NCBI C++ ToolKit
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1 /* $Id: columnar_vcf_reader.cpp 47464 2023-04-20 00:19:10Z evgeniev $
2  * ===========================================================================
3  *
5  * National Center for Biotechnology Information
6  *
7  * This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8  * terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
9  * the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10  * thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
11  * to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12  * Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13  *
14  * Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15  * and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16  * Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17  * may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18  * Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19  * warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20  * purpose.
21  *
22  * Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23  *
24  * ===========================================================================
25  *
26  * Authors: Andrea Asztalos, Anatoliy Kuznetsov
27  *
28  * File Description:
29  *
30  *
31  */
33 #include <ncbi_pch.hpp>
36 #include <util/line_reader.hpp>
39 #include <util/bitset/bmdbg.h>
46 #include <chrono>
47 #include <numeric>
48 #include <future>
55 // SVcfFieldData
56 SVcfFieldData::SVcfFieldData(const string& line)
57 {
58  edit::CParseTextOptions options;
59  options.SetStartText("ID=");
60  options.SetStopText(",");
61  m_Name = options.GetSelectedText(line);
63  options.SetStartText(",Number=");
64  options.SetStopText(",");
65  m_Number = options.GetSelectedText(line);
67  options.SetStartText(",Description=\"");
68  options.SetStopText("\"");
69  m_Description = options.GetSelectedText(line);
70 }
72 // CColumnarVCFReader
75 {
76  CStreamLineReader reader(in);
77  unsigned nr_lines = 0;
79  x_ResetInfo();
81  do {
82  if (nr_lines % 200 == 0 && (canceled && canceled->IsCanceled())) {
83  x_ResetInfo();
84  return false;
85  }
87  ++reader;
88  CTempString line = *reader;
89  if (line.empty()) {
90  continue;
91  }
93  if (!NStr::StartsWith(line, "#"))
94  break;
96  if (NStr::StartsWith(line, "##fileformat")) {
97  // it is required to be present:
98  m_VCFversion = line.substr(CTempString("##fileformat=").length());
99  }
100  else if (NStr::StartsWith(line, "##reference")) {
101  // the reference genome used to generate the VCF file
102  m_ReferenceLine = line.substr(CTempString("##reference=").length());
103  if (!m_ReferenceLine.empty()) {
104  if (m_ReferenceLine.find(":/") == NPOS) {
106  }
107  else {
108  edit::CParseTextOptions options;
109  options.SetStartText("accession=");
110  options.SetStopText(",");
111  m_Assembly = options.GetSelectedText(line);
112  if (m_Assembly.empty()) {
113  options.SetStopText(">");
114  m_Assembly = options.GetSelectedText(line);
115  }
116  }
117  }
118  }
119  else if (NStr::StartsWith(line, "##INFO")) {
120  CConstRef<SVcfFieldData> field_data(new SVcfFieldData(line));
121  auto found_it = find_if(m_InfoFields.begin(), m_InfoFields.end(),
122  [&field_data](const CConstRef<SVcfFieldData>& data) { return data->m_Name == field_data->m_Name; });
123  if (found_it == m_InfoFields.end()) {
124  m_InfoFields.insert(field_data);
125  }
126  }
127  else if (NStr::StartsWith(line, "#CHROM")) {
128  x_GatherSampleColNames(line, listener, static_cast<unsigned int>(reader.GetLineNumber()));
129  }
130  } while (reader.PeekChar() == '#');
132  if (m_VCFversion.empty()) {
136  1,
137  "Line starting with ##fileformat is missing",
139  x_ProcessCriticalError(*err, listener);
140  }
141  return true;
142 }
144 void CColumnarVCFReader::x_GatherSampleColNames(const string& header_line, ILineErrorListener* listener, unsigned line_nr)
145 {
146  if (!NStr::StartsWith(header_line, "#CHROM")) {
147  return;
148  }
151  if (header_line.find(" ") != NPOS || header_line.find("\t") == NPOS) {
155  line_nr,
156  "Header line expected to be tab delimited",
158  x_ProcessError(*err, listener);
159  }
160  vector<string> col_names;
161  NStr::Split(header_line, "\t", col_names);
163  bool is_unique = false;
164  {
165  set<string> unique_strs(col_names.begin(), col_names.end());
166  is_unique = (col_names.size() == unique_strs.size());
167  }
168  // Duplicate Sample IDS are not allowed (
169  if (!is_unique) {
173  line_nr,
174  "Column names are not unique",
176  x_ProcessError(*err, listener);
177  }
179  auto it = col_names.begin();
180  for (; it != col_names.end(); ++it) {
181  if (*it == CVCFVariantsBase::sm_FORMAT) {
182  ++it;
183  break;
184  }
185  }
187  unsigned index = 0;
188  for (; it != col_names.end(); ++it, ++index) {
189  m_SampleCols.emplace(index, *it);
190  }
191 }
193 // From ReaderBase
195 {
196  if (!error_cont) {
197  LOG_POST(Error << err.GetLine() << ": " << err.SeverityStr() << err.Message());
198  return;
199  }
200  if (!error_cont->PutError(err)) {
201  err.Throw();
202  }
203 }
205 // From ReaderBase
207 {
208  if (!error_cont) {
209  err.Throw();
210  }
211  if (!error_cont->PutError(err)) {
215  0,
216  "Error allowance exceeded",
218  pErr->Throw();
219  }
220 }
223 {
224  if (!error_cont) {
225  err.Throw();
226  }
227  bool placed = error_cont->PutError(err);
228  if (placed) {
229  err.Throw();
230  } else {
234  0,
235  "Error allowance exceeded",
237  pErr->Throw();
238  }
239 }
242 {
243  auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
244  m_ChromosomeMap.clear();
246  unsigned nr_lines = 0;
247  unsigned lines_per_contig = 0;
249  CVCFVariantList *vars_list{ nullptr };
250  string previous_chrom;
252  vector<future<void>> async_calls;
253  auto JoinOptimization = [&async_calls]()
254  {
255  // Wait for the optimization to complete
256  for (auto& task : async_calls) {
257  task.get();
258  }
259  };
261  auto OptimizeVariantsList = [on_variants_list_ready](CRef<CVCFVariantList> &var_map) {
262  auto chr = var_map->GetChrName();
263  auto task_start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
264  {
265  auto opt_start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
266  var_map->FinalizeReading();
267  auto diff_opt = chrono::steady_clock::now() - opt_start;
268  LOG_POST(Info << "Optimization of " << chr << " took " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(diff_opt).count() << " ms");
269  }
270  if (on_variants_list_ready) {
271  on_variants_list_ready(*var_map);
272  var_map.Reset();
273  }
274  auto diff_opt = chrono::steady_clock::now() - task_start;
275  //LOG_POST(Info << "Processing of " << chr << " took " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(diff_opt).count() << " ms");
276  };
278  string line;
279  while (in.good() && !in.eof()) {
280  if (nr_lines % 1000 == 0 && (canceled && canceled->IsCanceled())) {
282  return false;
283  }
285  NcbiGetlineEOL(in, line);
286  nr_lines++;
288  if (NStr::StartsWith(line, "#CHROM")) {
289  x_ProcessHeaderLine(line, nr_lines, listener);
290  continue;
291  }
293  // ignore empty and comment lines
294  if (line.empty() || (!line.empty() && line[0] == '#')) {
295  continue;
296  }
298  if (line.find("\t") == NPOS) {
302  nr_lines,
303  "Has been skipped as it is not tab delimited:\n" + line,
305  x_ProcessWarning(*err, listener);
306  continue;
307  }
309  size_t pos = line.find("\t");
310  string chrom = line.substr(0, pos);
311  if (chrom != previous_chrom) {
312  if (!previous_chrom.empty()) {
313  if (lines_per_contig > kAsyncVarsThreshold)
314  async_calls.push_back(async(std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred, OptimizeVariantsList, std::ref(;
315  else
316  OptimizeVariantsList(;
317  }
318  previous_chrom = chrom;
319  lines_per_contig = 0;
321  if (m_ChromosomeMap.find(chrom) == m_ChromosomeMap.end()) {
322  auto inserted = m_ChromosomeMap.emplace(chrom,
324  vars_list = inserted.first->second.GetPointer();
325  }
326  else {
330  nr_lines,
331  chrom + " data line found out of its block. All entries for a specific CHROM should form a contiguous block within the VCF file.",
333  x_ProcessError(*err, listener);
334  continue;
335  }
336  }
338  if (prog_func && lines_per_contig > 0 && lines_per_contig % 500000 == 0) {
339  string progress = "Parsed " + NStr::UInt8ToString(lines_per_contig) + " lines";
340  prog_func(progress);
341  }
343  try {
344  _ASSERT(vars_list);
345  vars_list->ParseLine(line);
346  lines_per_contig++;
347  }
348  catch (const CException& e) {
352  nr_lines,
353  e.GetMsg(),
355  x_ProcessWarning(*err, listener);
356  }
357  }
359  auto diff_parsing = chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
360  LOG_POST(Info << "Parsed " << nr_lines << " lines from VCF file in "
361  << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(diff_parsing).count() << " ms ");
363  if (canceled && canceled->IsCanceled()) {
365  // Wait for the optimization to complete
366  JoinOptimization();
367  return false;
368  }
370  if (!in.eof() && !in.good()) {
371  LOG_POST(Error << "Reading cannot be completed, as input stream is corrupted");
374  // Wait for the optimization to complete
375  JoinOptimization();
376  NCBI_THROW(CIO_Exception, eUnknown, "Failed to read all variants from file");
377  }
379  if (!previous_chrom.empty() && {
380  OptimizeVariantsList(;
381  }
382  // Wait for the optimization to complete
383  JoinOptimization();
384  if (on_variants_list_ready) {
385  // Chromosomes were processed in the callback and the list can be released
386  m_ChromosomeMap.clear();
387  }
389  return true;
390 }
392 unsigned CColumnarVCFReader::x_ProcessHeaderLine(const string& header_line, unsigned line_nr, ILineErrorListener* listener)
393 {
394  _ASSERT(NStr::StartsWith(header_line, "#CHROM"));
396  if (header_line.find(" ") != NPOS || header_line.find("\t") == NPOS) {
400  line_nr,
401  "Header line is expected to be tab delimited",
403  x_ProcessCriticalError(*err, listener);
404  }
406  // the number of mandatory columns of a VCF file
407  const unsigned kMandatoryCols = 8;
408  unsigned nr_tabs = static_cast<unsigned>(count(header_line.begin(), header_line.end(), '\t'));
409  if (nr_tabs + 1 < kMandatoryCols) {
413  line_nr,
414  "Header line is expected to have at least 8 columns",
416  x_ProcessCriticalError(*err, listener);
417  }
419  x_GetSamplesToLoad(header_line, listener, line_nr);
420  return nr_tabs;
421 }
424 {
425  m_ChromosomeMap.clear();
426 }
429 {
430  m_VCFversion.resize(0);
431  m_ReferenceLine.resize(0);
432  m_Assembly.resize(0);
435 }
437 void CColumnarVCFReader::x_GetSamplesToLoad(const string& header_line, ILineErrorListener* listener, unsigned line_nr)
438 {
440  if (m_LoadAllSamples) {
441  if (m_LoadSamples.empty()) {
442  x_GatherSampleColNames(header_line, listener, line_nr);
443  }
444  else {
446  }
447  }
448  else {
449  if (m_LoadSamples.empty()) {
451  }
452  else {
454  }
455  }
456 }
458 vector<CColumnarVCFReader::TSeqIdVarsListPair>
460  const vector<pair<CConstRef<CSeq_id>, vector<string>>>& chr_list,
461  ICanceled* canceled,
462  ILineErrorListener* listener,
463  TReportProgress prog_func,
464  TOnVCFVariantListReady on_variants_list_ready)
465 {
466  vector<pair<CConstRef<CSeq_id>, CRef<CVCFVariantList>>> variants_list;
468  auto start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
470  unsigned nr_lines = 0;
471  unsigned lines_per_contig = 0;
473  CRef<CVCFVariantList> vcf_vars;
474  size_t search_chrs = chr_list.size();
475  string prev_chrom; // chromosome from the previous line
477  vector<future<void>> async_calls;
478  auto JoinOptimization = [&async_calls]()
479  {
480  // Wait for the optimization to complete
481  for (auto& task : async_calls) {
482  task.get();
483  }
484  };
486  auto OptimizeVariantsList = [on_variants_list_ready](CRef<CVCFVariantList> var_map) {
487  auto chr = var_map->GetChrName();
488  auto task_start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
489  {
490  auto opt_start = chrono::steady_clock::now();
491  var_map->FinalizeReading();
492  auto diff_opt = chrono::steady_clock::now() - opt_start;
493  LOG_POST(Info << "Optimization of " << chr << " took " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(diff_opt).count() << " ms");
494  }
495  if (on_variants_list_ready) {
496  on_variants_list_ready(*var_map);
497  var_map.Reset();
498  }
499  auto diff_opt = chrono::steady_clock::now() - task_start;
500  //LOG_POST(Info << "Processing of " << chr << " took " << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(diff_opt).count() << " ms");
501  };
503  auto CallOptimizeVarsList = [&]() {
504  if (lines_per_contig > kAsyncVarsThreshold)
505  async_calls.push_back(async(std::launch::async | std::launch::deferred, OptimizeVariantsList, vcf_vars));
506  else
507  OptimizeVariantsList(vcf_vars);
508  };
510  string line;
511  while (in.good() && !in.eof() && search_chrs > 0) {
512  if (nr_lines % 1000 == 0 && (canceled && canceled->IsCanceled())) {
513  // Wait for the optimization to complete
514  JoinOptimization();
515  variants_list.clear();
516  return variants_list;
517  }
519  NcbiGetlineEOL(in, line);
520  nr_lines++;
522  if (NStr::StartsWith(line, "#CHROM")) {
523  x_ProcessHeaderLine(line, nr_lines, listener);
524  continue;
525  }
527  // ignore empty and comment lines
528  if (line.empty() || (!line.empty() && line[0] == '#')) {
529  continue;
530  }
532  if (line.find("\t") == NPOS) {
536  nr_lines,
537  "Has been skipped as it is not tab delimited:\n" + line,
539  x_ProcessWarning(*err, listener);
540  continue;
541  }
543  size_t pos = line.find("\t");
544  string chrom = line.substr(0, pos);
545  if (!vcf_vars || (vcf_vars && !NStr::EqualCase(vcf_vars->GetChrName(), chrom))) {
546  if (prev_chrom == chrom)
547  continue;
549  bool found = false;
550  for (const auto& syn_it : chr_list) {
551  const auto& seq_id = syn_it.first;
552  const auto& synonyms = syn_it.second;
553  if (find_if(synonyms.begin(), synonyms.end(),
554  [&chrom](const string& elem) { return NStr::EqualCase(chrom, elem); }) != synonyms.end()) {
556  found = true;
557  if (vcf_vars) {
558  CallOptimizeVarsList();
559  lines_per_contig = 0;
560  vcf_vars.Release();
561  }
563  if (find_if(variants_list.begin(), variants_list.end(),
564  [&seq_id](const TSeqIdVarsListPair& elem) { return (seq_id->AsFastaString() == elem.first->AsFastaString()); }) == variants_list.end()) {
565  variants_list.emplace_back(seq_id, new CVCFVariantList(chrom, m_LoadAllInfo, m_LoadInfoFields, m_SampleCols));
566  vcf_vars = variants_list.back().second;
567  }
568  else {
572  nr_lines,
573  chrom + " data line found out of its block. All entries for a specific CHROM should form a contiguous block within the VCF file.",
575  x_ProcessError(*err, listener);
576  }
578  break;
579  }
580  }
581  if (!found) {
582  if (vcf_vars) {
583  CallOptimizeVarsList();
584  vcf_vars.Release();
585  vcf_vars.Reset(nullptr);
586  search_chrs--;
587  }
588  prev_chrom = chrom;
589  lines_per_contig = 0;
590  }
591  }
593  if (vcf_vars) {
594  if (prog_func && lines_per_contig > 0 && lines_per_contig % 500000 == 0) {
595  string progress = "Parsed " + NStr::UInt8ToString(lines_per_contig) + " lines";
596  prog_func(progress);
597  }
598  try {
599  vcf_vars->ParseLine(line);
600  lines_per_contig++;
601  }
602  catch (const CException& e) {
606  nr_lines,
607  e.GetMsg(),
609  x_ProcessWarning(*err, listener);
610  }
611  if ((m_VariationsLimit > 0) && (lines_per_contig > m_VariationsLimit)) {
616  "The file exceeds the limit of " + NStr::UIntToString(m_VariationsLimit) + " variations per chromosome.",
618  x_ProcessCriticalError(*err, listener);
619  break;
620  }
621  }
622  }
624  auto diff_parsing = chrono::steady_clock::now() - start;
625  LOG_POST(Info << "Parsed " << nr_lines << " lines in "
626  << chrono::duration_cast<chrono::milliseconds>(diff_parsing).count() << " ms ");
628  if (canceled && canceled->IsCanceled()) {
629  // Wait for the optimization to complete
630  JoinOptimization();
631  variants_list.clear();
632  return variants_list;
633  }
635  if (!in.good() && !in.eof()) {
636  LOG_POST(Error << "Reading cannot be completed, as input stream is corrupted");
638  // Wait for the optimization to complete
639  JoinOptimization();
640  variants_list.clear();
641  NCBI_THROW(CIO_Exception, eUnknown, "Failed to read all variants from file");
642  }
644  if (vcf_vars) {
645  OptimizeVariantsList(vcf_vars);
646  }
647  // Wait for the optimization to complete
648  JoinOptimization();
650  if (chr_list.size() != variants_list.size()) {
651  for (const auto& chr_it : chr_list) {
652  if (find_if(variants_list.begin(), variants_list.end(),
653  [&chr_it](const pair<CConstRef<CSeq_id>, CRef<CVCFVariantList>>& elem)
654  { return elem.first->Equals(*chr_it.first); }) == variants_list.end()) {
656  auto id_str = chr_it.first->AsFastaString();
660  nr_lines,
661  "Chromosome " + id_str + " is not in the file",
663  x_ProcessWarning(*err, listener);
664  }
665  }
666  }
668  if (!on_variants_list_ready) {
669  for (auto& var_it : variants_list) {
670  m_ChromosomeMap.emplace(var_it.second->GetChrName(), var_it.second);
671  }
672  }
674  return variants_list;
675 }
678 {
679  vector<string> names;
680  for (const auto& it : m_ChromosomeMap) {
681  names.push_back(it.first);
682  }
683  return names;
684 }
687 {
688  auto it = m_ChromosomeMap.find(chr_name);
689  if (it != m_ChromosomeMap.end()) {
690  return it->second;
691  }
692  return CRef<CVCFVariantList>();
693 }
695 // CColumnarVCFReaderTest
698 {
699  for (auto& it : m_ChromosomeMap) {
700  it.second->GetStatistics(out);
701  }
702 }
705 {
706  for (auto&& it : m_ChromosomeMap) {
707  it.second->SerializeVariantData(prefix, out);
708  }
709 }
712 {
713  for (auto&& it : m_ChromosomeMap) {
714  it.second->DeserializeAndCheck(prefix, out);
715  }
716 }
719 {
720  for (const auto& it : m_ChromosomeMap) {
721  it.second->List(out, only_sv_cols);
722  }
723 }
726 {
727  for (auto& it : m_ChromosomeMap) {
728  it.second->ListPositionVectors(out);
729  }
730 }
Debugging functions (internal). Poorly documented, not well written.
Serialization for sparse_vector<>
AutoPtr –.
Definition: ncbimisc.hpp:401
void ListColumns(CNcbiOstream &out, bool only_sv_cols=false)
void SerializeToDisk(const string &prefix, CNcbiOstream *out=nullptr)
void GetStatistics(CNcbiOstream &out)
void Deserialize(const string &prefix, CNcbiOstream *out=nullptr)
void ListIndexVectors(CNcbiOstream &out)
bool m_LoadAllInfo
Flag to load every INFO field.
pair< CConstRef< objects::CSeq_id >, CRef< CVCFVariantList > > TSeqIdVarsListPair
void x_ProcessCriticalError(objects::CObjReaderLineException &err, objects::ILineErrorListener *error_cont)
vector< string > GetChromosomeNames() const
Returns a vector, holding the chrs/contigs identifiers, read from the file.
map< unsigned, string > m_SampleCols
List of SAMPLE columns parsed from the last line of the header, order is important.
unsigned x_ProcessHeaderLine(const string &header_line, unsigned line_nr, objects::ILineErrorListener *listener)
map< unsigned, string > m_LoadSamples
List of SAMPLES required to be loaded.
function< void(const string &)> TReportProgress
void x_ProcessError(objects::CObjReaderLineException &err, objects::ILineErrorListener *error_cont)
CRef< CVCFVariantList > GetVariantsForChr(const string &chr_name) const
Retrieves the variants list for a given chr/contig.
bool ReadHeader(CNcbiIstream &in, ICanceled *canceled=nullptr, objects::ILineErrorListener *listener=nullptr)
Reads only the header section of the file.
void x_GetSamplesToLoad(const string &header_line, objects::ILineErrorListener *listener, unsigned line_nr)
set< CConstRef< SVcfFieldData > > m_InfoFields
List of INFO fields parsed from the header of the file.
bool m_LoadAllSamples
Flag to load every SAMPLE column.
void x_ProcessWarning(objects::CObjReaderLineException &err, objects::ILineErrorListener *error_cont)
std::function< void(CVCFVariantList &)> TOnVCFVariantListReady
Defines a callable object, used when a variants list is processed by the reader.
void x_GatherSampleColNames(const string &header_line, objects::ILineErrorListener *listener, unsigned line_nr)
unordered_map< string, CRef< CVCFVariantList > > m_ChromosomeMap
set< string > m_LoadInfoFields
List of INFO fields required to be loaded.
vector< TSeqIdVarsListPair > ReadVariantsForChrs(CNcbiIstream &in, const vector< pair< CConstRef< objects::CSeq_id >, vector< string >>> &chr_list, ICanceled *canceled=nullptr, objects::ILineErrorListener *listener=nullptr, TReportProgress prog_func=TReportProgress(), TOnVCFVariantListReady on_variants_list_ready=TOnVCFVariantListReady())
Reads a list of variants.
bool ReadData(CNcbiIstream &in, ICanceled *canceled=nullptr, objects::ILineErrorListener *listener=nullptr, TReportProgress prog_func=TReportProgress(), TOnVCFVariantListReady on_variants_list_ready=TOnVCFVariantListReady())
Reads only the data section of the file.
I/O exception.
void Throw(void) const
this function to throw this object.
Definition: line_error.cpp:440
static CObjReaderLineException * Create(EDiagSev eSeverity, unsigned int uLine, const std::string &strMessage, EProblem eProblem=eProblem_GeneralParsingError, const std::string &strSeqId=string(""), const std::string &strFeatureName=string(""), const std::string &strQualifierName=string(""), const std::string &strQualifierValue=string(""), CObjReaderLineException::EErrCode eErrCode=eFormat, const TVecOfLines &vecOfOtherLines=TVecOfLines())
Please use this instead of the constructor because the ctor is protected.
Definition: line_error.cpp:417
std::string Message() const
Definition: line_error.hpp:450
CRef –.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:618
Simple implementation of ILineReader for i(o)streams.
CTempString implements a light-weight string on top of a storage buffer whose lifetime management is ...
Definition: tempstr.hpp:65
const string & GetChrName() const
static const string sm_FORMAT
Interface for testing cancellation request in a long lasting operation.
Definition: icanceled.hpp:51
virtual bool PutError(const ILineError &)=0
Store error in the container, and return true if error was stored fine, and return false if the calle...
@ eProblem_GeneralParsingError
Definition: line_error.hpp:105
string SeverityStr() const
Definition: line_error.cpp:134
bool empty() const
Definition: map.hpp:149
void clear()
Definition: map.hpp:169
iterator_bool insert(const value_type &val)
Definition: set.hpp:149
const_iterator begin() const
Definition: set.hpp:135
void clear()
Definition: set.hpp:153
size_type size() const
Definition: set.hpp:132
const_iterator end() const
Definition: set.hpp:136
const Uint8 kAsyncVarsThreshold
std::ofstream out("events_result.xml")
main entry point for tests
static const struct name_t names[]
char data[12]
Definition: iconv.c:80
#define LOG_POST(message)
This macro is deprecated and it's strongly recomended to move in all projects (except tests) to macro...
Definition: ncbidiag.hpp:226
@ eDiag_Warning
Warning message.
Definition: ncbidiag.hpp:652
@ eDiag_Critical
Critical error message.
Definition: ncbidiag.hpp:654
void Error(CExceptionArgs_Base &args)
Definition: ncbiexpt.hpp:1197
#define NCBI_THROW(exception_class, err_code, message)
Generic macro to throw an exception, given the exception class, error code and message string.
Definition: ncbiexpt.hpp:704
const string & GetMsg(void) const
Get message string.
Definition: ncbiexpt.cpp:461
void Info(CExceptionArgs_Base &args)
Definition: ncbiexpt.hpp:1185
char PeekChar(void) const
Returns the first character of the next string without consuming it.
Uint8 GetLineNumber(void) const
Returns the current line number (counting from 1, not 0).
void Reset(void)
Reset reference object.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:773
TObjectType * Release(void)
Release a reference to the object and return a pointer to the object.
Definition: ncbiobj.hpp:846
uint64_t Uint8
8-byte (64-bit) unsigned integer
Definition: ncbitype.h:105
End previously defined NCBI scope.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:103
Define ncbi namespace.
Definition: ncbistl.hpp:100
virtual bool IsCanceled(void) const =0
CNcbiIstream & NcbiGetlineEOL(CNcbiIstream &is, string &str, string::size_type *count=NULL)
Read from "is" to "str" the next line (taking into account platform specifics of End-of-Line)
IO_PREFIX::ostream CNcbiOstream
Portable alias for ostream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:149
IO_PREFIX::istream CNcbiIstream
Portable alias for istream.
Definition: ncbistre.hpp:146
static list< string > & Split(const CTempString str, const CTempString delim, list< string > &arr, TSplitFlags flags=0, vector< SIZE_TYPE > *token_pos=NULL)
Split a string using specified delimiters.
Definition: ncbistr.cpp:3452
#define NPOS
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:133
static bool EqualCase(const CTempString s1, SIZE_TYPE pos, SIZE_TYPE n, const char *s2)
Case-sensitive equality of a substring with another string.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:5319
bool empty(void) const
Return true if the represented string is empty (i.e., the length is zero)
Definition: tempstr.hpp:334
static string UIntToString(unsigned int value, TNumToStringFlags flags=0, int base=10)
Convert UInt to string.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:5103
static bool StartsWith(const CTempString str, const CTempString start, ECase use_case=eCase)
Check if a string starts with a specified prefix value.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:5406
CTempString substr(size_type pos) const
Obtain a substring from this string, beginning at a given offset.
Definition: tempstr.hpp:776
static string UInt8ToString(Uint8 value, TNumToStringFlags flags=0, int base=10)
Convert UInt8 to string.
Definition: ncbistr.hpp:5162
Lightweight interface for getting lines of data with minimal memory copying.
Compressed bitset (entry point to bm.h)
std::istream & in(std::istream &in_, double &x_)
#define count
Structure to store characteristics of an INFO field It is constructed from an INFO meta-information l...
string m_Name
INFO ID (name)
string m_Description
INFO Description.
SVcfFieldData(const string &line)
#define _ASSERT
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:09 2024 by rev. 669887