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Platform GPL16570 Query DataSets for GPL16570
Status Public on Jan 30, 2013
Title [MoGene-2_0-st] Affymetrix Mouse Gene 2.0 ST Array [transcript (gene) version]
Technology type in situ oligonucleotide
Distribution commercial
Organism Mus musculus
Manufacturer Affymetrix
Manufacture protocol See manufacturer's web site

Description Affymetrix submissions are typically submitted to GEO using the GEOarchive method described at

Jan 30, 2013: annotation table updated with netaffx build 33
Web link
Submission date Jan 30, 2013
Last update date Mar 18, 2022
Organization Affymetrix, Inc.
Phone 888-362-2447
Street address
City Santa Clara
State/province CA
ZIP/Postal code 95051
Country USA
Samples (11078) GSM1074214, GSM1074215, GSM1074216, GSM1074217, GSM1074218, GSM1074219 
Series (1094)
GSE43908 Microarray analysis of wildtype, Klf3 H275R homozygous and heterozygous, Klf3 CH gene trap homozygous and heterozygous E12.5 embryos
GSE46879 RNA methylation destabilizes developmental regulators in murine embryonic stem cells (MoGene-2)
GSE46880 RNA methylation destabilizes developmental regulators in murine embryonic stem cells
Alternative to GPL17408 (mogene20st_Mm_ENSG_17)
Alternative to GPL17791 (Alternative CDF)
Alternative to GPL18802 (Alternative CDF [mogene20st_Mm_ENTREZG_18.0.0])
Alternative to GPL20710 (Alternative CDF)
Alternative to GPL22598 (Alternative CDF [mogene20st_Mm_ENTREZG_20.0.0])
Alternative to GPL23092 (Alternative CDF [mogene20st_Mm_ENTREZG_21.0.0])
Alternative to GPL32068 (Alternative CDF [mogene20st_Mm_ENTREZG_24.0.0])

Data table header descriptions
ID transcript_cluster_id
SPOT_ID genomic location of the transcript cluster in the version of the genome assembly used at annotation time. Coordinates are standard 1-based (length=stop-start+1).
seqname chromosome number
strand (+|-)
start (integer). Coordinates are standard 1-based (length=stop-start+1).
stop (integer). Coordinates are standard 1-based (length=stop-start+1).
total_probes Total number of probes contained by this transcript cluster.
gene_assignment Gene information for each assigned mRNA for mRNAs that corresponds to known genes (multipart).
mrna_assignment Description of the public mRNAs that should be detected by the sets within this transcript cluster based on sequence alignment (multipart).
category Array design category of the transcript cluster

Data table
ID probeset_id SPOT_ID seqname strand start stop total_probes gene_assignment mrna_assignment swissprot unigene GO_biological_process GO_cellular_component GO_molecular_function pathway protein_domains crosshyb_type category
17210850 17210850 chr1(+):3102016-3102125 chr1 + 3102016 3102125 8 --- ENSMUST00000082908 // ENSEMBL // ncrna:snRNA chromosome:NCBIM37:1:3092097:3092206:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000064842 gene_biotype:snRNA transcript_biotype:snRNA // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 8 // 8 // 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3 main
17210852 17210852 chr1(+):3466587-3513553 chr1 + 3466587 3513553 23 --- ENSMUST00000161581 // ENSEMBL // cdna:putative chromosome:NCBIM37:1:3456668:3503634:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000089699 gene_biotype:antisense transcript_biotype:antisense // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 23 // 23 // 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 main
17210855 17210855 chr1(+):4807823-4846739 chr1 + 4807823 4846739 20 NM_008866 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000027036 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// BC013536 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// BC052848 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// U89352 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// CT010201 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000134384 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000150971 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000134384 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000155020 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000141278 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// AK050549 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// AK167231 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000115529 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000137887 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// AK034851 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000131119 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 /// ENSMUST00000119612 // Lypla1 // lysophospholipase 1 // 1 A1|1 // 18777 NM_008866 // RefSeq // Mus musculus lysophospholipase 1 (Lypla1), mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 85 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000027036 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4797904:4836820:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 85 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// BC013536 // GenBank // Mus musculus lysophospholipase 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:19218 IMAGE:4240573), complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 85 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// BC052848 // GenBank // Mus musculus lysophospholipase 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:60679 IMAGE:30055025), complete cds. // chr1 // 94 // 85 // 16 // 17 // 0 /// U89352 // GenBank // Mus musculus lysophospholipase I mRNA, complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 75 // 15 // 15 // 0 /// CT010201 // GenBank // Mus musculus full open reading frame cDNA clone RZPDo836F0950D for gene Lypla1, Lysophospholipase 1; complete cds, incl. stopcodon. // chr1 // 100 // 70 // 14 // 14 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000134384 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4797869:4838491:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:nonsense_mediated_decay // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 36 // 36 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000150971 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4797999:4831367:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:retained_intron // chr1 // 100 // 70 // 14 // 14 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000134384 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4797869:4838491:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:nonsense_mediated_decay // chr1 // 100 // 60 // 12 // 12 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000155020 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4797973:4876851:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:nonsense_mediated_decay // chr1 // 100 // 60 // 12 // 12 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000141278 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4826986:4832908:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:retained_intron // chr1 // 100 // 25 // 5 // 5 // 0 /// AK050549 // GenBank HTC // Mus musculus adult pancreas islet cells cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:C820014D19 product:lysophospholipase 1, full insert sequence. // chr1 // 100 // 70 // 14 // 14 // 0 /// AK167231 // GenBank HTC // Mus musculus blastocyst blastocyst cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:I1C0043L13 product:lysophospholipase 1, full insert sequence. // chr1 // 100 // 70 // 14 // 14 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000115529 // ENSEMBL // cdna:novel chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4797992:4835433:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 65 // 13 // 13 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000137887 // ENSEMBL // cdna:novel chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4797979:4831050:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 55 // 11 // 11 // 0 /// AK034851 // GenBank HTC // Mus musculus 12 days embryo embryonic body between diaphragm region and neck cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:9430047N20 product:lysophospholipase 1, full insert sequence. // chr1 // 100 // 25 // 5 // 5 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000131119 // ENSEMBL // cdna:putative chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4798318:4831174:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 75 // 15 // 15 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000119612 // ENSEMBL // cdna:putative chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4797977:4835255:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025903 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:processed_transcript // chr1 // 100 // 50 // 10 // 10 // 0 /// GENSCAN00000010943 // ENSEMBL // cdna:genscan chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4803477:4844373:1 transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 25 // 5 // 5 // 0 NM_008866 // P97823 /// BC013536 // P97823 /// BC052848 // P97823 /// U89352 // P97823 /// CT010201 // Q4FK51 /// CT010201 // P97823 /// AK050549 // P97823 /// AK167231 // P97823 NM_008866 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000027036 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// BC013536 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// BC052848 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// U89352 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// CT010201 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000134384 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000150971 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000134384 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000155020 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000141278 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// AK050549 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// AK167231 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000115529 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000137887 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// AK034851 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000131119 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000119612 // Mm.299955 // bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| molar| ovary| pancreas| pituitary gland| salivary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus|oocyte| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult NM_008866 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_008866 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027036 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027036 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC013536 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC013536 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC052848 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC052848 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// U89352 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// U89352 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// CT010201 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// CT010201 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150971 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150971 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000155020 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000155020 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000141278 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000141278 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK050549 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK050549 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK167231 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK167231 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000115529 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000115529 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000137887 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000137887 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK034851 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK034851 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131119 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131119 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000119612 // GO:0006629 // lipid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000119612 // GO:0006631 // fatty acid metabolic process // inferred from electronic annotation NM_008866 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_008866 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000027036 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027036 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// BC013536 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC013536 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// BC052848 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC052848 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// U89352 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// U89352 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// CT010201 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// CT010201 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000150971 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150971 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000155020 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000155020 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000141278 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000141278 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// AK050549 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK050549 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// AK167231 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK167231 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000115529 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000115529 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000137887 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000137887 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// AK034851 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK034851 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000131119 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131119 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000119612 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000119612 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay NM_008866 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// NM_008866 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// NM_008866 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027036 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027036 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027036 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC013536 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// BC013536 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// BC013536 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC052848 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// BC052848 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// BC052848 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// U89352 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// U89352 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// U89352 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// CT010201 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// CT010201 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// CT010201 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150971 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000150971 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000150971 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000134384 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000155020 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000155020 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000155020 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000141278 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000141278 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000141278 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK050549 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// AK050549 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// AK050549 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK167231 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// AK167231 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// AK167231 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000115529 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000115529 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000115529 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000137887 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000137887 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000137887 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK034851 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// AK034851 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// AK034851 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131119 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000131119 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000131119 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000119612 // GO:0004622 // lysophospholipase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000119612 // GO:0008474 // palmitoyl-(protein) hydrolase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000119612 // GO:0016787 // hydrolase activity // inferred from electronic annotation --- ENSMUST00000027036 // Pfam // IPR003140 // Phospholipase/carboxylesterase/thioesterase /// ENSMUST00000027036 // Pfam // IPR013094 // Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-3 /// ENSMUST00000115529 // Pfam // IPR003140 // Phospholipase/carboxylesterase/thioesterase /// ENSMUST00000137887 // Pfam // IPR003140 // Phospholipase/carboxylesterase/thioesterase /// ENSMUST00000137887 // Pfam // IPR013094 // Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-3 /// ENSMUST00000131119 // Pfam // IPR003140 // Phospholipase/carboxylesterase/thioesterase /// ENSMUST00000131119 // Pfam // IPR013094 // Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-3 1 main
17210869 17210869 chr1(+):4857694-4897909 chr1 + 4857694 4897909 21 NM_001159751 // Tcea1 // transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 // 1 A1|1 // 21399 /// ENSMUST00000165720 // Tcea1 // transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 // 1 A1|1 // 21399 /// NM_011541 // Tcea1 // transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 // 1 A1|1 // 21399 /// NM_001159750 // Tcea1 // transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 // 1 A1|1 // 21399 /// ENSMUST00000081551 // Tcea1 // transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 // 1 A1|1 // 21399 /// M18210 // Tcea1 // transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 // 1 A1|1 // 21399 NM_001159751 // RefSeq // Mus musculus transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 (Tcea1), transcript variant 1, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 81 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000165720 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4848409:4887987:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033813 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 81 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// NM_011541 // RefSeq // Mus musculus transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 (Tcea1), transcript variant 2, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 76 // 16 // 16 // 0 /// NM_001159750 // RefSeq // Mus musculus transcription elongation factor A (SII) 1 (Tcea1), transcript variant 3, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 76 // 16 // 16 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000081551 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4847775:4887987:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033813 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 76 // 16 // 16 // 0 /// M18210 // GenBank // Mouse transcription factor S-II, clone PSII-3. // chr1 // 100 // 67 // 14 // 14 // 0 NM_011541 // Q3UPE0 /// NM_011541 // Q3UWX7 /// NM_011541 // P10711 /// NM_001159750 // Q3UPE0 /// NM_001159750 // Q3UWX7 /// NM_001159750 // P10711 /// M18210 // P10711 NM_001159751 // Mm.207263 // blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| tongue| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000165720 // Mm.207263 // blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| tongue| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_011541 // Mm.207263 // blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| tongue| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_001159750 // Mm.207263 // blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| tongue| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000081551 // Mm.207263 // blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| tongue| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// M18210 // Mm.207263 // blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| tongue| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult NM_001159751 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159751 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159751 // GO:0006357 // regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159751 // GO:0030218 // erythrocyte differentiation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_001159751 // GO:0032784 // regulation of transcription elongation, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159751 // GO:0045893 // positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001159751 // GO:0045944 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0006357 // regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0030218 // erythrocyte differentiation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0032784 // regulation of transcription elongation, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0045893 // positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0045944 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from direct assay /// NM_011541 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011541 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011541 // GO:0006357 // regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011541 // GO:0030218 // erythrocyte differentiation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_011541 // GO:0032784 // regulation of transcription elongation, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011541 // GO:0045893 // positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from direct assay /// NM_011541 // GO:0045944 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001159750 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159750 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159750 // GO:0006357 // regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159750 // GO:0030218 // erythrocyte differentiation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_001159750 // GO:0032784 // regulation of transcription elongation, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159750 // GO:0045893 // positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001159750 // GO:0045944 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0006357 // regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0030218 // erythrocyte differentiation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0032784 // regulation of transcription elongation, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0045893 // positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0045944 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from direct assay /// M18210 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// M18210 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// M18210 // GO:0006357 // regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from electronic annotation /// M18210 // GO:0030218 // erythrocyte differentiation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// M18210 // GO:0032784 // regulation of transcription elongation, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// M18210 // GO:0045893 // positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from direct assay /// M18210 // GO:0045944 // positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // inferred from direct assay NM_001159751 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// NM_001159751 // GO:0005654 // nucleoplasm // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001159751 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0005654 // nucleoplasm // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded /// NM_011541 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// NM_011541 // GO:0005654 // nucleoplasm // inferred from direct assay /// NM_011541 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded /// NM_001159750 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// NM_001159750 // GO:0005654 // nucleoplasm // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001159750 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0005654 // nucleoplasm // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded /// M18210 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// M18210 // GO:0005654 // nucleoplasm // inferred from direct assay /// M18210 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded NM_001159751 // GO:0003676 // nucleic acid binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159751 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159751 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// NM_001159751 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159751 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0003676 // nucleic acid binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000165720 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011541 // GO:0003676 // nucleic acid binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011541 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011541 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// NM_011541 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011541 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159750 // GO:0003676 // nucleic acid binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159750 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159750 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// NM_001159750 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001159750 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0003676 // nucleic acid binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000081551 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// M18210 // GO:0003676 // nucleic acid binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// M18210 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// M18210 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// M18210 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// M18210 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation --- ENSMUST00000165720 // Pfam // IPR001222 // Zinc finger, TFIIS-type /// ENSMUST00000165720 // Pfam // IPR003618 // Transcription elongation factor S-II, central domain /// ENSMUST00000165720 // Pfam // IPR017923 // Transcription factor IIS, N-terminal /// ENSMUST00000081551 // Pfam // IPR001222 // Zinc finger, TFIIS-type /// ENSMUST00000081551 // Pfam // IPR003618 // Transcription elongation factor S-II, central domain /// ENSMUST00000081551 // Pfam // IPR017923 // Transcription factor IIS, N-terminal 1 main
17210883 17210883 chr1(+):4970857-4976820 chr1 + 4970857 4976820 23 --- ENSMUST00000144339 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:4960938:4966901:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000085623 gene_biotype:antisense transcript_biotype:antisense // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 23 // 23 // 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 main
17210887 17210887 chr1(+):5083173-5162549 chr1 + 5083173 5162549 25 NM_133826 // Atp6v1h // ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit H // 1 A1|1 // 108664 /// ENSMUST00000044369 // Atp6v1h // ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit H // 1 A1|1 // 108664 /// BC009154 // Atp6v1h // ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit H // 1 A1|1 // 108664 NM_133826 // RefSeq // Mus musculus ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit H (Atp6v1h), mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 25 // 25 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000044369 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:5073254:5152630:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033793 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 25 // 25 // 0 /// BC009154 // GenBank // Mus musculus ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit H, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:11985 IMAGE:3601621), complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 25 // 25 // 0 NM_133826 // Q8BVE3 /// BC009154 // Q8BVE3 NM_133826 // Mm.27082 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| epididymis| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| nasopharynx| ovary| oviduct| pancreas| pituitary gland| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| vagina|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000044369 // Mm.27082 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| epididymis| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| nasopharynx| ovary| oviduct| pancreas| pituitary gland| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| vagina|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// BC009154 // Mm.27082 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| epididymis| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| nasopharynx| ovary| oviduct| pancreas| pituitary gland| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| vagina|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| zygote| blastocyst| egg cylinder| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult NM_133826 // GO:0006810 // transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133826 // GO:0006811 // ion transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133826 // GO:0006897 // endocytosis // not recorded /// NM_133826 // GO:0015991 // ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133826 // GO:0015992 // proton transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000044369 // GO:0006810 // transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000044369 // GO:0006811 // ion transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000044369 // GO:0006897 // endocytosis // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000044369 // GO:0015991 // ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000044369 // GO:0015992 // proton transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC009154 // GO:0006810 // transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC009154 // GO:0006811 // ion transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC009154 // GO:0006897 // endocytosis // not recorded /// BC009154 // GO:0015991 // ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC009154 // GO:0015992 // proton transport // inferred from electronic annotation NM_133826 // GO:0000221 // vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000044369 // GO:0000221 // vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC009154 // GO:0000221 // vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase, V1 domain // inferred from electronic annotation NM_133826 // GO:0016820 // hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133826 // GO:0046961 // proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000044369 // GO:0016820 // hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000044369 // GO:0046961 // proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC009154 // GO:0016820 // hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, catalyzing transmembrane movement of substances // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC009154 // GO:0046961 // proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism // inferred from electronic annotation --- ENSMUST00000044369 // Pfam // IPR004908 // ATPase, V1 complex, subunit H /// ENSMUST00000044369 // Pfam // IPR011987 // ATPase, V1 complex, subunit H, C-terminal 1 main
17210904 17210904 chr1(+):5588493-5606133 chr1 + 5588493 5606133 22 NM_001204371 // Oprk1 // opioid receptor, kappa 1 // 1 A2-A3|1 5.5 cM // 18387 /// NM_011011 // Oprk1 // opioid receptor, kappa 1 // 1 A2-A3|1 5.5 cM // 18387 /// ENSMUST00000160777 // Oprk1 // opioid receptor, kappa 1 // 1 A2-A3|1 5.5 cM // 18387 /// ENSMUST00000160339 // Oprk1 // opioid receptor, kappa 1 // 1 A2-A3|1 5.5 cM // 18387 /// ENSMUST00000027038 // Oprk1 // opioid receptor, kappa 1 // 1 A2-A3|1 5.5 cM // 18387 /// L11065 // Oprk1 // opioid receptor, kappa 1 // 1 A2-A3|1 5.5 cM // 18387 /// ENSMUST00000159083 // Oprk1 // opioid receptor, kappa 1 // 1 A2-A3|1 5.5 cM // 18387 NM_001204371 // RefSeq // Mus musculus opioid receptor, kappa 1 (Oprk1), transcript variant 1, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 91 // 20 // 20 // 0 /// NM_011011 // RefSeq // Mus musculus opioid receptor, kappa 1 (Oprk1), transcript variant 2, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 77 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000160777 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:5578574:5596212:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025905 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 77 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000160339 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:5579022:5594095:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025905 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 77 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000027038 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:5578638:5592947:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025905 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 64 // 14 // 14 // 0 /// L11065 // GenBank // Mouse kappa opioid receptor mRNA, complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 59 // 13 // 13 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000159083 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:5586599:5593234:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025905 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:retained_intron // chr1 // 100 // 32 // 7 // 7 // 0 NM_001204371 // Q3UVW8 /// NM_011011 // Q3UVW8 /// L11065 // P33534 /// L11065 // Q3UVW8 NM_001204371 // Mm.7977 // brain| embryonic tissue| gastrula| adult /// NM_011011 // Mm.7977 // brain| embryonic tissue| gastrula| adult /// ENSMUST00000160777 // Mm.7977 // brain| embryonic tissue| gastrula| adult /// ENSMUST00000160339 // Mm.7977 // brain| embryonic tissue| gastrula| adult /// ENSMUST00000027038 // Mm.7977 // brain| embryonic tissue| gastrula| adult /// L11065 // Mm.7977 // brain| embryonic tissue| gastrula| adult /// ENSMUST00000159083 // Mm.7977 // brain| embryonic tissue| gastrula| adult NM_001204371 // GO:0006955 // immune response // not recorded /// NM_001204371 // GO:0007165 // signal transduction // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001204371 // GO:0007186 // G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001204371 // GO:0007200 // phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// NM_001204371 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001204371 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// NM_001204371 // GO:0051607 // defense response to virus // not recorded /// NM_011011 // GO:0006955 // immune response // not recorded /// NM_011011 // GO:0007165 // signal transduction // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0007186 // G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0007200 // phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// NM_011011 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// NM_011011 // GO:0051607 // defense response to virus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0006955 // immune response // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0007165 // signal transduction // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0007186 // G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0007200 // phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0051607 // defense response to virus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0006955 // immune response // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0007165 // signal transduction // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0007186 // G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0007200 // phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0051607 // defense response to virus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0006955 // immune response // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0007165 // signal transduction // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0007186 // G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0007200 // phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0051607 // defense response to virus // not recorded /// L11065 // GO:0006955 // immune response // not recorded /// L11065 // GO:0007165 // signal transduction // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0007186 // G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0007200 // phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// L11065 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// L11065 // GO:0051607 // defense response to virus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0006955 // immune response // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0007165 // signal transduction // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0007186 // G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0007200 // phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0038003 // opioid receptor signaling pathway // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0051607 // defense response to virus // not recorded NM_001204371 // GO:0005886 // plasma membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001204371 // GO:0016020 // membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001204371 // GO:0016021 // integral to membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0005886 // plasma membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0016020 // membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0016021 // integral to membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0005886 // plasma membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0016020 // membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0016021 // integral to membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0005886 // plasma membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0016020 // membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0016021 // integral to membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0005886 // plasma membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0016020 // membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0016021 // integral to membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0005886 // plasma membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0016020 // membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0016021 // integral to membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0005886 // plasma membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0016020 // membrane // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0016021 // integral to membrane // inferred from electronic annotation NM_001204371 // GO:0004871 // signal transducer activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001204371 // GO:0004872 // receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001204371 // GO:0004930 // G-protein coupled receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001204371 // GO:0004985 // opioid receptor activity // traceable author statement /// NM_001204371 // GO:0038048 // dynorphin receptor activity // not recorded /// NM_011011 // GO:0004871 // signal transducer activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0004872 // receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0004930 // G-protein coupled receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_011011 // GO:0004985 // opioid receptor activity // traceable author statement /// NM_011011 // GO:0038048 // dynorphin receptor activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0004871 // signal transducer activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0004872 // receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0004930 // G-protein coupled receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0004985 // opioid receptor activity // traceable author statement /// ENSMUST00000160777 // GO:0038048 // dynorphin receptor activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0004871 // signal transducer activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0004872 // receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0004930 // G-protein coupled receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0004985 // opioid receptor activity // traceable author statement /// ENSMUST00000160339 // GO:0038048 // dynorphin receptor activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0004871 // signal transducer activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0004872 // receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0004930 // G-protein coupled receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0004985 // opioid receptor activity // traceable author statement /// ENSMUST00000027038 // GO:0038048 // dynorphin receptor activity // not recorded /// L11065 // GO:0004871 // signal transducer activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0004872 // receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0004930 // G-protein coupled receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// L11065 // GO:0004985 // opioid receptor activity // traceable author statement /// L11065 // GO:0038048 // dynorphin receptor activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0004871 // signal transducer activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0004872 // receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0004930 // G-protein coupled receptor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0004985 // opioid receptor activity // traceable author statement /// ENSMUST00000159083 // GO:0038048 // dynorphin receptor activity // not recorded L11065 // GenMAPP // GPCRDB_Class_A_Rhodopsin-like /// L11065 // GenMAPP // GPCRDB_Other /// L11065 // GenMAPP // Peptide_GPCRs ENSMUST00000160777 // Pfam // IPR000276 // GPCR, rhodopsin-like, 7TM /// ENSMUST00000160777 // Pfam // IPR019424 // 7TM GPCR, olfactory receptor/chemoreceptor Srsx /// ENSMUST00000160777 // Pfam // IPR019426 // 7TM GPCR, serpentine receptor class v (Srv) /// ENSMUST00000160777 // Pfam // IPR019430 // 7TM GPCR, serpentine receptor class x (Srx) /// ENSMUST00000160339 // Pfam // IPR000276 // GPCR, rhodopsin-like, 7TM /// ENSMUST00000160339 // Pfam // IPR019424 // 7TM GPCR, olfactory receptor/chemoreceptor Srsx /// ENSMUST00000160339 // Pfam // IPR019426 // 7TM GPCR, serpentine receptor class v (Srv) /// ENSMUST00000160339 // Pfam // IPR019430 // 7TM GPCR, serpentine receptor class x (Srx) /// ENSMUST00000027038 // Pfam // IPR000276 // GPCR, rhodopsin-like, 7TM /// ENSMUST00000027038 // Pfam // IPR019424 // 7TM GPCR, olfactory receptor/chemoreceptor Srsx /// ENSMUST00000027038 // Pfam // IPR019426 // 7TM GPCR, serpentine receptor class v (Srv) /// ENSMUST00000027038 // Pfam // IPR019430 // 7TM GPCR, serpentine receptor class x (Srx) 1 main
17210912 17210912 chr1(+):6206197-6276648 chr1 + 6206197 6276648 28 ENSMUST00000027040 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// NM_009826 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// AB070619 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// AB050017 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// BC150774 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000167867 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000159906 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000160871 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000159802 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000162257 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000162210 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000160062 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000159661 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000159656 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000161327 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// AK165119 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// AK020027 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000162795 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 /// ENSMUST00000159530 // Rb1cc1 // RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 // 1|1 A2 // 12421 ENSMUST00000027040 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6204726:6266729:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 89 // 25 // 25 // 0 /// NM_009826 // RefSeq // Mus musculus RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 (Rb1cc1), mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 24 // 24 // 0 /// AB070619 // GenBank // Mus musculus Rb1cc1 mRNA for transcription factor, complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 24 // 24 // 0 /// AB050017 // GenBank // Mus musculus CC1 mRNA for coiled-coil protein, complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 24 // 24 // 0 /// BC150774 // GenBank // Mus musculus RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:183685 IMAGE:9087685), complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 75 // 21 // 21 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000167867 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6204743:6266179:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 24 // 24 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000159906 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6196278:6224392:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 21 // 6 // 6 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000160871 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6196308:6228465:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 21 // 6 // 6 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000159802 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6231051:6238439:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:retained_intron // chr1 // 100 // 21 // 6 // 6 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000162257 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6239169:6264571:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:nonsense_mediated_decay // chr1 // 100 // 21 // 6 // 6 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000162210 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6204744:6220785:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:retained_intron // chr1 // 100 // 14 // 4 // 4 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000160062 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6205089:6224091:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 14 // 4 // 4 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000159661 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6240176:6255891:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:retained_intron // chr1 // 100 // 14 // 4 // 4 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000159656 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6260759:6265656:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:retained_intron // chr1 // 100 // 14 // 4 // 4 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000161327 // ENSEMBL // cdna:novel chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6224360:6265658:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 64 // 18 // 18 // 0 /// AK165119 // GenBank HTC // Mus musculus 2 days pregnant adult female ovary cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:E330018H07 product:RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1, full insert sequence. // chr1 // 100 // 21 // 6 // 6 // 0 /// AK020027 // GenBank HTC // Mus musculus 13 days embryo forelimb cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:5930404L04 product:hypothetical protein, full insert sequence. // chr1 // 100 // 14 // 4 // 4 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000162795 // ENSEMBL // cdna:putative chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6218083:6239110:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 46 // 13 // 13 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000159530 // ENSEMBL // cdna:putative chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6253014:6264570:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025907 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 18 // 5 // 5 // 0 /// GENSCAN00000018628 // ENSEMBL // cdna:genscan chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6204213:6362066:1 transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 61 // 17 // 17 // 0 NM_009826 // Q9ESK9 /// NM_009826 // Q6NZG0 /// NM_009826 // Q8CHH8 /// AB070619 // Q9ESK9 /// AB070619 // Q6NZG0 /// AB070619 // Q8CHH8 /// AB050017 // Q9ESK9 /// AB050017 // Q6NZG0 /// AB050017 // Q8CHH8 /// BC150774 // B2RX00 /// BC150774 // Q9ESK9 /// BC150774 // Q6NZG0 /// BC150774 // Q8CHH8 /// AK020027 // Q8BT47 ENSMUST00000027040 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_009826 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// AB070619 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// AB050017 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// BC150774 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000167867 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000159906 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000160871 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000159802 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000162257 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000162210 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000160062 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000159661 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000159656 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000161327 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// AK165119 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// AK020027 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000162795 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000159530 // Mm.293811 // adrenal gland| bladder| blood| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| muscle| nasopharynx| ovary| pancreas| prostate| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| uterus|oocyte| unfertilized ovum| cleavage| morula| blastocyst| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_009826 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_009826 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_009826 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_009826 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_009826 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_009826 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_009826 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_009826 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// NM_009826 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_009826 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_009826 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// NM_009826 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB070619 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB070619 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB070619 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB070619 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// AB070619 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// AB070619 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// AB070619 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// AB070619 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// AB070619 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB070619 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB070619 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB070619 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB050017 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB050017 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB050017 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB050017 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// AB050017 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// AB050017 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// AB050017 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// AB050017 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// AB050017 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB050017 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB050017 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AB050017 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// BC150774 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// BC150774 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// BC150774 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// BC150774 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC150774 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC150774 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC150774 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC150774 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// BC150774 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// BC150774 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// BC150774 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// BC150774 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK165119 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK165119 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK165119 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK165119 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK165119 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK165119 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK165119 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK165119 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// AK165119 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK165119 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK165119 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK165119 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK020027 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK020027 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK020027 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK020027 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK020027 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK020027 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK020027 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// AK020027 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// AK020027 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK020027 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK020027 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// AK020027 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0000045 // autophagic vacuole assembly // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0001889 // liver development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0001934 // positive regulation of protein phosphorylation // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0006914 // autophagy // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0007049 // cell cycle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0007254 // JNK cascade // inferred from genetic interaction /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0007507 // heart development // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0010506 // regulation of autophagy // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0043066 // negative regulation of apoptotic process // inferred from mutant phenotype /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0045793 // positive regulation of cell size // inferred from mutant phenotype ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// NM_009826 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// NM_009826 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// NM_009826 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// NM_009826 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// NM_009826 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// NM_009826 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// NM_009826 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// AB070619 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// AB070619 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// AB070619 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// AB070619 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// AB070619 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// AB070619 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// AB070619 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// AB050017 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// AB050017 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// AB050017 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// AB050017 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// AB050017 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// AB050017 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// AB050017 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// BC150774 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// BC150774 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// BC150774 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// BC150774 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// BC150774 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// BC150774 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// BC150774 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// AK165119 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// AK165119 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// AK165119 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// AK165119 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// AK165119 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// AK165119 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// AK165119 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// AK020027 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// AK020027 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// AK020027 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// AK020027 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// AK020027 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// AK020027 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// AK020027 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0000407 // pre-autophagosomal structure // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from sequence or structural similarity /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0034045 // pre-autophagosomal structure membrane // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0070969 // ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex // not recorded ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000027040 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// NM_009826 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// NM_009826 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// AB070619 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// AB070619 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// AB050017 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// AB050017 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// BC150774 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// BC150774 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000167867 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159906 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000160871 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159802 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162257 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162210 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000160062 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159661 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159656 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000161327 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// AK165119 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// AK165119 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// AK020027 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// AK020027 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000162795 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000159530 // GO:0019901 // protein kinase binding // inferred from physical interaction --- ENSMUST00000027040 // Pfam // IPR019460 // Autophagy-related protein 11 /// ENSMUST00000167867 // Pfam // IPR019460 // Autophagy-related protein 11 /// ENSMUST00000159906 // Pfam // IPR000626 // Ubiquitin /// ENSMUST00000161327 // Pfam // IPR019460 // Autophagy-related protein 11 /// ENSMUST00000159530 // Pfam // IPR019460 // Autophagy-related protein 11 1 main
17210947 17210947 chr1(+):6359331-6394731 chr1 + 6359331 6394731 21 NM_001195732 // Fam150a // family with sequence similarity 150, member A // 1 A1|1 // 620393 NM_001195732 // RefSeq // Mus musculus family with sequence similarity 150, member A (Fam150a), mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 21 // 21 // 0 --- NM_001195732 // Mm.388992 // lung| neonate NM_001195732 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available NM_001195732 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available NM_001195732 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available --- --- 1 main
17210953 17210953 chr1(+):6487231-6860940 chr1 + 6487231 6860940 24 NR_045188 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000043578 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// NM_001244692 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// NR_045189 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000140079 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000150761 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// NM_001244693 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// NM_173868 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000131494 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000163727 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000151281 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// BC118528 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000151015 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000126379 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000139756 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 /// ENSMUST00000124167 // St18 // suppression of tumorigenicity 18 // 1 A1|1 // 240690 NR_045188 // RefSeq // Mus musculus suppression of tumorigenicity 18 (St18), transcript variant 4, non-coding RNA. // chr1 // 100 // 88 // 21 // 21 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000043578 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6720132:6851021:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 88 // 21 // 21 // 0 /// NM_001244692 // RefSeq // Mus musculus suppression of tumorigenicity 18 (St18), transcript variant 1, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 83 // 20 // 20 // 0 /// NR_045189 // RefSeq // Mus musculus suppression of tumorigenicity 18 (St18), transcript variant 5, non-coding RNA. // chr1 // 100 // 83 // 20 // 20 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000140079 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6477312:6851015:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 83 // 20 // 20 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000150761 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6720182:6849551:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 83 // 20 // 20 // 0 /// NM_001244693 // RefSeq // Mus musculus suppression of tumorigenicity 18 (St18), transcript variant 2, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 79 // 19 // 19 // 0 /// NM_173868 // RefSeq // Mus musculus suppression of tumorigenicity 18 (St18), transcript variant 3, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 79 // 19 // 19 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000131494 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6477412:6851021:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 79 // 19 // 19 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000163727 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6727656:6851015:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 79 // 19 // 19 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000151281 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6720183:6848894:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 75 // 18 // 18 // 0 /// BC118528 // GenBank // Mus musculus suppression of tumorigenicity 18, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:144173 IMAGE:40098452), complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 83 // 20 // 20 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000151015 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6817978:6839065:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:processed_transcript // chr1 // 100 // 25 // 6 // 6 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000126379 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6835649:6848573:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:processed_transcript // chr1 // 100 // 21 // 5 // 5 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000139756 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6720134:6785506:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:processed_transcript // chr1 // 100 // 17 // 4 // 4 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000124167 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:6720224:6785485:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000033740 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:processed_transcript // chr1 // 100 // 13 // 3 // 3 // 0 NR_045188 // Q80TY4 /// NM_001244692 // Q80TY4 /// NR_045189 // Q80TY4 /// NM_001244693 // Q80TY4 /// NM_173868 // Q80TY4 /// BC118528 // Q148A0 /// BC118528 // Q80TY4 NR_045188 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000043578 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_001244692 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NR_045189 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000140079 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000150761 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_001244693 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_173868 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000131494 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000163727 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000151281 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// BC118528 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000151015 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000126379 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000139756 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000124167 // Mm.234612 // brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| intestine| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| stomach| sympathetic ganglion| thymus| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult NR_045188 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// NR_045188 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_045188 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000043578 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000043578 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000043578 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244692 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// NM_001244692 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244692 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_045189 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// NR_045189 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_045189 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000140079 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000140079 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000140079 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150761 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000150761 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150761 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244693 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// NM_001244693 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244693 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_173868 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// NM_173868 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_173868 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131494 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000131494 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131494 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000163727 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000163727 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000163727 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151281 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000151281 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151281 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC118528 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// BC118528 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC118528 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151015 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000151015 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151015 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000126379 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000126379 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000126379 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000139756 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000139756 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000139756 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000124167 // GO:0000122 // negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000124167 // GO:0006351 // transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000124167 // GO:0006355 // regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent // inferred from electronic annotation NR_045188 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000043578 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// NM_001244692 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// NR_045189 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000140079 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000150761 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// NM_001244693 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// NM_173868 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000131494 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000163727 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000151281 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// BC118528 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000151015 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000126379 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000139756 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000124167 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // not recorded NR_045188 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// NR_045188 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_045188 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_045188 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000043578 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000043578 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000043578 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000043578 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244692 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// NM_001244692 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244692 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244692 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_045189 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// NR_045189 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_045189 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_045189 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000140079 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000140079 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000140079 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000140079 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150761 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000150761 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150761 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000150761 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244693 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// NM_001244693 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244693 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001244693 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_173868 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// NM_173868 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_173868 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_173868 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131494 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000131494 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131494 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000131494 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000163727 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000163727 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000163727 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000163727 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151281 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000151281 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151281 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151281 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC118528 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// BC118528 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC118528 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC118528 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151015 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000151015 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151015 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000151015 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000126379 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000126379 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000126379 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000126379 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000139756 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000139756 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000139756 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000139756 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000124167 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000124167 // GO:0003700 // sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000124167 // GO:0008270 // zinc ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000124167 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation --- ENSMUST00000043578 // Pfam // IPR002515 // Zinc finger, C2HC-type /// ENSMUST00000043578 // Pfam // IPR013681 // Myelin transcription factor 1 /// ENSMUST00000140079 // Pfam // IPR002515 // Zinc finger, C2HC-type /// ENSMUST00000140079 // Pfam // IPR013681 // Myelin transcription factor 1 /// ENSMUST00000150761 // Pfam // IPR002515 // Zinc finger, C2HC-type /// ENSMUST00000150761 // Pfam // IPR013681 // Myelin transcription factor 1 /// ENSMUST00000131494 // Pfam // IPR002515 // Zinc finger, C2HC-type /// ENSMUST00000131494 // Pfam // IPR013681 // Myelin transcription factor 1 /// ENSMUST00000163727 // Pfam // IPR002515 // Zinc finger, C2HC-type /// ENSMUST00000163727 // Pfam // IPR013681 // Myelin transcription factor 1 /// ENSMUST00000151281 // Pfam // IPR002515 // Zinc finger, C2HC-type /// ENSMUST00000151281 // Pfam // IPR013681 // Myelin transcription factor 1 1 main
17210984 17210984 chr1(+):7088920-7173628 chr1 + 7088920 7173628 22 NM_183028 // Pcmtd1 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 // 1 A1|1 // 319263 /// ENSMUST00000061280 // Pcmtd1 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 // 1 A1|1 // 319263 /// BC110360 // Pcmtd1 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 // 1 A1|1 // 319263 /// ENSMUST00000172291 // Pcmtd1 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 // 1 A1|1 // 319263 /// ENSMUST00000097828 // Pcmtd1 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 // 1 A1|1 // 319263 NM_183028 // RefSeq // Mus musculus protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1 (Pcmtd1), mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 19 // 19 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000061280 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:7079001:7163707:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000051285 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 19 // 19 // 0 /// BC110360 // GenBank // Mus musculus protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase domain containing 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:117877 IMAGE:5326388), complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 77 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000172291 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:7079001:7163707:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000051285 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 19 // 19 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000097828 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:7156542:7159968:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000051285 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 23 // 5 // 5 // 0 NM_183028 // Q3TGS5 /// NM_183028 // Q3TM36 /// BC110360 // Q3TGS5 /// BC110360 // Q3TM36 NM_183028 // Mm.489596 // bladder| blood| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| epididymis| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| ovary| oviduct| pancreas| pituitary gland| prostate| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| uterus| vagina| zygote| cleavage| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000061280 // Mm.489596 // bladder| blood| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| epididymis| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| ovary| oviduct| pancreas| pituitary gland| prostate| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| uterus| vagina| zygote| cleavage| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// BC110360 // Mm.489596 // bladder| blood| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| epididymis| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| ovary| oviduct| pancreas| pituitary gland| prostate| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| uterus| vagina| zygote| cleavage| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000172291 // Mm.489596 // bladder| blood| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| epididymis| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| ovary| oviduct| pancreas| pituitary gland| prostate| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| uterus| vagina| zygote| cleavage| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000097828 // Mm.489596 // bladder| blood| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| epididymis| extraembryonic tissue| eye| fertilized ovum| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| mammary gland| ovary| oviduct| pancreas| pituitary gland| prostate| salivary gland| skin| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| thyroid| uterus| vagina| zygote| cleavage| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult NM_183028 // GO:0006464 // cellular protein modification process // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_183028 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// NM_183028 // GO:0032259 // methylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0006464 // cellular protein modification process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0032259 // methylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC110360 // GO:0006464 // cellular protein modification process // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC110360 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// BC110360 // GO:0032259 // methylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0006464 // cellular protein modification process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0032259 // methylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0006464 // cellular protein modification process // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0032259 // methylation // inferred from electronic annotation NM_183028 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// NM_183028 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC110360 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// BC110360 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0005737 // cytoplasm // inferred from electronic annotation NM_183028 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// NM_183028 // GO:0004719 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_183028 // GO:0008168 // methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_183028 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0004719 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0008168 // methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000061280 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC110360 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// BC110360 // GO:0004719 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC110360 // GO:0008168 // methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC110360 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0004719 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0008168 // methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000172291 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0004719 // protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0008168 // methyltransferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097828 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation --- ENSMUST00000061280 // Pfam // IPR000682 // Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase /// ENSMUST00000172291 // Pfam // IPR000682 // Protein-L-isoaspartate(D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase 1 main
17210994 17210994 chr1(+):7265803-7265932 chr1 + 7265803 7265932 9 --- ENSMUST00000104056 // ENSEMBL // ncrna:snoRNA chromosome:NCBIM37:1:7255884:7256013:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000077244 gene_biotype:snoRNA transcript_biotype:snoRNA // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 9 // 9 // 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3 main
17210996 17210996 chr1(+):8816138-8816247 chr1 + 8816138 8816247 13 --- ENSMUST00000102181 // ENSEMBL // ncrna:miRNA chromosome:NCBIM37:1:8806219:8806328:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000076135 gene_biotype:miRNA transcript_biotype:miRNA // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 13 // 13 // 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3 main
17210998 17210998 chr1(+):9458670-9458772 chr1 + 9458670 9458772 8 --- ENSMUST00000083691 // ENSEMBL // ncrna:snRNA chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9448751:9448853:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000065625 gene_biotype:snRNA transcript_biotype:snRNA // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 24 // 21 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000083691 // ENSEMBL // ncrna:snRNA chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9448751:9448853:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000065625 gene_biotype:snRNA transcript_biotype:snRNA // chr1 // 100 // 88 // 8 // 7 // 0 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 3 main
17211000 17211000 chr1(+):9545408-9547455 chr1 + 9545408 9547455 15 NM_021511 // Rrs1 // RRS1 ribosome biogenesis regulator homolog (S. cerevisiae) // 1 A2|1 8.0 cM // 59014 /// ENSMUST00000072079 // Rrs1 // RRS1 ribosome biogenesis regulator homolog (S. cerevisiae) // 1 A2|1 8.0 cM // 59014 /// BC055925 // Rrs1 // RRS1 ribosome biogenesis regulator homolog (S. cerevisiae) // 1 A2|1 8.0 cM // 59014 NM_021511 // RefSeq // Mus musculus RRS1 ribosome biogenesis regulator homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Rrs1), mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 15 // 15 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000072079 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9535489:9537535:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000061024 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 15 // 15 // 0 /// BC055925 // GenBank // Mus musculus RRS1 ribosome biogenesis regulator homolog (S. cerevisiae), mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:68331 IMAGE:4235851), complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 93 // 14 // 14 // 0 NM_021511 // Q9CYH6 /// NM_021511 // Q80U76 /// BC055925 // Q9CYH6 /// BC055925 // Q80U76 NM_021511 // Mm.29061 // bladder| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus| tongue| uterus| vagina| cleavage| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000072079 // Mm.29061 // bladder| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus| tongue| uterus| vagina| cleavage| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// BC055925 // Mm.29061 // bladder| bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| heart| inner ear| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spleen| testis| thymus| tongue| uterus| vagina| cleavage| blastocyst| gastrula| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult NM_021511 // GO:0007080 // mitotic metaphase plate congression // not recorded /// NM_021511 // GO:0042254 // ribosome biogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000072079 // GO:0007080 // mitotic metaphase plate congression // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000072079 // GO:0042254 // ribosome biogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC055925 // GO:0007080 // mitotic metaphase plate congression // not recorded /// BC055925 // GO:0042254 // ribosome biogenesis // inferred from electronic annotation NM_021511 // GO:0000794 // condensed nuclear chromosome // not recorded /// NM_021511 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_021511 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // inferred from direct assay /// NM_021511 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded /// NM_021511 // GO:0005783 // endoplasmic reticulum // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000072079 // GO:0000794 // condensed nuclear chromosome // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000072079 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000072079 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000072079 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000072079 // GO:0005783 // endoplasmic reticulum // inferred from direct assay /// BC055925 // GO:0000794 // condensed nuclear chromosome // not recorded /// BC055925 // GO:0005634 // nucleus // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC055925 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // inferred from direct assay /// BC055925 // GO:0005730 // nucleolus // not recorded /// BC055925 // GO:0005783 // endoplasmic reticulum // inferred from direct assay NM_021511 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// ENSMUST00000072079 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction /// BC055925 // GO:0005515 // protein binding // inferred from physical interaction --- ENSMUST00000072079 // Pfam // IPR007023 // Ribosomal biogenesis regulatory protein 1 main
17211004 17211004 chr1(+):9547948-9577970 chr1 + 9547948 9577970 30 ENSMUST00000144177 // Adhfe1 // alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 // 1 A2|1 // 76187 /// NM_175236 // Adhfe1 // alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 // 1 A2|1 // 76187 /// NR_027664 // Adhfe1 // alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 // 1 A2|1 // 76187 /// BC026584 // Adhfe1 // alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 // 1 A2|1 // 76187 /// ENSMUST00000027044 // Adhfe1 // alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 // 1 A2|1 // 76187 /// ENSMUST00000130927 // Adhfe1 // alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 // 1 A2|1 // 76187 ENSMUST00000144177 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9538029:9568051:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025911 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 93 // 28 // 28 // 0 /// NM_175236 // RefSeq // Mus musculus alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 (Adhfe1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 87 // 26 // 26 // 0 /// NR_027664 // RefSeq // Mus musculus alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1 (Adhfe1), transcript variant 2, non-coding RNA. // chr1 // 100 // 87 // 26 // 26 // 0 /// BC026584 // GenBank // Mus musculus alcohol dehydrogenase, iron containing, 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:37234 IMAGE:4972323), complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 87 // 26 // 26 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000027044 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9538136:9566982:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025911 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:nonsense_mediated_decay // chr1 // 100 // 87 // 26 // 26 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000130927 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9538173:9543768:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025911 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:processed_transcript // chr1 // 100 // 30 // 9 // 9 // 0 NM_175236 // Q8R0N6 /// NR_027664 // Q8R0N6 /// BC026584 // Q8R0N6 ENSMUST00000144177 // Mm.28514 // bladder| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| thyroid| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_175236 // Mm.28514 // bladder| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| thyroid| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NR_027664 // Mm.28514 // bladder| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| thyroid| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// BC026584 // Mm.28514 // bladder| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| thyroid| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000027044 // Mm.28514 // bladder| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| thyroid| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000130927 // Mm.28514 // bladder| brain| dorsal root ganglion| embryonic tissue| eye| heart| intestine| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| testis| thymus| thyroid| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult ENSMUST00000144177 // GO:0015993 // molecular hydrogen transport // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000144177 // GO:0055114 // oxidation-reduction process // not recorded /// NM_175236 // GO:0015993 // molecular hydrogen transport // not recorded /// NM_175236 // GO:0055114 // oxidation-reduction process // not recorded /// NR_027664 // GO:0015993 // molecular hydrogen transport // not recorded /// NR_027664 // GO:0055114 // oxidation-reduction process // not recorded /// BC026584 // GO:0015993 // molecular hydrogen transport // not recorded /// BC026584 // GO:0055114 // oxidation-reduction process // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027044 // GO:0015993 // molecular hydrogen transport // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027044 // GO:0055114 // oxidation-reduction process // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000130927 // GO:0015993 // molecular hydrogen transport // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000130927 // GO:0055114 // oxidation-reduction process // not recorded ENSMUST00000144177 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// NM_175236 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// NR_027664 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// BC026584 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000027044 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000130927 // GO:0005739 // mitochondrion // inferred from direct assay ENSMUST00000144177 // GO:0016491 // oxidoreductase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000144177 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000144177 // GO:0047988 // hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase activity // not recorded /// NM_175236 // GO:0016491 // oxidoreductase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_175236 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_175236 // GO:0047988 // hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase activity // not recorded /// NR_027664 // GO:0016491 // oxidoreductase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_027664 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NR_027664 // GO:0047988 // hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase activity // not recorded /// BC026584 // GO:0016491 // oxidoreductase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC026584 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// BC026584 // GO:0047988 // hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000027044 // GO:0016491 // oxidoreductase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027044 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000027044 // GO:0047988 // hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase activity // not recorded /// ENSMUST00000130927 // GO:0016491 // oxidoreductase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000130927 // GO:0046872 // metal ion binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000130927 // GO:0047988 // hydroxyacid-oxoacid transhydrogenase activity // not recorded --- ENSMUST00000144177 // Pfam // IPR001670 // Alcohol dehydrogenase, iron-type 1 main
17211023 17211023 chr1(+):9601199-9627143 chr1 + 9601199 9627143 21 BC066997 // 3110035E14Rik // RIKEN cDNA 3110035E14 gene // 1 A2|1 // 76982 /// ENSMUST00000088666 // 3110035E14Rik // RIKEN cDNA 3110035E14 gene // 1 A2|1 // 76982 /// NM_178399 // 3110035E14Rik // RIKEN cDNA 3110035E14 gene // 1 A2|1 // 76982 BC066997 // GenBank // Mus musculus RIKEN cDNA 3110035E14 gene, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:91354 IMAGE:5703513), complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 81 // 17 // 17 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000088666 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9591280:9617224:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000067879 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 100 // 21 // 21 // 0 /// NM_178399 // RefSeq // Mus musculus RIKEN cDNA 3110035E14 gene (3110035E14Rik), mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 90 // 19 // 19 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000148585 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9590494:9621225:-1 gene:ENSMUSG00000079671 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:processed_transcript // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 18 // 18 // 0 BC066997 // Q8BG31 /// NM_178399 // Q8BG31 BC066997 // Mm.279818 // brain| embryonic tissue| spinal cord| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000088666 // Mm.279818 // brain| embryonic tissue| spinal cord| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_178399 // Mm.279818 // brain| embryonic tissue| spinal cord| organogenesis| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult BC066997 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000088666 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// NM_178399 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available BC066997 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000088666 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// NM_178399 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available BC066997 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000088666 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// NM_178399 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available --- --- 1 main
17211033 17211033 chr1(+):9747648-9791922 chr1 + 9747648 9791922 25 NR_040462 // 1700034P13Rik // RIKEN cDNA 1700034P13 gene // 1|1 // 73331 NR_040462 // RefSeq // Mus musculus RIKEN cDNA 1700034P13 gene (1700034P13Rik), non-coding RNA. // chr1 // 100 // 52 // 13 // 13 // 0 --- NR_040462 // Mm.460470 // bone| bone marrow| brain| embryonic tissue| kidney| lung| mammary gland| ovary| testis| unfertilized ovum| fetus| adult NR_040462 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available NR_040462 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available NR_040462 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available --- --- 1 main
17211043 17211043 chr1(+):9798130-9902570 chr1 + 9798130 9902570 37 NM_133220 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 /// ENSMUST00000168907 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 /// NM_001037759 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 /// ENSMUST00000171265 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 /// NM_177547 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 /// ENSMUST00000166384 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 /// ENSMUST00000097826 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 /// AF312007 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 /// ENSMUST00000097825 // Sgk3 // serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 // 1 A2|1 7.5 cM // 170755 NM_133220 // RefSeq // Mus musculus serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 (Sgk3), transcript variant 1, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 89 // 33 // 33 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000168907 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9788211:9892637:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025915 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 89 // 33 // 33 // 0 /// NM_001037759 // RefSeq // Mus musculus serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 (Sgk3), transcript variant 3, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 32 // 32 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000171265 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9838362:9892637:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025915 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 86 // 32 // 32 // 0 /// NM_177547 // RefSeq // Mus musculus serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 3 (Sgk3), transcript variant 2, mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 84 // 31 // 31 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000166384 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9788211:9892637:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025915 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 84 // 31 // 31 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000097826 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9838478:9889936:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025915 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 81 // 30 // 30 // 0 /// AF312007 // GenBank // Mus musculus serine/threonine protein kinase CISK (Cisk) mRNA, complete cds. // chr1 // 100 // 81 // 30 // 30 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000097825 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9788232:9889929:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000025915 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 68 // 25 // 25 // 0 NM_133220 // Q3U9B2 /// NM_133220 // Q3U9H2 /// NM_133220 // Q9ERE3 /// NM_001037759 // Q3U9B2 /// NM_001037759 // Q3U9H2 /// NM_001037759 // Q9ERE3 /// NM_177547 // Q3U9B2 /// NM_177547 // Q3U9H2 /// NM_177547 // Q9ERE3 /// AF312007 // Q9ERE3 /// AF312007 // Q3U9B2 /// AF312007 // Q3U9H2 NM_133220 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000168907 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_001037759 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000171265 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// NM_177547 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000166384 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000097826 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// AF312007 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult /// ENSMUST00000097825 // Mm.336410 // bone| bone marrow| brain| connective tissue| embryonic tissue| extraembryonic tissue| eye| inner ear| kidney| liver| lung| lymph node| mammary gland| molar| nasopharynx| pancreas| pituitary gland| skin| spinal cord| spleen| sympathetic ganglion| testis| thymus| morula| egg cylinder| fetus| neonate| juvenile| adult NM_133220 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// NM_133220 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// NM_133220 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133220 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001037759 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001037759 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// NM_177547 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// NM_177547 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// AF312007 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// AF312007 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0006468 // protein phosphorylation // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0006916 // anti-apoptosis // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0007154 // cell communication // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0016310 // phosphorylation // inferred from electronic annotation NM_133220 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133220 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// NM_133220 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001037759 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// NM_177547 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// AF312007 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0005768 // endosome // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0016023 // cytoplasmic membrane-bounded vesicle // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0031410 // cytoplasmic vesicle // inferred from electronic annotation NM_133220 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133220 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133220 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// NM_133220 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133220 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133220 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133220 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_133220 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000168907 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// NM_001037759 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_001037759 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171265 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// NM_177547 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177547 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000166384 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097826 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// AF312007 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// AF312007 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0000166 // nucleotide binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0004672 // protein kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0004674 // protein serine/threonine kinase activity // inferred from direct assay /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0016301 // kinase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0016740 // transferase activity // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0016772 // transferase activity, transferring phosphorus-containing groups // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000097825 // GO:0035091 // phosphatidylinositol binding // inferred from electronic annotation --- ENSMUST00000168907 // Pfam // IPR000719 // Protein kinase, catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000168907 // Pfam // IPR001245 // Serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000168907 // Pfam // IPR001683 // Phox homologous domain /// ENSMUST00000168907 // Pfam // IPR017892 // Protein kinase, C-terminal /// ENSMUST00000171265 // Pfam // IPR000719 // Protein kinase, catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000171265 // Pfam // IPR001245 // Serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000171265 // Pfam // IPR001683 // Phox homologous domain /// ENSMUST00000171265 // Pfam // IPR017892 // Protein kinase, C-terminal /// ENSMUST00000166384 // Pfam // IPR000719 // Protein kinase, catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000166384 // Pfam // IPR001245 // Serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000166384 // Pfam // IPR001683 // Phox homologous domain /// ENSMUST00000166384 // Pfam // IPR017892 // Protein kinase, C-terminal /// ENSMUST00000097826 // Pfam // IPR000719 // Protein kinase, catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000097826 // Pfam // IPR001245 // Serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000097826 // Pfam // IPR001683 // Phox homologous domain /// ENSMUST00000097826 // Pfam // IPR017892 // Protein kinase, C-terminal /// ENSMUST00000097825 // Pfam // IPR000719 // Protein kinase, catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000097825 // Pfam // IPR001245 // Serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase catalytic domain /// ENSMUST00000097825 // Pfam // IPR001683 // Phox homologous domain /// ENSMUST00000097825 // Pfam // IPR017892 // Protein kinase, C-terminal 1 main
17211066 17211066 chr1(+):9908638-9940954 chr1 + 9908638 9940954 32 NM_177722 // 6030422M02Rik // RIKEN cDNA 6030422M02 gene // 1 A2|1 // 240697 /// ENSMUST00000171802 // 6030422M02Rik // RIKEN cDNA 6030422M02 gene // 1 A2|1 // 240697 /// ENSMUST00000140948 // 6030422M02Rik // RIKEN cDNA 6030422M02 gene // 1 A2|1 // 240697 /// ENSMUST00000125294 // 6030422M02Rik // RIKEN cDNA 6030422M02 gene // 1 A2|1 // 240697 NM_177722 // RefSeq // Mus musculus RIKEN cDNA 6030422M02 gene (6030422M02Rik), mRNA. // chr1 // 100 // 84 // 27 // 27 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000171802 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9898719:9931035:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000046101 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:protein_coding // chr1 // 100 // 84 // 27 // 27 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000140948 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9901780:9932166:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000046101 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:nonsense_mediated_decay // chr1 // 100 // 66 // 21 // 21 // 0 /// ENSMUST00000125294 // ENSEMBL // cdna:known chromosome:NCBIM37:1:9901709:9924208:1 gene:ENSMUSG00000046101 gene_biotype:protein_coding transcript_biotype:nonsense_mediated_decay // chr1 // 100 // 56 // 18 // 18 // 0 --- NM_177722 // Mm.259800 // embryonic tissue| testis| thymus| organogenesis| fetus /// ENSMUST00000171802 // Mm.259800 // embryonic tissue| testis| thymus| organogenesis| fetus /// ENSMUST00000140948 // Mm.259800 // embryonic tissue| testis| thymus| organogenesis| fetus /// ENSMUST00000125294 // Mm.259800 // embryonic tissue| testis| thymus| organogenesis| fetus NM_177722 // GO:0006260 // DNA replication // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177722 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000171802 // GO:0006260 // DNA replication // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171802 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000140948 // GO:0006260 // DNA replication // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000140948 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000125294 // GO:0006260 // DNA replication // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000125294 // GO:0008150 // biological_process // no biological data available NM_177722 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000171802 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000140948 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000125294 // GO:0005575 // cellular_component // no biological data available NM_177722 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// NM_177722 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// NM_177722 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171802 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000171802 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000171802 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000140948 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000140948 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000140948 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000125294 // GO:0003674 // molecular_function // no biological data available /// ENSMUST00000125294 // GO:0003677 // DNA binding // inferred from electronic annotation /// ENSMUST00000125294 // GO:0005524 // ATP binding // inferred from electronic annotation --- ENSMUST00000171802 // Pfam // IPR001208 // Mini-chromosome maintenance, DNA-dependent ATPase 1 main

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