHSPBlast_HSPNew (void)
 Allocate and zeros out memory for an HSP structure. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPInit (Int4 query_start, Int4 query_end, Int4 subject_start, Int4 subject_end, Int4 query_gapped_start, Int4 subject_gapped_start, Int4 query_context, Int2 query_frame, Int2 subject_frame, Int4 score, GapEditScript **gap_edit, BlastHSP **ret_hsp)
 Allocates BlastHSP and inits with information from input. More...
BlastHSPMappingInfoBlastHSPMappingInfoFree (BlastHSPMappingInfo *info)
 Deallocate memory for an HSP's additional data structure. More...
BlastHSPMappingInfoBlastHSPMappingInfoNew (void)
 Allocate memory for an HSP's additional data structure. More...
Int4 BlastHspNumMax (Boolean gapped_calculation, const BlastHitSavingOptions *options)
 Calculated the number of HSPs that should be saved. More...
static BlastHSPs_BlastHSPCopy (const BlastHSP *hsp)
 Copies all contents of a BlastHSP structure. More...
BlastHSPBlast_HSPClone (const BlastHSP *hsp)
 Make a deep copy of an HSP. More...
Int4 PhiBlastGetEffectiveNumberOfPatterns (const BlastQueryInfo *query_info)
 Count the number of occurrences of pattern in sequence, which do not overlap by more than half the pattern match length. More...
static void s_HSPPHIGetEvalue (BlastHSP *hsp, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, const BlastQueryInfo *query_info, const SPHIPatternSearchBlk *pattern_blk)
 Calculate e-value for an HSP found by PHI BLAST. More...
static Boolean s_UpdateReevaluatedHSP (BlastHSP *hsp, Boolean gapped, Int4 cutoff_score, Int4 score, const Uint1 *query_start, const Uint1 *subject_start, const Uint1 *best_q_start, const Uint1 *best_q_end, const Uint1 *best_s_start, const Uint1 *best_s_end, int best_start_esp_index, int best_end_esp_index, int best_end_esp_num)
 Update HSP data after reevaluation with ambiguities. More...
Boolean Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesGapped (BlastHSP *hsp, const Uint1 *q, const Int4 qlen, const Uint1 *s, const Int4 slen, const BlastHitSavingParameters *hit_params, const BlastScoringParameters *score_params, const BlastScoreBlk *sbp)
 Reevaluate the HSP's score and percent identity after taking into account the ambiguity information. More...
static Boolean s_UpdateReevaluatedHSPUngapped (BlastHSP *hsp, Int4 cutoff_score, Int4 score, const Uint1 *query_start, const Uint1 *subject_start, const Uint1 *best_q_start, const Uint1 *best_q_end, const Uint1 *best_s_start, const Uint1 *best_s_end)
 Update HSP data after reevaluation with ambiguities for an ungapped search. More...
Boolean Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesUngapped (BlastHSP *hsp, const Uint1 *query_start, const Uint1 *subject_start, const BlastInitialWordParameters *word_params, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, Boolean translated)
 Reevaluate the HSP's score and percent identity after taking into account the ambiguity information. More...
static Int2 s_Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives (const Uint1 *query, const Uint1 *subject, const BlastHSP *hsp, Int4 *num_ident_ptr, Int4 *align_length_ptr, const BlastScoreBlk *sbp, Int4 *num_pos_ptr)
 Calculate number of identities in a regular HSP. More...
static Int2 s_Blast_HSPGetOOFNumIdentitiesAndPositives (const Uint1 *query, const Uint1 *subject, const BlastHSP *hsp, EBlastProgramType program, Int4 *num_ident_ptr, Int4 *align_length_ptr, const BlastScoreBlk *sbp, Int4 *num_pos_ptr)
 Calculate number of identities in an HSP for an out-of-frame alignment. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPGetNumIdentities (const Uint1 *query, const Uint1 *subject, BlastHSP *hsp, const BlastScoringOptions *score_options, Int4 *align_length_ptr)
 Calculate number of identities in an HSP and set the BlastHSP::num_ident field (unconditionally) More...
Int2 Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives (const Uint1 *query, const Uint1 *subject, BlastHSP *hsp, const BlastScoringOptions *score_options, Int4 *align_length_ptr, const BlastScoreBlk *sbp)
 Calculate number of identities and positives in an HSP and set the BlastHSP::num_ident and BlastHSP::num_positives fields. More...
static Boolean s_HSPTest (const BlastHSP *hsp, const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options, Int4 align_length)
Boolean Blast_HSPTestIdentityAndLength (EBlastProgramType program_number, BlastHSP *hsp, const Uint1 *query, const Uint1 *subject, const BlastScoringOptions *score_options, const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options)
 Calculates number of identities and alignment lengths of an HSP via Blast_HSPGetNumIdentities and determines whether this HSP should be kept or deleted. More...
Boolean Blast_HSPTest (BlastHSP *hsp, const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options, Int4 align_length)
 Determines whether this HSP should be kept or deleted. More...
double Blast_HSPGetQueryCoverage (const BlastHSP *hsp, Int4 query_length)
 Calculate query coverage percentage of an hsp. More...
Boolean Blast_HSPQueryCoverageTest (BlastHSP *hsp, double min_query_coverage_pct, Int4 query_length)
 Calculate query coverage percentage of an hsp. More...
void Blast_HSPCalcLengthAndGaps (const BlastHSP *hsp, Int4 *length_out, Int4 *gaps_out, Int4 *gap_opens_out)
 Calculate length of an HSP as length in query plus length of gaps in query. More...
static void s_BlastSegGetTranslatedOffsets (const BlastSeg *segment, Int4 seq_length, Int4 *start, Int4 *end)
 Adjust start and end of an HSP in a translated sequence segment. More...
void Blast_HSPGetAdjustedOffsets (EBlastProgramType program, BlastHSP *hsp, Int4 query_length, Int4 subject_length, Int4 *q_start, Int4 *q_end, Int4 *s_start, Int4 *s_end)
 Adjust HSP endpoint offsets according to strand/frame; return values in 1-offset coordinates instead of internal 0-offset. More...
const Uint1Blast_HSPGetTargetTranslation (SBlastTargetTranslation *target_t, const BlastHSP *hsp, Int4 *translated_length)
 Returns a buffer with a protein translated from nucleotide. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPGetPartialSubjectTranslation (BLAST_SequenceBlk *subject_blk, BlastHSP *hsp, Boolean is_ooframe, const Uint1 *gen_code_string, Uint1 **translation_buffer_ptr, Uint1 **subject_ptr, Int4 *subject_length_ptr, Int4 *start_shift_ptr)
 Performs the translation and coordinates adjustment, if only part of the subject sequence is translated for gapped alignment. More...
void Blast_HSPAdjustSubjectOffset (BlastHSP *hsp, Int4 start_shift)
 Adjusts offsets if partial sequence was used for extension. More...
int ScoreCompareHSPs (const void *h1, const void *h2)
 Comparison callback function for sorting HSPs, first by score in descending order, then by location. More...
Boolean Blast_HSPListIsSortedByScore (const BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Check if HSP list is sorted by score. More...
void Blast_HSPListSortByScore (BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Sort the HSPs in an HSP list by score. More...
static int s_EvalueComp (double evalue1, double evalue2)
 Compares 2 evalues, consider them equal if both are close enough to zero. More...
static int s_EvalueCompareHSPs (const void *v1, const void *v2)
 Comparison callback function for sorting HSPs by e-value and score, before saving BlastHSPList in a BlastHitList. More...
void Blast_HSPListSortByEvalue (BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Sort the HSPs in an HSP list by e-value, with scores and other criteria used to resolve ties. More...
static Int4 s_HSPStartDiag (const BlastHSP *hsp)
 Retrieve the starting diagonal of an HSP. More...
static Int4 s_HSPEndDiag (const BlastHSP *hsp)
 Retrieve the ending diagonal of an HSP. More...
static Boolean s_BlastMergeTwoHSPs (BlastHSP *hsp1, BlastHSP *hsp2, Boolean allow_gap)
 Given two hits, check if the hits can be merged and do the merge if so. More...
BlastHSPListBlast_HSPListFree (BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Deallocate memory for an HSP list structure as well as all it's components. More...
BlastHSPListBlast_HSPListNew (Int4 hsp_max)
 Creates HSP list structure with a default size HSP array. More...
Boolean Blast_HSPList_IsEmpty (const BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Returns true if the BlastHSPList contains no HSPs. More...
BlastHSPListBlastHSPListDup (const BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Returns a duplicate (deep copy) of the given hsp list. More...
void Blast_HSPListSwap (BlastHSPList *list1, BlastHSPList *list2)
 Swaps the two HSP lists via structure assignment. More...
static void s_Heapify (char *base0, char *base, char *lim, char *last, size_t width, int(*compar)(const void *, const void *))
 This is a copy of a static function from ncbimisc.c. More...
static void s_CreateHeap (void *b, size_t nel, size_t width, int(*compar)(const void *, const void *))
 Creates a heap of elements based on a comparison function. More...
static void s_BlastHSPListInsertHSPInHeap (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, BlastHSP **hsp)
 Given a BlastHSPList* with a heapified HSP array, check whether the new HSP is better than the worst scoring. More...
static Boolean s_BlastCheckBestEvalue (const BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Verifies that the best_evalue field on the BlastHSPList is correct. More...
static double s_BlastGetBestEvalue (const BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Gets the best (lowest) evalue from the BlastHSPList. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPListSaveHSP (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, BlastHSP *new_hsp)
 Saves HSP information into a BlastHSPList structure. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPListGetEvalues (EBlastProgramType program_number, const BlastQueryInfo *query_info, Int4 subject_length, BlastHSPList *hsp_list, Boolean gapped_calculation, Boolean RPS_prelim, const BlastScoreBlk *sbp, double gap_decay_rate, double scaling_factor)
 Calculate the expected values for all HSPs in a hit list, without using the sum statistics. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPListGetBitScores (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, Boolean gapped_calculation, const BlastScoreBlk *sbp)
 Calculate bit scores from raw scores in an HSP list. More...
void Blast_HSPListPHIGetBitScores (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, BlastScoreBlk *sbp)
 Calculate bit scores from raw scores in an HSP list for a PHI BLAST search. More...
void Blast_HSPListPHIGetEvalues (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, const BlastQueryInfo *query_info, const SPHIPatternSearchBlk *pattern_blk)
 Calculate e-values for a PHI BLAST HSP list. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPListReapByEvalue (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options)
 Discard the HSPs above the e-value threshold from the HSP list. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPListReapByQueryCoverage (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options, const BlastQueryInfo *query_info, EBlastProgramType program_number)
 Discard the HSPs below the min query coverage pct from the HSP list. More...
Int2 Blast_TrimHSPListByMaxHsps (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options)
Int2 Blast_HSPListReapByRawScore (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, const BlastHitSavingOptions *hit_options)
 Same as Blast_HSPListReapByEvalue() except that it uses the raw score of the hit and the HitSavingOptions->cutoff_score to filter out hits. More...
static int s_SortHSPListByOid (const void *x, const void *y)
 callback used to sort HSP lists in order of increasing OID More...
Int2 Blast_HitListMerge (BlastHitList **old_hit_list_ptr, BlastHitList **combined_hit_list_ptr, Int4 contexts_per_query, Int4 *split_offsets, Int4 chunk_overlap_size, Boolean allow_gap)
 Combine two hitlists; both HitLists must contain HSPs that represent alignments to the same query sequence. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPListPurgeNullHSPs (BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Cleans out the NULLed out HSP's from the HSP array that is part of the BlastHSPList. More...
static int s_QueryOffsetCompareHSPs (const void *v1, const void *v2)
 Callback for sorting HSPs by starting offset in query. More...
static int s_QueryEndCompareHSPs (const void *v1, const void *v2)
 Callback for sorting HSPs by ending offset in query. More...
static void s_CutOffGapEditScript (BlastHSP *hsp, Int4 q_cut, Int4 s_cut, Boolean cut_begin)
Int4 Blast_HSPListPurgeHSPsWithCommonEndpoints (EBlastProgramType program, BlastHSPList *hsp_list, Boolean purge)
 Check for an overlap of two different alignments and remove redundant HSPs. More...
Int4 Blast_HSPListSubjectBestHit (EBlastProgramType program, const BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions *subject_besthit_opts, const BlastQueryInfo *query_info, BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
Int2 Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped (EBlastProgramType program, BlastHSPList *hsp_list, BLAST_SequenceBlk *query_blk, BLAST_SequenceBlk *subject_blk, const BlastInitialWordParameters *word_params, const BlastHitSavingParameters *hit_params, const BlastQueryInfo *query_info, BlastScoreBlk *sbp, const BlastScoringParameters *score_params, const BlastSeqSrc *seq_src, const Uint1 *gen_code_string)
 Reevaluate all ungapped HSPs in an HSP list. More...
static void s_BlastHSPListsCombineByScore (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, BlastHSPList *combined_hsp_list, Int4 new_hspcnt)
 Combine two HSP lists, without altering the individual HSPs, and without reallocating the HSP array. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPListAppend (BlastHSPList **old_hsp_list_ptr, BlastHSPList **combined_hsp_list_ptr, Int4 hsp_num_max)
 Append one HSP list to the other. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPListsMerge (BlastHSPList **hsp_list_ptr, BlastHSPList **combined_hsp_list_ptr, Int4 hsp_num_max, Int4 *split_offsets, Int4 contexts_per_query, Int4 chunk_overlap_size, Boolean allow_gap, Boolean short_reads)
 Merge an HSP list from a chunk of the subject sequence into a previously computed HSP list. More...
void Blast_HSPListAdjustOffsets (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, Int4 offset)
 Adjust subject offsets in an HSP list if only part of the subject sequence was searched. More...
void Blast_HSPListAdjustOddBlastnScores (BlastHSPList *hsp_list, Boolean gapped_calculation, const BlastScoreBlk *sbp)
 For nucleotide BLAST, if the match reward score is equal to 2, random alignments are dominated by runs of exact matches, which all have even scores. More...
static int s_EvalueCompareHSPLists (const void *v1, const void *v2)
 Callback for sorting hsp lists by their best evalue/score; Evalues are compared with the condition that if both are close enough to zero (currently < 1.0e-180), they are considered equal. More...
static int s_EvalueCompareHSPListsRev (const void *v1, const void *v2)
 Callback for sorting hsp lists by their best e-value/score, in reverse order - from higher e-value to lower (lower score to higher). More...
BlastHitListBlast_HitListNew (Int4 hitlist_size)
 Allocate memory for a hit list of a given size. More...
BlastHitListBlast_HitListFree (BlastHitList *hitlist)
 Deallocate memory for the hit list. More...
Int2 Blast_HitListHSPListsFree (BlastHitList *hitlist)
 Deallocate memory for every HSP list on BlastHitList, as well as all their components. More...
static void s_BlastHitListPurge (BlastHitList *hit_list)
 Purge a BlastHitList of empty HSP lists. More...
static void s_BlastHitListInsertHSPListInHeap (BlastHitList *hit_list, BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Given a BlastHitList* with a heapified HSP list array, remove the worst scoring HSP list and insert the new HSP list in the heap. More...
static Int2 s_Blast_HitListGrowHSPListArray (BlastHitList *hit_list)
 Given a BlastHitList pointer this function makes the hsplist_array larger, up to a maximum size. More...
Int2 Blast_HitListUpdate (BlastHitList *hit_list, BlastHSPList *hsp_list)
 Insert a new HSP list into the hit list. More...
Int2 Blast_HitListPurgeNullHSPLists (BlastHitList *hit_list)
 Purges a BlastHitList of NULL HSP lists. More...
Int2 Blast_HitListSortByEvalue (BlastHitList *hit_list)
 Sort BlastHitLIst bon evalue. More...
BlastHSPResultsBlast_HSPResultsNew (Int4 num_queries)
 Initialize the results structure. More...
BlastHSPResultsBlast_HSPResultsFree (BlastHSPResults *results)
 Deallocate memory for BLAST results. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPResultsSortByEvalue (BlastHSPResults *results)
 Sort each hit list in the BLAST results by best e-value. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPResultsReverseSort (BlastHSPResults *results)
 Sort each hit list in the BLAST results by best e-value, in reverse order. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPResultsReverseOrder (BlastHSPResults *results)
 Reverse order of HSP lists in each hit list in the BLAST results. More...
static int s_SortHspWrapRawScore (const void *x, const void *y)
 callback used to sort a list of encapsulated HSP structures in order of decreasing raw score -RMH- More...
Int2 Blast_HSPResultsApplyMasklevel (BlastHSPResults *results, const BlastQueryInfo *query_info, Int4 masklevel, Int4 query_length)
 Apply Cross_match like masklevel to HSP list. More...
Int2 Blast_HSPResultsInsertHSPList (BlastHSPResults *results, BlastHSPList *hsp_list, Int4 hitlist_size)
 Blast_HSPResultsInsertHSPList Insert an HSP list to the appropriate place in the results structure. More...
BlastHSPResults ** PHIBlast_HSPResultsSplit (const BlastHSPResults *results, const SPHIQueryInfo *pattern_info)
 Splits the BlastHSPResults structure for a PHI BLAST search into an array of BlastHSPResults structures, corresponding to different pattern occurrences in query. More...
BlastHSPResultsBlast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream (BlastHSPStream *hsp_stream, size_t num_queries, SBlastHitsParameters *bhp)
 Move all of the hits within an HSPStream into a BlastHSPResults structure. More...
static int s_CompareHsplistHspcnt (const void *v1, const void *v2)
 Comparison function for sorting HSP lists in increasing order of the number of HSPs in a hit. More...
static Boolean s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimit (BlastHSPResults *results, Uint4 total_hsp_limit)
 Removes extra results if a limit is imposed on the total number of HSPs returned. More...
static int s_CompareScoreHSPwOid (const void *v1, const void *v2)
static int s_CompareOidHSPwOid (const void *v1, const void *v2)
static Boolean s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimitEx (BlastHSPResults *results, Uint4 total_hsp_limit, Boolean *hsp_limit_exceeded)
BlastHSPResultsBlast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimit (BlastHSPStream *hsp_stream, Uint4 num_queries, SBlastHitsParameters *hit_param, Uint4 max_num_hsps, Boolean *removed_hsps)
 As Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream, except the total number of HSPs kept for each query does not exceed an explicit limit. More...
BlastHSPResultsBlast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimitEx (BlastHSPStream *hsp_stream, Uint4 num_queries, SBlastHitsParameters *hit_param, Uint4 max_num_hsps, Boolean *removed_hsps)
 As Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimit, except accept and return array of Boolen flags specifying which query exceeded HSP limits. More...

Detailed Description

BLAST functions for saving hits after the (preliminary) gapped alignment.

Definition in file blast_hits.c.

Macro Definition Documentation



Maximal diagonal distance between HSP starting offsets, within which HSPs from search of different chunks of subject sequence are considered for merging.

Definition at line 1537 of file blast_hits.c.

Typedef Documentation

◆ BlastHSPwOid

typedef struct BlastHSPwOid BlastHSPwOid

◆ SHspWrap

typedef struct SHspWrap SHspWrap

Auxiliary structure for sorting HSPs.

Function Documentation

◆ Blast_HitListFree()

BlastHitList* Blast_HitListFree ( BlastHitList hitlist)

◆ Blast_HitListHSPListsFree()

Int2 Blast_HitListHSPListsFree ( BlastHitList hitlist)

Deallocate memory for every HSP list on BlastHitList, as well as all their components.

hitlistcontains the BlastHSPList array to be freed [in/out].

Definition at line 3148 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPListFree(), BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, and sfree.

Referenced by Blast_HitListFree().

◆ Blast_HitListMerge()

Int2 Blast_HitListMerge ( BlastHitList **  old_hit_list_ptr,
BlastHitList **  combined_hit_list_ptr,
Int4  contexts_per_query,
Int4 split_offsets,
Int4  chunk_overlap_size,
Boolean  allow_gap 

Combine two hitlists; both HitLists must contain HSPs that represent alignments to the same query sequence.

old_hit_list_ptrPointer to original HitList, will be NULLed out on return [in|out]
combined_hit_list_ptrPointer to the combined HitList [in|out] t*
contexts_per_queryThe number of different contexts that can occur in hits from old_hit_list and combined_hit_list [in]
split_offsetsthe query offset that marks the boundary between combined_hit_list and old_hit_list. HSPs in old_hit_list that hit to context i are assumed to lie to the right of split_offsets[i] [in]
chunk_overlap_sizeThe length of the overlap region between the sequence region containing hit_list and that containing combined_hit_list [in]
allow_gapAllow merging HSPs at different diagonals [in]

Definition at line 2119 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_HitListFree(), Blast_HitListNew(), Blast_HitListUpdate(), Blast_HSPListAppend(), Blast_HSPListsMerge(), FALSE, BlastHSPList::hsp_max, BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, BlastHitList::hsplist_max, i, NULL, BlastHSPList::oid, s_SortHSPListByOid(), and TRUE.

Referenced by BlastHSPStreamMerge().

◆ Blast_HitListNew()

BlastHitList* Blast_HitListNew ( Int4  hitlist_size)

◆ Blast_HitListPurgeNullHSPLists()

Int2 Blast_HitListPurgeNullHSPLists ( BlastHitList hit_list)

Purges a BlastHitList of NULL HSP lists.

hit_listBLAST hit list to purge. [in] [out]

Definition at line 3300 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, and NULL.

Referenced by Blast_HSPResultsApplyMasklevel(), and s_FilterBlastResults().

◆ Blast_HitListSortByEvalue()

Int2 Blast_HitListSortByEvalue ( BlastHitList hit_list)

Sort BlastHitLIst bon evalue.

hit_lsitBLAST hit list to be sorted [in] [out]

Definition at line 3329 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, s_BlastHitListPurge(), and s_EvalueCompareHSPLists().

Referenced by BlastHSPCBSStreamClose(), s_BlastHSPBestHitFinal(), and s_BlastHSPCullingPipeRun().

◆ Blast_HitListUpdate()

Int2 Blast_HitListUpdate ( BlastHitList hit_list,
BlastHSPList hsp_list 

Insert a new HSP list into the hit list.

Before capacity of the hit list is reached, just add to the end; After that, store in a heap, to ensure efficient insertion and deletion. The heap order is reverse, with worst e-value on top, for convenience of deletion.

hit_listContains all HSP lists saved so far [in] [out]
hsp_listA new HSP list to be inserted into the hit list [in]

Definition at line 3241 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHSPList::best_evalue, Blast_HSPListFree(), Blast_HSPListSortByEvalue(), BlastHitList::heapified, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, BlastHitList::hsplist_current, BlastHitList::hsplist_max, BlastHitList::low_score, MAX, MIN, s_Blast_HitListGrowHSPListArray(), s_BlastCheckBestEvalue(), s_BlastGetBestEvalue(), s_BlastHitListInsertHSPListInHeap(), s_CreateHeap(), s_EvalueCompareHSPLists(), BlastHSP::score, TRUE, and BlastHitList::worst_evalue.

Referenced by Blast_HitListMerge(), Blast_HSPResultsInsertHSPList(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), s_BlastHSPBestHitFinal(), s_BlastHSPCollectorRun(), s_BlastHSPCollectorRun_RPS(), s_ExportToHitlist(), and s_FillResultsFromCompoHeaps().

◆ Blast_HSPAdjustSubjectOffset()

void Blast_HSPAdjustSubjectOffset ( BlastHSP hsp,
Int4  start_shift 

Adjusts offsets if partial sequence was used for extension.

hspThe hit to work on [in][out]
start_shiftamount of database sequence not used for extension. [in]

Definition at line 1316 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::gapped_start, BlastSeg::offset, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by Blast_TracebackFromHSPList(), and s_GetTraceback().

◆ Blast_HSPCalcLengthAndGaps()

void Blast_HSPCalcLengthAndGaps ( const BlastHSP hsp,
Int4 length,
Int4 gaps,
Int4 gap_opens 

Calculate length of an HSP as length in query plus length of gaps in query.

If gap information is unavailable, return maximum between length in query and in subject.

hspAn HSP structure [in]
lengthLength of this HSP [out]
gapsTotal number of gaps in this HSP [out]
gap_opensNumber of gap openings in this HSP [out]

Definition at line 1055 of file blast_hits.c.

References eGapAlignDel, eGapAlignIns, BlastSeg::end, BlastHSP::gap_info, GapEditScript::num, BlastSeg::offset, GapEditScript::op_type, BlastHSP::query, GapEditScript::size, and BlastHSP::subject.

◆ Blast_HSPClone()

BlastHSP* Blast_HSPClone ( const BlastHSP hsp)

◆ Blast_HSPFree()

BlastHSP* Blast_HSPFree ( BlastHSP hsp)

◆ Blast_HSPGetAdjustedOffsets()

void Blast_HSPGetAdjustedOffsets ( EBlastProgramType  program,
BlastHSP hsp,
Int4  query_length,
Int4  subject_length,
Int4 q_start,
Int4 q_end,
Int4 s_start,
Int4 s_end 

Adjust HSP endpoint offsets according to strand/frame; return values in 1-offset coordinates instead of internal 0-offset.

programType of BLAST program [in]
hspAn HSP structure [in]
query_lengthLength of query [in]
subject_lengthLength of subject [in]
q_startStart of alignment in query [out]
q_endEnd of alignment in query [out]
s_startStart of alignment in subject [out]
s_endEnd of alignment in subject [out]

Definition at line 1109 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_QueryIsTranslated(), Blast_SubjectIsTranslated(), BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::frame, BlastHSP::gap_info, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, s_BlastSegGetTranslatedOffsets(), and BlastHSP::subject.

◆ Blast_HSPGetNumIdentities()

Int2 Blast_HSPGetNumIdentities ( const Uint1 query,
const Uint1 subject,
BlastHSP hsp,
const BlastScoringOptions score_options,
Int4 align_length_ptr 

Calculate number of identities in an HSP and set the BlastHSP::num_ident field (unconditionally)

queryThe query sequence [in]
subjectThe uncompressed subject sequence [in]
hspAll information about the HSP, the output of this function will be stored in its num_ident field [in|out]
score_optionsScoring options [in]
align_length_ptrThe alignment length, including gaps (optional) [out]
0 on success, -1 on invalid parameters or error

Definition at line 940 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastScoringOptions::is_ooframe, NULL, BlastHSP::num_ident, BlastScoringOptions::program_number, query, s_Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives(), s_Blast_HSPGetOOFNumIdentitiesAndPositives(), and subject.

Referenced by Blast_HSPTestIdentityAndLength(), and BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE().

◆ Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives()

Int2 Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives ( const Uint1 query,
const Uint1 subject,
BlastHSP hsp,
const BlastScoringOptions score_options,
Int4 align_length_ptr,
const BlastScoreBlk sbp 

Calculate number of identities and positives in an HSP and set the BlastHSP::num_ident and BlastHSP::num_positives fields.

queryThe query sequence [in]
subjectThe uncompressed subject sequence [in]
hspAll information about the HSP, the output of this function will be stored in its num_ident field [in|out]
score_optionsScoring options [in]
align_length_ptrThe alignment length, including gaps (optional) [out]
sbpScore blk containing the matrix for counting positives [in]
0 on success, -1 on invalid parameters or error

Definition at line 966 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastScoringOptions::is_ooframe, BlastHSP::num_ident, BlastHSP::num_positives, BlastScoringOptions::program_number, query, s_Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives(), s_Blast_HSPGetOOFNumIdentitiesAndPositives(), and subject.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped(), Blast_TracebackFromHSPList(), and s_ComputeNumIdentities().

◆ Blast_HSPGetPartialSubjectTranslation()

Int2 Blast_HSPGetPartialSubjectTranslation ( BLAST_SequenceBlk subject_blk,
BlastHSP hsp,
Boolean  is_ooframe,
const Uint1 gen_code_string,
Uint1 **  translation_buffer_ptr,
Uint1 **  subject_ptr,
Int4 subject_length_ptr,
Int4 start_shift_ptr 

Performs the translation and coordinates adjustment, if only part of the subject sequence is translated for gapped alignment.

subject_blkSubject sequence structure [in]
hspThe HSP information [in] [out]
is_ooframeReturn a mixed-frame sequence if TRUE [in]
gen_code_stringDatabase genetic code [in]
translation_buffer_ptrPointer to buffer holding the translation [out]
subject_ptrPointer to sequence to be passed to the gapped alignment [out]
subject_length_ptrLength of the translated sequence [out]
start_shift_ptrHow far is the partial sequence shifted w.r.t. the full sequence. [out]

Definition at line 1239 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_GetPartialTranslation(), CODON_LENGTH, BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::frame, BlastSeg::gapped_start, BLAST_SequenceBlk::length, MAX, MAX_FULL_TRANSLATION, MIN, NULL, BlastSeg::offset, BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence_start, sfree, BlastHSP::subject, and subject.

◆ Blast_HSPGetQueryCoverage()

double Blast_HSPGetQueryCoverage ( const BlastHSP hsp,
Int4  query_length 

Calculate query coverage percentage of an hsp.

hspAn HSP structure [in]
query_lengthLength of query [in]
percentage query coverage of the input hsp

Definition at line 1034 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::offset, and BlastHSP::query.

Referenced by Blast_HSPQueryCoverageTest(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and s_BuildScoreList().

◆ Blast_HSPGetTargetTranslation()

const Uint1* Blast_HSPGetTargetTranslation ( SBlastTargetTranslation target_t,
const BlastHSP hsp,
Int4 translated_length 

◆ Blast_HSPInit()

Int2 Blast_HSPInit ( Int4  query_start,
Int4  query_end,
Int4  subject_start,
Int4  subject_end,
Int4  query_gapped_start,
Int4  subject_gapped_start,
Int4  query_context,
Int2  query_frame,
Int2  subject_frame,
Int4  score,
GapEditScript **  gap_edit,
BlastHSP **  ret_hsp 

Allocates BlastHSP and inits with information from input.


query_startStart of query alignment [in]
query_endEnd of query alignment [in]
subject_startStart of subject alignment [in]
subject_endEnd of subject alignment [in]
query_gapped_startWhere gapped alignment started on query [in]
subject_gapped_startWhere gapped alignment started on subject [in]
query_contextThe index of the query containing this HSP [in]
query_frameQuery frame: -3..3 for translated sequence, 1 or -1 for blastn, 0 for blastp [in]
subject_frameSubject frame: -3..3 for translated sequence, 1 for blastn, 0 for blastp [in]
scorescore of alignment [in]
gap_editWill be transferred to HSP and nulled out if a traceback was not calculated may be NULL [in] [out]
ret_hspallocated and filled in BlastHSP [out]

Definition at line 151 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPNew(), BLASTERR_MEMORY, BlastHSP::context, BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::frame, BlastHSP::gap_info, BlastSeg::gapped_start, NULL, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, BlastHSP::score, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by BLAST_GetGappedScore(), BLAST_GetUngappedHSPList(), BLAST_SmithWatermanGetGappedScore(), BlastNaExtendJumper(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), PHIGetGappedScore(), s_BlastHSPCopy(), s_CreateHSP(), s_CreateHSPForWordHit(), s_GetTraceback(), s_HSPListFromDistinctAlignments(), CRedoAlignmentTestFixture::setUpHSPList(), and ShortRead_IndexedWordFinder().

◆ Blast_HSPList_IsEmpty()

Boolean Blast_HSPList_IsEmpty ( const BlastHSPList hsp_list)

Returns true if the BlastHSPList contains no HSPs.

hsp_listlist of HSPs to examine [in]

Definition at line 1578 of file blast_hits.c.

References FALSE, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, and TRUE.

Referenced by SThreadLocalDataArrayConsolidateResults().

◆ Blast_HSPListAdjustOddBlastnScores()

void Blast_HSPListAdjustOddBlastnScores ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
Boolean  gapped_calculation,
const BlastScoreBlk sbp 

For nucleotide BLAST, if the match reward score is equal to 2, random alignments are dominated by runs of exact matches, which all have even scores.

This makes it impossible to estimate statistical parameters correctly for odd scores. Hence the raw score formula is adjusted - all scores are rounded down to the nearest even value in order to provide a conservative estimate.

hsp_listHSP list structure to adjust scores for. [in] [out]
gapped_calculationnot an ungapped alignment [in]
sbpused for round_down Boolean

Definition at line 3051 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPListSortByScore(), FALSE, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastScoreBlk::round_down, and BlastHSP::score.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped(), BLAST_LinkHsps(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), s_BlastSearchEngineOneContext(), and s_HSPListPostTracebackUpdate().

◆ Blast_HSPListAdjustOffsets()

void Blast_HSPListAdjustOffsets ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
Int4  offset 

Adjust subject offsets in an HSP list if only part of the subject sequence was searched.

Used when long subject sequence is split into more manageable chunks.

hsp_listList of HSPs from a chunk of a subject sequence [in]
offsetOffset where the chunk starts [in]

Definition at line 3035 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::gapped_start, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastSeg::offset, offset, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by s_BlastSearchEngineOneContext().

◆ Blast_HSPListAppend()

Int2 Blast_HSPListAppend ( BlastHSPList **  old_hsp_list_ptr,
BlastHSPList **  combined_hsp_list_ptr,
Int4  hsp_num_max 

Append one HSP list to the other.

Discard lower scoring HSPs if there is not enough space to keep all.

old_hsp_list_ptrlist of HSPs, will be NULLed out on return [in|out]
combined_hsp_list_ptrPointer to the combined list of HSPs, possibly containing previously saved HSPs [in] [out]
hsp_num_maxMaximal allowed number of HSPs to save (unlimited if INT4_MAX) [in]
Status: 0 on success, -1 on failure.

Definition at line 2807 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSPList::allocated, Blast_HSPListFree(), BlastHSPList::do_not_reallocate, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, MIN, NULL, s_BlastHSPListsCombineByScore(), and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_HitListMerge(), and s_BlastSearchEngineCore().

◆ Blast_HSPListFree()

BlastHSPList* Blast_HSPListFree ( BlastHSPList hsp_list)

◆ Blast_HSPListGetBitScores()

Int2 Blast_HSPListGetBitScores ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
Boolean  gapped_calculation,
const BlastScoreBlk sbp 

Calculate bit scores from raw scores in an HSP list.

hsp_listList of HSPs [in] [out]
gapped_calculationIs this a gapped search? [in]
sbpScoring block with statistical parameters [in]

Definition at line 1907 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHSP::bit_score, BlastHSP::context, FALSE, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastScoreBlk::kbp, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_gap, Blast_KarlinBlk::Lambda, Blast_KarlinBlk::logK, NCBIMATH_LN2, NULL, BlastScoreBlk::round_down, and BlastHSP::score.

Referenced by BLAST_ComputeTraceback_MT(), BLAST_PreliminarySearchEngine(), s_GetBitScores(), and s_HSPListPostTracebackUpdate().

◆ Blast_HSPListGetEvalues()

Int2 Blast_HSPListGetEvalues ( EBlastProgramType  program_number,
const BlastQueryInfo query_info,
Int4  subject_length,
BlastHSPList hsp_list,
Boolean  gapped_calculation,
Boolean  RPS_prelim,
const BlastScoreBlk sbp,
double  gap_decay_rate,
double  scaling_factor 

Calculate the expected values for all HSPs in a hit list, without using the sum statistics.

In case of multiple queries, the offsets are assumed to be already adjusted to individual query coordinates, and the contexts are set for each HSP.

program_numberType of BLAST program [in]
query_infoAuxiliary query information - needed only for effective search space calculation if it is not provided [in]
subject_lengthSubject length - needed for Spouge's new FSC [in]
hsp_listList of HSPs for one subject sequence [in] [out]
gapped_calculationIs this for a gapped or ungapped search? [in]
RPS_prelimIs this for a RPS preliminary search? [in]
sbpStructure containing statistical information [in]
gap_decay_rateAdjustment parameter to compensate for the effects of performing multiple tests when linking HSPs. No adjustment is made if 0. [in]
scaling_factorScaling factor by which Lambda should be divided. Used in RPS BLAST only; should be set to 1.0 in other cases. [in]

Definition at line 1811 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHSPList::best_evalue, BLAST_GapDecayDivisor(), Blast_HSPListIsSortedByScore(), BLAST_KarlinStoE_simple(), Blast_ProgramIsRpsBlast(), BLAST_SpougeStoE(), BlastHSP::context, BlastQueryInfo::contexts, BlastContextInfo::eff_searchsp, BlastHSP::evalue, FALSE, BlastScoreBlk::gbp, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, i, BlastScoreBlk::kbp, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_gap, Blast_KarlinBlk::Lambda, NULL, BlastScoreBlk::number_of_contexts, BlastContextInfo::query_length, BlastScoreBlk::round_down, s_BlastGetBestEvalue(), and BlastHSP::score.

Referenced by BLAST_LinkHsps(), BLAST_PreliminarySearchEngine(), s_BlastSearchEngineCore(), s_HitlistEvaluateAndPurge(), and s_HSPListPostTracebackUpdate().

◆ Blast_HSPListIsSortedByScore()

Boolean Blast_HSPListIsSortedByScore ( const BlastHSPList hsp_list)

◆ Blast_HSPListNew()

BlastHSPList* Blast_HSPListNew ( Int4  hsp_max)

◆ Blast_HSPListPHIGetBitScores()

void Blast_HSPListPHIGetBitScores ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
BlastScoreBlk sbp 

Calculate bit scores from raw scores in an HSP list for a PHI BLAST search.

hsp_listList of HSPs [in] [out]
sbpScoring block with statistical parameters [in]

Definition at line 1934 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHSP::bit_score, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastScoreBlk::kbp_gap, Blast_KarlinBlk::Lambda, lambda(), log, NCBIMATH_LN2, NULL, Blast_KarlinBlk::paramC, and BlastHSP::score.

Referenced by s_PHITracebackFromHSPList().

◆ Blast_HSPListPHIGetEvalues()

void Blast_HSPListPHIGetEvalues ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
const BlastQueryInfo query_info,
const SPHIPatternSearchBlk pattern_blk 

Calculate e-values for a PHI BLAST HSP list.

hsp_listHSP list found by PHI BLAST [in] [out]
sbpScoring block with statistical parameters [in]
query_infoStructure containing information about pattern counts [in]
pattern_blkStructure containing information about pattern hits in db [in]

Definition at line 1955 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHSPList::best_evalue, Blast_HSPListIsSortedByScore(), BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, s_BlastGetBestEvalue(), and s_HSPPHIGetEvalue().

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and s_PHITracebackFromHSPList().

◆ Blast_HSPListPurgeHSPsWithCommonEndpoints()

Int4 Blast_HSPListPurgeHSPsWithCommonEndpoints ( EBlastProgramType  program,
BlastHSPList hsp_list,
Boolean  purge 

Check for an overlap of two different alignments and remove redundant HSPs.

A sufficient overlap is when two alignments have the same start or end values If an overlap is found the HSP with the lowest score is removed, if both scores are the same then the first is removed.

programType of BLAST program. For some programs (PHI BLAST), the purge should not be performed. [in]
hsp_listContains array of pointers to HSPs to purge [in]
purgeShould the hsp be purged? [in]
The number of valid alignments remaining.

Definition at line 2455 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPFree(), Blast_HSPListPurgeNullHSPs(), Blast_ProgramIsPhiBlast(), context, eBlastTypeBlastn, BlastSeg::end, FALSE, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, i, NULL, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, query, s_CutOffGapEditScript(), s_QueryEndCompareHSPs(), s_QueryOffsetCompareHSPs(), BlastHSP::subject, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_TracebackFromHSPList(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and s_BlastSearchEngineOneContext().

◆ Blast_HSPListPurgeNullHSPs()

Int2 Blast_HSPListPurgeNullHSPs ( BlastHSPList hsp_list)

Cleans out the NULLed out HSP's from the HSP array that is part of the BlastHSPList.

hsp_listContains array of pointers to HSP structures [in]
status of function call.

Definition at line 2225 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, and NULL.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListPurgeHSPsWithCommonEndpoints(), Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped(), Blast_HSPListsMerge(), Blast_HSPListSubjectBestHit(), Blast_TracebackFromHSPList(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and s_PHITracebackFromHSPList().

◆ Blast_HSPListReapByEvalue()

Int2 Blast_HSPListReapByEvalue ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
const BlastHitSavingOptions hit_options 

Discard the HSPs above the e-value threshold from the HSP list.

hsp_listList of HSPs for one subject sequence [in] [out]
hit_optionsOptions block containing the e-value cut-off [in]

Definition at line 1976 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_HSPFree(), BlastHSP::evalue, BlastHitSavingOptions::expect_value, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, and NULL.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), s_HitlistEvaluateAndPurge(), s_HSPListPostTracebackUpdate(), s_PHITracebackFromHSPList(), and LinkHspTestFixture::testUnevenGapLinkHsps().

◆ Blast_HSPListReapByQueryCoverage()

Int2 Blast_HSPListReapByQueryCoverage ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
const BlastHitSavingOptions hit_options,
const BlastQueryInfo query_info,
EBlastProgramType  program_number 

Discard the HSPs below the min query coverage pct from the HSP list.

hsp_listList of HSPs for one subject sequence [in] [out]
hit_optionsOptions block containing the min query coverage pct [in]
query_infoStructure containing information about the queries [in]
program_numberType of BLAST program.

Definition at line 2010 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHSPList::best_evalue, Blast_HSPFree(), Blast_HSPQueryCoverageTest(), BlastHSP::context, BlastQueryInfo::contexts, FALSE, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, NULL, BlastHitSavingOptions::query_cov_hsp_perc, BlastContextInfo::query_length, s_BlastGetBestEvalue(), and TRUE.

Referenced by BLAST_PreliminarySearchEngine(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and s_FilterBlastResults().

◆ Blast_HSPListReapByRawScore()

Int2 Blast_HSPListReapByRawScore ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
const BlastHitSavingOptions hit_options 

Same as Blast_HSPListReapByEvalue() except that it uses the raw score of the hit and the HitSavingOptions->cutoff_score to filter out hits.

Discard the HSPs above the raw threshold from the HSP list.


Definition at line 2076 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_HSPFree(), BlastHitSavingOptions::cutoff_score, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, NULL, and BlastHSP::score.

Referenced by BLAST_PreliminarySearchEngine(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and s_BlastSearchEngineCore().

◆ Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped()

Int2 Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped ( EBlastProgramType  program,
BlastHSPList hsp_list,
BLAST_SequenceBlk query_blk,
BLAST_SequenceBlk subject_blk,
const BlastInitialWordParameters word_params,
const BlastHitSavingParameters hit_params,
const BlastQueryInfo query_info,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
const BlastScoringParameters score_params,
const BlastSeqSrc seq_src,
const Uint1 gen_code_string 

Reevaluate all ungapped HSPs in an HSP list.

This is only done for an ungapped search, or if traceback is already available. Subject sequence is uncompressed and saved here (for nucleotide sequences). The number of identities is calculated for each HSP along the way, hence this function is called for all programs.

programType of BLAST program [in]
hsp_listThe list of HSPs for one subject sequence [in] [out]
query_blkThe query sequence [in]
subject_blkThe subject sequence [in] [out]
word_paramsInitial word parameters, containing ungapped cutoff score [in]
hit_paramsHit saving parameters, including cutoff score [in]
query_infoAuxiliary query information [in]
sbpThe statistical information [in]
score_paramsParameters related to scoring [in]
seq_srcThe BLAST database structure (for retrieving uncompressed sequence) [in]
gen_code_stringGenetic code string in case of a translated database search. [in]

Definition at line 2607 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_HSPFree(), Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives(), Blast_HSPGetTargetTranslation(), Blast_HSPListAdjustOddBlastnScores(), Blast_HSPListPurgeNullHSPs(), Blast_HSPListSortByScore(), Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesUngapped(), Blast_HSPTest(), BLAST_SEQSRC_EXCLUDED, Blast_SubjectIsNucleotide(), Blast_SubjectIsTranslated(), BlastSeqSrcGetSequence(), BlastSeqSrcReleaseSequence(), BlastTargetTranslationFree(), BlastTargetTranslationNew(), BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::check_oid_exclusion, BlastHSP::context, context, BlastQueryInfo::contexts, eBlastEncodingNcbi4na, eBlastEncodingNucleotide, BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::encoding, FALSE, BlastScoringOptions::gapped_calculation, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastScoringOptions::is_ooframe, NULL, BLAST_SequenceBlk::oid, BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::oid, BlastHitSavingParameters::options, BlastScoringParameters::options, BlastContextInfo::query_offset, BlastSeqSrcGetSeqArg::seq, BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence, BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence_nomask, BLAST_SequenceBlk::sequence_start, and TRUE.

Referenced by BLAST_PreliminarySearchEngine(), and BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE().

◆ Blast_HSPListSaveHSP()

Int2 Blast_HSPListSaveHSP ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
BlastHSP hsp 

◆ Blast_HSPListsMerge()

Int2 Blast_HSPListsMerge ( BlastHSPList **  hsp_list,
BlastHSPList **  combined_hsp_list_ptr,
Int4  hsp_num_max,
Int4 split_points,
Int4  contexts_per_query,
Int4  chunk_overlap_size,
Boolean  allow_gap,
Boolean  short_reads 

Merge an HSP list from a chunk of the subject sequence into a previously computed HSP list.

hsp_listContains HSPs from the new chunk [in]
combined_hsp_list_ptrContains HSPs from previous chunks [in] [out]
hsp_num_maxMaximal allowed number of HSPs to save (unlimited if INT4_MAX) [in]
split_pointsOffset The sequence offset (query or subject) that is the boundary between HSPs in combined_hsp_list and hsp_list. [in]
contexts_per_queryIf positive, the number of query contexts that hits can contain. If negative, the (one) split point occurs on the subject sequence [in]
chunk_overlap_sizeThe length of the overlap region between the sequence region containing hsp_list and that containing combined_hsp_list [in]
allow_gapAllow merging HSPs at different diagonals [in]
short_readsAssume that queries are shorter than the database overlap region [in]
0 if HSP lists have been merged successfully, -1 otherwise.

Definition at line 2855 of file blast_hits.c.

References ABS, BlastHSPList::allocated, Blast_HSPFree(), Blast_HSPListFree(), Blast_HSPListPurgeNullHSPs(), BlastHSP::context, BlastHSPList::do_not_reallocate, BlastSeg::end, FALSE, BlastSeg::frame, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, MIN, NULL, BlastSeg::offset, OVERLAP_DIAG_CLOSE, BlastHSP::query, query, s_BlastHSPListsCombineByScore(), s_BlastMergeTwoHSPs(), s_HSPEndDiag(), s_HSPStartDiag(), BlastHSP::subject, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_HitListMerge(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and s_BlastSearchEngineOneContext().

◆ Blast_HSPListSortByEvalue()

void Blast_HSPListSortByEvalue ( BlastHSPList hsp_list)

Sort the HSPs in an HSP list by e-value, with scores and other criteria used to resolve ties.

Checks if the HSP array is already sorted before proceeding with quicksort.

hsp_listStructure containing array of HSPs to be sorted. [in] [out]

Definition at line 1437 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, and s_EvalueCompareHSPs().

Referenced by Blast_HitListUpdate(), BlastHitList2SeqAlign_OMF(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), s_BLAST_OneSubjectResults2CSeqAlign(), and s_BlastHSPCullingPipeRun().

◆ Blast_HSPListSortByScore()

void Blast_HSPListSortByScore ( BlastHSPList hsp_list)

Sort the HSPs in an HSP list by score.

This type of sorting is done before the e-values are calcaulted, and also at the beginning of the traceback stage, where it is needed to eliminate the effects of wrong score order because of application of sum statistics. Checks if the HSP array is already sorted before proceeding with quicksort.

hsp_listStructure containing array of HSPs to be sorted. [in] [out]

Definition at line 1374 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPListIsSortedByScore(), BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, and ScoreCompareHSPs().

Referenced by BLAST_GetUngappedHSPList(), Blast_HSPListAdjustOddBlastnScores(), Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped(), Blast_HSPResultsApplyMasklevel(), BLAST_LinkHsps(), Blast_TracebackFromHSPList(), BlastHSPStreamMerge(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), PHIGetGappedScore(), CRedoAlignmentTestFixture::runRedoAlignmentCoreUnitTest(), s_BlastHSPBestHitFinal(), s_BlastHSPCullingFinal(), s_BlastHSPListRPSUpdate(), s_BlastHSPListsCombineByScore(), s_BlastSearchEngineOneContext(), s_HSPListFromDistinctAlignments(), s_HSPListRescaleScores(), s_PHITracebackFromHSPList(), CTracebackSearchTestFixture::x_GetSampleHspStream(), and CTracebackSearchTestFixture::x_GetSelfHitHspStream().

◆ Blast_HSPListSubjectBestHit()

Int4 Blast_HSPListSubjectBestHit ( EBlastProgramType  program,
const BlastHSPSubjectBestHitOptions subject_besthit_opts,
const BlastQueryInfo query_info,
BlastHSPList hsp_list 

◆ Blast_HSPListSwap()

void Blast_HSPListSwap ( BlastHSPList list1,
BlastHSPList list2 

Swaps the two HSP lists via structure assignment.

Definition at line 1614 of file blast_hits.c.

References tmp.

Referenced by Blast_RedoAlignmentCore_MT(), and Blast_TracebackFromHSPList().

◆ Blast_HSPNew()

BlastHSP* Blast_HSPNew ( void  )

◆ Blast_HSPQueryCoverageTest()

Boolean Blast_HSPQueryCoverageTest ( BlastHSP hsp,
double  min_query_coverage_pct,
Int4  query_length 

Calculate query coverage percentage of an hsp.

hspAn HSP structure [in]
min_query_coverage_pctMin query coverage pct for saving the hsp[in]
query_lengthLength of query [in]
true if hsp's query coverage pct < min_query_coverage_pct (delete hsp)

Definition at line 1045 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPGetQueryCoverage().

Referenced by Blast_HSPListReapByQueryCoverage(), and BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE().

◆ Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesGapped()

Boolean Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesGapped ( BlastHSP hsp,
const Uint1 query_start,
const Int4  query_length,
const Uint1 subject_start,
const Int4  subject_length,
const BlastHitSavingParameters hit_params,
const BlastScoringParameters score_params,
const BlastScoreBlk sbp 

Reevaluate the HSP's score and percent identity after taking into account the ambiguity information.

Used only for blastn after a greedy gapped extension with traceback. This function can remove part of the alignment at either end, if its score becomes negative after reevaluation. Traceback is also adjusted in that case.

hspThe HSP structure [in] [out]
query_startPointer to the start of the query sequence [in]
query_lengthLength of the query sequence [in]
subject_startPointer to the start of the subject sequence [in]
subject_lengthLength of the subject sequence [in]
hit_paramsHit saving parameters containing score cut-off [in]
score_paramsScoring parameters [in]
sbpScore block with Karlin-Altschul parameters [in]
Should this HSP be deleted after the score reevaluation?

Definition at line 479 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHSP::context, BlastGappedCutoffs::cutoff_score, BlastHitSavingParameters::cutoffs, SBlastScoreMatrix::data, eGapAlignDel, eGapAlignIns, eGapAlignSub, BlastScoringParameters::gap_extend, BlastHSP::gap_info, BlastScoringParameters::gap_open, BlastScoreBlk::matrix, GapEditScript::num, BlastSeg::offset, GapEditScript::op_type, BlastScoringParameters::penalty, BlastHSP::query, query, BlastScoringParameters::reward, s_UpdateReevaluatedHSP(), GapEditScript::size, ncbi::grid::netcache::search::fields::size, BlastHSP::subject, subject, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_TracebackFromHSPList(), and BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE().

◆ Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesUngapped()

Boolean Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesUngapped ( BlastHSP hsp,
const Uint1 query_start,
const Uint1 subject_start,
const BlastInitialWordParameters word_params,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
Boolean  translated 

Reevaluate the HSP's score and percent identity after taking into account the ambiguity information.

Used for ungapped searches with nucleotide database (blastn, tblastn, tblastx).

hspThe HSP structure [in] [out]
query_startPointer to the start of the query sequence [in]
subject_startPointer to the start of the subject sequence [in]
word_paramsInitial word parameters with ungapped cutoff score [in]
sbpScore block with Karlin-Altschul parameters [in]
translatedAre sequences protein (with a translated subject)? [in]
Should this HSP be deleted after the score reevaluation?

Definition at line 676 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSP::context, BlastUngappedCutoffs::cutoff_score, BlastInitialWordParameters::cutoffs, SBlastScoreMatrix::data, BlastSeg::end, BlastScoreBlk::matrix, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, query, s_UpdateReevaluatedHSPUngapped(), BlastHSP::subject, and subject.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped(), and BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE().

◆ Blast_HSPResultsApplyMasklevel()

Int2 Blast_HSPResultsApplyMasklevel ( BlastHSPResults results,
const BlastQueryInfo query_info,
Int4  masklevel,
Int4  query_length 

◆ Blast_HSPResultsFree()

BlastHSPResults* Blast_HSPResultsFree ( BlastHSPResults results)

◆ Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream()

BlastHSPResults* Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream ( struct BlastHSPStream hsp_stream,
size_t  num_queries,
SBlastHitsParameters hit_param 

Move all of the hits within an HSPStream into a BlastHSPResults structure.

hsp_streamThe HSPStream [in][out]
num_queriesNumber of queries in the search [in]
hit_paramHit parameters [in]
The generated collection of HSP results

Definition at line 3633 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPResultsInsertHSPList(), Blast_HSPResultsNew(), BlastHSPStreamRead(), kBlastHSPStream_Eof, NULL, SBlastHitsParameters::prelim_hitlist_size, and SBlastHitsParametersFree().

Referenced by Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimit(), and Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimitEx().

◆ Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimit()

BlastHSPResults* Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimit ( struct BlastHSPStream hsp_stream,
Uint4  num_queries,
SBlastHitsParameters hit_param,
Uint4  max_num_hsps,
Boolean removed_hsps 

As Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream, except the total number of HSPs kept for each query does not exceed an explicit limit.

The database sequences with the smallest number of hits are saved first, and hits are removed from query i if the average number of hits saved threatens to exceed (max_num_hsps / (number of DB sequences with hits to query i))

hsp_streamThe HSPStream [in][out]
num_queriesNumber of queries in the search [in]
hit_paramHit parameters [in]
max_num_hspsThe limit on the number of HSPs to be kept for each query sequence [in]
removed_hspsSet to TRUE if any hits were removed [out]
The generated collection of HSP results

Definition at line 3855 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream(), FALSE, and s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimit().

◆ Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimitEx()

BlastHSPResults* Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimitEx ( BlastHSPStream hsp_stream,
Uint4  num_queries,
SBlastHitsParameters hit_param,
Uint4  max_num_hsps,
Boolean removed_hsps 

As Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimit, except accept and return array of Boolen flags specifying which query exceeded HSP limits.

Definition at line 3873 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream(), FALSE, and s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimitEx().

Referenced by CBlastPrelimSearch::ComputeBlastHSPResults().

◆ Blast_HSPResultsInsertHSPList()

Int2 Blast_HSPResultsInsertHSPList ( BlastHSPResults results,
BlastHSPList hsp_list,
Int4  hitlist_size 

Blast_HSPResultsInsertHSPList Insert an HSP list to the appropriate place in the results structure.

All HSPs in this list must be from the same query and same subject; the oid and query_index fields must be set in the BlastHSPList input structure.

resultsThe structure holding results for all queries [in] [out]
hsp_listThe results for one query-subject sequence pair. [in]
hitlist_sizeMaximal allowed hit list size. [in]

Definition at line 3552 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_HitListNew(), Blast_HitListUpdate(), BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastHSPList::query_index, and results.

Referenced by BLAST_ComputeTraceback_MT(), Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), PHIBlast_HSPResultsSplit(), s_RPSComputeTraceback(), s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimitEx(), and CPhiblastTestFixture::x_SetupResults().

◆ Blast_HSPResultsNew()

BlastHSPResults* Blast_HSPResultsNew ( Int4  num_queries)

◆ Blast_HSPResultsReverseOrder()

Int2 Blast_HSPResultsReverseOrder ( BlastHSPResults results)

Reverse order of HSP lists in each hit list in the BLAST results.

This allows to return HSP lists from the end of the arrays when reading from a collector HSP stream.

Definition at line 3418 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, and results.

Referenced by BlastHSPStreamClose(), and s_FillResultsFromCompoHeaps().

◆ Blast_HSPResultsReverseSort()

Int2 Blast_HSPResultsReverseSort ( BlastHSPResults results)

Sort each hit list in the BLAST results by best e-value, in reverse order.

Definition at line 3402 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, results, s_BlastHitListPurge(), and s_EvalueCompareHSPListsRev().

Referenced by BlastHSPStreamClose().

◆ Blast_HSPResultsSortByEvalue()

Int2 Blast_HSPResultsSortByEvalue ( BlastHSPResults results)

◆ Blast_HSPTest()

Boolean Blast_HSPTest ( BlastHSP hsp,
const BlastHitSavingOptions hit_options,
Int4  align_length 

Determines whether this HSP should be kept or deleted.

hspAn HSP structure [in] [out]
hit_optionsHit saving options containing percent identity and HSP length thresholds.
align_lengthalignment length including gaps
FALSE if HSP passes the test, TRUE if it should be deleted.

Definition at line 1027 of file blast_hits.c.

References s_HSPTest().

Referenced by Blast_HSPListReevaluateUngapped(), and Blast_TracebackFromHSPList().

◆ Blast_HSPTestIdentityAndLength()

Boolean Blast_HSPTestIdentityAndLength ( EBlastProgramType  program_number,
BlastHSP hsp,
const Uint1 query,
const Uint1 subject,
const BlastScoringOptions score_options,
const BlastHitSavingOptions hit_options 

Calculates number of identities and alignment lengths of an HSP via Blast_HSPGetNumIdentities and determines whether this HSP should be kept or deleted.

program_numberType of BLAST program [in]
hspAn HSP structure [in] [out]
queryQuery sequence [in]
subjectSubject sequence [in]
score_optionsScoring options, needed to distinguish the out-of-frame case. [in]
hit_optionsHit saving options containing percent identity and HSP length thresholds.
FALSE if HSP passes the test, TRUE if it should be deleted.

Definition at line 1004 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, Blast_HSPGetNumIdentities(), FALSE, query, s_HSPTest(), and subject.

Referenced by Blast_TracebackFromHSPList(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and s_GetTraceback().

◆ Blast_TrimHSPListByMaxHsps()

Int2 Blast_TrimHSPListByMaxHsps ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
const BlastHitSavingOptions hit_options 

◆ BlastHSPListDup()

BlastHSPList* BlastHSPListDup ( const BlastHSPList hsp_list)

Returns a duplicate (deep copy) of the given hsp list.

Definition at line 1583 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, and malloc().

Referenced by Blast_TracebackFromHSPList().

◆ BlastHSPMappingInfoFree()

BlastHSPMappingInfo* BlastHSPMappingInfoFree ( BlastHSPMappingInfo info)

Deallocate memory for an HSP's additional data structure.

Definition at line 192 of file blast_hits.c.

References info, JumperEditsBlockFree(), NULL, SequenceOverhangsFree(), and sfree.

Referenced by Blast_HSPFree().

◆ BlastHSPMappingInfoNew()

BlastHSPMappingInfo* BlastHSPMappingInfoNew ( void  )

Allocate memory for an HSP's additional data structure.

Definition at line 207 of file blast_hits.c.

References calloc().

Referenced by Blast_HSPClone(), BlastNaExtendJumper(), s_CreateHSP(), s_CreateHSPForWordHit(), and ShortRead_IndexedWordFinder().

◆ BlastHspNumMax()

Int4 BlastHspNumMax ( Boolean  gapped_calculation,
const BlastHitSavingOptions options 

Calculated the number of HSPs that should be saved.

gapped_calculationungapped if false [in]
optionsHitSavingoptions object [in]
number of HSPs to save.

Definition at line 213 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHitSavingOptions::hsp_num_max, and INT4_MAX.

Referenced by BLAST_GetGappedScore(), BLAST_GetUngappedHSPList(), BLAST_SmithWatermanGetGappedScore(), BlastHSPBestHitParamsNew(), BlastHSPCollectorParamsNew(), JumperNaWordFinder(), PHIGetGappedScore(), s_BlastSearchEngineCore(), s_BlastSearchEngineOneContext(), SBlastHitsParametersNew(), and ShortRead_IndexedWordFinder().

◆ GetPrelimHitlistSize()

Int4 GetPrelimHitlistSize ( Int4  hitlist_size,
Int4  compositionBasedStats,
Boolean  gapped_calculation 

Definition at line 44 of file blast_hits.c.

References MAX, MIN, and NULL.

Referenced by BlastHSPBestHitParamsNew(), BlastHSPCollectorParamsNew(), and SBlastHitsParametersNew().

◆ PHIBlast_HSPResultsSplit()

BlastHSPResults** PHIBlast_HSPResultsSplit ( const BlastHSPResults results,
const SPHIQueryInfo pattern_info 

Splits the BlastHSPResults structure for a PHI BLAST search into an array of BlastHSPResults structures, corresponding to different pattern occurrences in query.

All HSPs are copied, so it is safe to free the returned BlastHSPResults structures independently of the input results structure.

resultsAll results from a PHI BLAST search, with HSPs for different query pattern occurrences mixed together. [in]
pattern_infoInformation about pattern occurrences in query. [in]
Array of pointers to BlastHSPResults structures, corresponding to different pattern occurrences.

Definition at line 3570 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPListNew(), Blast_HSPListSaveHSP(), Blast_HSPResultsInsertHSPList(), Blast_HSPResultsNew(), Blast_HSPResultsSortByEvalue(), calloc(), BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, BlastHitList::hsplist_max, SPHIHspInfo::index, NULL, BlastHSPList::oid, BlastHSP::pat_info, pattern_info(), results, s_BlastHSPCopy(), and sfree.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), and PhiBlastResults2SeqAlign_OMF().

◆ PhiBlastGetEffectiveNumberOfPatterns()

Int4 PhiBlastGetEffectiveNumberOfPatterns ( const BlastQueryInfo query_info)

Count the number of occurrences of pattern in sequence, which do not overlap by more than half the pattern match length.

query_infoQuery information structure, containing pattern info. [in]

Definition at line 360 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastQueryInfo::contexts, count, BlastContextInfo::length_adjustment, SPHIQueryInfo::num_patterns, SPHIQueryInfo::occurrences, SPHIPatternInfo::offset, and BlastQueryInfo::pattern_info.

Referenced by s_HSPPHIGetEvalue(), and s_PhiBlastCutoffScore().

◆ s_Blast_HitListGrowHSPListArray()

static Int2 s_Blast_HitListGrowHSPListArray ( BlastHitList hit_list)

Given a BlastHitList pointer this function makes the hsplist_array larger, up to a maximum size.

These incremental increases are mostly an issue for users who put in a very large number for number of hits to save, but only save a few.

hit_listobject containing the hsplist_array to grow [in]
zero on success, 1 if full already.

Definition at line 3217 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BLASTERR_MEMORY, BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_current, BlastHitList::hsplist_max, MIN, and NULL.

Referenced by Blast_HitListUpdate().

◆ s_Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives()

static Int2 s_Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives ( const Uint1 query,
const Uint1 subject,
const BlastHSP hsp,
Int4 num_ident_ptr,
Int4 align_length_ptr,
const BlastScoreBlk sbp,
Int4 num_pos_ptr 

Calculate number of identities in a regular HSP.

queryThe query sequence [in]
subjectThe uncompressed subject sequence [in]
hspAll information about the HSP [in]
num_ident_ptrNumber of identities [out]
align_length_ptrThe alignment length, including gaps [out]
sbpBlast score blk [in]
num_pos_ptrNumber of Positives [out]
0 on success, -1 on invalid parameters or error

Definition at line 746 of file blast_hits.c.

References SBlastScoreMatrix::data, eGapAlignDel, eGapAlignIns, eGapAlignSub, BlastSeg::end, BlastHSP::gap_info, i, BlastScoreBlk::matrix, NULL, GapEditScript::num, BlastSeg::offset, GapEditScript::op_type, BlastScoreBlk::protein_alphabet, BlastHSP::query, query, GapEditScript::size, BlastHSP::subject, and subject.

Referenced by Blast_HSPGetNumIdentities(), and Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives().

◆ s_Blast_HSPGetOOFNumIdentitiesAndPositives()

static Int2 s_Blast_HSPGetOOFNumIdentitiesAndPositives ( const Uint1 query,
const Uint1 subject,
const BlastHSP hsp,
EBlastProgramType  program,
Int4 num_ident_ptr,
Int4 align_length_ptr,
const BlastScoreBlk sbp,
Int4 num_pos_ptr 

Calculate number of identities in an HSP for an out-of-frame alignment.

queryThe query sequence [in]
subjectThe uncompressed subject sequence [in]
hspAll information about the HSP [in]
programBLAST program (blastx or tblastn) [in]
num_ident_ptrNumber of identities [out]
align_length_ptrThe alignment length, including gaps [out]
sbpBlast score blk [in]
num_pos_ptrNumber of Positives [out]
0 on success, -1 on invalid parameters or error

Definition at line 850 of file blast_hits.c.

References CODON_LENGTH, SBlastScoreMatrix::data, eBlastTypeRpsTblastn, eBlastTypeTblastn, eGapAlignDel, eGapAlignDel1, eGapAlignDel2, eGapAlignIns, eGapAlignIns1, eGapAlignIns2, eGapAlignSub, BlastHSP::gap_info, i, BlastScoreBlk::matrix, NULL, GapEditScript::num, BlastSeg::offset, GapEditScript::op_type, BlastScoreBlk::protein_alphabet, BlastHSP::query, query, GapEditScript::size, BlastHSP::subject, and subject.

Referenced by Blast_HSPGetNumIdentities(), and Blast_HSPGetNumIdentitiesAndPositives().

◆ s_BlastCheckBestEvalue()

static Boolean s_BlastCheckBestEvalue ( const BlastHSPList hsp_list)

Verifies that the best_evalue field on the BlastHSPList is correct.

hsp_listobject to check [in]
TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1714 of file blast_hits.c.

References ABS, BlastHSPList::best_evalue, BlastHSP::evalue, FALSE, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, INT4_MAX, MIN, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_HitListUpdate().

◆ s_BlastGetBestEvalue()

static double s_BlastGetBestEvalue ( const BlastHSPList hsp_list)

Gets the best (lowest) evalue from the BlastHSPList.

hsp_listobject containing the evalues [in]
TRUE if OK, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 1740 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSP::evalue, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, INT4_MAX, and MIN.

Referenced by Blast_HitListUpdate(), Blast_HSPListGetEvalues(), Blast_HSPListPHIGetEvalues(), and Blast_HSPListReapByQueryCoverage().

◆ s_BlastHitListInsertHSPListInHeap()

static void s_BlastHitListInsertHSPListInHeap ( BlastHitList hit_list,
BlastHSPList hsp_list 

Given a BlastHitList* with a heapified HSP list array, remove the worst scoring HSP list and insert the new HSP list in the heap.

hit_listContains all HSP lists for a given query [in] [out]
hsp_listA new HSP list to be inserted into the hit list [in]

Definition at line 3194 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSPList::best_evalue, Blast_HSPListFree(), BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, BlastHitList::low_score, s_EvalueCompareHSPLists(), s_Heapify(), BlastHSP::score, and BlastHitList::worst_evalue.

Referenced by Blast_HitListUpdate().

◆ s_BlastHitListPurge()

static void s_BlastHitListPurge ( BlastHitList hit_list)

Purge a BlastHitList of empty HSP lists.

hit_listBLAST hit list structure. [in] [out]

Definition at line 3170 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPListFree(), BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastHitList::hsplist_array, and BlastHitList::hsplist_count.

Referenced by Blast_HitListSortByEvalue(), Blast_HSPResultsReverseSort(), and Blast_HSPResultsSortByEvalue().

◆ s_BlastHSPCopy()

static BlastHSP* s_BlastHSPCopy ( const BlastHSP hsp)

Copies all contents of a BlastHSP structure.

Used in PHI BLAST for splitting results corresponding to different pattern occurrences in query.

hspOriginal HSP [in]
New HSP, copied from the original.

Definition at line 236 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSP::bit_score, Blast_HSPInit(), BlastMemDup(), BlastHSP::comp_adjustment_method, BlastHSP::context, BlastSeg::end, BlastHSP::evalue, BlastSeg::frame, BlastHSP::gap_info, GapEditScriptDup(), BlastSeg::gapped_start, NULL, BlastHSP::num, BlastHSP::num_ident, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::pat_info, BlastHSP::query, BlastHSP::score, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by PHIBlast_HSPResultsSplit().

◆ s_BlastHSPListInsertHSPInHeap()

static void s_BlastHSPListInsertHSPInHeap ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
BlastHSP **  hsp 

Given a BlastHSPList* with a heapified HSP array, check whether the new HSP is better than the worst scoring.

If it is, then remove the worst scoring and insert, otherwise free the new one. HSP and insert the new HSP in the heap.

hsp_listContains all HSPs for a given subject. [in] [out]
hspA pointer to new HSP to be inserted into the HSP list [in] [out]

Definition at line 1687 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPFree(), BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, s_Heapify(), and ScoreCompareHSPs().

Referenced by Blast_HSPListSaveHSP().

◆ s_BlastHSPListsCombineByScore()

static void s_BlastHSPListsCombineByScore ( BlastHSPList hsp_list,
BlastHSPList combined_hsp_list,
Int4  new_hspcnt 

Combine two HSP lists, without altering the individual HSPs, and without reallocating the HSP array.

hsp_listNew HSP list [in]
combined_hsp_listOld HSP list, to which new HSPs are added [in] [out]
new_hspcntHow many HSPs to save in the combined list? The extra ones are freed. The best scoring HSPs are saved. This argument cannot be greater than the allocated size of the combined list's HSP array. [in]

Definition at line 2747 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSPList::allocated, ASSERT, Blast_HSPFree(), Blast_HSPListSortByScore(), BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, malloc(), NULL, ScoreCompareHSPs(), and sfree.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListAppend(), and Blast_HSPListsMerge().

◆ s_BlastMergeTwoHSPs()

static Boolean s_BlastMergeTwoHSPs ( BlastHSP hsp1,
BlastHSP hsp2,
Boolean  allow_gap 

Given two hits, check if the hits can be merged and do the merge if so.

Hits must not contain traceback

hsp1The first hit. If merging happens, this hit is overwritten with the merged version [in][out]
hsp2The second hit [in]
TRUE if a merge was performed, FALSE if not

Definition at line 1488 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, CONTAINED_IN_HSP, BlastSeg::end, FALSE, BlastSeg::frame, BlastHSP::gap_info, BlastSeg::gapped_start, MAX, MIN, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, BlastHSP::score, BlastHSP::subject, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListsMerge().

◆ s_BlastSegGetTranslatedOffsets()

static void s_BlastSegGetTranslatedOffsets ( const BlastSeg segment,
Int4  seq_length,
Int4 start,
Int4 end 

Adjust start and end of an HSP in a translated sequence segment.

segmentBlastSeg structure (part of BlastHSP) [in]
seq_lengthLength of the full sequence [in]
startStart of the alignment in this segment in nucleotide coordinates, 1-offset [out]
endEnd of the alignment in this segment in nucleotide coordinates, 1-offset [out]

Definition at line 1093 of file blast_hits.c.

References CODON_LENGTH, BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::frame, and BlastSeg::offset.

Referenced by Blast_HSPGetAdjustedOffsets().

◆ s_CompareHsplistHspcnt()

static int s_CompareHsplistHspcnt ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 

Comparison function for sorting HSP lists in increasing order of the number of HSPs in a hit.

Needed for s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimit below.

v1Pointer to the first HSP list [in]
v2Pointer to the second HSP list [in]

Definition at line 3656 of file blast_hits.c.

References r1, r2, and v2.

Referenced by s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimit().

◆ s_CompareOidHSPwOid()

static int s_CompareOidHSPwOid ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 

Definition at line 3752 of file blast_hits.c.

References r1, r2, and v2.

Referenced by s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimitEx().

◆ s_CompareScoreHSPwOid()

static int s_CompareScoreHSPwOid ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 

Definition at line 3744 of file blast_hits.c.

References r1, r2, s_EvalueCompareHSPs(), and v2.

Referenced by s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimitEx().

◆ s_CreateHeap()

static void s_CreateHeap ( void *  b,
size_t  nel,
size_t  width,
int(*)(const void *, const void *)  compar 

Creates a heap of elements based on a comparison function.

bAn array [in] [out]
nelNumber of elements in b [in]
widthThe size of each element [in]
comparCallback to compare two heap elements [in]

Definition at line 1660 of file blast_hits.c.

References b, i, and s_Heapify().

Referenced by Blast_HitListUpdate(), and Blast_HSPListSaveHSP().

◆ s_CutOffGapEditScript()

static void s_CutOffGapEditScript ( BlastHSP hsp,
Int4  q_cut,
Int4  s_cut,
Boolean  cut_begin 

◆ s_EvalueComp()

static int s_EvalueComp ( double  evalue1,
double  evalue2 

Compares 2 evalues, consider them equal if both are close enough to zero.

evalue1First evalue [in]
evalue2Second evalue [in]

Definition at line 1390 of file blast_hits.c.

References epsilon.

Referenced by s_EvalueCompareHSPLists(), and s_EvalueCompareHSPs().

◆ s_EvalueCompareHSPLists()

static int s_EvalueCompareHSPLists ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 

Callback for sorting hsp lists by their best evalue/score; Evalues are compared with the condition that if both are close enough to zero (currently < 1.0e-180), they are considered equal.

It is assumed that the HSP arrays in each hit list are already sorted by e-value/score.

Definition at line 3076 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSPList::best_evalue, BLAST_CMP, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastHSPList::oid, s_EvalueComp(), BlastHSP::score, and v2.

Referenced by Blast_HitListSortByEvalue(), Blast_HitListUpdate(), Blast_HSPResultsSortByEvalue(), s_BlastHitListInsertHSPListInHeap(), and s_EvalueCompareHSPListsRev().

◆ s_EvalueCompareHSPListsRev()

static int s_EvalueCompareHSPListsRev ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 

Callback for sorting hsp lists by their best e-value/score, in reverse order - from higher e-value to lower (lower score to higher).

Definition at line 3111 of file blast_hits.c.

References s_EvalueCompareHSPLists(), and v2.

Referenced by Blast_HSPResultsReverseSort().

◆ s_EvalueCompareHSPs()

static int s_EvalueCompareHSPs ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 

Comparison callback function for sorting HSPs by e-value and score, before saving BlastHSPList in a BlastHitList.

E-value has priority over score, because lower scoring HSPs might have lower e-values, if they are linked with sum statistics. E-values are compared only up to a certain precision.

v1Pointer to first HSP [in]
v2Pointer to second HSP [in]

Definition at line 1415 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSP::evalue, s_EvalueComp(), ScoreCompareHSPs(), and v2.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListSortByEvalue(), and s_CompareScoreHSPwOid().

◆ s_Heapify()

static void s_Heapify ( char *  base0,
char *  base,
char *  lim,
char *  last,
size_t  width,
int(*)(const void *, const void *)  compar 

This is a copy of a static function from ncbimisc.c.

Turns array into a heap with respect to a given comparison function.

Definition at line 1627 of file blast_hits.c.

References i, and last().

Referenced by s_BlastHitListInsertHSPListInHeap(), s_BlastHSPListInsertHSPInHeap(), and s_CreateHeap().

◆ s_HSPEndDiag()

static Int4 s_HSPEndDiag ( const BlastHSP hsp)

Retrieve the ending diagonal of an HSP.

hspThe target HSP
The ending diagonal

Definition at line 1475 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastSeg::end, BlastHSP::query, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListsMerge().

◆ s_HSPPHIGetEvalue()

static void s_HSPPHIGetEvalue ( BlastHSP hsp,
BlastScoreBlk sbp,
const BlastQueryInfo query_info,
const SPHIPatternSearchBlk pattern_blk 

Calculate e-value for an HSP found by PHI BLAST.

hspAn HSP found by PHI BLAST [in]
sbpScoring block with statistical parameters [in]
query_infoStructure containing information about pattern counts [in]
pattern_blkStructure containing counts of PHI pattern hits [in]

Definition at line 399 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHSP::evalue, BlastScoreBlk::kbp, Blast_KarlinBlk::Lambda, SPHIPatternSearchBlk::num_patterns_db, Blast_KarlinBlk::paramC, PhiBlastGetEffectiveNumberOfPatterns(), and BlastHSP::score.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListPHIGetEvalues().

◆ s_HSPStartDiag()

static Int4 s_HSPStartDiag ( const BlastHSP hsp)

Retrieve the starting diagonal of an HSP.

hspThe target HSP
The starting diagonal

Definition at line 1465 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListsMerge().

◆ s_HSPTest()

static Boolean s_HSPTest ( const BlastHSP hsp,
const BlastHitSavingOptions hit_options,
Int4  align_length 

◆ s_QueryEndCompareHSPs()

static int s_QueryEndCompareHSPs ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 

Callback for sorting HSPs by ending offset in query.

Sorting is by increasing context, then increasing query end offset, then increasing subject end offset, then decreasing score, then decreasing query start offset, then decreasing subject start offset. Null HSPs are moved to the end of the array.

v1pointer to first HSP [in]
v2pointer to second HSP [in]
Result of comparison.

Definition at line 2333 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSP::context, BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, BlastHSP::score, BlastHSP::subject, and v2.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListPurgeHSPsWithCommonEndpoints().

◆ s_QueryOffsetCompareHSPs()

static int s_QueryOffsetCompareHSPs ( const void *  v1,
const void *  v2 

Callback for sorting HSPs by starting offset in query.

Sorting is by increasing context, then increasing query start offset, then increasing subject start offset, then decreasing score, then increasing query end offset, then increasing subject end offset. Null HSPs are moved to the end of the array.

v1pointer to first HSP [in]
v2pointer to second HSP [in]
Result of comparison.

Definition at line 2268 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSP::context, BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, BlastHSP::score, BlastHSP::subject, and v2.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListPurgeHSPsWithCommonEndpoints().

◆ s_SortHSPListByOid()

static int s_SortHSPListByOid ( const void *  x,
const void *  y 

callback used to sort HSP lists in order of increasing OID

xFirst HSP list [in]
ySecond HSP list [in]
compare result

Definition at line 2112 of file blast_hits.c.

References BlastHSPList::oid.

Referenced by Blast_HitListMerge().

◆ s_SortHspWrapRawScore()

static int s_SortHspWrapRawScore ( const void *  x,
const void *  y 

callback used to sort a list of encapsulated HSP structures in order of decreasing raw score -RMH-

Definition at line 3452 of file blast_hits.c.

References SHspWrap::hsp, and BlastHSP::score.

Referenced by Blast_HSPResultsApplyMasklevel().

◆ s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimit()

static Boolean s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimit ( BlastHSPResults results,
Uint4  total_hsp_limit 

Removes extra results if a limit is imposed on the total number of HSPs returned.

If the search involves multiple query sequences, the total HSP limit is applied separately to each query. The trimming algorithm makes sure that at least 1 HSP is returned for each database sequence hit. Suppose results for a given query consist of HSP lists for N database sequences, and the limit is T. HSP lists are sorted in order of increasing number of HSPs in each list. Then the algorithm proceeds by leaving at most i*T/N HSPs for the first i HSP lists, for every i = 1, 2, ..., N.

resultsResults after preliminary stage of a BLAST search [in|out]
total_hsp_limitLimit on total number of HSPs [in]
TRUE if HSP limit has been exceeded, FALSE otherwise.

Definition at line 3683 of file blast_hits.c.

References Blast_HSPFree(), FALSE, BlastHSPList::hsp_array, BlastHSPList::hspcnt, BlastHitList::hsplist_array, BlastHitList::hsplist_count, malloc(), MAX, NULL, results, s_CompareHsplistHspcnt(), sfree, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStreamWithLimit().

◆ s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimitEx()

static Boolean s_TrimResultsByTotalHSPLimitEx ( BlastHSPResults results,
Uint4  total_hsp_limit,
Boolean hsp_limit_exceeded 

◆ s_UpdateReevaluatedHSP()

static Boolean s_UpdateReevaluatedHSP ( BlastHSP hsp,
Boolean  gapped,
Int4  cutoff_score,
Int4  score,
const Uint1 query_start,
const Uint1 subject_start,
const Uint1 best_q_start,
const Uint1 best_q_end,
const Uint1 best_s_start,
const Uint1 best_s_end,
int  best_start_esp_index,
int  best_end_esp_index,
int  best_end_esp_num 

Update HSP data after reevaluation with ambiguities.

In particular this function calculates number of identities and checks if the percent identity criterion is satisfied.

hspHSP to update [in] [out]
gappedIs this a gapped search? [in]
cutoff_scoreCutoff score for saving the HSP [in]
scoreNew score [in]
query_startStart of query sequence [in]
subject_startStart of subject sequence [in]
best_q_startPointer to start of the new alignment in query [in]
best_q_endPointer to end of the new alignment in query [in]
best_s_startPointer to start of the new alignment in subject [in]
best_s_endPointer to end of the new alignment in subject [in]
best_start_esp_indexindex of the edit script array where the new alignment starts. [in]
best_end_esp_indexindex in the edit script array where the new alignment ends. [in]
best_end_esp_numNumber of edit operations in the last edit script, that are included in the alignment. [in]
TRUE if HSP is scheduled to be deleted.

Definition at line 440 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastSeg::end, FALSE, BlastHSP::gap_info, GapEditScriptDelete(), GapEditScriptNew(), GapEditScriptPartialCopy(), GapEditScript::num, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, BlastHSP::score, GapEditScript::size, BlastHSP::subject, and TRUE.

Referenced by Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesGapped(), and s_UpdateReevaluatedHSPUngapped().

◆ s_UpdateReevaluatedHSPUngapped()

static Boolean s_UpdateReevaluatedHSPUngapped ( BlastHSP hsp,
Int4  cutoff_score,
Int4  score,
const Uint1 query_start,
const Uint1 subject_start,
const Uint1 best_q_start,
const Uint1 best_q_end,
const Uint1 best_s_start,
const Uint1 best_s_end 

Update HSP data after reevaluation with ambiguities for an ungapped search.

In particular this function calculates number of identities and checks if the percent identity criterion is satisfied.

hspHSP to update [in] [out]
cutoff_scoreCutoff score for saving the HSP [in]
scoreNew score [in]
query_startStart of query sequence [in]
subject_startStart of subject sequence [in]
best_q_startPointer to start of the new alignment in query [in]
best_q_endPointer to end of the new alignment in query [in]
best_s_startPointer to start of the new alignment in subject [in]
best_s_endPointer to end of the new alignment in subject [in]
TRUE if HSP is scheduled to be deleted.

Definition at line 664 of file blast_hits.c.

References FALSE, and s_UpdateReevaluatedHSP().

Referenced by Blast_HSPReevaluateWithAmbiguitiesUngapped().

◆ SBlastHitsParametersDup()

SBlastHitsParameters* SBlastHitsParametersDup ( const SBlastHitsParameters hit_params)

Make a deep copy of the SBlastHitsParameters structure passed in.

hit_paramssource hit parameters structure [in]
NULL if out of memory, otherwise deep copy of first argument

Definition at line 101 of file blast_hits.c.

References malloc(), and NULL.

◆ SBlastHitsParametersFree()

SBlastHitsParameters* SBlastHitsParametersFree ( SBlastHitsParameters param)

Deallocated SBlastHitsParameters.

paramobject to be freed.
NULL pointer.

Definition at line 115 of file blast_hits.c.

References NULL, and sfree.

Referenced by Blast_HSPResultsFromHSPStream(), BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CBlastTracebackSearch::Run(), and CBlastTracebackSearch::RunSimple().

◆ SBlastHitsParametersNew()

Int2 SBlastHitsParametersNew ( const BlastHitSavingOptions hit_options,
const BlastExtensionOptions ext_options,
const BlastScoringOptions scoring_options,
SBlastHitsParameters **  retval 

Sets up small structures used by blast_hit.c for saving HSPs.

hit_optionsfield hitlist_size and hsp_num_max needed, a pointer to this structure will be stored on resulting structure.[in]
ext_optionsfield compositionBasedStats needed here. [in]
scoring_optionsgapped_calculation needed here. [in]
retvalthe allocated SBlastHitsParameters*
zero on success, 1 on NULL parameter, 2 if calloc fails.

Definition at line 75 of file blast_hits.c.

References ASSERT, BlastHspNumMax(), BlastExtensionOptions::compositionBasedStats, BlastScoringOptions::gapped_calculation, GetPrelimHitlistSize(), BlastHitSavingOptions::hitlist_size, malloc(), and NULL.

Referenced by BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(), CBlastPrelimSearch::ComputeBlastHSPResults(), CBlastTracebackSearch::Run(), and CBlastTracebackSearch::RunSimple().

◆ ScoreCompareHSPs()

int ScoreCompareHSPs ( const void *  h1,
const void *  h2 

Comparison callback function for sorting HSPs, first by score in descending order, then by location.

Among alignments with equal score, an HSP will precede any other HSPs that are completely contained within its endpoints.

H2 is contained in H1 if and only if H1.query.offset <= H2.query.offset <= H2.query.end <= H1.query.end H1.sbjct.offset <= H2.sbjct.offset <= H2.sbjct.end <= H1.sbjct.end

Definition at line 1330 of file blast_hits.c.

References BLAST_CMP, BlastSeg::end, BlastSeg::offset, BlastHSP::query, result, BlastHSP::score, and BlastHSP::subject.

Referenced by Blast_HSPListIsSortedByScore(), Blast_HSPListSaveHSP(), Blast_HSPListSortByScore(), s_BlastHSPListInsertHSPInHeap(), s_BlastHSPListsCombineByScore(), s_EvalueCompareHSPs(), s_ScoreCompareHSPWithContext(), and s_SumScoreCompareLinkedHSPSets().

Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:19 2024 by rev. 669887