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sybdb.h File Reference
#include "../impl/rename_ftds_dblib.h"
#include "tds_sysdep_public.h"
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struct  DBMONEY
struct  DBMONEY4
struct  dbtypeinfo
struct  dbstring
struct  DBCOL
struct  DBCOL2
struct  tds_microsoft_dbdaterec
struct  tds_sybase_dbdaterec
struct  tds_microsoft_dbdaterec2
struct  tds_sybase_dbdaterec2


#define TDS_STATIC_CAST(type, a)   ((type)(a))
#define FALSE   0
#define TRUE   1
#define DBSAVE   1
#define DBNOSAVE   0
#define DBNOERR   -1
#define INT_EXIT   0
#define INT_CONTINUE   1
#define INT_CANCEL   2
#define INT_TIMEOUT   3
#define DBMAXNUMLEN   33
#define DBMAXNAME   128
 DBVERSION_xxx are used with dbsetversion() More...
#define DBVERSION_46   1
#define DBVERSION_100   2
#define DBVERSION_42   3
#define DBVERSION_70   4
#define DBVERSION_71   5
#define DBVERSION_72   6
#define DBVERSION_73   7
#define DBVERSION_74   8
#define DBVER42   DBVERSION_42
#define DBVER60   DBVERSION_70 /* our best approximation */
#define DBTDS_UNKNOWN   0
 DBTDS_xxx are returned by DBTDS() The integer values of the constants are poorly chosen. More...
#define DBTDS_2_0   1 /* pre 4.0 SQL Server */
#define DBTDS_3_4   2 /* Microsoft SQL Server (3.0) */
#define DBTDS_4_0   3 /* 4.0 SQL Server */
#define DBTDS_4_2   4 /* 4.2 SQL Server */
#define DBTDS_4_6   5 /* 2.0 OpenServer and 4.6 SQL Server. */
#define DBTDS_4_9_5   6 /* 4.9.5 (NCR) SQL Server */
#define DBTDS_5_0   7 /* 5.0 SQL Server */
#define DBTDS_7_0   8 /* Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 */
#define DBTDS_8_0   9 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2000 */
#define DBTDS_9_0   10 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2005 */
#define DBTDS_7_1   9 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2000 */
#define DBTDS_7_2   10 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2005 */
#define DBTDS_7_3   11 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2008 */
#define DBTDS_7_4   12 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 */
#define DBTXPLEN   16
#define BCPMAXERRS   1
#define BCPFIRST   2
#define BCPLAST   3
#define BCPBATCH   4
#define BCPLABELED   5
#define BCPHINTS   6
#define DBCMDNONE   0
#define DBCMDPEND   1
#define DBCMDSENT   2
#define SYBINT1   SYBINT1
#define SYBINT2   SYBINT2
#define SYBINT4   SYBINT4
#define SYBINT8   SYBINT8
#define SYBFLT8   SYBFLT8
#define SYBAOPCNT   0x4b
#define SYBAOPCNTU   0x4c
#define SYBAOPSUM   0x4d
#define SYBAOPSUMU   0x4e
#define SYBAOPAVG   0x4f
#define SYBAOPAVGU   0x50
#define SYBAOPMIN   0x51
#define SYBAOPMAX   0x52
#define SYBAOPCNT_BIG   0x09
#define SYBAOPSTDEV   0x30
#define SYBAOPSTDEVP   0x31
#define SYBAOPVAR   0x32
#define SYBAOPVARP   0x33
#define DBPARSEONLY   0
#define DBESTIMATE   1
#define DBSHOWPLAN   2
#define DBNOEXEC   3
#define DBNOCOUNT   5
#define DBARITHABORT   6
#define DBTEXTLIMIT   7
#define DBBROWSE   8
#define DBOFFSET   9
#define DBSTAT   10
#define DBERRLVL   11
#define DBCONFIRM   12
#define DBSTORPROCID   13
#define DBBUFFER   14
#define DBNOAUTOFREE   15
#define DBROWCOUNT   16
#define DBTEXTSIZE   17
#define DBNATLANG   18
#define DBDATEFORMAT   19
#define DBPRPAD   20
#define DBPRCOLSEP   21
#define DBPRLINELEN   22
#define DBPRLINESEP   23
#define DBLFCONVERT   24
#define DBDATEFIRST   25
#define DBCHAINXACTS   26
#define DBFIPSFLAG   27
#define DBISOLATION   28
#define DBAUTH   29
#define DBIDENTITY   30
#define DBNOIDCOL   31
#define DBDATESHORT   32
#define DBSETTIME   34
#define DBQUOTEDIDENT   35
#define DBNUMOPTIONS   36
#define DBPADOFF   0
#define DBPADON   1
#define OFF   0
#define ON   1
#define NOSUCHOPTION   2
#define MAXOPTTEXT   32
#define DBRESULT   1
#define DBTIMEOUT   3
#define DBINTERRUPT   4
#define DBTXTSLEN   8
#define CHARBIND   0
#define STRINGBIND   1
#define VARYCHARBIND   3
#define VARYBINBIND   4
#define TINYBIND   6
#define SMALLBIND   7
#define INTBIND   8
#define FLT8BIND   9
#define REALBIND   10
#define DATETIMEBIND   11
#define MONEYBIND   13
#define BINARYBIND   15
#define BITBIND   16
#define NUMERICBIND   17
#define DECIMALBIND   18
#define DATEBIND   21
#define TIMEBIND   22
#define BIGTIMEBIND   24
#define BIGINTBIND   30
#define DATETIME2BIND   31
#define MAXBINDTYPES   32 /* keep last */
#define DBPRCOLSEP   21
#define DBPRLINELEN   22
#define DBRPCRETURN   1
#define DBRPCDEFAULT   2
#define REG_ROW   -1
#define MORE_ROWS   -1
#define NO_MORE_ROWS   -2
#define BUF_FULL   -3
#define NO_MORE_RESULTS   2
#define SUCCEED   1
#define FAIL   0
#define DB_IN   1
#define DB_OUT   2
#define DB_QUERYOUT   3
#define DBSINGLE   0
#define DBDOUBLE   1
#define DBBOTH   2
#define DBCMDROW(x)   dbcmdrow((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBCOUNT(x)   dbcount((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBCURCMD(x)   dbcurcmd((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBCURROW(x)   dbcurrow((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBDEAD(x)   dbdead((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBFIRSTROW(x)   dbfirstrow((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBGETTIME   dbgettime
#define DBIORDESC(x)   dbiordesc((x))
 Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBIOWDESC(x)   dbiowdesc((x))
 Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBISAVAIL(x)   dbisavail((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBLASTROW(x)   dblastrow((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBMORECMDS(x)   dbmorecmds((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define dbopen(x, y)   tdsdbopen((x),(y), 0)
#define DBROWS(x)   dbrows((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBROWTYPE(x)   dbrowtype((x))
 Sybase macro mapping to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define SYBEVERDOWN   100 /* TDS version downgraded . */
#define SYBEICONVIU   2400 /* Some character(s) could not be converted into client's character set. */
#define SYBEICONVAVAIL   2401 /* Character set conversion is not available between client character set '%.*s' and server character set '%.*s'.*/
#define SYBEICONVO   2402 /* Error converting characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted.*/
#define SYBEICONVI   2403 /* Some character(s) could not be converted into client's character set. Unconverted bytes were changed to question marks ('?').*/
#define SYBEICONV2BIG   2404 /* Buffer overflow converting characters from client into server's character set.*/
#define SYBETDSVER   2410 /* Cannot bcp with TDSVER < 5.0 */
#define SYBEPORT   2500 /* Both port and instance specified */
#define SYBESYNC   20001 /* Read attempted while out of synchronization with SQL Server. */
#define SYBEFCON   20002 /* SQL Server connection failed. */
#define SYBETIME   20003 /* SQL Server connection timed out. */
#define SYBEREAD   20004 /* Read from SQL Server failed. */
#define SYBEBUFL   20005 /* DB-LIBRARY internal error - send buffer length corrupted. */
#define SYBEWRIT   20006 /* Write to SQL Server failed. */
#define SYBEVMS   20007 /* Sendflush: VMS I/O error. */
#define SYBESOCK   20008 /* Unable to open socket */
#define SYBECONN   20009 /* Unable to connect socket -- SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. */
#define SYBEMEM   20010 /* Unable to allocate sufficient memory */
#define SYBEDBPS   20011 /* Maximum number of DBPROCESSes already allocated. */
#define SYBEINTF   20012 /* Server name not found in interface file */
#define SYBEUHST   20013 /* Unknown host machine name */
#define SYBEPWD   20014 /* Incorrect password. */
#define SYBEOPIN   20015 /* Could not open interface file. */
#define SYBEINLN   20016 /* Interface file: unexpected end-of-line. */
#define SYBESEOF   20017 /* Unexpected EOF from SQL Server. */
#define SYBESMSG   20018 /* General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server. */
#define SYBERPND   20019 /* Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server operation with results pending. */
#define SYBEBTOK   20020 /* Bad token from SQL Server: Data-stream processing out of sync. */
#define SYBEITIM   20021 /* Illegal timeout value specified. */
#define SYBEOOB   20022 /* Error in sending out-of-band data to SQL Server. */
#define SYBEBTYP   20023 /* Unknown bind type passed to DB-LIBRARY function. */
#define SYBEBNCR   20024 /* Attempt to bind user variable to a non-existent compute row. */
#define SYBEIICL   20025 /* Illegal integer column length returned by SQL Server. Legal integer lengths are 1, 2, and 4 bytes. */
#define SYBECNOR   20026 /* Column number out of range. */
#define SYBENPRM   20027 /* NULL parameter not allowed for this dboption. */
#define SYBEUVDT   20028 /* Unknown variable-length datatype encountered. */
#define SYBEUFDT   20029 /* Unknown fixed-length datatype encountered. */
#define SYBEWAID   20030 /* DB-LIBRARY internal error: ALTFMT following ALTNAME has wrong id. */
#define SYBECDNS   20031 /* Datastream indicates that a compute column is derived from a non-existent select-list member. */
#define SYBEABNC   20032 /* Attempt to bind to a non-existent column. */
#define SYBEABMT   20033 /* User attempted a dbbind() with mismatched column and variable types. */
#define SYBEABNP   20034 /* Attempt to bind using NULL pointers. */
#define SYBEAAMT   20035 /* User attempted a dbaltbind() with mismatched column and variable types. */
#define SYBENXID   20036 /* The Server did not grant us a distributed-transaction ID. */
#define SYBERXID   20037 /* The Server did not recognize our distributed-transaction ID. */
#define SYBEICN   20038 /* Invalid computeid or compute column number. */
#define SYBENMOB   20039 /* No such member of 'order by' clause. */
#define SYBEAPUT   20040 /* Attempt to print unknown token. */
#define SYBEASNL   20041 /* Attempt to set fields in a null loginrec. */
#define SYBENTLL   20042 /* Name too long for loginrec field. */
#define SYBEASUL   20043 /* Attempt to set unknown loginrec field. */
#define SYBERDNR   20044 /* Attempt to retrieve data from a non-existent row. */
#define SYBENSIP   20045 /* Negative starting index passed to dbstrcpy(). */
#define SYBEABNV   20046 /* Attempt to bind to a NULL program variable. */
#define SYBEDDNE   20047 /* DBPROCESS is dead or not enabled. */
#define SYBECUFL   20048 /* Data-conversion resulted in underflow. */
#define SYBECOFL   20049 /* Data-conversion resulted in overflow. */
#define SYBECSYN   20050 /* Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field. */
#define SYBECLPR   20051 /* Data-conversion resulted in loss of precision. */
#define SYBECNOV   20052 /* Attempt to set variable to NULL resulted in overflow. */
#define SYBERDCN   20053 /* Requested data-conversion does not exist. */
#define SYBESFOV   20054 /* dbsafestr() overflowed its destination buffer. */
#define SYBEUNT   20055 /* Unknown network type found in interface file. */
#define SYBECLOS   20056 /* Error in closing network connection. */
#define SYBEUAVE   20057 /* Unable to allocate VMS event flag. */
#define SYBEUSCT   20058 /* Unable to set communications timer. */
#define SYBEEQVA   20059 /* Error in queueing VMS AST routine. */
#define SYBEUDTY   20060 /* Unknown datatype encountered. */
#define SYBETSIT   20061 /* Attempt to call dbtsput() with an invalid timestamp. */
#define SYBEAUTN   20062 /* Attempt to update the timestamp of a table which has no timestamp column. */
#define SYBEBDIO   20063 /* Bad bulk-copy direction. Must be either IN or OUT. */
#define SYBEBCNT   20064 /* Attempt to use Bulk Copy with a non-existent Server table. */
#define SYBEIFNB   20065 /* Illegal field number passed to bcp_control(). */
#define SYBETTS   20066 /* The table which bulk-copy is attempting to copy to a host-file is shorter than the number of rows which bulk-copy was instructed to skip. */
#define SYBEKBCO   20067 /* 1000 rows successfully bulk-copied to host-file. */
#define SYBEBBCI   20068 /* Batch successfully bulk-copied to SQL Server. */
#define SYBEKBCI   20069 /* Bcp: 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. */
#define SYBEBCRE   20070 /* I/O error while reading bcp data-file. */
#define SYBETPTN   20071 /* Syntax error: only two periods are permitted in table names. */
#define SYBEBCWE   20072 /* I/O error while writing bcp data-file. */
#define SYBEBCNN   20073 /* Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into Server column %d, which does not accept NULL values. */
#define SYBEBCOR   20074 /* Attempt to bulk-copy an oversized row to the SQL Server. */
#define SYBEBCIS   20075 /* Attempt to bulk-copy an illegally-sized column value to the SQL Server. */
#define SYBEBCPI   20076 /* bcp_init() must be called before any other bcp routines. */
#define SYBEBCPN   20077 /* bcp_bind(), bcp_collen(), bcp_colptr(), bcp_moretext() and bcp_sendrow() may be used only after bcp_init() has been called with the copy direction set to DB_IN. */
#define SYBEBCPB   20078 /* bcp_bind(), bcp_moretext() and bcp_sendrow() may NOT be used after bcp_init() has been passed a non-NULL input file name. */
#define SYBEVDPT   20079 /* For bulk copy, all variable-length data must have either a length-prefix or a terminator specified. */
#define SYBEBIVI   20080 /* bcp_columns(), bcp_colfmt() and bcp_colfmt_ps() may be used only after bcp_init() has been passed a valid input file. */
#define SYBEBCBC   20081 /* bcp_columns() must be called before bcp_colfmt() and bcp_colfmt_ps(). */
#define SYBEBCFO   20082 /* Bcp host-files must contain at least one column. */
#define SYBEBCVH   20083 /* bcp_exec() may be called only after bcp_init() has been passed a valid host file. */
#define SYBEBCUO   20084 /* Bcp: Unable to open host data-file. */
#define SYBEBCUC   20085 /* Bcp: Unable to close host data-file. */
#define SYBEBUOE   20086 /* Bcp: Unable to open error-file. */
#define SYBEBUCE   20087 /* Bcp: Unable to close error-file. */
#define SYBEBWEF   20088 /* I/O error while writing bcp error-file. */
#define SYBEASTF   20089 /* VMS: Unable to setmode for control_c ast. */
#define SYBEUACS   20090 /* VMS: Unable to assign channel to sys$command. */
#define SYBEASEC   20091 /* Attempt to send an empty command buffer to the SQL Server. */
#define SYBETMTD   20092 /* Attempt to send too much TEXT data via the dbmoretext() call. */
#define SYBENTTN   20093 /* Attempt to use dbtxtsput() to put a new text-timestamp into a non-existent data row. */
#define SYBEDNTI   20094 /* Attempt to use dbtxtsput() to put a new text-timestamp into a column whose datatype is neither SYBTEXT nor SYBIMAGE. */
#define SYBEBTMT   20095 /* Attempt to send too much TEXT data via the bcp_moretext() call. */
#define SYBEORPF   20096 /* Attempt to set remote password would overflow the login-record's remote-password field. */
#define SYBEUVBF   20097 /* Attempt to read an unknown version of BCP format-file. */
#define SYBEBUOF   20098 /* Bcp: Unable to open format-file. */
#define SYBEBUCF   20099 /* Bcp: Unable to close format-file. */
#define SYBEBRFF   20100 /* I/O error while reading bcp format-file. */
#define SYBEBWFF   20101 /* I/O error while writing bcp format-file. */
#define SYBEBUDF   20102 /* Bcp: Unrecognized datatype found in format-file. */
#define SYBEBIHC   20103 /* Incorrect host-column number found in bcp format-file. */
#define SYBEBEOF   20104 /* Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file. */
#define SYBEBCNL   20105 /* Negative length-prefix found in BCP data-file. */
#define SYBEBCSI   20106 /* Host-file columns may be skipped only when copying INto the Server. */
#define SYBEBCIT   20107 /* It's illegal to use BCP terminators with program variables other than SYBCHAR, SYBBINARY, SYBTEXT, or SYBIMAGE. */
#define SYBEBCSA   20108 /* The BCP hostfile '%s' contains only %ld rows. Skipping all of these rows is not allowed. */
#define SYBENULL   20109 /* NULL DBPROCESS pointer passed to DB-Library. */
#define SYBEUNAM   20110 /* Unable to get current username from operating system. */
#define SYBEBCRO   20111 /* The BCP hostfile '%s' contains only %ld rows. It was impossible to read the requested %ld rows. */
#define SYBEMPLL   20112 /* Attempt to set maximum number of DBPROCESSes lower than 1. */
#define SYBERPIL   20113 /* It is illegal to pass -1 to dbrpcparam() for the datalen of parameters which are of type SYBCHAR, SYBVARCHAR, SYBBINARY, or SYBVARBINARY. */
#define SYBERPUL   20114 /* When passing a SYBINTN, SYBDATETIMN, SYBMONEYN, or SYBFLTN parameter via dbrpcparam(), it's necessary to specify the parameter's maximum or actual length, so that DB-Library can recognize it as a SYBINT1, SYBINT2, SYBINT4, SYBMONEY, or SYBMONEY4, etc. */
#define SYBEUNOP   20115 /* Unknown option passed to dbsetopt(). */
#define SYBECRNC   20116 /* The current row is not a result of compute clause %d, so it is illegal to attempt to extract that data from this row. */
#define SYBERTCC   20117 /* dbreadtext() may not be used to receive the results of a query which contains a COMPUTE clause. */
#define SYBERTSC   20118 /* dbreadtext() may only be used to receive the results of a query which contains a single result column. */
#define SYBEUCRR   20119 /* Internal software error: Unknown connection result reported by * dbpasswd(). */
#define SYBERPNA   20120 /* The RPC facility is available only when using a SQL Server whose version number is 4.0 or greater. */
#define SYBEOPNA   20121 /* The text/image facility is available only when using a SQL Server whose version number is 4.0 or greater. */
#define SYBEFGTL   20122 /* Bcp: Row number of the first row to be copied cannot be greater than the row number for the last row to be copied. */
#define SYBECWLL   20123 /* Attempt to set column width less than 1. */
#define SYBEUFDS   20124 /* Unrecognized format encountered in dbstrbuild(). */
#define SYBEUCPT   20125 /* Unrecognized custom-format parameter-type encountered in dbstrbuild(). */
#define SYBETMCF   20126 /* Attempt to install too many custom formats via dbfmtinstall(). */
#define SYBEAICF   20127 /* Error in attempting to install custom format. */
#define SYBEADST   20128 /* Error in attempting to determine the size of a pair of translation tables. */
#define SYBEALTT   20129 /* Error in attempting to load a pair of translation tables. */
#define SYBEAPCT   20130 /* Error in attempting to perform a character-set translation. */
#define SYBEXOCI   20131 /* A character-set translation overflowed its destination buffer while using bcp to copy data from a host-file to the SQL Server. */
#define SYBEFSHD   20132 /* Error in attempting to find the Sybase home directory. */
#define SYBEAOLF   20133 /* Error in attempting to open a localization file. */
#define SYBEARDI   20134 /* Error in attempting to read datetime information from a localization file. */
#define SYBEURCI   20135 /* Unable to read copyright information from the dblib localization file. */
#define SYBEARDL   20136 /* Error in attempting to read the dblib.loc localization file. */
#define SYBEURMI   20137 /* Unable to read money-format information from the dblib localization file. */
#define SYBEUREM   20138 /* Unable to read error mnemonic from the dblib localization file. */
#define SYBEURES   20139 /* Unable to read error string from the dblib localization file. */
#define SYBEUREI   20140 /* Unable to read error information from the dblib localization file. */
#define SYBEOREN   20141 /* Warning: an out-of-range error-number was encountered in dblib.loc. The maximum permissible error-number is defined as DBERRCOUNT in sybdb.h. */
#define SYBEISOI   20142 /* Invalid sort-order information found. */
#define SYBEIDCL   20143 /* Illegal datetime column length returned by DataServer. Legal datetime lengths are 4 and 8 bytes. */
#define SYBEIMCL   20144 /* Illegal money column length returned by DataServer. Legal money lengths are 4 and 8 bytes. */
#define SYBEIFCL   20145 /* Illegal floating-point column length returned by DataServer. Legal floating-point lengths are 4 and 8 bytes. */
#define SYBEUTDS   20146 /* Unrecognized TDS version received from SQL Server. */
#define SYBEBUFF   20147 /* Bcp: Unable to create format-file. */
#define SYBEACNV   20148 /* Attemp to do conversion with NULL destination variable. */
#define SYBEDPOR   20149 /* Out-of-range datepart constant. */
#define SYBENDC   20150 /* Cannot have negative component in date in numeric form. */
#define SYBEMVOR   20151 /* Month values must be between 1 and 12. */
#define SYBEDVOR   20152 /* Day values must be between 1 and 7. */
#define SYBENBVP   20153 /* Cannot pass dbsetnull() a NULL bindval pointer. */
#define SYBESPID   20154 /* Called dbspid() with a NULL dbproc. */
#define SYBENDTP   20155 /* Called dbdatecrack() with a NULL datetime parameter. */
#define SYBEXTN   20156 /* The xlt_todisp and xlt_tosrv parameters to dbfree_xlate() were NULL. */
#define SYBEXTDN   20157 /* Warning: the xlt_todisp parameter to dbfree_xlate() was NULL. The space associated with the xlt_tosrv parameter has been freed. */
#define SYBEXTSN   20158 /* Warning: the xlt_tosrv parameter to dbfree_xlate() was NULL. The space associated with the xlt_todisp parameter has been freed. */
#define SYBENUM   20159 /* Incorrect number of arguments given to DB-Library. */
#define SYBETYPE   20160 /* Invalid argument type given to DB-Library. */
#define SYBEGENOS   20161 /* General Operating System Error. */
#define SYBEPAGE   20162 /* wrong resource type or length given for dbpage() operation. */
#define SYBEOPTNO   20163 /* Option is not allowed or is unreconized */
#define SYBEETD   20164 /* Failure to send the expected amount of TEXT or IMAGE data via dbmoretext(). */
#define SYBERTYPE   20165 /* Invalid resource type given to DB-Library. */
#define SYBERFILE   20166 /* "Can not open resource file." */
#define SYBEFMODE   20167 /* Read/Write/Append mode denied on file. */
#define SYBESLCT   20168 /* Could not select or copy field specified */
#define SYBEZTXT   20169 /* Attempt to send zero length TEXT or IMAGE to dataserver via dbwritetext(). */
#define SYBENTST   20170 /* The file being opened must be a stream_lf. */
#define SYBEOSSL   20171 /* Operating system login level not in range of Secure SQL Server */
#define SYBEESSL   20172 /* Login security level entered does not agree with operating system level */
#define SYBENLNL   20173 /* Program not linked with specified network library. */
#define SYBENHAN   20174 /* called dbrecvpassthru() with a NULL handler parameter. */
#define SYBENBUF   20175 /* called dbsendpassthru() with a NULL buf pointer. */
#define SYBENULP   20176 /* Called %s with a NULL %s parameter. */
#define SYBENOTI   20177 /* No event handler installed. */
#define SYBEEVOP   20178 /* Called dbregwatch() with a bad options parameter. */
#define SYBENEHA   20179 /* Called dbreghandle() with a NULL handler parameter. */
#define SYBETRAN   20180 /* DBPROCESS is being used for another transaction. */
#define SYBEEVST   20181 /* Must initiate a transaction before calling dbregparam(). */
#define SYBEEINI   20182 /* Must call dbreginit() before dbregraise(). */
#define SYBEECRT   20183 /* Must call dbregdefine() before dbregcreate(). */
#define SYBEECAN   20184 /* Attempted to cancel unrequested event notification. */
#define SYBEEUNR   20185 /* Unsolicited event notification received. */
#define SYBERPCS   20186 /* Must call dbrpcinit() before dbrpcparam(). */
#define SYBETPAR   20187 /* No SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE parameters were defined. */
#define SYBETEXS   20188 /* Called dbmoretext() with a bad size parameter. */
#define SYBETRAC   20189 /* Attempted to turn off a trace flag that was not on. */
#define SYBETRAS   20190 /* DB-Library internal error - trace structure not found. */
#define SYBEPRTF   20191 /* dbtracestring() may only be called from a printfunc(). */
#define SYBETRSN   20192 /* Bad numbytes parameter passed to dbtracestring(). */
#define SYBEBPKS   20193 /* In DBSETLPACKET(), the packet size parameter must be between 0 and 999999. */
#define SYBEIPV   20194 /* %1! is an illegal value for the %2! parameter of %3!. */
#define SYBEMOV   20195 /* Money arithmetic resulted in overflow in function %1!. */
#define SYBEDIVZ   20196 /* Attempt to divide by $0.00 in function %1!. */
#define SYBEASTL   20197 /* Synchronous I/O attempted at AST level. */
#define SYBESEFA   20198 /* DBSETNOTIFS cannot be called if connections are present. */
#define SYBEPOLL   20199 /* Only one dbpoll() can be active at a time. */
#define SYBENOEV   20200 /* dbpoll() cannot be called if registered procedure notifications have been disabled. */
#define SYBEBADPK   20201 /* Packet size of %1! not supported. -- size of %2! used instead. */
#define SYBESECURE   20202 /* Secure Server function not supported in this version. */
#define SYBECAP   20203 /* DB-Library capabilities not accepted by the Server. */
#define SYBEFUNC   20204 /* Functionality not supported at the specified version level. */
#define SYBERESP   20205 /* Response function address passed to dbresponse() must be non-NULL. */
#define SYBEIVERS   20206 /* Illegal version level specified. */
#define SYBEONCE   20207 /* Function can be called only once. */
#define SYBERPNULL   20208 /* value parameter for dbprcparam() can be NULL, only if the datalen parameter is 0 */
#define SYBERPTXTIM   20209 /* RPC parameters cannot be of type Text/Image. */
#define SYBENEG   20210 /* Negotiated login attempt failed. */
#define SYBELBLEN   20211 /* Security labels should be less than 256 characters long. */
#define SYBEUMSG   20212 /* Unknown message-id in MSG datastream. */
#define SYBECAPTYP   20213 /* Unexpected capability type in CAPABILITY datastream. */
#define SYBEBNUM   20214 /* Bad numbytes parameter passed to dbstrcpy() */
#define SYBEBBL   20215 /* Bad bindlen parameter passed to dbsetnull() */
#define SYBEBPREC   20216 /* Illegal precision specified */
#define SYBEBSCALE   20217 /* Illegal scale specified */
#define SYBECDOMAIN   20218 /* Source field value is not within the domain of legal values. */
#define SYBECINTERNAL   20219 /* Internal Conversion error. */
#define SYBEBTYPSRV   20220 /* Datatype is not supported by the server. */
#define SYBEBCSET   20221 /* Unknown character-set encountered." */
#define SYBEFENC   20222 /* Password Encryption failed." */
#define SYBEFRES   20223 /* Challenge-Response function failed.", */
#define SYBEISRVPREC   20224 /* Illegal precision value returned by the server. */
#define SYBEISRVSCL   20225 /* Illegal scale value returned by the server. */
#define SYBEINUMCL   20226 /* Invalid numeric column length returned by the server. */
#define SYBEIDECCL   20227 /* Invalid decimal column length returned by the server. */
#define SYBEBCMTXT   20228 /* bcp_moretext() may be used only when there is at least one text or image column in the server table. */
#define SYBEBCPREC   20229 /* Column %1!: Illegal precision value encountered. */
#define SYBEBCBNPR   20230 /* bcp_bind(): if varaddr is NULL, prefixlen must be 0 and no terminator should be specified. */
#define SYBEBCBNTYP   20231 /* bcp_bind(): if varaddr is NULL and varlen greater than 0, the table column type must be SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE and the program variable type must be SYBTEXT, SYBCHAR, SYBIMAGE or SYBBINARY. */
#define SYBEBCSNTYP   20232 /* column number %1!: if varaddr is NULL and varlen greater than 0, the table column type must be SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE and the program variable type must be SYBTEXT, SYBCHAR, SYBIMAGE or SYBBINARY. */
#define SYBEBCPCTYP   20233 /* bcp_colfmt(): If table_colnum is 0, host_type cannot be 0. */
#define SYBEBCVLEN   20234 /* varlen should be greater than or equal to -1. */
#define SYBEBCHLEN   20235 /* host_collen should be greater than or equal to -1. */
#define SYBEBCBPREF   20236 /* Illegal prefix length. Legal values are 0, 1, 2 or 4. */
#define SYBEBCPREF   20237 /* Illegal prefix length. Legal values are -1, 0, 1, 2 or 4. */
#define SYBEBCITBNM   20238 /* bcp_init(): tblname parameter cannot be NULL. */
#define SYBEBCITBLEN   20239 /* bcp_init(): tblname parameter is too long. */
#define SYBEBCSNDROW   20240 /* bcp_sendrow() may NOT be called unless all text data for the previous row has been sent using bcp_moretext(). */
#define SYBEBPROCOL   20241 /* bcp protocol error: returned column count differs from the actual number of columns received. */
#define SYBEBPRODEF   20242 /* bcp protocol error: expected default information and got none. */
#define SYBEBPRONUMDEF   20243 /* bcp protocol error: expected number of defaults differs from the actual number of defaults received. */
#define SYBEBPRODEFID   20244 /* bcp protocol error: default column id and actual column id are not same */
#define SYBEBPRONODEF   20245 /* bcp protocol error: default value received for column that does not have default. */
#define SYBEBPRODEFTYP   20246 /* bcp protocol error: default value datatype differs from column datatype. */
#define SYBEBPROEXTDEF   20247 /* bcp protocol error: more than one row of default information received. */
#define SYBEBPROEXTRES   20248 /* bcp protocol error: unexpected set of results received. */
#define SYBEBPROBADDEF   20249 /* bcp protocol error: illegal default column id received. */
#define SYBEBPROBADTYP   20250 /* bcp protocol error: unknown column datatype. */
#define SYBEBPROBADLEN   20251 /* bcp protocol error: illegal datatype length received. */
#define SYBEBPROBADPREC   20252 /* bcp protocol error: illegal precision value received. */
#define SYBEBPROBADSCL   20253 /* bcp protocol error: illegal scale value received. */
#define SYBEBADTYPE   20254 /* Illegal value for type parameter given to %1!. */
#define SYBECRSNORES   20255 /* Cursor statement generated no results. */
#define SYBECRSNOIND   20256 /* One of the tables involved in the cursor statement does not have a unique index. */
#define SYBECRSVIEW   20257 /* A view cannot be joined with another table or a view in a cursor statement. */
#define SYBECRSVIIND   20258 /* The view used in the cursor statement does not include all the unique index columns of the underlying tables. */
#define SYBECRSORD   20259 /* Only fully keyset driven cursors can have 'order by', ' group by', or 'having' phrases. */
#define SYBECRSBUFR   20260 /* Row buffering should not be turned on when using cursor APIs. */
#define SYBECRSNOFREE   20261 /* The DBNOAUTOFREE option should not be turned on when using cursor APIs. */
#define SYBECRSDIS   20262 /* Cursor statement contains one of the disallowed phrases 'compute', 'union', 'for browse', or 'select into'. */
#define SYBECRSAGR   20263 /* Aggregate functions are not allowed in a cursor statement. */
#define SYBECRSFRAND   20264 /* Fetch types RANDOM and RELATIVE can only be used within the keyset of keyset driven cursors. */
#define SYBECRSFLAST   20265 /* Fetch type LAST requires fully keyset driven cursors. */
#define SYBECRSBROL   20266 /* Backward scrolling cannot be used in a forward scrolling cursor. */
#define SYBECRSFROWN   20267 /* Row number to be fetched is outside valid range. */
#define SYBECRSBSKEY   20268 /* Keyset cannot be scrolled backward in mixed cursors with a previous fetch type. */
#define SYBECRSRO   20269 /* Data locking or modifications cannot be made in a READONLY cursor. */
#define SYBECRSNOCOUNT   20270 /* The DBNOCOUNT option should not be turned on when doing updates or deletes with dbcursor(). */
#define SYBECRSTAB   20271 /* Table name must be determined in operations involving data locking or modifications. */
#define SYBECRSUPDNB   20272 /* Update or insert operations cannot use bind variables when binding type is NOBIND. */
#define SYBECRSNOWHERE   20273 /* A WHERE clause is not allowed in a cursor update or insert. */
#define SYBECRSSET   20274 /* A SET clause is required for a cursor update or insert. */
#define SYBECRSUPDTAB   20275 /* Update or insert operations using bind variables require single table cursors. */
#define SYBECRSNOUPD   20276 /* Update or delete operation did not affect any rows. */
#define SYBECRSINV   20277 /* Invalid cursor statement. */
#define SYBECRSNOKEYS   20278 /* The entire keyset must be defined for KEYSET cursors. */
#define SYBECRSNOBIND   20279 /* Cursor bind must be called prior to updating cursor */
#define SYBECRSFTYPE   20280 /* Unknown fetch type. */
#define SYBECRSINVALID   20281 /* The cursor handle is invalid. */
#define SYBECRSMROWS   20282 /* Multiple rows are returned, only one is expected. */
#define SYBECRSNROWS   20283 /* No rows returned, at least one is expected. */
#define SYBECRSNOLEN   20284 /* No unique index found. */
#define SYBECRSNOPTCC   20285 /* No OPTCC was found. */
#define SYBECRSNORDER   20286 /* The order of clauses must be from, where, and order by. */
#define SYBECRSNOTABLE   20287 /* Table name is NULL. */
#define SYBECRSNUNIQUE   20288 /* No unique keys associated with this view. */
#define SYBECRSVAR   20289 /* There is no valid address associated with this bind. */
#define SYBENOVALUE   20290 /* Security labels require both a name and a value */
#define SYBEVOIDRET   20291 /* Parameter of type SYBVOID cannot be a return parameter. */
#define SYBECLOSEIN   20292 /* Unable to close interface file. */
#define SYBEBOOL   20293 /* Boolean parameters must be TRUE or FALSE. */
#define SYBEBCPOPT   20294 /* The option cannot be called while a bulk copy operation is progress. */
#define SYBEERRLABEL   20295 /* An illegal value was returned from the security label handler. */
#define SYBEATTNACK   20296 /* Timed out waiting for server to acknowledge attention." */
#define SYBEBBFL   20297 /* -001- Batch failed in bulk-copy to SQL Server */
#define SYBEDCL   20298 /* -004- DCL Error */
#define SYBECS   20299 /* -004- cs context Error */
#define SYBEBULKINSERT   20599 /* cannot build bulk insert statement */
#define SYBECOLSIZE   22000 /* Invalid column information structure size */
#define DBTDS(a)   dbtds(a)
 Sybase macro, maps to the internal (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBSETHOST   1
#define DBSETLHOST(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETHOST)
 Set the (client) host name in the login packet. More...
#define dbsetlhost(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETHOST)
#define DBSETUSER   2
#define DBSETLUSER(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETUSER)
 Set the username in the login packet. More...
#define dbsetluser(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETUSER)
#define DBSETPWD   3
#define DBSETLPWD(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETPWD)
 Set the password in the login packet. More...
#define dbsetlpwd(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETPWD)
#define DBSETAPP   5
#define DBSETLAPP(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETAPP)
 Set the (client) application name in the login packet. More...
#define dbsetlapp(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETAPP)
#define DBSETBCP   6
#define BCP_SETL(x, y)   dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETBCP)
 Enable (or prevent) bcp operations for connections made with a login. More...
#define DBSETLSECURE(x)   dbsetlbool((x), (1), DBSETBCP)
#define DBSETNATLANG   7
#define DBSETLNATLANG(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETNATLANG)
 Set the language the server should use for messages. More...
#define dbsetlnatlang(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETNATLANG)
 Set the language the server should use for messages. More...
#define DBSETCHARSET   10
#define DBSETLCHARSET(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETCHARSET)
 Set the client character set in the login packet. More...
#define DBSETPACKET   11
#define DBSETLPACKET(x, y)   dbsetllong((x), (y), DBSETPACKET)
 Set the packet size in the login packet for new connections. More...
#define dbsetlpacket(x, y)   dbsetllong((x), (y), DBSETPACKET)
 Set the packet size in the login packet for new connections. More...
#define DBSETENCRYPT   12
#define DBSETLENCRYPT(x, y)   dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETENCRYPT)
 Enable (or not) network password encryption for Sybase servers version 10.0 or above. More...
#define DBSETLABELED   13
#define DBSETLLABELED(x, y)   dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETLABELED)
 Alternative way to set login packet fields. More...
#define BCP_SETLABELED(x, y)   dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETLABELED)
#define DBSETDBNAME   14
#define DBSETLDBNAME(x, y)   dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETDBNAME)
#define DBSETLVERSION(login, version)   dbsetlversion((login), (version))
 maps to the Microsoft (lower-case) function. More...
#define DBSETUTF16   1001
#define DBSETLUTF16(x, y)   dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETUTF16)
#define DBSETNTLMV2   1002
#define DBSETLNTLMV2(x, y)   dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETNTLMV2)
#define DBSETREADONLY   1003
#define DBSETLREADONLY(x, y)   dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETREADONLY)


typedef int RETCODE
typedef void DBCURSOR
typedef void DBXLATE
typedef void DBSORTORDER
typedef void DBLOGINFO
typedef void * DBVOIDPTR
typedef short SHORT
typedef unsigned short USHORT
typedef int(* INTFUNCPTR) (void *,...)
typedef int(* DBWAITFUNC) (void)
typedef DBWAITFUNC(* DB_DBBUSY_FUNC) (void *dbproc)
typedef void(* DB_DBIDLE_FUNC) (DBWAITFUNC dfunc, void *dbproc)
typedef int(* DB_DBCHKINTR_FUNC) (void *dbproc)
typedef int(* DB_DBHNDLINTR_FUNC) (void *dbproc)
typedef int STATUS
typedef int BOOL
typedef unsigned char DBBOOL
typedef char DBCHAR
typedef unsigned char DBBIT
typedef unsigned char DBTINYINT
typedef Int2 DBSMALLINT
typedef Int4 DBINT
typedef Int8 DBBIGINT
typedef unsigned char DBBINARY
typedef float DBREAL
typedef double DBFLT8
typedef Uint2 DBUSMALLINT
typedef Uint4 DBUINT
typedef Uint8 DBUBIGINT
typedef struct tds_dblib_loginrec LOGINREC
typedef unsigned char BYTE
typedef struct dbtypeinfo DBTYPEINFO
typedef struct dbstring DBSTRING
typedef struct tds_dblib_dbprocess DBPROCESS
typedef struct tds_sybase_dbdaterec DBDATEREC
typedef struct tds_sybase_dbdaterec2 DBDATEREC2
typedef int(* EHANDLEFUNC) (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int severity, int dberr, int oserr, char *dberrstr, char *oserrstr)
typedef int(* MHANDLEFUNC) (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT msgno, int msgstate, int severity, char *msgtext, char *srvname, char *proc, int line)
typedef void(* DBPIVOT_FUNC) (struct col_t *output, const struct col_t *input)


enum  {
  SYBINTN = 38 , SYBINTN = 38 , SYBINT1 = 48 , SYBINT1 = 48 ,
  SYBINT2 = 52 , SYBINT2 = 52 , SYBINT4 = 56 , SYBINT4 = 56 ,
  SYBINT8 = 127 , SYBINT8 = 127 , SYBFLT8 = 62 , SYBFLT8 = 62 ,
  SYBBITN = 104 , SYBBITN = 104 , SYBTEXT = 35 , SYBTEXT = 35 ,
  SYBNTEXT = 99 , SYBNTEXT = 99 , SYBIMAGE = 34 , SYBIMAGE = 34 ,
  SYBMONEY4 = 122 , SYBMONEY4 = 122 , SYBMONEY = 60 , SYBMONEY = 60 ,
  SYBBINARY = 45 , SYBBINARY = 45 , SYBVOID = 31 , SYBVOID = 31 ,
  SYBDECIMAL = 106 , SYBDECIMAL = 106 , SYBFLTN = 109 , SYBFLTN = 109 ,
enum  { MAXCOLNAMELEN = 512 }
enum  CI_TYPE {


BYTEdbadata_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column)
DBINT dbadlen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column)
RETCODE dbaltbind_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, int computeid, int column, int vartype, DBINT varlen, BYTE *varaddr)
RETCODE dbaltbind_ps (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, int computeid, int column, int vartype, DBINT varlen, BYTE *varaddr, DBTYPEINFO *typeinfo)
int dbaltcolid_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column)
DBINT dbaltlen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column)
int dbaltop_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column)
int dbalttype_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column)
DBINT dbaltutype_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int column)
RETCODE dbanullbind_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, int computeid, int column, DBINT *indicator)
RETCODE dbbind_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column, int vartype, DBINT varlen, BYTE *varaddr)
RETCODE dbbind_ps (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, int column, int vartype, DBINT varlen, BYTE *varaddr, DBTYPEINFO *typeinfo)
int dbbufsize (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
BYTEdbbylist_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid, int *size)
RETCODE dbcancel_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbcanquery_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
char * dbchange_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
DBBOOL dbcharsetconv (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
void dbclose_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
void dbclrbuf_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT n)
RETCODE dbclropt_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int option, const char param[])
RETCODE dbcmd_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char cmdstring[])
RETCODE dbcmdrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbtablecolinfo_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT column, DBCOL *pdbcol)
RETCODE dbcolinfo_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, CI_TYPE type, DBINT column, DBINT computeid, DBCOL *pdbcol)
DBINT dbcollen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
char * dbcolname_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
char * dbcolsource_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int colnum)
int dbcoltype_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
DBTYPEINFOdbcoltypeinfo_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
DBINT dbcolutype_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, int column)
DBINT dbconvert_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int srctype, const BYTE *src, DBINT srclen, int desttype, BYTE *dest, DBINT destlen)
DBINT dbconvert_ps_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, int srctype, const BYTE *src, DBINT srclen, int desttype, BYTE *dest, DBINT destlen, DBTYPEINFO *typeinfo)
BOOL dbiscount_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
DBINT dbcount_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
int dbcurcmd_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
DBINT dbcurrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
BYTEdbdata_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
int dbdatecmp_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBDATETIME *d1, DBDATETIME *d2)
RETCODE dbdatecrack_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBDATEREC *di, DBDATETIME *dt)
RETCODE dbanydatecrack_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBDATEREC2 *di, int type, const void *data)
DBINT dbdatlen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
DBBOOL dbdead_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
EHANDLEFUNC dberrhandle_ver100 (EHANDLEFUNC handler)
void dbexit_ver100 (void)
RETCODE dbfcmd_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *fmt,...)
DBINT dbfirstrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
void dbfreebuf_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
char * dbgetchar_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, int n)
char * dbgetcharset (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
int dbgetlusername (LOGINREC *login, BYTE *name_buffer, int buffer_len)
int dbgetmaxprocs_ver100 (void)
char * dbgetnatlanf (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
int dbgetpacket_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbgetrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT row)
int dbgettime_ver100 (void)
BYTEdbgetuserdata_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
DBBOOL dbhasretstat_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbinit_ver100 (void)
int dbiordesc_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
int dbiowdesc_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
DBBOOL dbisavail_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
DBBOOL dbisopt_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int option, const char param[])
DBINT dblastrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
LOGINRECdblogin_ver100 (void)
void dbloginfree_ver100 (LOGINREC *login)
int dbmny4cmp_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY4 *m1, DBMONEY4 *m2)
int dbmnycmp_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *m1, DBMONEY *m2)
RETCODE dbmny4add_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY4 *m1, DBMONEY4 *m2, DBMONEY4 *sum)
RETCODE dbmnydec_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *mnyptr)
RETCODE dbmnyinc_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *mnyptr)
RETCODE dbmnymaxpos_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *dest)
RETCODE dbmnymaxneg_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *dest)
RETCODE dbmny4minus_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY4 *src, DBMONEY4 *dest)
RETCODE dbmnyminus_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *src, DBMONEY *dest)
RETCODE dbmny4sub_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY4 *m1, DBMONEY4 *m2, DBMONEY4 *diff)
RETCODE dbmnysub (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *m1, DBMONEY *m2, DBMONEY *diff)
RETCODE dbmny4copy_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, DBMONEY4 *m1, DBMONEY4 *m2)
RETCODE dbmnycopy_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *src, DBMONEY *dest)
RETCODE dbmny4zero_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY4 *dest)
RETCODE dbmnyzero_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBMONEY *dest)
const char * dbmonthname_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *language, int monthnum, DBBOOL shortform)
RETCODE dbmorecmds_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbmoretext_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT size, const BYTE text[])
MHANDLEFUNC dbmsghandle_ver100 (MHANDLEFUNC handler)
char * dbname_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
STATUS dbnextrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbnullbind_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column, DBINT *indicator)
int dbnumalts_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int computeid)
int dbnumcols_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
int dbnumcompute_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
int dbnumrets_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
DBPROCESStdsdbopen_ver100 (LOGINREC *login, const char *server, int msdblib)
DBPROCESSdbopen (LOGINREC *login, const char *server)
 Normally not used. More...
void dbpivot_count_ver100 (struct col_t *output, const struct col_t *input)
void dbpivot_sum_ver100 (struct col_t *output, const struct col_t *input)
void dbpivot_min_ver100 (struct col_t *output, const struct col_t *input)
void dbpivot_max_ver100 (struct col_t *output, const struct col_t *input)
struct pivot_tdbrows_pivoted_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
STATUS dbnextrow_pivoted_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, struct pivot_t *pp)
RETCODE dbpivot_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int nkeys, int *keys, int ncols, int *cols, DBPIVOT_FUNC func, int val)
DBPIVOT_FUNC dbpivot_lookup_name_ver100 (const char name[])
void dbprhead_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
DBINT dbprcollen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
RETCODE dbprrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
const char * dbprtype_ver100 (int token)
STATUS dbreadtext_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, void *buf, DBINT bufsize)
void dbrecftos_ver100 (const char filename[])
RETCODE dbresults_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbresults_r (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int recursive)
BYTEdbretdata_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int retnum)
int dbretlen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int retnum)
char * dbretname_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int retnum)
DBINT dbretstatus_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
int dbrettype_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int retnum)
RETCODE dbrows_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
STATUS dbrowtype_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
RETCODE dbrpcinit_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char rpcname[], DBSMALLINT options)
RETCODE dbrpcparam_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char paramname[], BYTE status, int type, DBINT maxlen, DBINT datalen, BYTE *value)
RETCODE dbrpcsend_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbsafestr_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *src, DBINT srclen, char *dest, DBINT destlen, int quotetype)
RETCODEdbsechandle (DBINT type, INTFUNCPTR handler)
char * dbservcharset_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
void dbsetavail_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
void dbsetbusy (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, DB_DBBUSY_FUNC busyfunc)
RETCODE dbsetdefcharset (char *charset)
void dbsetidle (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, DB_DBIDLE_FUNC idlefunc)
void dbsetifile_ver100 (char *filename)
void dbsetinterrupt_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DB_DBCHKINTR_FUNC chkintr, DB_DBHNDLINTR_FUNC hndlintr)
RETCODE dbsetlogintime_ver100 (int seconds)
RETCODE dbsetmaxprocs_ver100 (int maxprocs)
RETCODE dbsetnull_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, int bindtype, int bindlen, BYTE *bindval)
RETCODE dbsetopt_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int option, const char *char_param, int int_param)
STATUS dbsetrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, DBINT row)
RETCODE dbsettime_ver100 (int seconds)
void dbsetuserdata_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, BYTE *ptr)
RETCODE dbsetversion_ver100 (DBINT version)
int dbspid_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbspr1row_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *buffer, DBINT buf_len)
DBINT dbspr1rowlen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbsprhead_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *buffer, DBINT buf_len)
RETCODE dbsprline_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *buffer, DBINT buf_len, DBCHAR line_char)
RETCODE dbsqlexec_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbsqlok_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE dbsqlsend_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
int dbstrbuild_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *charbuf, int bufsize, char *text, char *formats,...)
RETCODE dbstrcpy_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int start, int numbytes, char *dest)
int dbstrlen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
DBINT dbvarylen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
int dbtds_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
DBINT dbtextsize (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
DBBINARYdbtxptr_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
DBBINARYdbtxtimestamp_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int column)
DBBINARYdbtxtsnewval (DBPROCESS *dbprocess)
RETCODE dbtxtsput (DBPROCESS *dbprocess, DBBINARY newtxts, int colnum)
RETCODE dbuse_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *name)
const char * dbversion_ver100 (void)
DBBOOL dbwillconvert_ver100 (int srctype, int desttype)
RETCODE dbwritetext_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, char *objname, DBBINARY *textptr, DBTINYINT textptrlen, DBBINARY *timestamp, DBBOOL log, DBINT size, BYTE *text)
RETCODE dbsetlname_ver100 (LOGINREC *login, const char *value, int which)
RETCODE dbsetlbool_ver100 (LOGINREC *login, int value, int which)
RETCODE dbsetlshort (LOGINREC *login, int value, int which)
RETCODE dbsetllong_ver100 (LOGINREC *login, long value, int which)
RETCODE dbsetlversion_ver100 (LOGINREC *login, BYTE version)
RETCODE bcp_init_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char *tblname, const char *hfile, const char *errfile, int direction)
DBINT bcp_done_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
DBINT bcp_batch_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE bcp_bind_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, BYTE *varaddr, int prefixlen, DBINT varlen, BYTE *terminator, int termlen, int type, int table_column)
RETCODE bcp_collen_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT varlen, int table_column)
RETCODE bcp_columns_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int host_colcount)
RETCODE bcp_colfmt_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int host_column, int host_type, int host_prefixlen, DBINT host_collen, const BYTE *host_term, int host_termlen, int colnum)
RETCODE bcp_colfmt_ps_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int host_column, int host_type, int host_prefixlen, DBINT host_collen, BYTE *host_term, int host_termlen, int colnum, DBTYPEINFO *typeinfo)
RETCODE bcp_colptr_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, BYTE *colptr, int table_column)
RETCODE bcp_control_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int field, DBINT value)
int bcp_getbatchsize_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)
RETCODE bcp_exec_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT *rows_copied)
DBBOOL bcp_getl_ver100 (LOGINREC *login)
RETCODE bcp_options_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int option, BYTE *value, int valuelen)
RETCODE bcp_readfmt_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc, const char filename[])
RETCODE bcp_sendrow_ver100 (DBPROCESS *dbproc)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BCP_SETLABELED (   x,
)    dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETLABELED)

Definition at line 1289 of file sybdb.h.


#define BCPBATCH   4

Definition at line 111 of file sybdb.h.


#define BCPFIRST   2

Definition at line 109 of file sybdb.h.


#define BCPHINTS   6

Definition at line 115 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 112 of file sybdb.h.


#define BCPLABELED   5

Definition at line 114 of file sybdb.h.


#define BCPLAST   3

Definition at line 110 of file sybdb.h.


#define BCPMAXERRS   1

Definition at line 108 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 569 of file sybdb.h.


#define BIGINTBIND   30

Definition at line 571 of file sybdb.h.


#define BIGTIMEBIND   24

Definition at line 570 of file sybdb.h.


#define BINARYBIND   15

Definition at line 561 of file sybdb.h.


#define BITBIND   16

Definition at line 562 of file sybdb.h.


#define BUF_FULL   -3

Definition at line 583 of file sybdb.h.


#define CHARBIND   0

Definition at line 547 of file sybdb.h.


#define DATEBIND   21

Definition at line 567 of file sybdb.h.


#define DATETIME2BIND   31

Definition at line 572 of file sybdb.h.


#define DATETIMEBIND   11

Definition at line 557 of file sybdb.h.


#define DB_IN   1

Definition at line 588 of file sybdb.h.


#define DB_OUT   2

Definition at line 589 of file sybdb.h.


#define DB_QUERYOUT   3

Definition at line 590 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBARITHABORT   6

Definition at line 406 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 404 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBAUTH   29

Definition at line 429 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBBOTH   2

Definition at line 594 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBBROWSE   8

Definition at line 408 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBBUFFER   14

Definition at line 414 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBCHAINXACTS   26

Definition at line 426 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 433 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBCMDNONE   0

Definition at line 117 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBCMDPEND   1

Definition at line 118 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBCMDSENT   2

Definition at line 119 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBCONFIRM   12

Definition at line 412 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBDATEFIRST   25

Definition at line 425 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBDATEFORMAT   19

Definition at line 419 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBDATESHORT   32

Definition at line 432 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBDOUBLE   1

Definition at line 593 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBERRLVL   11

Definition at line 411 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBESTIMATE   1

Definition at line 401 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBFIPSFLAG   27

Definition at line 427 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBGETTIME   dbgettime

Definition at line 778 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBIDENTITY   30

Definition at line 430 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBINTERRUPT   4

Definition at line 541 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBISOLATION   28

Definition at line 428 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBLFCONVERT   24

Definition at line 424 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBMAXNAME   128

Definition at line 67 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBMAXNUMLEN   33

Definition at line 65 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBNATLANG   18

Definition at line 418 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBNOAUTOFREE   15

Definition at line 415 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBNOCOUNT   5

Definition at line 405 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBNOERR   -1

Definition at line 58 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBNOEXEC   3

Definition at line 403 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBNOIDCOL   31

Definition at line 431 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBNOSAVE   0

Definition at line 57 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 539 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBNUMOPTIONS   36

Definition at line 437 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBOFFSET   9

Definition at line 409 of file sybdb.h.

◆ dbopen

#define dbopen (   x,
)    tdsdbopen((x),(y), 0)

Definition at line 855 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPADOFF   0

Definition at line 439 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPADON   1

Definition at line 440 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPARSEONLY   0

Definition at line 400 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPRCOLSEP   21

Definition at line 575 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPRCOLSEP   21

Definition at line 575 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPRLINELEN   22

Definition at line 576 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPRLINELEN   22

Definition at line 576 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPRLINESEP   23

Definition at line 423 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBPRPAD   20

Definition at line 420 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBQUOTEDIDENT   35

Definition at line 435 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBRESULT   1

Definition at line 538 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBROWCOUNT   16

Definition at line 416 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 599 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBRPCDEFAULT   2

Definition at line 578 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 597 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 598 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBRPCRETURN   1

Definition at line 577 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSAVE   1

Definition at line 56 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETAPP   5

Definition at line 1265 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETBCP   6

Definition at line 1268 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETCHARSET   10

Definition at line 1280 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETDBNAME   14

Definition at line 1290 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETENCRYPT   12

Definition at line 1285 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETHOST   1

Definition at line 1252 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETLABELED   13

Definition at line 1287 of file sybdb.h.

◆ dbsetlapp

#define dbsetlapp (   x,
)    dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETAPP)

Definition at line 1267 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETLDBNAME (   x,
)    dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETDBNAME)

Definition at line 1291 of file sybdb.h.

◆ dbsetlhost

#define dbsetlhost (   x,
)    dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETHOST)

Definition at line 1254 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETLNTLMV2 (   x,
)    dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETNTLMV2)

Definition at line 1297 of file sybdb.h.

◆ dbsetlpwd

#define dbsetlpwd (   x,
)    dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETPWD)

Definition at line 1260 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETLREADONLY (   x,
)    dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETREADONLY)

Definition at line 1299 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETLSECURE (   x)    dbsetlbool((x), (1), DBSETBCP)

Definition at line 1270 of file sybdb.h.

◆ dbsetluser

#define dbsetluser (   x,
)    dbsetlname((x), (y), DBSETUSER)

Definition at line 1257 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETLUTF16 (   x,
)    dbsetlbool((x), (y), DBSETUTF16)

Definition at line 1295 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETNATLANG   7

Definition at line 1271 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETNTLMV2   1002

Definition at line 1296 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETPACKET   11

Definition at line 1282 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETPWD   3

Definition at line 1258 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETREADONLY   1003

Definition at line 1298 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETTIME   34

Definition at line 434 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETUSER   2

Definition at line 1255 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSETUTF16   1001

Definition at line 1294 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSHOWPLAN   2

Definition at line 402 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSINGLE   0

Definition at line 592 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSTAT   10

Definition at line 410 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBSTORPROCID   13

Definition at line 413 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_2_0

#define DBTDS_2_0   1 /* pre 4.0 SQL Server */

Definition at line 91 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_3_4

#define DBTDS_3_4   2 /* Microsoft SQL Server (3.0) */

Definition at line 92 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_4_0

#define DBTDS_4_0   3 /* 4.0 SQL Server */

Definition at line 93 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_4_2

#define DBTDS_4_2   4 /* 4.2 SQL Server */

Definition at line 94 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_4_6

#define DBTDS_4_6   5 /* 2.0 OpenServer and 4.6 SQL Server. */

Definition at line 95 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_4_9_5

#define DBTDS_4_9_5   6 /* 4.9.5 (NCR) SQL Server */

Definition at line 96 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_5_0

#define DBTDS_5_0   7 /* 5.0 SQL Server */

Definition at line 97 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_7_0

#define DBTDS_7_0   8 /* Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 */

Definition at line 98 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_7_1

#define DBTDS_7_1   9 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2000 */

Definition at line 101 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_7_2

#define DBTDS_7_2   10 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2005 */

Definition at line 102 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_7_3

#define DBTDS_7_3   11 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2008 */

Definition at line 103 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_7_4

#define DBTDS_7_4   12 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 */

Definition at line 104 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_8_0

#define DBTDS_8_0   9 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2000 */

Definition at line 99 of file sybdb.h.

◆ DBTDS_9_0

#define DBTDS_9_0   10 /* Microsoft SQL Server 2005 */

Definition at line 100 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBTDS_UNKNOWN   0

DBTDS_xxx are returned by DBTDS() The integer values of the constants are poorly chosen.

Definition at line 90 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBTEXTLIMIT   7

Definition at line 407 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBTEXTSIZE   17

Definition at line 417 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBTIMEOUT   3

Definition at line 540 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBTXPLEN   16

Definition at line 106 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBTXTSLEN   8

Definition at line 544 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVER42   DBVERSION_42

Definition at line 83 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVER60   DBVERSION_70 /* our best approximation */

Definition at line 84 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVERSION_100   2

Definition at line 74 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVERSION_42   3

Definition at line 75 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVERSION_46   1

Definition at line 73 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVERSION_70   4

Definition at line 76 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVERSION_71   5

Definition at line 77 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVERSION_72   6

Definition at line 78 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVERSION_73   7

Definition at line 79 of file sybdb.h.


#define DBVERSION_74   8

Definition at line 80 of file sybdb.h.



DBVERSION_xxx are used with dbsetversion()

Definition at line 72 of file sybdb.h.


#define DECIMALBIND   18

Definition at line 564 of file sybdb.h.


#define FAIL   0

Definition at line 586 of file sybdb.h.


#define FALSE   0

Definition at line 53 of file sybdb.h.


#define FLT8BIND   9

Definition at line 555 of file sybdb.h.


#define INT_CANCEL   2

Definition at line 62 of file sybdb.h.


#define INT_CONTINUE   1

Definition at line 61 of file sybdb.h.


#define INT_EXIT   0

Definition at line 60 of file sybdb.h.


#define INT_TIMEOUT   3

Definition at line 63 of file sybdb.h.


#define INTBIND   8

Definition at line 554 of file sybdb.h.


#define MAXBINDTYPES   32 /* keep last */

Definition at line 573 of file sybdb.h.


#define MAXOPTTEXT   32

Definition at line 447 of file sybdb.h.


#define MONEYBIND   13

Definition at line 559 of file sybdb.h.


#define MORE_ROWS   -1

Definition at line 581 of file sybdb.h.


#define NO_MORE_RESULTS   2

Definition at line 584 of file sybdb.h.


#define NO_MORE_ROWS   -2

Definition at line 582 of file sybdb.h.


#define NOSUCHOPTION   2

Definition at line 445 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 549 of file sybdb.h.


#define NUMERICBIND   17

Definition at line 563 of file sybdb.h.


#define OFF   0

Definition at line 442 of file sybdb.h.

◆ ON

#define ON   1

Definition at line 443 of file sybdb.h.


#define REALBIND   10

Definition at line 556 of file sybdb.h.


#define REG_ROW   -1

Definition at line 580 of file sybdb.h.


#define SMALLBIND   7

Definition at line 553 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 558 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 560 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 566 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 565 of file sybdb.h.


#define STRINGBIND   1

Definition at line 548 of file sybdb.h.


#define SUCCEED   1

Definition at line 585 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPAVG   0x4f

Definition at line 235 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPAVGU   0x50

Definition at line 236 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 246 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPCNT   0x4b

Definition at line 231 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPCNT_BIG   0x09

Definition at line 241 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPCNTU   0x4c

Definition at line 232 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPMAX   0x52

Definition at line 238 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPMIN   0x51

Definition at line 237 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPSTDEV   0x30

Definition at line 242 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPSTDEVP   0x31

Definition at line 243 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPSUM   0x4d

Definition at line 233 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPSUMU   0x4e

Definition at line 234 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPVAR   0x32

Definition at line 244 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBAOPVARP   0x33

Definition at line 245 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 218 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 220 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 196 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 178 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 180 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 160 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 214 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 176 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 192 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 210 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 204 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEAAMT   20035 /* User attempted a dbaltbind() with mismatched column and variable types. */

Definition at line 963 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEABMT   20033 /* User attempted a dbbind() with mismatched column and variable types. */

Definition at line 961 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEABNC   20032 /* Attempt to bind to a non-existent column. */

Definition at line 960 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEABNP   20034 /* Attempt to bind using NULL pointers. */

Definition at line 962 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEABNV   20046 /* Attempt to bind to a NULL program variable. */

Definition at line 974 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEACNV   20148 /* Attemp to do conversion with NULL destination variable. */

Definition at line 1076 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEADST   20128 /* Error in attempting to determine the size of a pair of translation tables. */

Definition at line 1056 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEAICF   20127 /* Error in attempting to install custom format. */

Definition at line 1055 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEALTT   20129 /* Error in attempting to load a pair of translation tables. */

Definition at line 1057 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEAOLF   20133 /* Error in attempting to open a localization file. */

Definition at line 1061 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEAPCT   20130 /* Error in attempting to perform a character-set translation. */

Definition at line 1058 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEAPUT   20040 /* Attempt to print unknown token. */

Definition at line 968 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEARDI   20134 /* Error in attempting to read datetime information from a localization file. */

Definition at line 1062 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEARDL   20136 /* Error in attempting to read the dblib.loc localization file. */

Definition at line 1064 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEASEC   20091 /* Attempt to send an empty command buffer to the SQL Server. */

Definition at line 1019 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEASNL   20041 /* Attempt to set fields in a null loginrec. */

Definition at line 969 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEASTF   20089 /* VMS: Unable to setmode for control_c ast. */

Definition at line 1017 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEASTL   20197 /* Synchronous I/O attempted at AST level. */

Definition at line 1125 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEASUL   20043 /* Attempt to set unknown loginrec field. */

Definition at line 971 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEATTNACK   20296 /* Timed out waiting for server to acknowledge attention." */

Definition at line 1224 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEAUTN   20062 /* Attempt to update the timestamp of a table which has no timestamp column. */

Definition at line 990 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBADPK   20201 /* Packet size of %1! not supported. -- size of %2! used instead. */

Definition at line 1129 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBADTYPE   20254 /* Illegal value for type parameter given to %1!. */

Definition at line 1182 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBBCI   20068 /* Batch successfully bulk-copied to SQL Server. */

Definition at line 996 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBBFL   20297 /* -001- Batch failed in bulk-copy to SQL Server */

Definition at line 1225 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBBL   20215 /* Bad bindlen parameter passed to dbsetnull() */

Definition at line 1143 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCBC   20081 /* bcp_columns() must be called before bcp_colfmt() and bcp_colfmt_ps(). */

Definition at line 1009 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCBNPR   20230 /* bcp_bind(): if varaddr is NULL, prefixlen must be 0 and no terminator should be specified. */

Definition at line 1158 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCBNTYP   20231 /* bcp_bind(): if varaddr is NULL and varlen greater than 0, the table column type must be SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE and the program variable type must be SYBTEXT, SYBCHAR, SYBIMAGE or SYBBINARY. */

Definition at line 1159 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCBPREF   20236 /* Illegal prefix length. Legal values are 0, 1, 2 or 4. */

Definition at line 1164 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCFO   20082 /* Bcp host-files must contain at least one column. */

Definition at line 1010 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCHLEN   20235 /* host_collen should be greater than or equal to -1. */

Definition at line 1163 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCIS   20075 /* Attempt to bulk-copy an illegally-sized column value to the SQL Server. */

Definition at line 1003 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCIT   20107 /* It's illegal to use BCP terminators with program variables other than SYBCHAR, SYBBINARY, SYBTEXT, or SYBIMAGE. */

Definition at line 1035 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCITBLEN   20239 /* bcp_init(): tblname parameter is too long. */

Definition at line 1167 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCITBNM   20238 /* bcp_init(): tblname parameter cannot be NULL. */

Definition at line 1166 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCMTXT   20228 /* bcp_moretext() may be used only when there is at least one text or image column in the server table. */

Definition at line 1156 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCNL   20105 /* Negative length-prefix found in BCP data-file. */

Definition at line 1033 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCNN   20073 /* Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into Server column %d, which does not accept NULL values. */

Definition at line 1001 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCNT   20064 /* Attempt to use Bulk Copy with a non-existent Server table. */

Definition at line 992 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCOR   20074 /* Attempt to bulk-copy an oversized row to the SQL Server. */

Definition at line 1002 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCPB   20078 /* bcp_bind(), bcp_moretext() and bcp_sendrow() may NOT be used after bcp_init() has been passed a non-NULL input file name. */

Definition at line 1006 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCPCTYP   20233 /* bcp_colfmt(): If table_colnum is 0, host_type cannot be 0. */

Definition at line 1161 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCPI   20076 /* bcp_init() must be called before any other bcp routines. */

Definition at line 1004 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCPN   20077 /* bcp_bind(), bcp_collen(), bcp_colptr(), bcp_moretext() and bcp_sendrow() may be used only after bcp_init() has been called with the copy direction set to DB_IN. */

Definition at line 1005 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCPOPT   20294 /* The option cannot be called while a bulk copy operation is progress. */

Definition at line 1222 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCPREC   20229 /* Column %1!: Illegal precision value encountered. */

Definition at line 1157 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCPREF   20237 /* Illegal prefix length. Legal values are -1, 0, 1, 2 or 4. */

Definition at line 1165 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCRE   20070 /* I/O error while reading bcp data-file. */

Definition at line 998 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCRO   20111 /* The BCP hostfile '%s' contains only %ld rows. It was impossible to read the requested %ld rows. */

Definition at line 1039 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCSA   20108 /* The BCP hostfile '%s' contains only %ld rows. Skipping all of these rows is not allowed. */

Definition at line 1036 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCSET   20221 /* Unknown character-set encountered." */

Definition at line 1149 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCSI   20106 /* Host-file columns may be skipped only when copying INto the Server. */

Definition at line 1034 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCSNDROW   20240 /* bcp_sendrow() may NOT be called unless all text data for the previous row has been sent using bcp_moretext(). */

Definition at line 1168 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCSNTYP   20232 /* column number %1!: if varaddr is NULL and varlen greater than 0, the table column type must be SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE and the program variable type must be SYBTEXT, SYBCHAR, SYBIMAGE or SYBBINARY. */

Definition at line 1160 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCUC   20085 /* Bcp: Unable to close host data-file. */

Definition at line 1013 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCUO   20084 /* Bcp: Unable to open host data-file. */

Definition at line 1012 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCVH   20083 /* bcp_exec() may be called only after bcp_init() has been passed a valid host file. */

Definition at line 1011 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCVLEN   20234 /* varlen should be greater than or equal to -1. */

Definition at line 1162 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBCWE   20072 /* I/O error while writing bcp data-file. */

Definition at line 1000 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBDIO   20063 /* Bad bulk-copy direction. Must be either IN or OUT. */

Definition at line 991 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBEOF   20104 /* Unexpected EOF encountered in BCP data-file. */

Definition at line 1032 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBIHC   20103 /* Incorrect host-column number found in bcp format-file. */

Definition at line 1031 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBIVI   20080 /* bcp_columns(), bcp_colfmt() and bcp_colfmt_ps() may be used only after bcp_init() has been passed a valid input file. */

Definition at line 1008 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBNCR   20024 /* Attempt to bind user variable to a non-existent compute row. */

Definition at line 952 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBNUM   20214 /* Bad numbytes parameter passed to dbstrcpy() */

Definition at line 1142 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBOOL   20293 /* Boolean parameters must be TRUE or FALSE. */

Definition at line 1221 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPKS   20193 /* In DBSETLPACKET(), the packet size parameter must be between 0 and 999999. */

Definition at line 1121 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPREC   20216 /* Illegal precision specified */

Definition at line 1144 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPROBADDEF   20249 /* bcp protocol error: illegal default column id received. */

Definition at line 1177 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPROBADLEN   20251 /* bcp protocol error: illegal datatype length received. */

Definition at line 1179 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPROBADPREC   20252 /* bcp protocol error: illegal precision value received. */

Definition at line 1180 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPROBADSCL   20253 /* bcp protocol error: illegal scale value received. */

Definition at line 1181 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPROBADTYP   20250 /* bcp protocol error: unknown column datatype. */

Definition at line 1178 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPROCOL   20241 /* bcp protocol error: returned column count differs from the actual number of columns received. */

Definition at line 1169 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPRODEF   20242 /* bcp protocol error: expected default information and got none. */

Definition at line 1170 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPRODEFID   20244 /* bcp protocol error: default column id and actual column id are not same */

Definition at line 1172 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPRODEFTYP   20246 /* bcp protocol error: default value datatype differs from column datatype. */

Definition at line 1174 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPROEXTDEF   20247 /* bcp protocol error: more than one row of default information received. */

Definition at line 1175 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPROEXTRES   20248 /* bcp protocol error: unexpected set of results received. */

Definition at line 1176 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPRONODEF   20245 /* bcp protocol error: default value received for column that does not have default. */

Definition at line 1173 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBPRONUMDEF   20243 /* bcp protocol error: expected number of defaults differs from the actual number of defaults received. */

Definition at line 1171 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBRFF   20100 /* I/O error while reading bcp format-file. */

Definition at line 1028 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBSCALE   20217 /* Illegal scale specified */

Definition at line 1145 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBTMT   20095 /* Attempt to send too much TEXT data via the bcp_moretext() call. */

Definition at line 1023 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBTOK   20020 /* Bad token from SQL Server: Data-stream processing out of sync. */

Definition at line 948 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBTYP   20023 /* Unknown bind type passed to DB-LIBRARY function. */

Definition at line 951 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBTYPSRV   20220 /* Datatype is not supported by the server. */

Definition at line 1148 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBUCE   20087 /* Bcp: Unable to close error-file. */

Definition at line 1015 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBUCF   20099 /* Bcp: Unable to close format-file. */

Definition at line 1027 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBUDF   20102 /* Bcp: Unrecognized datatype found in format-file. */

Definition at line 1030 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBUFF   20147 /* Bcp: Unable to create format-file. */

Definition at line 1075 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBUFL   20005 /* DB-LIBRARY internal error - send buffer length corrupted. */

Definition at line 933 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBULKINSERT   20599 /* cannot build bulk insert statement */

Definition at line 1228 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBUOE   20086 /* Bcp: Unable to open error-file. */

Definition at line 1014 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBUOF   20098 /* Bcp: Unable to open format-file. */

Definition at line 1026 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBWEF   20088 /* I/O error while writing bcp error-file. */

Definition at line 1016 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEBWFF   20101 /* I/O error while writing bcp format-file. */

Definition at line 1029 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECAP   20203 /* DB-Library capabilities not accepted by the Server. */

Definition at line 1131 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECAPTYP   20213 /* Unexpected capability type in CAPABILITY datastream. */

Definition at line 1141 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECDNS   20031 /* Datastream indicates that a compute column is derived from a non-existent select-list member. */

Definition at line 959 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECDOMAIN   20218 /* Source field value is not within the domain of legal values. */

Definition at line 1146 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECINTERNAL   20219 /* Internal Conversion error. */

Definition at line 1147 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECLOS   20056 /* Error in closing network connection. */

Definition at line 984 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECLOSEIN   20292 /* Unable to close interface file. */

Definition at line 1220 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECLPR   20051 /* Data-conversion resulted in loss of precision. */

Definition at line 979 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECNOR   20026 /* Column number out of range. */

Definition at line 954 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECNOV   20052 /* Attempt to set variable to NULL resulted in overflow. */

Definition at line 980 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECOFL   20049 /* Data-conversion resulted in overflow. */

Definition at line 977 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECOLSIZE   22000 /* Invalid column information structure size */

Definition at line 1229 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECONN   20009 /* Unable to connect socket -- SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. */

Definition at line 937 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRNC   20116 /* The current row is not a result of compute clause %d, so it is illegal to attempt to extract that data from this row. */

Definition at line 1044 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSAGR   20263 /* Aggregate functions are not allowed in a cursor statement. */

Definition at line 1191 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSBROL   20266 /* Backward scrolling cannot be used in a forward scrolling cursor. */

Definition at line 1194 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSBSKEY   20268 /* Keyset cannot be scrolled backward in mixed cursors with a previous fetch type. */

Definition at line 1196 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSBUFR   20260 /* Row buffering should not be turned on when using cursor APIs. */

Definition at line 1188 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSDIS   20262 /* Cursor statement contains one of the disallowed phrases 'compute', 'union', 'for browse', or 'select into'. */

Definition at line 1190 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSFLAST   20265 /* Fetch type LAST requires fully keyset driven cursors. */

Definition at line 1193 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSFRAND   20264 /* Fetch types RANDOM and RELATIVE can only be used within the keyset of keyset driven cursors. */

Definition at line 1192 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSFROWN   20267 /* Row number to be fetched is outside valid range. */

Definition at line 1195 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSFTYPE   20280 /* Unknown fetch type. */

Definition at line 1208 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSINV   20277 /* Invalid cursor statement. */

Definition at line 1205 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSINVALID   20281 /* The cursor handle is invalid. */

Definition at line 1209 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSMROWS   20282 /* Multiple rows are returned, only one is expected. */

Definition at line 1210 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOBIND   20279 /* Cursor bind must be called prior to updating cursor */

Definition at line 1207 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOCOUNT   20270 /* The DBNOCOUNT option should not be turned on when doing updates or deletes with dbcursor(). */

Definition at line 1198 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOFREE   20261 /* The DBNOAUTOFREE option should not be turned on when using cursor APIs. */

Definition at line 1189 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOIND   20256 /* One of the tables involved in the cursor statement does not have a unique index. */

Definition at line 1184 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOKEYS   20278 /* The entire keyset must be defined for KEYSET cursors. */

Definition at line 1206 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOLEN   20284 /* No unique index found. */

Definition at line 1212 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOPTCC   20285 /* No OPTCC was found. */

Definition at line 1213 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNORDER   20286 /* The order of clauses must be from, where, and order by. */

Definition at line 1214 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNORES   20255 /* Cursor statement generated no results. */

Definition at line 1183 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOTABLE   20287 /* Table name is NULL. */

Definition at line 1215 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOUPD   20276 /* Update or delete operation did not affect any rows. */

Definition at line 1204 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNOWHERE   20273 /* A WHERE clause is not allowed in a cursor update or insert. */

Definition at line 1201 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNROWS   20283 /* No rows returned, at least one is expected. */

Definition at line 1211 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSNUNIQUE   20288 /* No unique keys associated with this view. */

Definition at line 1216 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSORD   20259 /* Only fully keyset driven cursors can have 'order by', ' group by', or 'having' phrases. */

Definition at line 1187 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSRO   20269 /* Data locking or modifications cannot be made in a READONLY cursor. */

Definition at line 1197 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSSET   20274 /* A SET clause is required for a cursor update or insert. */

Definition at line 1202 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSTAB   20271 /* Table name must be determined in operations involving data locking or modifications. */

Definition at line 1199 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSUPDNB   20272 /* Update or insert operations cannot use bind variables when binding type is NOBIND. */

Definition at line 1200 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSUPDTAB   20275 /* Update or insert operations using bind variables require single table cursors. */

Definition at line 1203 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSVAR   20289 /* There is no valid address associated with this bind. */

Definition at line 1217 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSVIEW   20257 /* A view cannot be joined with another table or a view in a cursor statement. */

Definition at line 1185 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECRSVIIND   20258 /* The view used in the cursor statement does not include all the unique index columns of the underlying tables. */

Definition at line 1186 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECS   20299 /* -004- cs context Error */

Definition at line 1227 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECSYN   20050 /* Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field. */

Definition at line 978 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECUFL   20048 /* Data-conversion resulted in underflow. */

Definition at line 976 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBECWLL   20123 /* Attempt to set column width less than 1. */

Definition at line 1051 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEDBPS   20011 /* Maximum number of DBPROCESSes already allocated. */

Definition at line 939 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEDCL   20298 /* -004- DCL Error */

Definition at line 1226 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEDDNE   20047 /* DBPROCESS is dead or not enabled. */

Definition at line 975 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEDIVZ   20196 /* Attempt to divide by $0.00 in function %1!. */

Definition at line 1124 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEDNTI   20094 /* Attempt to use dbtxtsput() to put a new text-timestamp into a column whose datatype is neither SYBTEXT nor SYBIMAGE. */

Definition at line 1022 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEDPOR   20149 /* Out-of-range datepart constant. */

Definition at line 1077 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEDVOR   20152 /* Day values must be between 1 and 7. */

Definition at line 1080 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEECAN   20184 /* Attempted to cancel unrequested event notification. */

Definition at line 1112 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEECRT   20183 /* Must call dbregdefine() before dbregcreate(). */

Definition at line 1111 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEEINI   20182 /* Must call dbreginit() before dbregraise(). */

Definition at line 1110 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEEQVA   20059 /* Error in queueing VMS AST routine. */

Definition at line 987 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEERRLABEL   20295 /* An illegal value was returned from the security label handler. */

Definition at line 1223 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEESSL   20172 /* Login security level entered does not agree with operating system level */

Definition at line 1100 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEETD   20164 /* Failure to send the expected amount of TEXT or IMAGE data via dbmoretext(). */

Definition at line 1092 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEEUNR   20185 /* Unsolicited event notification received. */

Definition at line 1113 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEEVOP   20178 /* Called dbregwatch() with a bad options parameter. */

Definition at line 1106 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEEVST   20181 /* Must initiate a transaction before calling dbregparam(). */

Definition at line 1109 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEFCON   20002 /* SQL Server connection failed. */

Definition at line 930 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEFENC   20222 /* Password Encryption failed." */

Definition at line 1150 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEFGTL   20122 /* Bcp: Row number of the first row to be copied cannot be greater than the row number for the last row to be copied. */

Definition at line 1050 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEFMODE   20167 /* Read/Write/Append mode denied on file. */

Definition at line 1095 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEFRES   20223 /* Challenge-Response function failed.", */

Definition at line 1151 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEFSHD   20132 /* Error in attempting to find the Sybase home directory. */

Definition at line 1060 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEFUNC   20204 /* Functionality not supported at the specified version level. */

Definition at line 1132 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEGENOS   20161 /* General Operating System Error. */

Definition at line 1089 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEICN   20038 /* Invalid computeid or compute column number. */

Definition at line 966 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEICONV2BIG   2404 /* Buffer overflow converting characters from client into server's character set.*/

Definition at line 924 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEICONVAVAIL   2401 /* Character set conversion is not available between client character set '%.*s' and server character set '%.*s'.*/

Definition at line 921 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEICONVI   2403 /* Some character(s) could not be converted into client's character set. Unconverted bytes were changed to question marks ('?').*/

Definition at line 923 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEICONVIU   2400 /* Some character(s) could not be converted into client's character set. */

Definition at line 920 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEICONVO   2402 /* Error converting characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted.*/

Definition at line 922 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEIDCL   20143 /* Illegal datetime column length returned by DataServer. Legal datetime lengths are 4 and 8 bytes. */

Definition at line 1071 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEIDECCL   20227 /* Invalid decimal column length returned by the server. */

Definition at line 1155 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEIFCL   20145 /* Illegal floating-point column length returned by DataServer. Legal floating-point lengths are 4 and 8 bytes. */

Definition at line 1073 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEIFNB   20065 /* Illegal field number passed to bcp_control(). */

Definition at line 993 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEIICL   20025 /* Illegal integer column length returned by SQL Server. Legal integer lengths are 1, 2, and 4 bytes. */

Definition at line 953 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEIMCL   20144 /* Illegal money column length returned by DataServer. Legal money lengths are 4 and 8 bytes. */

Definition at line 1072 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEINLN   20016 /* Interface file: unexpected end-of-line. */

Definition at line 944 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEINTF   20012 /* Server name not found in interface file */

Definition at line 940 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEINUMCL   20226 /* Invalid numeric column length returned by the server. */

Definition at line 1154 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEIPV   20194 /* %1! is an illegal value for the %2! parameter of %3!. */

Definition at line 1122 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEISOI   20142 /* Invalid sort-order information found. */

Definition at line 1070 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEISRVPREC   20224 /* Illegal precision value returned by the server. */

Definition at line 1152 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEISRVSCL   20225 /* Illegal scale value returned by the server. */

Definition at line 1153 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEITIM   20021 /* Illegal timeout value specified. */

Definition at line 949 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEIVERS   20206 /* Illegal version level specified. */

Definition at line 1134 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEKBCI   20069 /* Bcp: 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. */

Definition at line 997 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEKBCO   20067 /* 1000 rows successfully bulk-copied to host-file. */

Definition at line 995 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBELBLEN   20211 /* Security labels should be less than 256 characters long. */

Definition at line 1139 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEMEM   20010 /* Unable to allocate sufficient memory */

Definition at line 938 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEMOV   20195 /* Money arithmetic resulted in overflow in function %1!. */

Definition at line 1123 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEMPLL   20112 /* Attempt to set maximum number of DBPROCESSes lower than 1. */

Definition at line 1040 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEMVOR   20151 /* Month values must be between 1 and 12. */

Definition at line 1079 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENBUF   20175 /* called dbsendpassthru() with a NULL buf pointer. */

Definition at line 1103 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENBVP   20153 /* Cannot pass dbsetnull() a NULL bindval pointer. */

Definition at line 1081 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENDC   20150 /* Cannot have negative component in date in numeric form. */

Definition at line 1078 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENDTP   20155 /* Called dbdatecrack() with a NULL datetime parameter. */

Definition at line 1083 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENEG   20210 /* Negotiated login attempt failed. */

Definition at line 1138 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENEHA   20179 /* Called dbreghandle() with a NULL handler parameter. */

Definition at line 1107 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENHAN   20174 /* called dbrecvpassthru() with a NULL handler parameter. */

Definition at line 1102 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENLNL   20173 /* Program not linked with specified network library. */

Definition at line 1101 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENMOB   20039 /* No such member of 'order by' clause. */

Definition at line 967 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENOEV   20200 /* dbpoll() cannot be called if registered procedure notifications have been disabled. */

Definition at line 1128 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENOTI   20177 /* No event handler installed. */

Definition at line 1105 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENOVALUE   20290 /* Security labels require both a name and a value */

Definition at line 1218 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENPRM   20027 /* NULL parameter not allowed for this dboption. */

Definition at line 955 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENSIP   20045 /* Negative starting index passed to dbstrcpy(). */

Definition at line 973 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENTLL   20042 /* Name too long for loginrec field. */

Definition at line 970 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENTST   20170 /* The file being opened must be a stream_lf. */

Definition at line 1098 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENTTN   20093 /* Attempt to use dbtxtsput() to put a new text-timestamp into a non-existent data row. */

Definition at line 1021 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENULL   20109 /* NULL DBPROCESS pointer passed to DB-Library. */

Definition at line 1037 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENULP   20176 /* Called %s with a NULL %s parameter. */

Definition at line 1104 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENUM   20159 /* Incorrect number of arguments given to DB-Library. */

Definition at line 1087 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBENXID   20036 /* The Server did not grant us a distributed-transaction ID. */

Definition at line 964 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEONCE   20207 /* Function can be called only once. */

Definition at line 1135 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEOOB   20022 /* Error in sending out-of-band data to SQL Server. */

Definition at line 950 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEOPIN   20015 /* Could not open interface file. */

Definition at line 943 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEOPNA   20121 /* The text/image facility is available only when using a SQL Server whose version number is 4.0 or greater. */

Definition at line 1049 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEOPTNO   20163 /* Option is not allowed or is unreconized */

Definition at line 1091 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEOREN   20141 /* Warning: an out-of-range error-number was encountered in dblib.loc. The maximum permissible error-number is defined as DBERRCOUNT in sybdb.h. */

Definition at line 1069 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEORPF   20096 /* Attempt to set remote password would overflow the login-record's remote-password field. */

Definition at line 1024 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEOSSL   20171 /* Operating system login level not in range of Secure SQL Server */

Definition at line 1099 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEPAGE   20162 /* wrong resource type or length given for dbpage() operation. */

Definition at line 1090 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEPOLL   20199 /* Only one dbpoll() can be active at a time. */

Definition at line 1127 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEPORT   2500 /* Both port and instance specified */

Definition at line 928 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEPRTF   20191 /* dbtracestring() may only be called from a printfunc(). */

Definition at line 1119 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEPWD   20014 /* Incorrect password. */

Definition at line 942 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERDCN   20053 /* Requested data-conversion does not exist. */

Definition at line 981 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERDNR   20044 /* Attempt to retrieve data from a non-existent row. */

Definition at line 972 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEREAD   20004 /* Read from SQL Server failed. */

Definition at line 932 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERESP   20205 /* Response function address passed to dbresponse() must be non-NULL. */

Definition at line 1133 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERFILE   20166 /* "Can not open resource file." */

Definition at line 1094 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERPCS   20186 /* Must call dbrpcinit() before dbrpcparam(). */

Definition at line 1114 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERPIL   20113 /* It is illegal to pass -1 to dbrpcparam() for the datalen of parameters which are of type SYBCHAR, SYBVARCHAR, SYBBINARY, or SYBVARBINARY. */

Definition at line 1041 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERPNA   20120 /* The RPC facility is available only when using a SQL Server whose version number is 4.0 or greater. */

Definition at line 1048 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERPND   20019 /* Attempt to initiate a new SQL Server operation with results pending. */

Definition at line 947 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERPNULL   20208 /* value parameter for dbprcparam() can be NULL, only if the datalen parameter is 0 */

Definition at line 1136 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERPTXTIM   20209 /* RPC parameters cannot be of type Text/Image. */

Definition at line 1137 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERPUL   20114 /* When passing a SYBINTN, SYBDATETIMN, SYBMONEYN, or SYBFLTN parameter via dbrpcparam(), it's necessary to specify the parameter's maximum or actual length, so that DB-Library can recognize it as a SYBINT1, SYBINT2, SYBINT4, SYBMONEY, or SYBMONEY4, etc. */

Definition at line 1042 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERTCC   20117 /* dbreadtext() may not be used to receive the results of a query which contains a COMPUTE clause. */

Definition at line 1045 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERTSC   20118 /* dbreadtext() may only be used to receive the results of a query which contains a single result column. */

Definition at line 1046 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERTYPE   20165 /* Invalid resource type given to DB-Library. */

Definition at line 1093 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBERXID   20037 /* The Server did not recognize our distributed-transaction ID. */

Definition at line 965 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESECURE   20202 /* Secure Server function not supported in this version. */

Definition at line 1130 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESEFA   20198 /* DBSETNOTIFS cannot be called if connections are present. */

Definition at line 1126 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESEOF   20017 /* Unexpected EOF from SQL Server. */

Definition at line 945 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESFOV   20054 /* dbsafestr() overflowed its destination buffer. */

Definition at line 982 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESLCT   20168 /* Could not select or copy field specified */

Definition at line 1096 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESMSG   20018 /* General SQL Server error: Check messages from the SQL Server. */

Definition at line 946 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESOCK   20008 /* Unable to open socket */

Definition at line 936 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESPID   20154 /* Called dbspid() with a NULL dbproc. */

Definition at line 1082 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBESYNC   20001 /* Read attempted while out of synchronization with SQL Server. */

Definition at line 929 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETDSVER   2410 /* Cannot bcp with TDSVER < 5.0 */

Definition at line 927 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETEXS   20188 /* Called dbmoretext() with a bad size parameter. */

Definition at line 1116 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETIME   20003 /* SQL Server connection timed out. */

Definition at line 931 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETMCF   20126 /* Attempt to install too many custom formats via dbfmtinstall(). */

Definition at line 1054 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETMTD   20092 /* Attempt to send too much TEXT data via the dbmoretext() call. */

Definition at line 1020 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETPAR   20187 /* No SYBTEXT or SYBIMAGE parameters were defined. */

Definition at line 1115 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETPTN   20071 /* Syntax error: only two periods are permitted in table names. */

Definition at line 999 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETRAC   20189 /* Attempted to turn off a trace flag that was not on. */

Definition at line 1117 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETRAN   20180 /* DBPROCESS is being used for another transaction. */

Definition at line 1108 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETRAS   20190 /* DB-Library internal error - trace structure not found. */

Definition at line 1118 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETRSN   20192 /* Bad numbytes parameter passed to dbtracestring(). */

Definition at line 1120 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETSIT   20061 /* Attempt to call dbtsput() with an invalid timestamp. */

Definition at line 989 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETTS   20066 /* The table which bulk-copy is attempting to copy to a host-file is shorter than the number of rows which bulk-copy was instructed to skip. */

Definition at line 994 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBETYPE   20160 /* Invalid argument type given to DB-Library. */

Definition at line 1088 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUACS   20090 /* VMS: Unable to assign channel to sys$command. */

Definition at line 1018 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUAVE   20057 /* Unable to allocate VMS event flag. */

Definition at line 985 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUCPT   20125 /* Unrecognized custom-format parameter-type encountered in dbstrbuild(). */

Definition at line 1053 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUCRR   20119 /* Internal software error: Unknown connection result reported by * dbpasswd(). */

Definition at line 1047 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUDTY   20060 /* Unknown datatype encountered. */

Definition at line 988 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUFDS   20124 /* Unrecognized format encountered in dbstrbuild(). */

Definition at line 1052 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUFDT   20029 /* Unknown fixed-length datatype encountered. */

Definition at line 957 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUHST   20013 /* Unknown host machine name */

Definition at line 941 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUMSG   20212 /* Unknown message-id in MSG datastream. */

Definition at line 1140 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUNAM   20110 /* Unable to get current username from operating system. */

Definition at line 1038 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUNOP   20115 /* Unknown option passed to dbsetopt(). */

Definition at line 1043 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUNT   20055 /* Unknown network type found in interface file. */

Definition at line 983 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEURCI   20135 /* Unable to read copyright information from the dblib localization file. */

Definition at line 1063 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUREI   20140 /* Unable to read error information from the dblib localization file. */

Definition at line 1068 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUREM   20138 /* Unable to read error mnemonic from the dblib localization file. */

Definition at line 1066 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEURES   20139 /* Unable to read error string from the dblib localization file. */

Definition at line 1067 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEURMI   20137 /* Unable to read money-format information from the dblib localization file. */

Definition at line 1065 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUSCT   20058 /* Unable to set communications timer. */

Definition at line 986 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUTDS   20146 /* Unrecognized TDS version received from SQL Server. */

Definition at line 1074 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUVBF   20097 /* Attempt to read an unknown version of BCP format-file. */

Definition at line 1025 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEUVDT   20028 /* Unknown variable-length datatype encountered. */

Definition at line 956 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEVDPT   20079 /* For bulk copy, all variable-length data must have either a length-prefix or a terminator specified. */

Definition at line 1007 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEVERDOWN   100 /* TDS version downgraded . */

Definition at line 919 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEVMS   20007 /* Sendflush: VMS I/O error. */

Definition at line 935 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEVOIDRET   20291 /* Parameter of type SYBVOID cannot be a return parameter. */

Definition at line 1219 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEWAID   20030 /* DB-LIBRARY internal error: ALTFMT following ALTNAME has wrong id. */

Definition at line 958 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEWRIT   20006 /* Write to SQL Server failed. */

Definition at line 934 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEXOCI   20131 /* A character-set translation overflowed its destination buffer while using bcp to copy data from a host-file to the SQL Server. */

Definition at line 1059 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEXTDN   20157 /* Warning: the xlt_todisp parameter to dbfree_xlate() was NULL. The space associated with the xlt_tosrv parameter has been freed. */

Definition at line 1085 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEXTN   20156 /* The xlt_todisp and xlt_tosrv parameters to dbfree_xlate() were NULL. */

Definition at line 1084 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEXTSN   20158 /* Warning: the xlt_tosrv parameter to dbfree_xlate() was NULL. The space associated with the xlt_todisp parameter has been freed. */

Definition at line 1086 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBEZTXT   20169 /* Attempt to send zero length TEXT or IMAGE to dataserver via dbwritetext(). */

Definition at line 1097 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBFLT8   SYBFLT8

Definition at line 174 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 206 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 186 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBINT1   SYBINT1

Definition at line 166 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBINT2   SYBINT2

Definition at line 168 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBINT4   SYBINT4

Definition at line 170 of file sybdb.h.


#define SYBINT8   SYBINT8

Definition at line 172 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 164 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 190 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 188 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 208 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 222 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 226 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 228 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 224 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 184 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 202 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 212 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 194 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 182 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 216 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 200 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 162 of file sybdb.h.



Definition at line 198 of file sybdb.h.


#define TDS_STATIC_CAST (   type,
)    ((type)(a))

Definition at line 44 of file sybdb.h.


#define TIMEBIND   22

Definition at line 568 of file sybdb.h.


#define TINYBIND   6

Definition at line 552 of file sybdb.h.


#define TRUE   1

Definition at line 54 of file sybdb.h.


#define VARYBINBIND   4

Definition at line 551 of file sybdb.h.


#define VARYCHARBIND   3

Definition at line 550 of file sybdb.h.

Typedef Documentation


typedef int BOOL

Definition at line 150 of file sybdb.h.


typedef unsigned char BYTE

Definition at line 334 of file sybdb.h.


typedef DBWAITFUNC(* DB_DBBUSY_FUNC) (void *dbproc)

Definition at line 132 of file sybdb.h.


typedef int(* DB_DBCHKINTR_FUNC) (void *dbproc)

Definition at line 134 of file sybdb.h.


typedef int(* DB_DBHNDLINTR_FUNC) (void *dbproc)

Definition at line 135 of file sybdb.h.


typedef void(* DB_DBIDLE_FUNC) (DBWAITFUNC dfunc, void *dbproc)

Definition at line 133 of file sybdb.h.


typedef Int8 DBBIGINT

Definition at line 256 of file sybdb.h.


typedef unsigned char DBBINARY

Definition at line 257 of file sybdb.h.


typedef unsigned char DBBIT

Definition at line 252 of file sybdb.h.


typedef unsigned char DBBOOL

Definition at line 250 of file sybdb.h.


typedef char DBCHAR

Definition at line 251 of file sybdb.h.


typedef void DBCURSOR

Definition at line 123 of file sybdb.h.


Definition at line 334 of file sybdb.h.


Definition at line 334 of file sybdb.h.


Definition at line 283 of file sybdb.h.


typedef double DBFLT8

Definition at line 259 of file sybdb.h.


typedef Int4 DBINT

Definition at line 255 of file sybdb.h.


typedef void DBLOGINFO

Definition at line 126 of file sybdb.h.


typedef void(* DBPIVOT_FUNC) (struct col_t *output, const struct col_t *input)

Definition at line 841 of file sybdb.h.


Definition at line 334 of file sybdb.h.


typedef float DBREAL

Definition at line 258 of file sybdb.h.


typedef Int2 DBSMALLINT

Definition at line 254 of file sybdb.h.


typedef void DBSORTORDER

Definition at line 125 of file sybdb.h.


typedef struct dbstring DBSTRING

Definition at line 334 of file sybdb.h.


typedef unsigned char DBTINYINT

Definition at line 253 of file sybdb.h.


typedef struct dbtypeinfo DBTYPEINFO


typedef Uint8 DBUBIGINT

Definition at line 262 of file sybdb.h.


typedef Uint4 DBUINT

Definition at line 261 of file sybdb.h.


typedef Uint2 DBUSMALLINT

Definition at line 260 of file sybdb.h.


typedef void* DBVOIDPTR

Definition at line 127 of file sybdb.h.


typedef int(* DBWAITFUNC) (void)

Definition at line 131 of file sybdb.h.


typedef void DBXLATE

Definition at line 124 of file sybdb.h.


typedef int(* EHANDLEFUNC) (DBPROCESS *dbproc, int severity, int dberr, int oserr, char *dberrstr, char *oserrstr)

Definition at line 532 of file sybdb.h.


typedef int(* INTFUNCPTR) (void *,...)

Definition at line 130 of file sybdb.h.


typedef struct tds_dblib_loginrec LOGINREC

Definition at line 283 of file sybdb.h.


typedef int(* MHANDLEFUNC) (DBPROCESS *dbproc, DBINT msgno, int msgstate, int severity, char *msgtext, char *srvname, char *proc, int line)

Definition at line 534 of file sybdb.h.


typedef int RETCODE

Definition at line 121 of file sybdb.h.


typedef short SHORT

Definition at line 128 of file sybdb.h.


typedef int STATUS

Definition at line 148 of file sybdb.h.


typedef unsigned short USHORT

Definition at line 129 of file sybdb.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 157 of file sybdb.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 352 of file sybdb.h.


enum CI_TYPE

Definition at line 354 of file sybdb.h.

Function Documentation

◆ bcp_batch_ver100()

DBINT bcp_batch_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ bcp_bind_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_bind_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
BYTE varaddr,
int  prefixlen,
DBINT  varlen,
BYTE terminator,
int  termlen,
int  type,
int  table_column 

◆ bcp_colfmt_ps_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_colfmt_ps_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  host_column,
int  host_type,
int  host_prefixlen,
DBINT  host_collen,
BYTE host_term,
int  host_termlen,
int  colnum,
DBTYPEINFO typeinfo 

◆ bcp_colfmt_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_colfmt_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  host_column,
int  host_type,
int  host_prefixlen,
DBINT  host_collen,
const BYTE host_term,
int  host_termlen,
int  colnum 

◆ bcp_collen_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_collen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBINT  varlen,
int  table_column 

◆ bcp_colptr_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_colptr_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
BYTE colptr,
int  table_column 

◆ bcp_columns_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_columns_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  host_colcount 

◆ bcp_control_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_control_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  field,
DBINT  value 

◆ bcp_done_ver100()

DBINT bcp_done_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ bcp_exec_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_exec_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBINT rows_copied 

◆ bcp_getbatchsize_ver100()

int bcp_getbatchsize_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ bcp_getl_ver100()

DBBOOL bcp_getl_ver100 ( LOGINREC login)

◆ bcp_init_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_init_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
const char *  tblname,
const char *  hfile,
const char *  errfile,
int  direction 

◆ bcp_options_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_options_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  option,
BYTE value,
int  valuelen 

◆ bcp_readfmt_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_readfmt_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
const char  filename[] 

◆ bcp_sendrow_ver100()

RETCODE bcp_sendrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbadata_ver100()

BYTE* dbadata_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid,
int  column 

◆ dbadlen_ver100()

DBINT dbadlen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid,
int  column 

◆ dbaltbind_ps()

RETCODE dbaltbind_ps ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
int  computeid,
int  column,
int  vartype,
DBINT  varlen,
BYTE varaddr,
DBTYPEINFO typeinfo 

◆ dbaltbind_ver100()

RETCODE dbaltbind_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
int  computeid,
int  column,
int  vartype,
DBINT  varlen,
BYTE varaddr 

◆ dbaltcolid_ver100()

int dbaltcolid_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid,
int  column 

◆ dbaltlen_ver100()

DBINT dbaltlen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid,
int  column 

◆ dbaltop_ver100()

int dbaltop_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid,
int  column 

◆ dbalttype_ver100()

int dbalttype_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid,
int  column 

◆ dbaltutype_ver100()

DBINT dbaltutype_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid,
int  column 

◆ dbanullbind_ver100()

RETCODE dbanullbind_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
int  computeid,
int  column,
DBINT indicator 

◆ dbanydatecrack_ver100()

RETCODE dbanydatecrack_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  type,
const void *  data 

◆ dbbind_ps()

RETCODE dbbind_ps ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
int  column,
int  vartype,
DBINT  varlen,
BYTE varaddr,
DBTYPEINFO typeinfo 

◆ dbbind_ver100()

RETCODE dbbind_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column,
int  vartype,
DBINT  varlen,
BYTE varaddr 

◆ dbbufsize()

int dbbufsize ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbbylist_ver100()

BYTE* dbbylist_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid,
int size 

◆ dbcancel_ver100()

RETCODE dbcancel_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbcanquery_ver100()

RETCODE dbcanquery_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbchange_ver100()

char* dbchange_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbcharsetconv()

DBBOOL dbcharsetconv ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbclose_ver100()

void dbclose_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbclrbuf_ver100()

void dbclrbuf_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbclropt_ver100()

RETCODE dbclropt_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  option,
const char  param[] 

◆ dbcmd_ver100()

RETCODE dbcmd_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
const char  cmdstring[] 

◆ dbcmdrow_ver100()

RETCODE dbcmdrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbcolinfo_ver100()

RETCODE dbcolinfo_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
CI_TYPE  type,
DBINT  column,
DBINT  computeid,
DBCOL pdbcol 

◆ dbcollen_ver100()

DBINT dbcollen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbcolname_ver100()

char* dbcolname_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbcolsource_ver100()

char* dbcolsource_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  colnum 

◆ dbcoltype_ver100()

int dbcoltype_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbcoltypeinfo_ver100()

DBTYPEINFO* dbcoltypeinfo_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbcolutype_ver100()

DBINT dbcolutype_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
int  column 

◆ dbconvert_ps_ver100()

DBINT dbconvert_ps_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
int  srctype,
const BYTE src,
DBINT  srclen,
int  desttype,
BYTE dest,
DBINT  destlen,
DBTYPEINFO typeinfo 

◆ dbconvert_ver100()

DBINT dbconvert_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  srctype,
const BYTE src,
DBINT  srclen,
int  desttype,
BYTE dest,
DBINT  destlen 

◆ dbcount_ver100()

DBINT dbcount_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbcurcmd_ver100()

int dbcurcmd_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbcurrow_ver100()

DBINT dbcurrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbdata_ver100()

BYTE* dbdata_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbdatecmp_ver100()

int dbdatecmp_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbdatecrack_ver100()

RETCODE dbdatecrack_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbdatlen_ver100()

DBINT dbdatlen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbdead_ver100()

DBBOOL dbdead_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dberrhandle_ver100()

EHANDLEFUNC dberrhandle_ver100 ( EHANDLEFUNC  handler)

◆ dbexit_ver100()

void dbexit_ver100 ( void  )

◆ dbfcmd_ver100()

RETCODE dbfcmd_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
const char *  fmt,

◆ dbfirstrow_ver100()

DBINT dbfirstrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbfreebuf_ver100()

void dbfreebuf_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbgetchar_ver100()

char* dbgetchar_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
int  n 

◆ dbgetcharset()

char* dbgetcharset ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbgetlusername()

int dbgetlusername ( LOGINREC login,
BYTE name_buffer,
int  buffer_len 

◆ dbgetmaxprocs_ver100()

int dbgetmaxprocs_ver100 ( void  )

◆ dbgetnatlanf()

char* dbgetnatlanf ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbgetpacket_ver100()

int dbgetpacket_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbgetrow_ver100()

RETCODE dbgetrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBINT  row 

◆ dbgettime_ver100()

int dbgettime_ver100 ( void  )

◆ dbgetuserdata_ver100()

BYTE* dbgetuserdata_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbhasretstat_ver100()

DBBOOL dbhasretstat_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbinit_ver100()

RETCODE dbinit_ver100 ( void  )

◆ dbiordesc_ver100()

int dbiordesc_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbiowdesc_ver100()

int dbiowdesc_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbisavail_ver100()

DBBOOL dbisavail_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbiscount_ver100()

BOOL dbiscount_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbisopt_ver100()

DBBOOL dbisopt_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  option,
const char  param[] 

◆ dblastrow_ver100()

DBINT dblastrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dblogin_ver100()

LOGINREC* dblogin_ver100 ( void  )

◆ dbloginfree_ver100()

void dbloginfree_ver100 ( LOGINREC login)

◆ dbmny4add_ver100()

RETCODE dbmny4add_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmny4cmp_ver100()

int dbmny4cmp_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmny4copy_ver100()

RETCODE dbmny4copy_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,

◆ dbmny4minus_ver100()

RETCODE dbmny4minus_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBMONEY4 dest 

◆ dbmny4sub_ver100()

RETCODE dbmny4sub_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBMONEY4 diff 

◆ dbmny4zero_ver100()

RETCODE dbmny4zero_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBMONEY4 dest 

◆ dbmnycmp_ver100()

int dbmnycmp_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmnycopy_ver100()

RETCODE dbmnycopy_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmnydec_ver100()

RETCODE dbmnydec_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBMONEY mnyptr 

◆ dbmnyinc_ver100()

RETCODE dbmnyinc_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBMONEY mnyptr 

◆ dbmnymaxneg_ver100()

RETCODE dbmnymaxneg_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmnymaxpos_ver100()

RETCODE dbmnymaxpos_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmnyminus_ver100()

RETCODE dbmnyminus_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmnysub()

RETCODE dbmnysub ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmnyzero_ver100()

RETCODE dbmnyzero_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbmonthname_ver100()

const char* dbmonthname_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
char *  language,
int  monthnum,
DBBOOL  shortform 

◆ dbmorecmds_ver100()

RETCODE dbmorecmds_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbmoretext_ver100()

RETCODE dbmoretext_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBINT  size,
const BYTE  text[] 

◆ dbmsghandle_ver100()

MHANDLEFUNC dbmsghandle_ver100 ( MHANDLEFUNC  handler)

◆ dbname_ver100()

char* dbname_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbnextrow_pivoted_ver100()

STATUS dbnextrow_pivoted_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
struct pivot_t pp 

◆ dbnextrow_ver100()

STATUS dbnextrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbnullbind_ver100()

RETCODE dbnullbind_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column,
DBINT indicator 

◆ dbnumalts_ver100()

int dbnumalts_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  computeid 

◆ dbnumcols_ver100()

int dbnumcols_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbnumcompute_ver100()

int dbnumcompute_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbnumrets_ver100()

int dbnumrets_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbopen()

DBPROCESS* dbopen ( LOGINREC login,
const char *  server 

Normally not used.

The function is linked in only if the –enable-sybase-compat configure option is used. Cf. sybdb.h dbopen() macros, and dbdatecrack().

Definition at line 32 of file dbopen.c.

◆ dbpivot_count_ver100()

void dbpivot_count_ver100 ( struct col_t output,
const struct col_t input 

◆ dbpivot_lookup_name_ver100()

DBPIVOT_FUNC dbpivot_lookup_name_ver100 ( const char  name[])

◆ dbpivot_max_ver100()

void dbpivot_max_ver100 ( struct col_t output,
const struct col_t input 

◆ dbpivot_min_ver100()

void dbpivot_min_ver100 ( struct col_t output,
const struct col_t input 

◆ dbpivot_sum_ver100()

void dbpivot_sum_ver100 ( struct col_t output,
const struct col_t input 

◆ dbpivot_ver100()

RETCODE dbpivot_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  nkeys,
int keys,
int  ncols,
int cols,
int  val 

◆ dbprcollen_ver100()

DBINT dbprcollen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbprhead_ver100()

void dbprhead_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbprrow_ver100()

RETCODE dbprrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbprtype_ver100()

const char* dbprtype_ver100 ( int  token)

◆ dbreadtext_ver100()

STATUS dbreadtext_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
void *  buf,
DBINT  bufsize 

◆ dbrecftos_ver100()

void dbrecftos_ver100 ( const char  filename[])

◆ dbresults_r()

RETCODE dbresults_r ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  recursive 

◆ dbresults_ver100()

RETCODE dbresults_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbretdata_ver100()

BYTE* dbretdata_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  retnum 

◆ dbretlen_ver100()

int dbretlen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  retnum 

◆ dbretname_ver100()

char* dbretname_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  retnum 

◆ dbretstatus_ver100()

DBINT dbretstatus_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbrettype_ver100()

int dbrettype_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  retnum 

◆ dbrows_pivoted_ver100()

struct pivot_t* dbrows_pivoted_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbrows_ver100()

RETCODE dbrows_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbrowtype_ver100()

STATUS dbrowtype_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbrpcinit_ver100()

RETCODE dbrpcinit_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
const char  rpcname[],
DBSMALLINT  options 

◆ dbrpcparam_ver100()

RETCODE dbrpcparam_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
const char  paramname[],
BYTE  status,
int  type,
DBINT  maxlen,
DBINT  datalen,
BYTE value 

◆ dbrpcsend_ver100()

RETCODE dbrpcsend_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbsafestr_ver100()

RETCODE dbsafestr_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
const char *  src,
DBINT  srclen,
char *  dest,
DBINT  destlen,
int  quotetype 

◆ dbsechandle()

RETCODE* dbsechandle ( DBINT  type,
INTFUNCPTR  handler 

◆ dbservcharset_ver100()

char* dbservcharset_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbsetavail_ver100()

void dbsetavail_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbsetbusy()

void dbsetbusy ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
DB_DBBUSY_FUNC  busyfunc 

◆ dbsetdefcharset()

RETCODE dbsetdefcharset ( char *  charset)

◆ dbsetidle()

void dbsetidle ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
DB_DBIDLE_FUNC  idlefunc 

◆ dbsetifile_ver100()

void dbsetifile_ver100 ( char *  filename)

◆ dbsetinterrupt_ver100()

void dbsetinterrupt_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,

◆ dbsetlbool_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetlbool_ver100 ( LOGINREC login,
int  value,
int  which 

◆ dbsetllong_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetllong_ver100 ( LOGINREC login,
long  value,
int  which 

◆ dbsetlname_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetlname_ver100 ( LOGINREC login,
const char *  value,
int  which 

◆ dbsetlogintime_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetlogintime_ver100 ( int  seconds)

◆ dbsetlshort()

RETCODE dbsetlshort ( LOGINREC login,
int  value,
int  which 

◆ dbsetlversion_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetlversion_ver100 ( LOGINREC login,
BYTE  version 

◆ dbsetmaxprocs_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetmaxprocs_ver100 ( int  maxprocs)

◆ dbsetnull_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetnull_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
int  bindtype,
int  bindlen,
BYTE bindval 

◆ dbsetopt_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetopt_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  option,
const char *  char_param,
int  int_param 

◆ dbsetrow_ver100()

STATUS dbsetrow_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
DBINT  row 

◆ dbsettime_ver100()

RETCODE dbsettime_ver100 ( int  seconds)

◆ dbsetuserdata_ver100()

void dbsetuserdata_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
BYTE ptr 

◆ dbsetversion_ver100()

RETCODE dbsetversion_ver100 ( DBINT  version)

◆ dbspid_ver100()

int dbspid_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbspr1row_ver100()

RETCODE dbspr1row_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
char *  buffer,
DBINT  buf_len 

◆ dbspr1rowlen_ver100()

DBINT dbspr1rowlen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbsprhead_ver100()

RETCODE dbsprhead_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
char *  buffer,
DBINT  buf_len 

◆ dbsprline_ver100()

RETCODE dbsprline_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
char *  buffer,
DBINT  buf_len,
DBCHAR  line_char 

◆ dbsqlexec_ver100()

RETCODE dbsqlexec_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbsqlok_ver100()

RETCODE dbsqlok_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbsqlsend_ver100()

RETCODE dbsqlsend_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbstrbuild_ver100()

int dbstrbuild_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
char *  charbuf,
int  bufsize,
char *  text,
char *  formats,

◆ dbstrcpy_ver100()

RETCODE dbstrcpy_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  start,
int  numbytes,
char *  dest 

◆ dbstrlen_ver100()

int dbstrlen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc)

◆ dbtablecolinfo_ver100()

RETCODE dbtablecolinfo_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
DBINT  column,
DBCOL pdbcol 

◆ dbtds_ver100()

int dbtds_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbtextsize()

DBINT dbtextsize ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbtxptr_ver100()

DBBINARY* dbtxptr_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbtxtimestamp_ver100()

DBBINARY* dbtxtimestamp_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbtxtsnewval()

DBBINARY* dbtxtsnewval ( DBPROCESS dbprocess)

◆ dbtxtsput()

RETCODE dbtxtsput ( DBPROCESS dbprocess,
DBBINARY  newtxts,
int  colnum 

◆ dbuse_ver100()

RETCODE dbuse_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
const char *  name 

◆ dbvarylen_ver100()

DBINT dbvarylen_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
int  column 

◆ dbversion_ver100()

const char* dbversion_ver100 ( void  )

◆ dbwillconvert_ver100()

DBBOOL dbwillconvert_ver100 ( int  srctype,
int  desttype 

◆ dbwritetext_ver100()

RETCODE dbwritetext_ver100 ( DBPROCESS dbproc,
char *  objname,
DBBINARY textptr,
DBTINYINT  textptrlen,
DBBINARY timestamp,
DBBOOL  log,
DBINT  size,
BYTE text 



◆ tdsdbopen_ver100()

DBPROCESS* tdsdbopen_ver100 ( LOGINREC login,
const char *  server,
int  msdblib 
Modified on Fri Sep 20 14:57:55 2024 by rev. 669887